Fat Chicks

Are you going to write a story like Buzz did? Maybe that was on a different thread. He was quite proud of himself until I let him know that I know he copied it from a dirty story website lol
Most men are smart enough not to call women such names if they want any chance of bedding them. But apparently women's only worth for Buzz happens between that time of the shoot gate opening and the sound of the horn at the 8 second mark, with a lot of bull in between.

Followed by $250 on the night stand on his way out of the hotel room. Then again he is probably more interested in the $30 back alley types with no teeth.
Spend money on a hotel? Not likely. I found a pic of who he is attracted to though
View attachment 49328

Only because that is all that will have him
One gets what is paid for. Hope he had a coupon. That one looks like it came from the half price rack

Well despite all the bravado he displays, the truth is that he would be on his knees like a sniveling worm if any of you ladies were to give him the time of day.....or stood in front of him with a strop in your hand. :lol: He would be so grateful for your attention that he would lick your toes and sit at your feet like a little puppy dog.

If someone wants to state his or her preferences in the opposite sex, that is fine, but when they start calling women (who didn't do anything to him) bitches, twats and other such derogatory names, then that is another thing completely and is just . . . devolving into being a rude jerk. IT is possible to defend your position without resorting to all of that nonsense.
I think part of the problem is that some men have had "difficult" relationships with women of their OWN choosing. Then, they go on to blame ALL women for their own personal experiences, almost as if they think ALL women share a personality, values, etc. They don't seem to realize that women are just as much individuals as they are. No, just because YOUR marriage failed does not mean I am a bitch. No, just because attractive women have turned you down, does not mean that we are all "bitches." Perhaps the problem is with the man and NOT the woman. We must look at the common denominator. :)
Some men also HATE self-confident and opinionated women. They are intimidated by us. :D

Them's the wimps that can' t handle it.

Personally I love opinionated women. Especially if their opinion is wrong. :meow:
Dude, you've got issues. Just you referring to women as "bitches" says a lot about you. :D No self-respecting woman would have anything to do with you. THAT is why you can't find a woman and have to settle for strippers. Those are the only people who would probably have anything to do with you.
What's wrong with strippers? I happen to like them….Are you jealous that they are good looking?

I certainly don't see anything wrong with them, though I am puzzled as to why you think ChrisL would be jealous of them.

View attachment 49321

He is trying to play on what he perceives to be my "insecurities" in order to get my attention. A poster looking for attention, negative or positive. :D

Oh, it is clear what your insecurities are, Chris.
Dude, you've got issues. Just you referring to women as "bitches" says a lot about you. :D No self-respecting woman would have anything to do with you. THAT is why you can't find a woman and have to settle for strippers. Those are the only people who would probably have anything to do with you.
What's wrong with strippers? I happen to like them….Are you jealous that they are good looking?

I certainly don't see anything wrong with them, though I am puzzled as to why you think ChrisL would be jealous of them.

View attachment 49321

He is trying to play on what he perceives to be my "insecurities" in order to get my attention. A poster looking for attention, negative or positive. :D

Oh, it is clear what your insecurities are, Chris.

You should be talking to yourself in the mirror, I think. :D You are obviously the one with a problem. I don't have these problems. Lol.
Most men who are not confident in themselves cannot match wit with me and resort to getting ugly as a retort

Match wits? With you? Jesus fucking Christ, you are fucking delusional! You are as sharp as a steaming pile of dog diarrhea, and half as interesting. I have seen burned out lights bulbs that are not as dim as you. Face it, honey: you are not very intelligent.
Most men who are not confident in themselves cannot match wit with me and resort to getting ugly as a retort

Match wits? With you? Jesus fucking Christ, you are fucking delusional! You are as sharp as a steaming pile of dog diarrhea, and half as interesting. I have seen burned out lights bulbs that are not as dim as you. Face it, honey: you are not very intelligent.

QED, TP. :thup:
Dude, you've got issues. Just you referring to women as "bitches" says a lot about you. :D No self-respecting woman would have anything to do with you. THAT is why you can't find a woman and have to settle for strippers. Those are the only people who would probably have anything to do with you.
What's wrong with strippers? I happen to like them….Are you jealous that they are good looking?

I certainly don't see anything wrong with them, though I am puzzled as to why you think ChrisL would be jealous of them.

View attachment 49321

He is trying to play on what he perceives to be my "insecurities" in order to get my attention. A poster looking for attention, negative or positive. :D

Oh, it is clear what your insecurities are, Chris.

You should be talking to yourself in the mirror, I think. :D You are obviously the one with a problem. I don't have these problems. Lol.

I do not claim to be perfect, Ms. Looks-Like-She-is-on-the-Ass-end-of-47! Yeah, I may have "issues". So what. Everybody does, you included. I am fine with me. You, on the other hand, had a freakin' meltdown because a stranger said you look older than you are. Talk about immature! You people's problem is that you are wildly projecting on me and you do not even realize it!
You should really read back on the thread for yourself given I was not the one you addressed with that. You have the nerve to talk down to me as unintelligent? Keep digging dude :dig:

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