Father Knows Best

"So you are denying the ethnic cleansing by Palestinian arab muslims of 10% of the population through terror"

Yes, the only people ethnically cleansed were the Christians and Muslims.

As far as collaborating with Nazis:

Yes to save Jews from murder and the holocaust, unlike the deal struck with Hitler and the muslims to kill the Jews and to take part in the Holocaust.

"Yes to save Jews from murder and the holocaust, unlike the deal struck with Hitler and the muslims to kill the Jews and to take part in the Holocaust."

The Mufti wanted a deal with Hitler for much the same reason as the Jews did, self preservation. The Mufti knew full that the Jews were an existential threat to the non-Jews of Palestine andl what would happen if Jews continued to pour into Palestine. Unfortunately for the Christians and Muslims, the Mufti was right.

LINK to prove your claim ?
"So you are denying the ethnic cleansing by Palestinian arab muslims of 10% of the population through terror"

Yes, the only people ethnically cleansed were the Christians and Muslims.

As far as collaborating with Nazis:

Yes to save Jews from murder and the holocaust, unlike the deal struck with Hitler and the muslims to kill the Jews and to take part in the Holocaust.

"Yes to save Jews from murder and the holocaust, unlike the deal struck with Hitler and the muslims to kill the Jews and to take part in the Holocaust."

The Mufti wanted a deal with Hitler for much the same reason as the Jews did, self preservation. The Mufti knew full that the Jews were an existential threat to the non-Jews of Palestine andl what would happen if Jews continued to pour into Palestine. Unfortunately for the Christians and Muslims, the Mufti was right.

First off Monti, how many times do I have to remind you that as a massive propaganda machine, you have no right to call accuse someone else of posting propaganda. Second, Phoenall was right about collaboration with the Nazi, it was to save Jewish lives This has been a well known fact for a while , but you always distort the truth.
The Nazis today are the Palestinian extremists who constantly scream for Israels destruction. In fact, the Hamas charter says that Israel being destroyed is the only solution, much like Hitlers final solution.
You are full of shit and no one should take your posts seriously.

I am one of the few that just deals in facts. You are an hysterical spouter of bullshit and propaganda. Phoney is a friggin Apartheid supporting murderous psychopath calling for the murder of all Muslims. What a team you make.

I am sure that the Zionist collaboration was to save Jewish lives, why can't you get it through your pea brain that the Palestinians collaborated for the same reason. They knew what would happen if Jews continued to flow into Palestine and they hoped to stop the flow and save their lives, homes and land. That they were unsuccessful doesn't matter, every people have a right to try to survive even against the odds that the Palestinians had against them with the West almost all aligned against the Christians and Muslims.

As far as Israel being destroyed, the Palestinians have every right to call for a secular democratic state that enfranchises all the people under it's rule/sovereignty, by definition Israel is a state for Jews and calls itself the Jewish state. No one should have to live in a theocracy, even those of the religion of the theocracy.

Facts like table 1 that shows the arabs owned 0.8% of the land and Jews owned 4.8% of the land in 1942-1943.

I call for the expulsion of muslims from all lands that were not originally Arabic and a return of the religion and culture of those lands. It is the muslims through their terror training manual the Koran that demands the mass murder of all that oppose them.

Read the history and see that the mufti fled to Germany to save his own sorry skin because so many people wanted to see him dead. He pledged support for the Nazi regime and took an active part in its actions. The Palestinians at that time were still the Jews the rest saw themselves as Syrians and they wanted nothing to do with the Germans.

The arab muslims want an Islamic state like ISIS is planning and have it as part of their charters to mass murder all the Jews born after the first Zionist invasion in 1850. You do the sums Mohamed and see how many Jews would be left in the Islamic state of Palestine. They have already ethnically cleansed 100% of all Jews and 90 % of all Christians from Palestine, and you refuse to see this because you are acting like an ostrich.

Your claims of how Israel is are just the truth you know deep down of how hamas, fatah, hexbollah and the rest of the Palestinian factions are. They have no interest in peace and will just wipe out every man woman and child in gaza to meet their aims. You refuse to see that they are targeting children both Palestinian and Israeli because they have no humanity, just as their supporters have no humanity either and deserve to be treated as the murdering scum they are
So th
As far as Israel being destroyed, the Palestinians have every right to call for a secular democratic state that enfranchises all the people under it's rule/sovereignty, by definition Israel is a state for Jews and calls itself the Jewish state. No one should have to live in a theocracy, even those of the religion of the theocracy.
Obscure drivel.

Just fact, son.
So the Israelis also have the right to call for the destruction of Palestine because under either hamas or fatah they would be theocratic ISLAMONAZI dictatorships.

'Off Topic,' my caboose , Housefly. . . if America today had any sense whatsoever, we would follow Washington's advice and dump both Israel and Palestine.
Pishy must look in a mirror constantly to see if her "caboose" is still there since she is always mentioning it. It is a different world now, Pishy, than the one in which Washington lived. Maybe the authorities should have rounded up all your Nazi friends who marched in the U.S. for Hitler since they were cheering for a murderer. Some of your old friends could be spending their old age in an American prison.


'Off Topic,' my caboose , Housefly. . . if America today had any sense whatsoever, we would follow Washington's advice and dump both Israel and Palestine. [/QUOTE]
Pishy must look in a mirror constantly to see if her "caboose" is still there since she is always mentioning it. It is a different world now, Pishy, than the one in which Washington lived. Maybe the authorities should have rounded up all your Nazi friends who marched in the U.S. for Hitler since they were cheering for a murderer. Some of your old friends could be spending their old age in an American prison.[/QUOTE]

I don't know GRENDELYN'S posting history, has she revealed herself to be anti-semetic in the past? This post of hers does have a Washington warning that is eerily prescient to those of us who think the Israeli lobby at times does wield too much influence over present day legislators. As I've said many times on this board I am pro-Israeli and have been for 50 yrs. or more. I believe America should do everything in it's power to support Israel against those who have threatened to "wipe her off the map" or "push her into the sea". However there are issues, such as the settlements, where some people (including me) believe America's interests may differ from Israel's and a legislator or a citizen should not have to fear being labeled anti-Semitic or even "Nazi" for stating what they think is in America's best interest. We should be able to have a conversation on that topic without it degenerating into churlish ad hominems.
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"Like the one that stated that arab muslims only owned 0.8% and the Jews owned 4.8%."

Nowhere did it say that. You are making things up again. This is what the British Survey of Palestine presented to the UN in 1946 before partition said. Christians and Muslims owned about 90% of Palestine as per the table in the Survey provided for your entertainment:

View attachment 32626
Now tell us how Jerusalem that had a Jewish majority in the late 1800's ended up being invaded by hoards of Arab Muslims from neighboring Arab Muslim states (encouraged and recorded by the British I might add), who adopted the name "Palestinian" only in the mid 1960's, a name referred exclusively to the JEWS of the region.

You are one funny IslamoNazi propagandist that keeps failing epically at every level. Ha ha ha.

You mean the Europeans that invaded Palestine and occupied Jerusalem? You are one silly Zionazi.
You didn't answer my question, you silly IslamoNazi. How did Jewish majority Jerusalem in late 1800's end up loosing its majority in the early 1900's. Where did all these Muslim Arabs come from? Are you actually claiming that there was no Arab invasion even though it has been clearly documented and recorded?

Palestine, an invented people with a bullshit cause led by Islamic terrorists.
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'Off Topic,' my caboose , Housefly. . . if America today had any sense whatsoever, we would follow Washington's advice and dump both Israel and Palestine.
Pishy must look in a mirror constantly to see if her "caboose" is still there since she is always mentioning it. It is a different world now, Pishy, than the one in which Washington lived. Maybe the authorities should have rounded up all your Nazi friends who marched in the U.S. for Hitler since they were cheering for a murderer. Some of your old friends could be spending their old age in an American prison.


'Off Topic,' my caboose , Housefly. . . if America today had any sense whatsoever, we would follow Washington's advice and dump both Israel and Palestine. [/QUOTE]
Pishy must look in a mirror constantly to see if her "caboose" is still there since she is always mentioning it. It is a different world now, Pishy, than the one in which Washington lived. Maybe the authorities should have rounded up all your Nazi friends who marched in the U.S. for Hitler since they were cheering for a murderer. Some of your old friends could be spending their old age in an American prison.[/QUOTE]

I don't know GRENDELYN'S posting history, has she revealed herself to be anti-semetic in the past? This post of hers does have a Washington warning that is eerily prescient to those of us who think the Israeli lobby at times does wield too much influence over present day legislators. As I've said many times on this board I am pro-Israeli and have been for 50 yrs. or more. I believe America should do everything in it's power to support Israel against those who have threatened to "wipe her off the map" or "push her into the sea". However there are issues, such as the settlements, where some people (including me) believe America's interests may differ from Israel's and a legislator or a citizen should not have to fear being labeled anti-Semitic or even "Nazi" for stating what they think is in America's best interest. We should be able to have a conversation on that topic without it degenerating into churlish ad hominems.[/QUOTE]

Many anti-Arab Zionists, here, believe this to be true, the most fervent one being , I should think, Hossfly who has consistently considered me as being an anti-Semitic Nazi stemming from my being polite to an Ian Macdonald, on the now defunct AOL Middle Eastern Message Board, whom many say actually does indeed smack of Nazi leanings. Particularly since my grandfather on my mother's side was Jewish (making me a one-quarter Jew, if there is such a thing) it's all untrue, but, of course, this does not stop the pro-Israeli faction, here, from having sport with me. ~ Susan
PS Yes, indeed, there are issues such as settlements and, too, many, many others Unlike you, I believe everyone in America should do everything in their power to dump Israel for our relationship with her has caused our country nothing but heartache, money and trouble (Remember the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair).
PPS With the screen name of Smedly Butler, I assume you were a Marine (?) . . . my father was too, from 1962-66 :)

'Off Topic,' my caboose , Housefly. . . if America today had any sense whatsoever, we would follow Washington's advice and dump both Israel and Palestine.
Pishy must look in a mirror constantly to see if her "caboose" is still there since she is always mentioning it. It is a different world now, Pishy, than the one in which Washington lived. Maybe the authorities should have rounded up all your Nazi friends who marched in the U.S. for Hitler since they were cheering for a murderer. Some of your old friends could be spending their old age in an American prison.


'Off Topic,' my caboose , Housefly. . . if America today had any sense whatsoever, we would follow Washington's advice and dump both Israel and Palestine.
Pishy must look in a mirror constantly to see if her "caboose" is still there since she is always mentioning it. It is a different world now, Pishy, than the one in which Washington lived. Maybe the authorities should have rounded up all your Nazi friends who marched in the U.S. for Hitler since they were cheering for a murderer. Some of your old friends could be spending their old age in an American prison.[/QUOTE]

I don't know GRENDELYN'S posting history, has she revealed herself to be anti-semetic in the past? This post of hers does have a Washington warning that is eerily prescient to those of us who think the Israeli lobby at times does wield too much influence over present day legislators. As I've said many times on this board I am pro-Israeli and have been for 50 yrs. or more. I believe America should do everything in it's power to support Israel against those who have threatened to "wipe her off the map" or "push her into the sea". However there are issues, such as the settlements, where some people (including me) believe America's interests may differ from Israel's and a legislator or a citizen should not have to fear being labeled anti-Semitic or even "Nazi" for stating what they think is in America's best interest. We should be able to have a conversation on that topic without it degenerating into churlish ad hominems.[/QUOTE]

Many anti-Arab Zionists, here, believe this to be true, the most fervent one being , I should think, Hossfly who has consistently considered me as being an anti-Semitic Nazi stemming from my being polite to an Ian Macdonald, on the now defunct AOL Middle Eastern Message Board, whom many say actually does indeed smack of Nazi leanings. Particularly since my grandfather on my mother's side was Jewish (making me a one-quarter Jew, if there is such a thing) it's all untrue, but, of course, this does not stop the pro-Israeli faction, here, from having sport with me. ~ Susan
PS Yes, indeed, there are issues such as settlements and, too, many, many others Unlike you, I believe everyone in America should do everything in their power to dump Israel for our relationship with her has caused our country nothing but heartache, money and trouble (Remember the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair).
PPS With the screen name of Smedly Butler, I assume you were a Marine (?) . . . my father was too, from 1962-66 :)
I wonder if anyone would ask questions of an old Nazi and expect to get an honest answer from him. When a fellow poster who was a retired Naval Intelligence Officer found this nice little question and answer bit repeated on Stormfront, he felt it was all a set up with Pishy asking the Nazi questions. As you can see from the following site, this old Nazi is one of a crowd and probably enjoyed hosting all those skinheads up to his farm to listen to skinhead music. This old Nazi was constantly saying that there were no gas chambers at all and when AOL put up a message board right after 9/11 to talk about this terrible event, he was right there blaming Israel before the dust even had a chance to settle. Being polite is one way of putting it!!! She never questioned the lies that he told and went right along with his anti-Semitism and was constantly posting her bit "land theft" over and over and never talking about what was happening in the entire Middle East even though it was a Middle East Discussion Board and not just a board to discuss Israel and Palestine. There were others who can also claim some Jewish blood like Pishy just did, but they certainly went along with the Nazis in Germany. I don't find it strange at all that you will never find these anti-Semites on any other message boards condemning what is happening to people in the rest of the Middle East, people who are being killed just for their religious beliefs. It is all about Israel and the Jews to posters like Pishy and how much demonizing they can do.

The Skinhead International Canada
Thank you Smedley Butler and Grendelyn for highlighting the name of the USMC Major General.
I had not heard of him, but have read a bit on his background and am impressed.

I didn't know the US Military used to produce men like him.

'Off Topic,' my caboose , Housefly. . . if America today had any sense whatsoever, we would follow Washington's advice and dump both Israel and Palestine.
Pishy must look in a mirror constantly to see if her "caboose" is still there since she is always mentioning it. It is a different world now, Pishy, than the one in which Washington lived. Maybe the authorities should have rounded up all your Nazi friends who marched in the U.S. for Hitler since they were cheering for a murderer. Some of your old friends could be spending their old age in an American prison.


'Off Topic,' my caboose , Housefly. . . if America today had any sense whatsoever, we would follow Washington's advice and dump both Israel and Palestine.
Pishy must look in a mirror constantly to see if her "caboose" is still there since she is always mentioning it. It is a different world now, Pishy, than the one in which Washington lived. Maybe the authorities should have rounded up all your Nazi friends who marched in the U.S. for Hitler since they were cheering for a murderer. Some of your old friends could be spending their old age in an American prison.

I don't know GRENDELYN'S posting history, has she revealed herself to be anti-semetic in the past? This post of hers does have a Washington warning that is eerily prescient to those of us who think the Israeli lobby at times does wield too much influence over present day legislators. As I've said many times on this board I am pro-Israeli and have been for 50 yrs. or more. I believe America should do everything in it's power to support Israel against those who have threatened to "wipe her off the map" or "push her into the sea". However there are issues, such as the settlements, where some people (including me) believe America's interests may differ from Israel's and a legislator or a citizen should not have to fear being labeled anti-Semitic or even "Nazi" for stating what they think is in America's best interest. We should be able to have a conversation on that topic without it degenerating into churlish ad hominems.[/QUOTE]

Many anti-Arab Zionists, here, believe this to be true, the most fervent one being , I should think, Hossfly who has consistently considered me as being an anti-Semitic Nazi stemming from my being polite to an Ian Macdonald, on the now defunct AOL Middle Eastern Message Board, whom many say actually does indeed smack of Nazi leanings. Particularly since my grandfather on my mother's side was Jewish (making me a one-quarter Jew, if there is such a thing) it's all untrue, but, of course, this does not stop the pro-Israeli faction, here, from having sport with me. ~ Susan
PS Yes, indeed, there are issues such as settlements and, too, many, many others Unlike you, I believe everyone in America should do everything in their power to dump Israel for our relationship with her has caused our country nothing but heartache, money and trouble (Remember the USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair).
PPS With the screen name of Smedly Butler, I assume you were a Marine (?) . . . my father was too, from 1962-66 :)
I wonder if anyone would ask questions of an old Nazi and expect to get an honest answer from him. When a fellow poster who was a retired Naval Intelligence Officer found this nice little question and answer bit repeated on Stormfront, he felt it was all a set up with Pishy asking the Nazi questions. As you can see from the following site, this old Nazi is one of a crowd and probably enjoyed hosting all those skinheads up to his farm to listen to skinhead music. This old Nazi was constantly saying that there were no gas chambers at all and when AOL put up a message board right after 9/11 to talk about this terrible event, he was right there blaming Israel before the dust even had a chance to settle. Being polite is one way of putting it!!! She never questioned the lies that he told and went right along with his anti-Semitism and was constantly posting her bit "land theft" over and over and never talking about what was happening in the entire Middle East even though it was a Middle East Discussion Board and not just a board to discuss Israel and Palestine. There were others who can also claim some Jewish blood like Pishy just did, but they certainly went along with the Nazis in Germany. I don't find it strange at all that you will never find these anti-Semites on any other message boards condemning what is happening to people in the rest of the Middle East, people who are being killed just for their religious beliefs. It is all about Israel and the Jews to posters like Pishy and how much demonizing they can do.

The Skinhead International Canada[/QUOTE]

Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.

The fact that you support Hamas who's charter asks for Israel's destruction just like Hitler asked for the destruction of the Jewish people shows that you are the real Nazi. No matter how much you deny it, it won't change the truth.
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.

The fact that you support Hamas who's charter asks for Israel's destruction just like Hitler asked for the destruction of the Jewish people shows that you are the real Nazi. No matter how much you deny it, it won't change the truth.

Who says I support Hamas? I don't. I support a democratic secular state for all Palestinians, including those of the Jewish faith. Hamas want an Islamic state. Both Islam and Judaism are crap, in my opinion.
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
We have to also remember, Roudy, that a person who is on this forum day and night demonizing Israel and the Jews is the same as the Nazis of old. I think we also are aware that the anti-Semites of these forums don't spend even a few minutes a day telling what their Muslim brethren and/or friends are doing to Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and even Muslims of different sects. Their entire purpose is to continually try to make Israel look like the bad guy regardless of the fact that there is so much Muslim and Christian blood running in the roads of other Middle East countries at the present time. Since many posters who are non Muslims and even Muslims themselves don't seem to give a fig as to what is happening to the Semetic Arabs in the Middle East, they are the last ones who should be saying anything.
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.
Isn't it great how the Muslims show us how much they admire Hitler by making Mein Kampf a best seller in the Muslim world? I would say that given how many people the Muslims have killed and are still killing not only in the Middle East but in Southeast Asia and Africa, they certainly are following in the footsteps of the Nazis. Can you imagine how long it would take the Jews to even kill a tenth of those the Muslims have killed?
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.

The fact that you support Hamas who's charter asks for Israel's destruction just like Hitler asked for the destruction of the Jewish people shows that you are the real Nazi. No matter how much you deny it, it won't change the truth.

Who says I support Hamas? I don't. I support a democratic secular state for all Palestinians, including those of the Jewish faith. Hamas want an Islamic state. Both Islam and Judaism are crap, in my opinion.

Who says I support Hamas? I don't. I support a democratic secular state for all Palestinians, including those of the Jewish faith. Hamas want an Islamic state. Both Islam and Judaism are crap, in my opinion

Ha ha ha! Then why don't you help the Palestinians unshackle themselves from Hamas, an Islamist terrorist organization that is holding the Palestinian people hostage, and constantly attacking Israel? No, you'd rather rail against Jews and Israel day in and day out like a fucking zombie Islamo-bot.
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Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
We have to also remember, Roudy, that a person who is on this forum day and night demonizing Israel and the Jews is the same as the Nazis of old. I think we also are aware that the anti-Semites of these forums don't spend even a few minutes a day telling what their Muslim brethren and/or friends are doing to Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and even Muslims of different sects. Their entire purpose is to continually try to make Israel look like the bad guy regardless of the fact that there is so much Muslim and Christian blood running in the roads of other Middle East countries at the present time. Since many posters who are non Muslims and even Muslims themselves don't seem to give a fig as to what is happening to the Semetic Arabs in the Middle East, they are the last ones who should be saying anything.

Spoken like a good little Nazi. Demonizing Christians and Muslims of Palestine because they are not Jews is quite Nazi like.
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.
Isn't it great how the Muslims show us how much they admire Hitler by making Mein Kampf a best seller in the Muslim world? I would say that given how many people the Muslims have killed and are still killing not only in the Middle East but in Southeast Asia and Africa, they certainly are following in the footsteps of the Nazis. Can you imagine how long it would take the Jews to even kill a tenth of those the Muslims have killed?

Got a LINK to prove that one Tex?
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.
Isn't it great how the Muslims show us how much they admire Hitler by making Mein Kampf a best seller in the Muslim world? I would say that given how many people the Muslims have killed and are still killing not only in the Middle East but in Southeast Asia and Africa, they certainly are following in the footsteps of the Nazis. Can you imagine how long it would take the Jews to even kill a tenth of those the Muslims have killed?

Got a LINK to prove that one Tex?
Hossfly is a funny fellow. His politics are Nazi except for his love of the Jews and corresponding hate for Semitic people of the Middle East and he calls those with more progressive views, Nazis. Go figure.
Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.
Isn't it great how the Muslims show us how much they admire Hitler by making Mein Kampf a best seller in the Muslim world? I would say that given how many people the Muslims have killed and are still killing not only in the Middle East but in Southeast Asia and Africa, they certainly are following in the footsteps of the Nazis. Can you imagine how long it would take the Jews to even kill a tenth of those the Muslims have killed?

Got a LINK to prove that one Tex?
Use your Googler, Heathen.

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