Fat Chicks

Some fat girls are kinda cute. Most of them are fugly, but some are kinda cute.

That's my opinion.

I have a friend who is quite obese, but has a very cute face. She has been my friend since we were little kids, and she has always been a bit on the chunkier side, though not like she is now. She lost a bunch of weight once, but she got pregnant and gained it all back and then some sadly. She looked really awesome when she lost all the excess weight. She had told me how much better she felt too.
Some fat girls are kinda cute. Most of them are fugly, but some are kinda cute.

That's my opinion.

I have a friend who is quite obese, but has a very cute face. She has been my friend since we were little kids, and she has always been a bit on the chunkier side, though not like she is now. She lost a bunch of weight once, but she got pregnant and gained it all back and then some sadly. She looked really awesome when she lost all the excess weight. She had told me how much better she felt too.
I bet she was hotter too.
Well, in my defense, you might think I'm a big meanie or something, but I certainly do not go out of my way to be "mean" to other people unless they are mean to me first. Even then, I mostly try my best to ignore such people. I don't show up in their galleries to make rude comments, or make rude comments about them in other threads, etc. I try my best to NOT make it personal when I argue and try my best to stay on topic. I also try to be good natured with my jabs or funny instead of just outright cruel and mean. Of course, there are the trolls that I can be pretty mean to, but that is because THEY are trolls.
You were great with Bobby1250 about Satans.. I was laughing my ass off... that was a good show too....

I didn't realize how crazy he was at first. Then when he ever started accusing me of being "a satan" . . . :cuckoo: I guess that is what some people think if you don't agree with their point of view on things.
You were quite patient with him though, that's what made it funny when you handled him like child... funny...funny...funny page after page...
Some fat girls are kinda cute. Most of them are fugly, but some are kinda cute.

That's my opinion.

I have a friend who is quite obese, but has a very cute face. She has been my friend since we were little kids, and she has always been a bit on the chunkier side, though not like she is now. She lost a bunch of weight once, but she got pregnant and gained it all back and then some sadly. She looked really awesome when she lost all the excess weight. She had told me how much better she felt too.
I bet she was hotter too.

She had some "loose" skin unfortunately, but she looked better and felt more healthy, and that is what really matters. I don't really talk to her anymore. I don't have any clue if she might have lost weight again since I last saw her. She was VERY large though. Not just overweight but obese. Very pretty in the face though. The last time I talked to her, she was talking about getting the lap band. Don't have any clue if she ever went through with that or not. :dunno:
Think of someone here you (*general you*) that you admire and really like A LOT. Their words, how they express themselves, etc.
Then one day they decide to share to everyone a pic of themself and this what they look like (for example).





Taking into consideration that you have had a great comraderie with this person but all you ever saw was their avie. Does it change how you feel about them as a PERSON?
Meanwhile..that last pic of the black dude. omg. He is the guy with the radio voice that was homeless. DAYUM. What a voice!

I've got some ...uh, equipment that might help :D
Said I to her, "I do declare, this is a fateful day,
For I have come to photograph, the same as you did say"
Then I took out my Nikon-F and placed it in her hand
She said "that's quite a camera, sir, you have at your command"

The Nikon F was probably the single most historically-important camera of its type. No new technology, just a perfect combination of previously-extant technology put together in a new way, that instantly made it the most sought-after camera for serious photographers. I think it is fair to say that it is the progenitor of all Japanese SLRs.

One of my own most prized possessions is an F2, which was the immediate successor to the F. It doesn't get used much, any more, except as a prop to be photographed. If I were still inclined to bother with the expense, delay, and hassle of film, I would be quite content to continue using it.

Mostly, now, I use a D3200.

Think of someone here you (*general you*) that you admire and really like A LOT. Their words, how they express themselves, etc.
Then one day they decide to share to everyone a pic of themself and this what they look like (for example).





Taking into consideration that you have had a great comraderie with this person but all you ever saw was their avie. Does it change how you feel about them as a PERSON?

Of course not. It would only make a difference if I had some kind of a romantic interest in the person. Even then, I've been attracted to some guys that others might not consider attractive because they were cool or sweet or whatever.
I agree. Too many are judged on the outter surface for just friendship. Romance wise, yeah..one has to be attracted to them sexually so everyone has their wants and needs, etc.

I just wanted to put the thought out there that those here or on any social media, that who you are talking to might not win any beauty contests....but their souls are stunningly gorgeous. Some folks tend to not think about that.
I agree. Too many are judged on the outter surface for just friendship. Romance wise, yeah..one has to be attracted to them sexually so everyone has their wants and needs, etc.

I just wanted to put the thought out there that those here or on any social media, that who you are talking to might not win any beauty contests....but their souls are stunningly gorgeous. Some folks tend to not think about that.

People are posting their pictures all over the place online nowadays. It doesn't seem like too many people are really shy in that regard. :D
I've got some ...uh, equipment that might help :D
Said I to her, "I do declare, this is a fateful day,
For I have come to photograph, the same as you did say"
Then I took out my Nikon-F and placed it in her hand
She said "that's quite a camera, sir, you have at your command"

The Nikon F was probably the single most historically-important camera of its type. No new technology, just a perfect combination of previously-extant technology put together in a new way, that instantly made it the most sought-after camera for serious photographers. I think it is fair to say that it is the progenitor of all Japanese SLRs.

One of my own most prized possessions is an F2, which was the immediate successor to the F. It doesn't get used much, any more, except as a prop to be photographed. If I were still inclined to bother with the expense, delay, and hassle of film, I would be quite content to continue using it.

Mostly, now, I use a D3200.

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That song's uh, not about photography Bob...

Btw the pun in that one line refers to a famous play-party song which is entirely about fucking, originally titled The Ball of Killiemuir, the chorus of which goes,

"If you've never been fucked on a Saturday night, you've never been fucked at all"
Meanwhile..that last pic of the black dude. omg. He is the guy with the radio voice that was homeless. DAYUM. What a voice!

Oh yeah. I remember hearing this story a few years back. I think it was on the Today show or something.
Personally, I don't like being chubby. Not even a little bit. I don't think I look good at all with "chub" on my body. I'm too short to be chubby. I would look round, like a beach ball. :D I like to feel "light" on my feet.
I've always been a very active and athletic type of person since I was small. That is probably why I like to be on the "thinner" side too. It's just what's natural for me. I eat right, but I don't diet to be thin. I do work out, but that's more to be stronger and healthier. I'm just active with a high metabolism, I suppose.

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