Father Knows Best

And I give credit to Israel for not trying to limit the palestinian natural growth to keep a more comfortable jewish "majority".

It was certainly within her powers to do so.

The palestinian arab population in Israel was kept under military government from 1948 to 1965 with severe restrictions of their civil liberties.

So I'm not praising a racial dictatorship just recognizing a fact:

It didn't try to curb the growth of the arab population.
Originally posted by toastman
You're posting all this without links. Where did you read that there were few jobs for Arabs ? Where is the chart for Palestinian growth between 1900 - 1948 being 90% natural ?

You asked me for evidence and I provided to you.

From 1948 to 2014 without any arab immigration whatsoever, the number of arabs inside Israel jumped from 270.000 to 1.658.000.

A brutal increase by any standard.

According to israeli historians, between 1964 and 1966 the palestinian fertility rate reached the world record of 4.5 percent a year.

So the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 is perfectly explainable without any need to resort to Joan Peters' fables about "mass arab immigration" into Palestine.

You didn't answer my question. You claimed that the Palestinian population increase from 1900-1948 was 90% natural. As it birth rate.. I asked you for a link to show me such.
And I give credit to Israel for not trying to limit the palestinian natural growth to keep a more comfortable jewish "majority".

It was certainly within her powers to do so.

The palestinian arab population in Israel was kept under military government from 1948 to 1965 with severe restrictions of their civil liberties.

So I'm not praising a racial dictatorship just recognizing a fact:

It didn't try to curb the growth of the arab population.

Limit their growth ? What did you expect them to do, sterilize all the men ? ;)
I have a practical view of history. I don't care what religion people are. European Jews came from Europe, threw out Muslims and Christians and colonized Palestine, that's just a fact.

Palestine Monitor lol

If that's how you see history, then never again shall you complain when I call you a brainwashed propaganda sheep :lol:

5 Arab armies invaded the region and attacked Israel. THEN Israel advanced and kicked out Palestinians. At the same time that the Palestinians and 5 Arab armies were trying to evict Israelis . The difference is , Israel won and captured territory. You reap what you sow
The zionist project was anything but multiculturalist.

It was patently clear for everybody that european Jews were creating a country of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews.

So the "arabs were coming in droves for the jobs the Jews had for them" line is a cynical lie. The jobs available for arabs were so few it couldn't have had any demographic impact.

90% of the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to higher birth rates thanks to the improvements in sanitation and hospitals built by the british authorities.

But by all means keep resorting to lies to try and delegitimize their right to live in their homeland.

Where is your evidence for all this ?

"Patently clear". Which word don't you understand?
Are you really in need of education in the attitudes of the Haganah, the Stern Gang, and Irgun? Are you unaware of the terrorist attacks by groups including people like Ariel Sharon in the earliest days? Are you unaware of the teachings of Theodor Herzl?

Now, being involved in these discussions, having read back on the history (or didn't you bother?) it must be patently clear to you that what Jose stated was true. That this is and was patently clear.

So before you start the interminable cries of "show me the evidence" and "prove it" when, to the one who decides he will not accept any of the evidence it cannot even be proven that the sun shines.

Your tactics are really not worthy of anything but a wry smile. Your philosophy is clearly to try to obfuscate and deny while enjoying Israel's ability to kill its way out of any consideration of justice or decency.

Just presenting the evidence here for you Toasty. Of your inability to engage that is.
Would you like to deny all this again? Go on. Its what you do best. :)
What you do best is whining, I asked a poster to prove his claims, and your response is this babbling drivel ? Geez I must have really hit a nerve with you earlier.
You're a waste of time

Its just time that you are called out on your (lack of) contribution here.

You are just a denial bot, and an insult machine.
You are pointless toasty. At least when it comes to holding debate. You clearly think that disrupting debate is the same as participating.

By your lack of self-awareness - or at least your evasion of it in print - you really do disqualify yourself from any relevance here.

You can be different. It is more about how you operate than who you are. Though who you are seems to be getting in the way of improvement.
Originally posted by toastman
You didn't answer my question.

No, you asked me for evidence and then since the evidence I provided demolished the myth of mass arab immigration as a necessary factor to explain the increase in the arab population you asked for a chart.

I provided the evidence and because it ran contrary to what you want to believe, to your preconceived notions you moved the goalposts.
Originally posted by toastman
Limit their growth ? What did you expect them to do, sterilize all the men ? ;)

Why are you so surprised?

Racial dictatorships are all about the preservation of their artificial majorities.

But I give credit to Israel for not trying to limit the growth of the palestinian population by artificial means... if racial dictatorships even deserve any kind of "praise" at all...

Not entirely sure.
The zionist project was anything but multiculturalist.

It was patently clear for everybody that european Jews were creating a country of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews.

So the "arabs were coming in droves for the jobs the Jews had for them" line is a cynical lie. The jobs available for arabs were so few it couldn't have had any demographic impact.

90% of the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to higher birth rates thanks to the improvements in sanitation and hospitals built by the british authorities.

But by all means keep resorting to lies to try and delegitimize their right to live in their homeland.

Where is your evidence for all this ?

"Patently clear". Which word don't you understand?
Are you really in need of education in the attitudes of the Haganah, the Stern Gang, and Irgun? Are you unaware of the terrorist attacks by groups including people like Ariel Sharon in the earliest days? Are you unaware of the teachings of Theodor Herzl?

Now, being involved in these discussions, having read back on the history (or didn't you bother?) it must be patently clear to you that what Jose stated was true. That this is and was patently clear.

So before you start the interminable cries of "show me the evidence" and "prove it" when, to the one who decides he will not accept any of the evidence it cannot even be proven that the sun shines.

Your tactics are really not worthy of anything but a wry smile. Your philosophy is clearly to try to obfuscate and deny while enjoying Israel's ability to kill its way out of any consideration of justice or decency.

Just presenting the evidence here for you Toasty. Of your inability to engage that is.
Would you like to deny all this again? Go on. Its what you do best. :)
What you do best is whining, I asked a poster to prove his claims, and your response is this babbling drivel ? Geez I must have really hit a nerve with you earlier.
You're a waste of time

Its just time that you are called out on your (lack of) contribution here.

You are just a denial bot, and an insult machine.
You are pointless toasty. At least when it comes to holding debate. You clearly think that disrupting debate is the same as participating.

By your lack of self-awareness - or at least your evasion of it in print - you really do disqualify yourself from any relevance here.

You can be different. It is more about how you operate than who you are. Though who you are seems to be getting in the way of improvement.

Everything you said is an absolute lie. I always contribute and I offer my insight based on the many articles, notes that I have read about the conflict.

You on the other hand are always complaining about the conduct of some poster and you resort to insults more than any other poster. This is the second post in a row where you accused me of literally EXACTLY what you are guilty of.
Beezlebub calling me out on lack of contribution LOL !

Did you even contribute to topic in this thread?
The zionist project was anything but multiculturalist.

It was patently clear for everybody that european Jews were creating a country of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews.

So the "arabs were coming in droves for the jobs the Jews had for them" line is a cynical lie. The jobs available for arabs were so few it couldn't have had any demographic impact.

90% of the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to higher birth rates thanks to the improvements in sanitation and hospitals built by the british authorities.

But by all means keep resorting to lies to try and delegitimize their right to live in their homeland.

Where is your evidence for all this ?

"Patently clear". Which word don't you understand?
Are you really in need of education in the attitudes of the Haganah, the Stern Gang, and Irgun? Are you unaware of the terrorist attacks by groups including people like Ariel Sharon in the earliest days? Are you unaware of the teachings of Theodor Herzl?

Now, being involved in these discussions, having read back on the history (or didn't you bother?) it must be patently clear to you that what Jose stated was true. That this is and was patently clear.

So before you start the interminable cries of "show me the evidence" and "prove it" when, to the one who decides he will not accept any of the evidence it cannot even be proven that the sun shines.

Your tactics are really not worthy of anything but a wry smile. Your philosophy is clearly to try to obfuscate and deny while enjoying Israel's ability to kill its way out of any consideration of justice or decency.

Just presenting the evidence here for you Toasty. Of your inability to engage that is.
Would you like to deny all this again? Go on. Its what you do best. :)
What you do best is whining, I asked a poster to prove his claims, and your response is this babbling drivel ? Geez I must have really hit a nerve with you earlier.
You're a waste of time

Its just time that you are called out on your (lack of) contribution here.

You are just a denial bot, and an insult machine.
You are pointless toasty. At least when it comes to holding debate. You clearly think that disrupting debate is the same as participating.

By your lack of self-awareness - or at least your evasion of it in print - you really do disqualify yourself from any relevance here.

You can be different. It is more about how you operate than who you are. Though who you are seems to be getting in the way of improvement.

Everything you said is an absolute lie. I always contribute and I offer my insight based on the many articles, notes that I have read about the conflict.

You on the other hand are always complaining about the conduct of some poster and you resort to insults more than any other poster. This is the second post in a row where you accused me of literally EXACTLY what you are guilty of.
Beezlebub calling me out on lack of contribution LOL !

Did you even contribute to topic in this thread?

Ah. Denial and misrepresentation again there Toasty.
You are not helping your case.

Please don't take my observations of you and advice to you as insults. It is genuine feedback as to how you come across, and can be useful to you if you can take it on board and make a correction.

I could not possibly insult you in any way that would be meaningful to me. But good discussion is enlightening for all who participate. I am just trying to help you contribute, rather than detract. :)
Originally posted by toastman
You didn't answer my question.

No, you asked me for evidence and then since the evidence I provided demolished the myth of mass arab immigration as a necessary factor to explain the increase in the arab population you

I provided the evidence and because it ran contrary to what you want to believe, to your preconceived notions you moved the goalposts.

No, I asked you to provide simple proof for your assertion, and now you are deflecting. So far all I'm getting from you is song and dance.
But that's alright, I'm very much used to pro Palestinians not backing up their claims :)
Where is your evidence for all this ?

"Patently clear". Which word don't you understand?
Are you really in need of education in the attitudes of the Haganah, the Stern Gang, and Irgun? Are you unaware of the terrorist attacks by groups including people like Ariel Sharon in the earliest days? Are you unaware of the teachings of Theodor Herzl?

Now, being involved in these discussions, having read back on the history (or didn't you bother?) it must be patently clear to you that what Jose stated was true. That this is and was patently clear.

So before you start the interminable cries of "show me the evidence" and "prove it" when, to the one who decides he will not accept any of the evidence it cannot even be proven that the sun shines.

Your tactics are really not worthy of anything but a wry smile. Your philosophy is clearly to try to obfuscate and deny while enjoying Israel's ability to kill its way out of any consideration of justice or decency.

Just presenting the evidence here for you Toasty. Of your inability to engage that is.
Would you like to deny all this again? Go on. Its what you do best. :)
What you do best is whining, I asked a poster to prove his claims, and your response is this babbling drivel ? Geez I must have really hit a nerve with you earlier.
You're a waste of time

Its just time that you are called out on your (lack of) contribution here.

You are just a denial bot, and an insult machine.
You are pointless toasty. At least when it comes to holding debate. You clearly think that disrupting debate is the same as participating.

By your lack of self-awareness - or at least your evasion of it in print - you really do disqualify yourself from any relevance here.

You can be different. It is more about how you operate than who you are. Though who you are seems to be getting in the way of improvement.

Everything you said is an absolute lie. I always contribute and I offer my insight based on the many articles, notes that I have read about the conflict.

You on the other hand are always complaining about the conduct of some poster and you resort to insults more than any other poster. This is the second post in a row where you accused me of literally EXACTLY what you are guilty of.
Beezlebub calling me out on lack of contribution LOL !

Did you even contribute to topic in this thread?

Ah. Denial and misrepresentation again there Toasty.
You are not helping your case.

Please don't take my observations of you and advice to you as insults. It is genuine feedback as to how you come across, and can be useful to you if you can take it on board and make a correction.

I could not possibly insult you in any way that would be meaningful to me. But good discussion is enlightening for all who participate. I am just trying to help you contribute, rather than detract. :)

I simply asked Jose a question. Not because I think he is lying, but because I was curious to see how he came up with the Palestinian Population from 1900 - 1948 being 90% from growth.
I really don't understand why you went off on me for asking a question
Toastman is a real "son of Mary" (as we say in Spanish\Portuguese) compared to rhodescholar, beelzebub.

That guy takes name-calling to a whole new level. :biggrin:

Maybe the fact he's an israeli citizen and has family in Israel explain why he gets so emotional about the IP conflict from time to time.
Originally posted by toastman
You didn't answer my question.

No, you asked me for evidence and then since the evidence I provided demolished the myth of mass arab immigration as a necessary factor to explain the increase in the arab population you

I provided the evidence and because it ran contrary to what you want to believe, to your preconceived notions you moved the goalposts.

No, I asked you to provide simple proof for your assertion, and now you are deflecting. So far all I'm getting from you is song and dance.
But that's alright, I'm very much used to pro Palestinians not backing up their claims :)
"Patently clear". Which word don't you understand?
Are you really in need of education in the attitudes of the Haganah, the Stern Gang, and Irgun? Are you unaware of the terrorist attacks by groups including people like Ariel Sharon in the earliest days? Are you unaware of the teachings of Theodor Herzl?

Now, being involved in these discussions, having read back on the history (or didn't you bother?) it must be patently clear to you that what Jose stated was true. That this is and was patently clear.

So before you start the interminable cries of "show me the evidence" and "prove it" when, to the one who decides he will not accept any of the evidence it cannot even be proven that the sun shines.

Your tactics are really not worthy of anything but a wry smile. Your philosophy is clearly to try to obfuscate and deny while enjoying Israel's ability to kill its way out of any consideration of justice or decency.

Just presenting the evidence here for you Toasty. Of your inability to engage that is.
Would you like to deny all this again? Go on. Its what you do best. :)
What you do best is whining, I asked a poster to prove his claims, and your response is this babbling drivel ? Geez I must have really hit a nerve with you earlier.
You're a waste of time

Its just time that you are called out on your (lack of) contribution here.

You are just a denial bot, and an insult machine.
You are pointless toasty. At least when it comes to holding debate. You clearly think that disrupting debate is the same as participating.

By your lack of self-awareness - or at least your evasion of it in print - you really do disqualify yourself from any relevance here.

You can be different. It is more about how you operate than who you are. Though who you are seems to be getting in the way of improvement.

Everything you said is an absolute lie. I always contribute and I offer my insight based on the many articles, notes that I have read about the conflict.

You on the other hand are always complaining about the conduct of some poster and you resort to insults more than any other poster. This is the second post in a row where you accused me of literally EXACTLY what you are guilty of.
Beezlebub calling me out on lack of contribution LOL !

Did you even contribute to topic in this thread?

Ah. Denial and misrepresentation again there Toasty.
You are not helping your case.

Please don't take my observations of you and advice to you as insults. It is genuine feedback as to how you come across, and can be useful to you if you can take it on board and make a correction.

I could not possibly insult you in any way that would be meaningful to me. But good discussion is enlightening for all who participate. I am just trying to help you contribute, rather than detract. :)

I simply asked Jose a question. Not because I think he is lying, but because I was curious to see how he came up with the Palestinian Population from 1900 - 1948 being 90% from growth.
I really don't understand why you went off on me for asking a question

You're posting someones opinion.
Israel is far from a theocracy.


Read the definition and look at the current theocracies.
Every time you lie, you are just showing us all just how dumb you are.

Your posts Toastman are so full of bile and insult, it shows how incapable you are of accepting that other people have viewpoints which are not your own.

In that, in your wish for a mono culture of opinion you really do display your own moronic mentality.

Do you have any idea that you come across as poorly educated and dogmatic beyond reason?
Well, have a think on it. You anyway achieve nothing by calling names so consistently.

Originally posted by toastman
You didn't answer my question.

No, you asked me for evidence and then since the evidence I provided demolished the myth of mass arab immigration as a necessary factor to explain the increase in the arab population you

I provided the evidence and because it ran contrary to what you want to believe, to your preconceived notions you moved the goalposts.

No, I asked you to provide simple proof for your assertion, and now you are deflecting. So far all I'm getting from you is song and dance.
But that's alright, I'm very much used to pro Palestinians not backing up their claims :)

I simply asked Jose a question. Not because I think he is lying, but because I was curious to see how he came up with the Palestinian Population from 1900 - 1948 being 90% from growth.
I really don't understand why you went off on me for asking a question

You are being dishonest with yourself again Toastman.
I'll just show you above, again, Toastman, what you put.

But I take your message that your self image says are too perfect to even want to change. And will watch your posts with amusement. :)
Toastman is a real "son of Mary" (as we say in Spanish\Portuguese) compared to rhodescholar, beelzebub.

That guy takes name-calling to a whole new level. :biggrin:

Maybe the fact he's an israeli citizen and has family in Israel explain why he gets so emotional about the IP conflict from time to time.

What name calling are you talking about ?

And you still haven't answered my question. All you're doing is attacking me and deflecting
Originally posted by toastman
You didn't answer my question.

No, you asked me for evidence and then since the evidence I provided demolished the myth of mass arab immigration as a necessary factor to explain the increase in the arab population you

I provided the evidence and because it ran contrary to what you want to believe, to your preconceived notions you moved the goalposts.

No, I asked you to provide simple proof for your assertion, and now you are deflecting. So far all I'm getting from you is song and dance.
But that's alright, I'm very much used to pro Palestinians not backing up their claims :)
What you do best is whining, I asked a poster to prove his claims, and your response is this babbling drivel ? Geez I must have really hit a nerve with you earlier.
You're a waste of time

Its just time that you are called out on your (lack of) contribution here.

You are just a denial bot, and an insult machine.
You are pointless toasty. At least when it comes to holding debate. You clearly think that disrupting debate is the same as participating.

By your lack of self-awareness - or at least your evasion of it in print - you really do disqualify yourself from any relevance here.

You can be different. It is more about how you operate than who you are. Though who you are seems to be getting in the way of improvement.

Everything you said is an absolute lie. I always contribute and I offer my insight based on the many articles, notes that I have read about the conflict.

You on the other hand are always complaining about the conduct of some poster and you resort to insults more than any other poster. This is the second post in a row where you accused me of literally EXACTLY what you are guilty of.
Beezlebub calling me out on lack of contribution LOL !

Did you even contribute to topic in this thread?

Ah. Denial and misrepresentation again there Toasty.
You are not helping your case.

Please don't take my observations of you and advice to you as insults. It is genuine feedback as to how you come across, and can be useful to you if you can take it on board and make a correction.

I could not possibly insult you in any way that would be meaningful to me. But good discussion is enlightening for all who participate. I am just trying to help you contribute, rather than detract. :)

I simply asked Jose a question. Not because I think he is lying, but because I was curious to see how he came up with the Palestinian Population from 1900 - 1948 being 90% from growth.
I really don't understand why you went off on me for asking a question

You are being dishonest with yourself again Toastman.
You're posting someones opinion.
Israel is far from a theocracy.


Read the definition and look at the current theocracies.
Every time you lie, you are just showing us all just how dumb you are.

Your posts Toastman are so full of bile and insult, it shows how incapable you are of accepting that other people have viewpoints which are not your own.

In that, in your wish for a mono culture of opinion you really do display your own moronic mentality.

Do you have any idea that you come across as poorly educated and dogmatic beyond reason?
Well, have a think on it. You anyway achieve nothing by calling names so consistently.

Originally posted by toastman
You didn't answer my question.

No, you asked me for evidence and then since the evidence I provided demolished the myth of mass arab immigration as a necessary factor to explain the increase in the arab population you

I provided the evidence and because it ran contrary to what you want to believe, to your preconceived notions you moved the goalposts.

No, I asked you to provide simple proof for your assertion, and now you are deflecting. So far all I'm getting from you is song and dance.
But that's alright, I'm very much used to pro Palestinians not backing up their claims :)

I simply asked Jose a question. Not because I think he is lying, but because I was curious to see how he came up with the Palestinian Population from 1900 - 1948 being 90% from growth.
I really don't understand why you went off on me for asking a question

You are being dishonest with yourself again Toastman.
I'll just show you above, again, Toastman, what you put.

But I take your message that your self image says are too perfect to even want to change. And will watch your posts with amusement. :)

How am I being dishonest? Look at post #82
Since when calling others "son of Mary" (meaning someone as peaceful as Jesus) is attacking them?

Settle down before you explode.
Originally posted by toastman
You didn't answer my question.

No, you asked me for evidence and then since the evidence I provided demolished the myth of mass arab immigration as a necessary factor to explain the increase in the arab population you

I provided the evidence and because it ran contrary to what you want to believe, to your preconceived notions you moved the goalposts.

No, I asked you to provide simple proof for your assertion, and now you are deflecting. So far all I'm getting from you is song and dance.
But that's alright, I'm very much used to pro Palestinians not backing up their claims :)
Its just time that you are called out on your (lack of) contribution here.

You are just a denial bot, and an insult machine.
You are pointless toasty. At least when it comes to holding debate. You clearly think that disrupting debate is the same as participating.

By your lack of self-awareness - or at least your evasion of it in print - you really do disqualify yourself from any relevance here.

You can be different. It is more about how you operate than who you are. Though who you are seems to be getting in the way of improvement.

Everything you said is an absolute lie. I always contribute and I offer my insight based on the many articles, notes that I have read about the conflict.

You on the other hand are always complaining about the conduct of some poster and you resort to insults more than any other poster. This is the second post in a row where you accused me of literally EXACTLY what you are guilty of.
Beezlebub calling me out on lack of contribution LOL !

Did you even contribute to topic in this thread?

Ah. Denial and misrepresentation again there Toasty.
You are not helping your case.

Please don't take my observations of you and advice to you as insults. It is genuine feedback as to how you come across, and can be useful to you if you can take it on board and make a correction.

I could not possibly insult you in any way that would be meaningful to me. But good discussion is enlightening for all who participate. I am just trying to help you contribute, rather than detract. :)

I simply asked Jose a question. Not because I think he is lying, but because I was curious to see how he came up with the Palestinian Population from 1900 - 1948 being 90% from growth.
I really don't understand why you went off on me for asking a question

You are being dishonest with yourself again Toastman.
You're posting someones opinion.
Israel is far from a theocracy.


Read the definition and look at the current theocracies.
Every time you lie, you are just showing us all just how dumb you are.

Your posts Toastman are so full of bile and insult, it shows how incapable you are of accepting that other people have viewpoints which are not your own.

In that, in your wish for a mono culture of opinion you really do display your own moronic mentality.

Do you have any idea that you come across as poorly educated and dogmatic beyond reason?
Well, have a think on it. You anyway achieve nothing by calling names so consistently.

Originally posted by toastman
You didn't answer my question.

No, you asked me for evidence and then since the evidence I provided demolished the myth of mass arab immigration as a necessary factor to explain the increase in the arab population you

I provided the evidence and because it ran contrary to what you want to believe, to your preconceived notions you moved the goalposts.

No, I asked you to provide simple proof for your assertion, and now you are deflecting. So far all I'm getting from you is song and dance.
But that's alright, I'm very much used to pro Palestinians not backing up their claims :)

I simply asked Jose a question. Not because I think he is lying, but because I was curious to see how he came up with the Palestinian Population from 1900 - 1948 being 90% from growth.
I really don't understand why you went off on me for asking a question

You are being dishonest with yourself again Toastman.
I'll just show you above, again, Toastman, what you put.

But I take your message that your self image says are too perfect to even want to change. And will watch your posts with amusement. :)

How am I being dishonest? Look at post #82

Dear dear Toasty. Try to get with the program!

You cannot just ask for proof and then for proof of the proof then say the proof is not enough and not proven!
If you have a pure question, that you actually want to understand something about, use Google. Check it out yourself. If you cannot find something that proves or denies it within two minutes you are web-incompetent.

If you find evidence you accept, move the discussion forward. If you find evidence that a claim or viewpoint is wrong put it up there and see if you have discredited the point, or made a fool of yourself.

To insist that you debate effectively by insisting that an opponent proves the bleeding obvious over and over is not debate.

There, endeth the lesson.

If you need more coaching Toastman, then you are in need of greater help than I can offer for free. Let me know though, and I can coach you at rates we can agree on. :)
No, you asked me for evidence and then since the evidence I provided demolished the myth of mass arab immigration as a necessary factor to explain the increase in the arab population you

I provided the evidence and because it ran contrary to what you want to believe, to your preconceived notions you moved the goalposts.

No, I asked you to provide simple proof for your assertion, and now you are deflecting. So far all I'm getting from you is song and dance.
But that's alright, I'm very much used to pro Palestinians not backing up their claims :)
Everything you said is an absolute lie. I always contribute and I offer my insight based on the many articles, notes that I have read about the conflict.

You on the other hand are always complaining about the conduct of some poster and you resort to insults more than any other poster. This is the second post in a row where you accused me of literally EXACTLY what you are guilty of.
Beezlebub calling me out on lack of contribution LOL !

Did you even contribute to topic in this thread?

Ah. Denial and misrepresentation again there Toasty.
You are not helping your case.

Please don't take my observations of you and advice to you as insults. It is genuine feedback as to how you come across, and can be useful to you if you can take it on board and make a correction.

I could not possibly insult you in any way that would be meaningful to me. But good discussion is enlightening for all who participate. I am just trying to help you contribute, rather than detract. :)

I simply asked Jose a question. Not because I think he is lying, but because I was curious to see how he came up with the Palestinian Population from 1900 - 1948 being 90% from growth.
I really don't understand why you went off on me for asking a question

You are being dishonest with yourself again Toastman.
You're posting someones opinion.
Israel is far from a theocracy.


Read the definition and look at the current theocracies.
Every time you lie, you are just showing us all just how dumb you are.

Your posts Toastman are so full of bile and insult, it shows how incapable you are of accepting that other people have viewpoints which are not your own.

In that, in your wish for a mono culture of opinion you really do display your own moronic mentality.

Do you have any idea that you come across as poorly educated and dogmatic beyond reason?
Well, have a think on it. You anyway achieve nothing by calling names so consistently.

No, you asked me for evidence and then since the evidence I provided demolished the myth of mass arab immigration as a necessary factor to explain the increase in the arab population you

I provided the evidence and because it ran contrary to what you want to believe, to your preconceived notions you moved the goalposts.

No, I asked you to provide simple proof for your assertion, and now you are deflecting. So far all I'm getting from you is song and dance.
But that's alright, I'm very much used to pro Palestinians not backing up their claims :)

I simply asked Jose a question. Not because I think he is lying, but because I was curious to see how he came up with the Palestinian Population from 1900 - 1948 being 90% from growth.
I really don't understand why you went off on me for asking a question

You are being dishonest with yourself again Toastman.
I'll just show you above, again, Toastman, what you put.

But I take your message that your self image says are too perfect to even want to change. And will watch your posts with amusement. :)

How am I being dishonest? Look at post #82

Dear dear Toasty. Try to get with the program!

You cannot just ask for proof and then for proof of the proof then say the proof is not enough and not proven!
If you have a pure question, that you actually want to understand something about, use Google. Check it out yourself. If you cannot find something that proves or denies it within two minutes you are web-incompetent.

If you find evidence you accept, move the discussion forward. If you find evidence that a claim or viewpoint is wrong put it up there and see if you have discredited the point, or made a fool of yourself.

To insist that you debate effectively by insisting that an opponent proves the bleeding obvious over and over is not debate.

There, endeth the lesson.

If you need more coaching Toastman, then you are in need of greater help than I can offer for free. Let me know though, and I can coach you at rates we can agree on. :)

Yikes, yet another post full of useless drivel! You're on a roll Beezle.
I asked you to point out what I was being dishonest about , and you come up with this deflection again.

Lets review this whole situation. Jose made a couple of points , and I asked him for evidence to back up one of them. Specifically, how he came up with the fact that from 1900-1948, 90% of the Palestinian population increase was by natural growth. In response to my request to provide a link, you responded several times with insults, whining and trying to give me lessons on something that you need lessons on. You also called me dishonest without pointing out what I was being dishonest about. Then you ask me to go look it up myself. So, let ME tell YOU how it works. When someone makes a claim like Jose, it is their duty to back it up.
Jose also responded to my post several times but has yet to provide a link.
Go to bed Beezle. You have a big day tomorrow of complaining about people's posts, whining, accusing others of what you are guilty of and spreading lies about Israel Sweet Dreams . Don't let the Zionist bugs bite :)
"Like the one that stated that arab muslims only owned 0.8% and the Jews owned 4.8%."

Nowhere did it say that. You are making things up again. This is what the British Survey of Palestine presented to the UN in 1946 before partition said. Christians and Muslims owned about 90% of Palestine as per the table in the Survey provided for your entertainment:

View attachment 32626

Table 1 that you now miss off and you no longer provide the link to because it destroys your POV.

This is a table of land occupancy by tenants and owners and the bottom line shows that the Jews own more land than the arabs

Rural and urban property taxes for the year 1942-1943

arabs £P 351,000
Jews £P 448,000

So two ISLAMONAZI LIES in one post, it was dealing with the situation in 1942-1943 not 1946 as you claim and it clearly shows that property tax which is based on land ownership was MUCH higher for the Jews than the arabs. These documents do not lie unlike you who is caught out lying all the time.

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