Father arrested at school board meeting for exceeding his allotted two minutes

Dad Arrested After Protesting Book Being Read At Daughter's High School

So we pass students who fail to protect their "social status" but arrest parents for being involved.

Liberals have DESTROYED the education system in this country.

I soon as I saw the subject line, I just KNEW it was typical conservative misdirection BS. Sure enough, I read the story, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct. The only thing I wonder at this point is whether or not the man WANTED to get arrested in order to bring more attention to this issue. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already lined up some RW organization to take up his cause and sue the school district.

Another idiot. The ONLY thing he did that garnered him the disorderly conduct charge was TALK PAST HIS TWO MINUTES

No, he was monopolizing the time. Once the police showed up, he refused to change his behavior even though he was quite obviously given a chance (and a choice) to do so. Once the police show up to a scene and tells a person to either do something or stop doing something and the person chooses to defy the police, he takes the VERY real risk that he will be arrested. Well, the police showed up, and Baer was quoted in the article as saying the following: “I guess you are going to have to arrest me.” He was, and I'm not surprised in the least since defying the police at any scene is a recipe for arrest regardless of where you happen to be or who you are.
I soon as I saw the subject line, I just KNEW it was typical conservative misdirection BS. Sure enough, I read the story, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct. The only thing I wonder at this point is whether or not the man WANTED to get arrested in order to bring more attention to this issue. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already lined up some RW organization to take up his cause and sue the school district.

Another idiot. The ONLY thing he did that garnered him the disorderly conduct charge was TALK PAST HIS TWO MINUTES

No, he was monopolizing the time. Once the police showed up, he refused to change his behavior even though he was quite obviously given a chance (and a choice) to do so. Once the police show up to a scene and tells a person to either do something or stop doing something and the person chooses to defy the police, he takes the VERY real risk that he will be arrested. Well, the police showed up, and Baer was quoted in the article as saying the following: “I guess you are going to have to arrest me.” He was, and I'm not surprised in the least since defying the police at any scene is a recipe for arrest regardless of where you happen to be or who you are.
At least he went peacefully like a man as opposed to the Occutards that cried police brutality when they wouldn't move their stinking asses.
Dad Arrested After Protesting Book Being Read At Daughter's High School

So we pass students who fail to protect their "social status" but arrest parents for being involved.

Liberals have DESTROYED the education system in this country.

I soon as I saw the subject line, I just KNEW it was typical conservative misdirection BS. Sure enough, I read the story, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct. The only thing I wonder at this point is whether or not the man WANTED to get arrested in order to bring more attention to this issue. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already lined up some RW organization to take up his cause and sue the school district.

So the best idea you can come up with to handle a guy who is not shouting or threatening in any way is to arrest him? Really?

I'm not sure why the police were there. Were they called, or were they there from the outset?

One can argue whether calling the police was a good move or not. My guess is that the guy was being disruptive, and people had their fill of his behavior. Whether they could have or should have handled it differently is open to debate. But once the police were on the scene, the guy should have done what they said. I've actually seen people get arrested before by the police simply because they wouldn't obey what's commonly referred to as a lawful order. Often, people like that are intoxicated and refuse to step back to the curb as an example when they're injecting themselves into some situation. That's often how family members get arrested. Another example is when someone is pulled over at a traffic stop and gets out of the car. Once the officer tells you to go back to your car, you better damn well do it. If you refuse, you'll likely be arrested for a reason that might not have anything to do with why you were pulled over in the first place.
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“‘Relax,’ Matt murmured, and then he sank his teeth into her shoulder. He pinned her hands over her head and ground his hips against hers. She could feel his erection, hot against her stomach. ”

… She couldn’t remember ever feeling so heavy, as if her heart were beating between her legs. She clawed at Matt’s back to bring him closer. “‘Yeah,’ he groaned, and her pushed her thighs apart. And then suddenly Matt was inside her, pumping so hard that she scooted backward on the carpet, burning the backs of her legs.

… (H)e clamped his hand over her mouth and drove harder and harder until Josie felt him come.

“Semen, sticky and hot, pooled on the carpet beneath her.”

That is the text that this father protested. And you liberals think this porn is appropriate for preteens & slightly older?

And just to prove how wrong it was the father asked ANYONE on the school board to read the passage. All of them, including the principle, refused with the principal actually admitting that they wouldn't be "comfortable" reading it aloud during the meeting. But yet somehow it was good enough for tweens to read....

Go ahead and defend it again....
ok i guess im going to have to defend the school here because you are not reporting the article you quoted.
First off i watched the video. All 1 minute of it. He was asked to leave because he wouldn't stop. When he refused you heard him say and i quote " well then you are going to have to arrest me". Which you dont say to a cop regardless of right or wrong.
Next the school stated they made a mistake and normally every year a notice goes out to the parents about the book. Which tells me had the notice gone out then the father could have had the child opt out. Mistakes happen.

So sure the arrest was a bit much, but then again he dared the cop too. I feel nothing for the dad.
Dad Arrested After Protesting Book Being Read At Daughter's High School

So we pass students who fail to protect their "social status" but arrest parents for being involved.

Liberals have DESTROYED the education system in this country.

I soon as I saw the subject line, I just KNEW it was typical conservative misdirection BS. Sure enough, I read the story, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct. The only thing I wonder at this point is whether or not the man WANTED to get arrested in order to bring more attention to this issue. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already lined up some RW organization to take up his cause and sue the school district.

So the best idea you can come up with to handle a guy who is not shouting or threatening in any way is to arrest him? Really?

well if you watch the video you see him resisting the officers come with command, and then state you will have to arrest me then.

I would have arrested him and then let him go afterwords with a warning of control yourself.
Dad Arrested After Protesting Book Being Read At Daughter's High School

So we pass students who fail to protect their "social status" but arrest parents for being involved.

Liberals have DESTROYED the education system in this country.

I soon as I saw the subject line, I just KNEW it was typical conservative misdirection BS. Sure enough, I read the story, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct. The only thing I wonder at this point is whether or not the man WANTED to get arrested in order to bring more attention to this issue. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already lined up some RW organization to take up his cause and sue the school district.

Another idiot. The ONLY thing he did that garnered him the disorderly conduct charge was TALK PAST HIS TWO MINUTES

and dare the officer to arrest him....dont skip that inconvenient fact
I soon as I saw the subject line, I just KNEW it was typical conservative misdirection BS. Sure enough, I read the story, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct. The only thing I wonder at this point is whether or not the man WANTED to get arrested in order to bring more attention to this issue. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already lined up some RW organization to take up his cause and sue the school district.

Another idiot. The ONLY thing he did that garnered him the disorderly conduct charge was TALK PAST HIS TWO MINUTES

No, he was monopolizing the time. Once the police showed up, he refused to change his behavior even though he was quite obviously given a chance (and a choice) to do so. Once the police show up to a scene and tells a person to either do something or stop doing something and the person chooses to defy the police, he takes the VERY real risk that he will be arrested. Well, the police showed up, and Baer was quoted in the article as saying the following: “I guess you are going to have to arrest me.” He was, and I'm not surprised in the least since defying the police at any scene is a recipe for arrest regardless of where you happen to be or who you are.



He talked for A FEW MINUTES

And during that few minutes he challenged the school board to read the passage out loud during the meeting. Being the cowards that they were they all of course refused.

You can TRY all you want but no matter what twisting in the wind you do you can't change the facts. In fact the incident was so short I'm even amused you tried. Not surprised however.
I soon as I saw the subject line, I just KNEW it was typical conservative misdirection BS. Sure enough, I read the story, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct. The only thing I wonder at this point is whether or not the man WANTED to get arrested in order to bring more attention to this issue. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already lined up some RW organization to take up his cause and sue the school district.

Another idiot. The ONLY thing he did that garnered him the disorderly conduct charge was TALK PAST HIS TWO MINUTES

and dare the officer to arrest him....dont skip that inconvenient fact

Lol dared the officer?

He stood (sat actually) his ground. The threat of arrest was completely retarded. Much like most of the liberal responses in this thread.
I soon as I saw the subject line, I just KNEW it was typical conservative misdirection BS. Sure enough, I read the story, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct. The only thing I wonder at this point is whether or not the man WANTED to get arrested in order to bring more attention to this issue. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already lined up some RW organization to take up his cause and sue the school district.

Another idiot. The ONLY thing he did that garnered him the disorderly conduct charge was TALK PAST HIS TWO MINUTES

and dare the officer to arrest him....dont skip that inconvenient fact

Yeah, anyone who does that is either drunk, or stupid, or wants to get arrested for some reason.
Father arrested at school board meeting for exceeding his allotted two minutes
Not for ‘protesting’ a book, where there are no First Amendment ‘violations.’

This is yet another example of the partisan right trying to contrive a controversy out of a non-issue.

And the OP’s notion that ‘liberals’ have ‘destroyed’ our education system is pure idiocy; if there’s any blame to place is should be placed with the right’s reckless and irresponsible budget cuts to education programs starting in the 80s.
“‘Relax,’ Matt murmured, and then he sank his teeth into her shoulder. He pinned her hands over her head and ground his hips against hers. She could feel his erection, hot against her stomach. ”

… She couldn’t remember ever feeling so heavy, as if her heart were beating between her legs. She clawed at Matt’s back to bring him closer. “‘Yeah,’ he groaned, and her pushed her thighs apart. And then suddenly Matt was inside her, pumping so hard that she scooted backward on the carpet, burning the backs of her legs.

… (H)e clamped his hand over her mouth and drove harder and harder until Josie felt him come.

“Semen, sticky and hot, pooled on the carpet beneath her.”

Why are all the liberals ignoring this? It is the most integral part of what prompted this situation.
Another idiot. The ONLY thing he did that garnered him the disorderly conduct charge was TALK PAST HIS TWO MINUTES

and dare the officer to arrest him....dont skip that inconvenient fact

Lol dared the officer?

He stood (sat actually) his ground. The threat of arrest was completely retarded. Much like most of the liberal responses in this thread.

it didnt look like he was being arrested till he stated " you will have to be arrested. Looks like he was being asked to leave.

Ok stood his ground and dared the officer to arrest him. So the Officer did...Had you watched the video you can clearly hear him state what i quoted.

You have nothing..
Dad Arrested After Protesting Book Being Read At Daughter's High School

So we pass students who fail to protect their "social status" but arrest parents for being involved.

Liberals have DESTROYED the education system in this country.

I soon as I saw the subject line, I just KNEW it was typical conservative misdirection BS. Sure enough, I read the story, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct. The only thing I wonder at this point is whether or not the man WANTED to get arrested in order to bring more attention to this issue. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already lined up some RW organization to take up his cause and sue the school district.

Another idiot. The ONLY thing he did that garnered him the disorderly conduct charge was TALK PAST HIS TWO MINUTES

Wrong again, Gramps.

The suspect was arrested for getting in an argument with another parent.

In the other failed thread on this same topic a poster cited the actual statute as to what constitutes disorderly conduct in the suspect’s jurisdiction.
and dare the officer to arrest him....dont skip that inconvenient fact

Lol dared the officer?

He stood (sat actually) his ground. The threat of arrest was completely retarded. Much like most of the liberal responses in this thread.

it didnt look like he was being arrested till he stated " you will have to be arrested. Looks like he was being asked to leave.

Ok stood his ground and dared the officer to arrest him. So the Officer did...Had you watched the video you can clearly hear him state what i quoted.

You have nothing..

I have common sense.

YOU have nothing but liberal bullshit excuses for abuse of power and COMPLETELY ignore the reason this all came about.
[ame=http://youtu.be/OsbS9JD7Pvw]Raw video: Man arrested at Gilford school board meeting - YouTube[/ame]
Lol dared the officer?

He stood (sat actually) his ground. The threat of arrest was completely retarded. Much like most of the liberal responses in this thread.

it didnt look like he was being arrested till he stated " you will have to be arrested. Looks like he was being asked to leave.

Ok stood his ground and dared the officer to arrest him. So the Officer did...Had you watched the video you can clearly hear him state what i quoted.

You have nothing..

I have common sense.

YOU have nothing but liberal bullshit excuses for abuse of power and COMPLETELY ignore the reason this all came about.

Libs feel so strongly about this book it will be required reading for all fourth graders....
And each of them will have to read this aloud in class.
it didnt look like he was being arrested till he stated " you will have to be arrested. Looks like he was being asked to leave.

Ok stood his ground and dared the officer to arrest him. So the Officer did...Had you watched the video you can clearly hear him state what i quoted.

You have nothing..

I have common sense.

YOU have nothing but liberal bullshit excuses for abuse of power and COMPLETELY ignore the reason this all came about.


You're an idiot. Like that needed demonstrating.
An officer arrests someone on suspicion of committing a crime. What crime did the man commit? Nothing. There was no crime. There should have been no arrest. Escorted outside, yes. Arrested, no.
See the difference?
Dad Arrested After Protesting Book Being Read At Daughter's High School

So we pass students who fail to protect their "social status" but arrest parents for being involved.

Liberals have DESTROYED the education system in this country.

I soon as I saw the subject line, I just KNEW it was typical conservative misdirection BS. Sure enough, I read the story, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct. The only thing I wonder at this point is whether or not the man WANTED to get arrested in order to bring more attention to this issue. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already lined up some RW organization to take up his cause and sue the school district.

So the best idea you can come up with to handle a guy who is not shouting or threatening in any way is to arrest him? Really?

Actually it was the man's idea.

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