Fat Chicks

But why? Why would you want to treat me like that?
Lots of fun to mess with aging narsississes

But you can't even spell that word . . . why does it bother you if I feel good about myself?
If you didn't come off a little bitchy I would have never went on so long. None of us would have. It was your reaction that caused this.

Let me say this again. I would eat the corn out of your shit you are so beautiful.

I go out of my way to make sure you know that before I bust your balls. Lol

Bitchy? What would you expect when you go around insulting people's appearance? That they will like you or want to treat you well? Some of you just want to be mean for absolutely NO reason at all is what I think. You get some kind of a thrill out of it or something. I might be "bitchy" sometimes, but normally that is a reaction to a post. Although I have gotten personal before, I don't go OUT OF MY WAY to do so.
I think we can get past this. But I bet you're a Republican.

TBH, YOU sound like you could be the psycho to which you are referring.
I work out every day, aerobics and strength training and I am MUCHO healthy. :D I'll bet I look better and am healthier than you will ever be.


Here, let me post another picture. Now, will somebody PLEASE tell me what looks over 40 about me? Bonzi says this is my best one, so . . . :D I'm just not seeing how I look over 40, and, other than online, no one has ever mistook me for being older. Usually, people are surprised to learn that I'm almost 40, so I have to admit this is quite confusing for me, and I would certainly like to know if there is something I could change to make me NOT look like an old lady. :)


The quality of these pictures leaves much to be desired. Obviously taken in fairly low light, by a camera that isn't up to working in such low light.

I don't think I would presume to try to guess your age, based on these pictures. If you claimed to be 20, these pictures would not suggest otherwise to me. If you claimed to be 50, I'd say these pictures were believably of a 50-year-old who still looks pretty good for her age. If you claimed to be 60, then you'd be pushing it to convince me that these were pictures of a 60-year-old.

In any event, you're certainly quite attractive enough, and these pictures don't particularly make you look “old”.

Well some of them were taken with a webcam and some with a phone, neither of which are top of the line, and I don't have a "real" camera. However, 50? I don't think so. The quality certainly isn't THAT bad.

I've got some ...uh, equipment that might help :D

Well early Saturday morning, I was strolling in the wood
I came upon a lady who by the wayside stood
And what, pray tell, would such a lass as you be doing here?
I've come to take some photographs, said she as I drew near

Said I to her, "I do declare, this is a fateful day,
For I have come to photograph, the same as you did say"
Then I took out my Nikon-F and placed it in her hand
She said "that's quite a camera, sir, you have at your command"

My camera so delighted her, she could no more delay
She let me see her camera case, wherein her accessories lay
"I'm sure" she said, "you have most everything that can be bought.
Just let me stretch my tripod out before I take some shots"

We photographed from haylofts, and up against the wall
If you've not photographed on a Saturday night, you've not photographed at all
She had her shutter open wide, for daylight was all gone
Likewise my naked camera lens, it had its filter on

This lady had experience with cameras, yes, indeed
And I thought her exposures the best I'd ever seen
Although she seemed to tire not as on and on we went
I said "I'll have to stop now, for my film supply is spent"

She said "I've had Mirandas, Yashicas and Rolleis
Hasselblad and Pentax, likewise a Polaroid
Fujica, Canon, Nikkormat, a Kodak and the rest
But now I've seen your Nikon-F, and surely it's the best"

Credit: Grit Laskin

Extra credit: anyone get this reference:
If you've not photographed on a Saturday night, you've not photographed at all --- ? :eusa_angel:
Then why would they TRY and go out of their way to try to make me feel badly about myself?
You worry too much what people think about you...People tease you, laughing how worked up you get... fuck them, who cares if you are honest, having a good heart, having a beautiful soul.. You know who yo are and what you are... that's the only thing what counts... Try it...
What if a slightly chubby girl posted her pic and titled the thread do you think I'm fat? Wouldn't she be asking for it? And before you answer remember no doesn't always mean no. Lol

So . . . why don't you post a link to this supposed thread that I made about myself being chubby . . .
Who started that thread comparing you to that other chick? I voted for you by the way.

Are people mean? I can tell you that was a fun night. It was a break from arguing politics. Glad you are thick skinned and confident enough to take it. And don't worry about internet haters including loser me. Lol You're hot but are you nice? Would I want to talk to you after we banged? Would I want to sleep over and hang out all Sunday? Would I want to break up after a week?
Then why would they TRY and go out of their way to try to make me feel badly about myself?
You worry too much what people think about you...People tease you, laughing how worked up you get... fuck them, who cares if you are honest, having a good heart, having a beautiful soul.. You know who yo are and what you are... that's the only thing what counts... Try it...
What if a slightly chubby girl posted her pic and titled the thread do you think I'm fat? Wouldn't she be asking for it? And before you answer remember no doesn't always mean no. Lol

So . . . why don't you post a link to this supposed thread that I made about myself being chubby . . .
Who started that thread comparing you to that other chick? I voted for you by the way.

Are people mean? I can tell you that was a fun night. It was a break from arguing politics. Glad you are thick skinned and confident enough to take it. And don't worry about internet haters including loser me. Lol You're hot but are you nice? Would I want to talk to you after we banged? Would I want to sleep over and hang out all Sunday? Would I want to break up after a week?

It was Gracie. You think I started that stupid thread? Um . . . no. Who the heck are you to talk about "nice?" Why on earth would you expect me to be "nice" to you in any way? This is a political debate forum. Are YOU nice?
Well, in my defense, you might think I'm a big meanie or something, but I certainly do not go out of my way to be "mean" to other people unless they are mean to me first. Even then, I mostly try my best to ignore such people. I don't show up in their galleries to make rude comments, or make rude comments about them in other threads, etc. I try my best to NOT make it personal when I argue and try my best to stay on topic. I also try to be good natured with my jabs or funny instead of just outright cruel and mean. Of course, there are the trolls that I can be pretty mean to, but that is because THEY are trolls.
Well, in my defense, you might think I'm a big meanie or something, but I certainly do not go out of my way to be "mean" to other people unless they are mean to me first. Even then, I mostly try my best to ignore such people. I don't show up in their galleries to make rude comments, or make rude comments about them in other threads, etc. I try my best to NOT make it personal when I argue and try my best to stay on topic. I also try to be good natured with my jabs or funny instead of just outright cruel and mean. Of course, there are the trolls that I can be pretty mean to, but that is because THEY are trolls.
You were great with Bobby1250 about Satans.. I was laughing my ass off... that was a good show too....
Well some of them were taken with a webcam and some with a phone, neither of which are top of the line, and I don't have a "real" camera. However, 50? I don't think so. The quality certainly isn't THAT bad.

I suppose having a real camera, and being very much into that, causes me to set the bar higher as far as photographic quality. The most profound reaction I have to your pictures is to wish that I could get you in front of my lens, and take some good pictures of you.
Then why would they TRY and go out of their way to try to make me feel badly about myself?
You worry too much what people think about you...People tease you, laughing how worked up you get... fuck them, who cares if you are honest, having a good heart, having a beautiful soul.. You know who yo are and what you are... that's the only thing what counts... Try it...
What if a slightly chubby girl posted her pic and titled the thread do you think I'm fat? Wouldn't she be asking for it? And before you answer remember no doesn't always mean no. Lol

So . . . why don't you post a link to this supposed thread that I made about myself being chubby . . .
Who started that thread comparing you to that other chick? I voted for you by the way.

Are people mean? I can tell you that was a fun night. It was a break from arguing politics. Glad you are thick skinned and confident enough to take it. And don't worry about internet haters including loser me. Lol You're hot but are you nice? Would I want to talk to you after we banged? Would I want to sleep over and hang out all Sunday? Would I want to break up after a week?

It was Gracie. You think I started that stupid thread? Um . . . no. Who the heck are you to talk about "nice?" Why on earth would you expect me to be "nice" to you in any way? This is a political debate forum. Are YOU nice?
That was the other gracie. The one that gets poisoned and turns into a meanie. She is on hiatus right now.
Meanwhile, that thread was mostly for shits and giggles. And it was fun. :lol:
ChrisL can handle it, lol.
Well, in my defense, you might think I'm a big meanie or something, but I certainly do not go out of my way to be "mean" to other people unless they are mean to me first. Even then, I mostly try my best to ignore such people. I don't show up in their galleries to make rude comments, or make rude comments about them in other threads, etc. I try my best to NOT make it personal when I argue and try my best to stay on topic. I also try to be good natured with my jabs or funny instead of just outright cruel and mean. Of course, there are the trolls that I can be pretty mean to, but that is because THEY are trolls.
You were great with Bobby1250 about Satans.. I was laughing my ass off... that was a good show too....

I didn't realize how crazy he was at first. Then when he ever started accusing me of being "a satan" . . . :cuckoo: I guess that is what some people think if you don't agree with their point of view on things.

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