Fatal crashes involving pot use have TRIPLED!!

For the Dope Smokers here...

I have never smoked MJ. Not even once.

What proof do you have that you are not affected by the dope you smoked for days afterwards?

I am serious here.

I am looking for objective not subjective.
I suggest the best way to satisfy your curiosity is to buy a joint from your local dealer and smoke it, then see how you feel tomorrow. I'm telling you that you'll have a restful sleep and will not be in any way impaired when you wake, not even the slightest "hangover." But of course you won't take my word for it, so prove it to yourself via the most objective manner possible.
Exactly. Smoke today and the pot impairs your driving for the next month. Of course the pot heads say "not me. I can handle it", just like the DUIs say.

You're farckin retarded, kid. Seriously.

So, if i smoke tonight after work, that means that next month my driving will be impaired?

Does this apply to alcohol too? Since it stays in your system for 3 days? If i drink tonight, my driving will be impaired on Saturday?


Hey einstein. Lemme make it simple. If you wanna drive, don't ever do drugs including booze.
Driving while distracted. Texting, stuffing your face....etc. Probable cause more accidents than a cannabis buzz.

Maybe, but if you're saying that means we should let potheads drive, uranidiot.
Correlation does not imply causation.

Interestingly, THC stays in the system for at least 30 days (body type/weight dependent).

Exactly. Smoke today and the pot impairs your driving for the next month. Of course the pot heads say "not me. I can handle it", just like the DUIs say.
Certain components of THC attach to fat cells, as do certain components of many other natural substances we consume. Like calories, unless they are regularly replenished these components gradually dissipate and typically are completely removed after approximately thirty days. During their presence these detectable components operate as benign, inactive carrier substances and do not in any way contribute to the temporary psychoactive effect associated with marijuana use.

You unfortunately are receptive to drug war propaganda which has caused to you become actively ignorant of the facts about marijuana. One way for you to educate yourself and elevate your intelligence on this subject is to buy and read a book called The Emperor Wears No Clothes, by Jack Herer (available from Amazon). This is a carefully researched book which provides authoritative references for every item of information it contains. If you cannot afford to buy this book you can go here The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer - Read It Here and read it free, because the author is genuinely concerned with eliminating the kind of ignorance brought about by drug war propaganda.

Also, if you are interested in becoming truly educated rather than simply well-informed on the subject of marijuana, I highly recommend another book to you: This one is called Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, PhD. Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard University (also available from Amazon). You can't read it for free but it is packed with a wealth of factual information and data which will free your mind from the detractive effect of drug war brainwash.
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I suggest the use be policed in the same fashion as alcohol. Being that it is the state that wants to regulate the use "for the public sfaety" they ought to start coming up with a proper test to administer to those who are believed to be impaired while operating a motor vehicle. Otherwise its the same nonissue as DWI. Only AFTER the fact, for legal proceedings, does it make a difference. It does little for public safety in the time prior to an incident.

What a stupid thing to say. You DUIs always say "throwing me in prison won't bring back the dood i killed". But it may deter future DUIs. THINK
I suggest the best way to satisfy your curiosity is to buy a joint from your local dealer and smoke it, then see how you feel tomorrow. I'm telling you that you'll have a restful sleep and will not be in any way impaired when you wake, not even the slightest "hangover." But of course you won't take my word for it, so prove it to yourself via the most objective manner possible.

HAHAHA. Now that's really pathetic. You potheads want us to let you drive as long as, IN YOUR OPINION, you're not impaired!!
For the Dope Smokers here...

I have never smoked MJ. Not even once.

What proof do you have that you are not affected by the dope you smoked for days afterwards?

I am serious here.

I am looking for objective not subjective.

you would have to have smoked to get this.....when you get high at 10 in the morning and thats it.....by 5 in the afternoon you should be fine....of course each person is different....

DAMN!! What the hell are you smoking and where can I get some!
If I smoke a doobie at ten in the morning I'm fine by noon at the latest.

just giving the guy a general timeline......people like Katz think if you take a hit at 10 AM.... you are now, not only addicted, but you are fucked up all day long.....
... You can't read it for free but it is packed with a wealth of factual information and data which will free your mind from the detractive effect of drug war brainwash.
blah blah blah. Anyone that's been around the block knows that pot impairs judgement. If one of those so called authoritative authors says otherwise they are full of shit.

Try that on the cop that pulls you over and see how it goes.
Exactly. Smoke today and the pot impairs your driving for the next month. Of course the pot heads say "not me. I can handle it", just like the DUIs say.

You're farckin retarded, kid. Seriously.

So, if i smoke tonight after work, that means that next month my driving will be impaired?

Does this apply to alcohol too? Since it stays in your system for 3 days? If i drink tonight, my driving will be impaired on Saturday?


Hey einstein. Lemme make it simple. If you wanna drive, don't ever do drugs including booze.

people who smoke or drink can drive just fine.....just dont drive if you have been drinking or smoking pot......
I suggest the best way to satisfy your curiosity is to buy a joint from your local dealer and smoke it, then see how you feel tomorrow. I'm telling you that you'll have a restful sleep and will not be in any way impaired when you wake, not even the slightest "hangover." But of course you won't take my word for it, so prove it to yourself via the most objective manner possible.

HAHAHA. Now that's really pathetic. You potheads want us to let you drive as long as, IN YOUR OPINION, you're not impaired!!

im surprised they let you drive....you impaired naturally....the difference is,with you it never subsides....you are fucked up 24/7 all year long....
I suggest the best way to satisfy your curiosity is to buy a joint from your local dealer and smoke it, then see how you feel tomorrow. I'm telling you that you'll have a restful sleep and will not be in any way impaired when you wake, not even the slightest "hangover." But of course you won't take my word for it, so prove it to yourself via the most objective manner possible.

HAHAHA. Now that's really pathetic. You potheads want us to let you drive as long as, IN YOUR OPINION, you're not impaired!!
It's not my opinion, it's a medical fact. I told you where to go to find proof in the form of medical testimony. But it's obvious you prefer to remain ignorant -- which is one definition of stupidity.
... You can't read it for free but it is packed with a wealth of factual information and data which will free your mind from the detractive effect of drug war brainwash.
blah blah blah. Anyone that's been around the block knows that pot impairs judgement. If one of those so called authoritative authors says otherwise they are full of shit.

Try that on the cop that pulls you over and see how it goes.
This discussion is not whether marijuana causes impairment. Indeed it does -- for a temporary period not exceeding twenty-four hours. The issue is whether or not the presence of THC components in the urine are a positive indication of impairment, which it is not. I've already explained the reason why. If you choose not to believe it, that's your problem. I don't care. Remain ignorant for as long as you wish.
Pot impairs judgment. In long term users the impairment is permanent. The pothead is making the determination that they are not impaired when its judgment that is impaired.
I've been saying for years that the legal pot movement is funded by the auto industry. They have lost a bundle because of the war on drunk drivers and would love to see stoned drivers everywhere. Car crashes mean car sales.:clap2:

Study: Fatal Car Crashes Involving Marijuana Have Tripled « CBS Seattle

Feb 4, 2014

– According to a recent study, fatal car crashes involving pot use have tripled in the U.S.
“Currently, one of nine drivers involved in fatal crashes would test positive for marijuana,” Dr. Guohua Li, director of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia, and co-author of the study told HealthDay News.

Researchers from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health gathered data from six states – California, Hawaii, Illinois, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and West Virginia – that perform toxicology tests on drivers involved in fatal car accidents. This data included over 23,500 drivers that died within one hour of a crash between 1999 and 2010.
Li reported in the study that alcohol contributed to about 40 percent of traffic fatalities throughout the decade.
The researchers found that drugs played an increasing role in fatal traffic accidents. Drugged driving accounted for more than 28 percent of traffic deaths in 2010, which is 16 percent more than it was in 1999.

The researchers also found that marijuana was the main drug involved in the increase. It contributed to 12 percent of fatal crashes, compared to only 4 percent in 1999.
“If a driver is under the influence of alcohol, their risk of a fatal crash is 13 times higher than the risk of the driver who is not under the influence of alcohol,” Li said. “But if the driver is under the influence of both alcohol and marijuana, their risk increased to 24 times that of a sober person.”

Is that really the case? You can't do a 'breathalizer' for pot, so by the time you get someone under the influence to a place where blood can be drawn it can be out of the system. I realize you are talking 'risk' and I'm talking logistics here.
... You can't read it for free but it is packed with a wealth of factual information and data which will free your mind from the detractive effect of drug war brainwash.
blah blah blah. Anyone that's been around the block knows that pot impairs judgement. If one of those so called authoritative authors says otherwise they are full of shit.

Try that on the cop that pulls you over and see how it goes.
This discussion is not whether marijuana causes impairment. Indeed it does -- for a temporary period not exceeding twenty-four hours. The issue is whether or not the presence of THC components in the urine are a positive indication of impairment, which it is not. I've already explained the reason why. If you choose not to believe it, that's your problem. I don't care. Remain ignorant for as long as you wish.

24 hours? Id say in about 2-3 hours.
Pot impairs judgment. In long term users the impairment is permanent. The pothead is making the determination that they are not impaired when its judgment that is impaired.

sure it is Katz.....what other drugs were they doing along with it....your knowledge about Pot is pretty impaired....
This discussion is not whether marijuana causes impairment. Indeed it does -- for a temporary period not exceeding twenty-four hours. The issue is whether or not the presence of THC components in the urine are a positive indication of impairment, which it is not. I've already explained the reason why. If you choose not to believe it, that's your problem. I don't care. Remain ignorant for as long as you wish.
No, the thread is about pot use and fatal crash increases. If you want another thread go start one. Roadside tests can determine to the cop's satisfaction if you are under the influence of inebriants or not. Obviously it doesn't work for fatalities but if you want to convince authorities on how to properly test for intoxicant levels you need to go about it a different way. I'm assuming they have some research to back up their claims, throwing out links and telling people they're ignorant and to go read a book will have no effect.
This discussion is not whether marijuana causes impairment. Indeed it does -- for a temporary period not exceeding twenty-four hours. The issue is whether or not the presence of THC components in the urine are a positive indication of impairment, which it is not. I've already explained the reason why. If you choose not to believe it, that's your problem. I don't care. Remain ignorant for as long as you wish.
No, the thread is about pot use and fatal crash increases. If you want another thread go start one. Roadside tests can determine to the cop's satisfaction if you are under the influence of inebriants or not. Obviously it doesn't work for fatalities but if you want to convince authorities on how to properly test for intoxicant levels you need to go about it a different way. I'm assuming they have some research to back up their claims, throwing out links and telling people they're ignorant and to go read a book will have no effect.
What else are you assuming?

I'm saying you are equally ignorant and recommending you read the same books. There is no existing test which positively determines one is impaired by marijuana. All the existing tests can reveal is marijuana use (or poppy seed bagel use, etc.) within a 30 day period. If you believe ("assume") otherwise it's because you wish to remain ignorant.

The fact that there is no positive determinant for marijuana impairment is presently the main impediment to marijuana legalization.

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