Father Knows Best

As far as Israel being destroyed, the Palestinians have every right to call for a secular democratic state that enfranchises all the people under it's rule/sovereignty, by definition Israel is a state for Jews and calls itself the Jewish state. No one should have to live in a theocracy, even those of the religion of the theocracy.
Obscure drivel.
Just fact, son.
Funny drivel.

Just fact, son.
As far as Israel being destroyed, the Palestinians have every right to call for a secular democratic state that enfranchises all the people under it's rule/sovereignty, by definition Israel is a state for Jews and calls itself the Jewish state. No one should have to live in a theocracy, even those of the religion of the theocracy.
Obscure drivel.
Just fact, son.
Funny drivel.
Just fact, son.
Just drivel.
"So you are denying the ethnic cleansing by Palestinian arab muslims of 10% of the population through terror"

Yes, the only people ethnically cleansed were the Christians and Muslims.

As far as collaborating with Nazis:

Yes to save Jews from murder and the holocaust, unlike the deal struck with Hitler and the muslims to kill the Jews and to take part in the Holocaust.

"Yes to save Jews from murder and the holocaust, unlike the deal struck with Hitler and the muslims to kill the Jews and to take part in the Holocaust."

The Mufti wanted a deal with Hitler for much the same reason as the Jews did, self preservation. The Mufti knew full that the Jews were an existential threat to the non-Jews of Palestine andl what would happen if Jews continued to pour into Palestine. Unfortunately for the Christians and Muslims, the Mufti was right.

First off Monti, how many times do I have to remind you that as a massive propaganda machine, you have no right to call accuse someone else of posting propaganda. Second, Phoenall was right about collaboration with the Nazi, it was to save Jewish lives This has been a well known fact for a while , but you always distort the truth.
The Nazis today are the Palestinian extremists who constantly scream for Israels destruction. In fact, the Hamas charter says that Israel being destroyed is the only solution, much like Hitlers final solution.
You are full of shit and no one should take your posts seriously.

I am one of the few that just deals in facts. You are an hysterical spouter of bullshit and propaganda. Phoney is a friggin Apartheid supporting murderous psychopath calling for the murder of all Muslims. What a team you make.

I am sure that the Zionist collaboration was to save Jewish lives, why can't you get it through your pea brain that the Palestinians collaborated for the same reason. They knew what would happen if Jews continued to flow into Palestine and they hoped to stop the flow and save their lives, homes and land. That they were unsuccessful doesn't matter, every people have a right to try to survive even against the odds that the Palestinians had against them with the West almost all aligned against the Christians and Muslims.

As far as Israel being destroyed, the Palestinians have every right to call for a secular democratic state that enfranchises all the people under it's rule/sovereignty, by definition Israel is a state for Jews and calls itself the Jewish state. No one should have to live in a theocracy, even those of the religion of the theocracy.

Funny how you deal with facts, but then you lie about Israel being a theocracy. Hahaha!
You don't even know what a theocracy is.
Go in google and give me a mink to the definition of a theocracy and tell me how it applies to Israel.
I deal with facts, and I constantly dismantle your lies, but then you run around saying you only deal with facts.
And I Just love how you always say Palestinian have a right to do this and that and you always excuse their behaviour.
You are a pathetic propaganda spewing liar!
Hahahahahaha theocracy!!
The Israelis are today's Nazis. You support them. Makes sense, you being an Apartheid supporter.
While Monte spews out that the Israelis are the new Nazis, it is his own brethren who are actually the new Nazis with their murdering so many people. Since Mein Kampf is one of the best sellers in the Muslim world, Monte probably has read his numerous times and wishes that Hitler was more successful in wiping out more Jews. That is why we see the Muslims carrying signs about Hitler and the Jews. I think anyone with brains can see that Monte is like a one-man band, a propaganda machine in bashing Israel. Bad for your health, Monte, bashing Israel all day long. Get up for a while and take a little walk. Israel will still be there when you get back and you can continue to bash the country and its citizens all you want.
The Israelis are today's Nazis. You support them. Makes sense, you being an Apartheid supporter.[

While Monte spews out that the Israelis are the new Nazis, it is his own brethren who are actually the new Nazis with their murdering so many people. Since Mein Kampf is one of the best sellers in the Muslim world, Monte probably has read his numerous times and wishes that Hitler was more successful in wiping out more Jews. That is why we see the Muslims carrying signs about Hitler and the Jews. I think anyone with brains can see that Monte is like a one-man band, a propaganda machine in bashing Israel. Bad for your health, Monte, bashing Israel all day long. Get up for a while and take a little walk. Israel will still be there when you get back and you can continue to bash the country and its citizens all you want.

In a ridiculous, vain attempt to cow Montelatici, Housefly here, uses the most tried and true method that pro-Zionists have in their ill-bag of tricks and that is to denigrate their opponents by either outright calling them a Nazi or associating them with Nazis. What's a real hoot here, is Housefly calling another a Nazi who, first, justly called his brethren Nazis. Montelatici has it right, Housefly, Israelis are, indeed, today's Nazis . . . land-thieving today's Nazis at that! ~ Susan
PS I think anyone with brains, Housefly, can easily see that a country about the size of New Jersey wields entirely too much power over the Congress of the United States of America, you horse's caboose, you. 8220 How big is Israel compared to the US 8221 and other factual questions about modern Israel A New Journey

So you are now deny the truth as shown by history and actions. How is ISIL acting if not like NAZIS, the Palestinians are NAZIS, the Syrians, the Iranians, the philipino's muslims, the horn of Africa muslims all NAZI in their actions. Roll into another nation and take it by force of arms, kill the inhabitants that refuse to join your crusade and rape the women. Then march on the next nation until you can go no further. Not one Islamic nation converted to islam willingly, and this includes Saudi Arabia.
In fact Islam spread and gained territory in the exact same manner as ISIS is doing today. The Koran = terrorist manual.

Wow, what an impression I've made on the propaganda spouting Israel Firsters! By just quoting official documents from the UN/LoN archives, I am able to demolish the propaganda that the Zionists have been promulgating for over a century. I can understand how upsetting that could be when your responses are limited to ridiculous assertions with no backup or backed up by Zionist propaganda sites.

As far as Islam, I find it just as repulsive as Judaism when either is practiced by religious extremists, but that has nothing to do with the human rights of the Palestinians, some of whom are my Christian brothers and sisters.

Yeah, sure, some of the Palestinians are your sisters and brothers. I would say some of the Pakistanis are more like your sisters and brothers. See how that relative of the Energizer Bunny is starting off the day once again. Strange how the Muslims are busy murdering people in not only the Middle East, but in Southeast Asia and Africa, and the Energizer Bunny Propagandist can't spend a minute condemning this because he is too with demonizing Israel and the Jews.
"So you are denying the ethnic cleansing by Palestinian arab muslims of 10% of the population through terror"

Yes, the only people ethnically cleansed were the Christians and Muslims.

As far as collaborating with Nazis:

That was 1933 and there was no collaberation. It was a transfer agreement.The Jews at that early date knew what was in store for them.
"So you are denying the ethnic cleansing by Palestinian arab muslims of 10% of the population through terror"

Yes, the only people ethnically cleansed were the Christians and Muslims.

As far as collaborating with Nazis:

That was 1933 and there was no collaberation. It was a transfer agreement.The Jews at that early date knew what was in store for them.

So did the Palestinians.
"So you are denying the ethnic cleansing by Palestinian arab muslims of 10% of the population through terror"

Yes, the only people ethnically cleansed were the Christians and Muslims.

As far as collaborating with Nazis:

Yes to save Jews from murder and the holocaust, unlike the deal struck with Hitler and the muslims to kill the Jews and to take part in the Holocaust.

"Yes to save Jews from murder and the holocaust, unlike the deal struck with Hitler and the muslims to kill the Jews and to take part in the Holocaust."

The Mufti wanted a deal with Hitler for much the same reason as the Jews did, self preservation. The Mufti knew full that the Jews were an existential threat to the non-Jews of Palestine andl what would happen if Jews continued to pour into Palestine. Unfortunately for the Christians and Muslims, the Mufti was right.

First off Monti, how many times do I have to remind you that as a massive propaganda machine, you have no right to call accuse someone else of posting propaganda. Second, Phoenall was right about collaboration with the Nazi, it was to save Jewish lives This has been a well known fact for a while , but you always distort the truth.
The Nazis today are the Palestinian extremists who constantly scream for Israels destruction. In fact, the Hamas charter says that Israel being destroyed is the only solution, much like Hitlers final solution.
You are full of shit and no one should take your posts seriously.

I am one of the few that just deals in facts. You are an hysterical spouter of bullshit and propaganda. Phoney is a friggin Apartheid supporting murderous psychopath calling for the murder of all Muslims. What a team you make.

I am sure that the Zionist collaboration was to save Jewish lives, why can't you get it through your pea brain that the Palestinians collaborated for the same reason. They knew what would happen if Jews continued to flow into Palestine and they hoped to stop the flow and save their lives, homes and land. That they were unsuccessful doesn't matter, every people have a right to try to survive even against the odds that the Palestinians had against them with the West almost all aligned against the Christians and Muslims.

As far as Israel being destroyed, the Palestinians have every right to call for a secular democratic state that enfranchises all the people under it's rule/sovereignty, by definition Israel is a state for Jews and calls itself the Jewish state. No one should have to live in a theocracy, even those of the religion of the theocracy.

Funny how you deal with facts, but then you lie about Israel being a theocracy. Hahaha!
You don't even know what a theocracy is.
Go in google and give me a mink to the definition of a theocracy and tell me how it applies to Israel.
I deal with facts, and I constantly dismantle your lies, but then you run around saying you only deal with facts.
And I Just love how you always say Palestinian have a right to do this and that and you always excuse their behaviour.
You are a pathetic propaganda spewing liar!
Hahahahahaha theocracy!!

"In any event, Israel is already a semi-theocracy. The Israelis who were frightened by the minister's remarks and who love viewing their country as liberal, Western and secular are forgetting that our life here is more religious, traditional and halakhic than we are prepared to admit.

Between Stockholm and Tehran, Israel of 2009 is much closer to Tehran. From birth to death, from circumcision to funeral, from the establishment of the state to the establishment of the last of the illegal outposts in the West Bank - we are operating in the shadow of the commandments of religion. We should be honest with ourselves and admit it already: The country is too religious. Neeman just wanted to take this one step further, something one can and must come out against; but the religious-nationalist campaign began a long time ago, and it is still going strong."

While Monte spews out that the Israelis are the new Nazis, it is his own brethren who are actually the new Nazis with their murdering so many people. Since Mein Kampf is one of the best sellers in the Muslim world, Monte probably has read his numerous times and wishes that Hitler was more successful in wiping out more Jews. That is why we see the Muslims carrying signs about Hitler and the Jews. I think anyone with brains can see that Monte is like a one-man band, a propaganda machine in bashing Israel. Bad for your health, Monte, bashing Israel all day long. Get up for a while and take a little walk. Israel will still be there when you get back and you can continue to bash the country and its citizens all you want.
In a ridiculous, vain attempt to cow Montelatici, Housefly here, uses the most tried and true method that pro-Zionists have in their ill-bag of tricks and that is to denigrate their opponents by either outright calling them a Nazi or associating them with Nazis. What's a real hoot here, is Housefly calling another a Nazi who, first, justly called his brethren Nazis. Montelatici has it right, Housefly, Israelis are, indeed, today's Nazis . . . land-thieving today's Nazis at that! ~ Susan
PS I think anyone with brains, Housefly, can easily see that a country about the size of New Jersey wields entirely too much power over the Congress of the United States of America, you horse's caboose, you. 8220 How big is Israel compared to the US 8221 and other factual questions about modern Israel A New Journey

So you are now deny the truth as shown by history and actions. How is ISIL acting if not like NAZIS, the Palestinians are NAZIS, the Syrians, the Iranians, the philipino's muslims, the horn of Africa muslims all NAZI in their actions. Roll into another nation and take it by force of arms, kill the inhabitants that refuse to join your crusade and rape the women. Then march on the next nation until you can go no further. Not one Islamic nation converted to islam willingly, and this includes Saudi Arabia.
In fact Islam spread and gained territory in the exact same manner as ISIS is doing today. The Koran = terrorist manual.

Wow, what an impression I've made on the propaganda spouting Israel Firsters! By just quoting official documents from the UN/LoN archives, I am able to demolish the propaganda that the Zionists have been promulgating for over a century. I can understand how upsetting that could be when your responses are limited to ridiculous assertions with no backup or backed up by Zionist propaganda sites.

As far as Islam, I find it just as repulsive as Judaism when either is practiced by religious extremists, but that has nothing to do with the human rights of the Palestinians, some of whom are my Christian brothers and sisters.

Yeah, sure, some of the Palestinians are your sisters and brothers. I would say some of the Pakistanis are more like your sisters and brothers. See how that relative of the Energizer Bunny is starting off the day once again. Strange how the Muslims are busy murdering people in not only the Middle East, but in Southeast Asia and Africa, and the Energizer Bunny Propagandist can't spend a minute condemning this because he is too with demonizing Israel and the Jews.

Are you also racist towards Pakistanis as well as Blacks in your support for Apartheid? Why do you consider it an insult to associate a poster, that has made you look like a fool, with Pakistanis?

Nevertheless, I am more American and Christian than you will ever be, son. Grow up.
"So you are denying the ethnic cleansing by Palestinian arab muslims of 10% of the population through terror"

Yes, the only people ethnically cleansed were the Christians and Muslims.

As far as collaborating with Nazis:

That was 1933 and there was no collaberation. It was a transfer agreement.The Jews at that early date knew what was in store for them.

So did the Palestinians.

If they knew why did they stay. Seems pretty dumb for them to believe the Arab States would have their backs.
Yes to save Jews from murder and the holocaust, unlike the deal struck with Hitler and the muslims to kill the Jews and to take part in the Holocaust.

"Yes to save Jews from murder and the holocaust, unlike the deal struck with Hitler and the muslims to kill the Jews and to take part in the Holocaust."

The Mufti wanted a deal with Hitler for much the same reason as the Jews did, self preservation. The Mufti knew full that the Jews were an existential threat to the non-Jews of Palestine andl what would happen if Jews continued to pour into Palestine. Unfortunately for the Christians and Muslims, the Mufti was right.

First off Monti, how many times do I have to remind you that as a massive propaganda machine, you have no right to call accuse someone else of posting propaganda. Second, Phoenall was right about collaboration with the Nazi, it was to save Jewish lives This has been a well known fact for a while , but you always distort the truth.
The Nazis today are the Palestinian extremists who constantly scream for Israels destruction. In fact, the Hamas charter says that Israel being destroyed is the only solution, much like Hitlers final solution.
You are full of shit and no one should take your posts seriously.

I am one of the few that just deals in facts. You are an hysterical spouter of bullshit and propaganda. Phoney is a friggin Apartheid supporting murderous psychopath calling for the murder of all Muslims. What a team you make.

I am sure that the Zionist collaboration was to save Jewish lives, why can't you get it through your pea brain that the Palestinians collaborated for the same reason. They knew what would happen if Jews continued to flow into Palestine and they hoped to stop the flow and save their lives, homes and land. That they were unsuccessful doesn't matter, every people have a right to try to survive even against the odds that the Palestinians had against them with the West almost all aligned against the Christians and Muslims.

As far as Israel being destroyed, the Palestinians have every right to call for a secular democratic state that enfranchises all the people under it's rule/sovereignty, by definition Israel is a state for Jews and calls itself the Jewish state. No one should have to live in a theocracy, even those of the religion of the theocracy.

Funny how you deal with facts, but then you lie about Israel being a theocracy. Hahaha!
You don't even know what a theocracy is.
Go in google and give me a mink to the definition of a theocracy and tell me how it applies to Israel.
I deal with facts, and I constantly dismantle your lies, but then you run around saying you only deal with facts.
And I Just love how you always say Palestinian have a right to do this and that and you always excuse their behaviour.
You are a pathetic propaganda spewing liar!
Hahahahahaha theocracy!!

"In any event, Israel is already a semi-theocracy. The Israelis who were frightened by the minister's remarks and who love viewing their country as liberal, Western and secular are forgetting that our life here is more religious, traditional and halakhic than we are prepared to admit.

Between Stockholm and Tehran, Israel of 2009 is much closer to Tehran. From birth to death, from circumcision to funeral, from the establishment of the state to the establishment of the last of the illegal outposts in the West Bank - we are operating in the shadow of the commandments of religion. We should be honest with ourselves and admit it already: The country is too religious. Neeman just wanted to take this one step further, something one can and must come out against; but the religious-nationalist campaign began a long time ago, and it is still going strong."


You're posting someones opinion.
Israel is far from a theocracy.


Read the definition and look at the current theocracies.
Every time you lie, you are just showing us all just how dumb you are.
You're posting someones opinion.
Israel is far from a theocracy.


Read the definition and look at the current theocracies.
Every time you lie, you are just showing us all just how dumb you are.

Your posts Toastman are so full of bile and insult, it shows how incapable you are of accepting that other people have viewpoints which are not your own.

In that, in your wish for a mono culture of opinion you really do display your own moronic mentality.

Do you have any idea that you come across as poorly educated and dogmatic beyond reason?
Well, have a think on it. You anyway achieve nothing by calling names so consistently.
"So you are denying the ethnic cleansing by Palestinian arab muslims of 10% of the population through terror"

Yes, the only people ethnically cleansed were the Christians and Muslims.

As far as collaborating with Nazis:

That was 1933 and there was no collaberation. It was a transfer agreement.The Jews at that early date knew what was in store for them.

So did the Palestinians.

If they knew why did they stay. Seems pretty dumb for them to believe the Arab States would have their backs.

Would you leave your house and land when there was an outside chance of remaining? Why don't you put yourself in the place of a Christian family of modest means living in Nazareth, for example. The wealthy Christians (and Muslims) did, in fact, leave early on.
Seriously, the Arab Muslim Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem was Hitler's butt buddy in the Middle East. In fact they loved each other so much that hitler wanted to adopt Islam as the official state religion of the Nazis. I find it extremely funny how Pali IslamoNazi lovers like Mohomod Latici speak of Nazism! With their history they should be shitting their traps, but no.......

"Like the one that stated that arab muslims only owned 0.8% and the Jews owned 4.8%."

Nowhere did it say that. You are making things up again. This is what the British Survey of Palestine presented to the UN in 1946 before partition said. Christians and Muslims owned about 90% of Palestine as per the table in the Survey provided for your entertainment:

View attachment 32626
Now tell us how Jerusalem that had a Jewish majority in the late 1800's ended up being invaded by hoards of Arab Muslims from neighboring Arab Muslim states (encouraged and recorded by the British I might add), who adopted the name "Palestinian" only in the mid 1960's, a name referred exclusively to the JEWS of the region.

You are one funny IslamoNazi propagandist that keeps failing epically at every level. Ha ha ha.
Arabs are good at invading and taking other people's houses. History proves that conclusively Mohomod. Ask the ancient Jews of Hebron, that Muslims committed ethnic cleansing and genocide upon in 1929. I believe it was their homes and fathers and brothers Muslim animals drew first blood and massacred.
Rrrright, we should lower ourselves to the level of you Pali IslamoNazi lovers. Ha ha ha! What a fuckin' maroon.
"Like the one that stated that arab muslims only owned 0.8% and the Jews owned 4.8%."

Nowhere did it say that. You are making things up again. This is what the British Survey of Palestine presented to the UN in 1946 before partition said. Christians and Muslims owned about 90% of Palestine as per the table in the Survey provided for your entertainment:

View attachment 32626
Now tell us how Jerusalem that had a Jewish majority in the late 1800's ended up being invaded by hoards of Arab Muslims from neighboring Arab Muslim states (encouraged and recorded by the British I might add), who adopted the name "Palestinian" only in the mid 1960's, a name referred exclusively to the JEWS of the region.

You are one funny IslamoNazi propagandist that keeps failing epically at every level. Ha ha ha.

You mean the Europeans that invaded Palestine and occupied Jerusalem? You are one silly Zionazi.

So you are now deny the truth as shown by history and actions. How is ISIL acting if not like NAZIS, the Palestinians are NAZIS, the Syrians, the Iranians, the philipino's muslims, the horn of Africa muslims all NAZI in their actions. Roll into another nation and take it by force of arms, kill the inhabitants that refuse to join your crusade and rape the women. Then march on the next nation until you can go no further. Not one Islamic nation converted to islam willingly, and this includes Saudi Arabia.
In fact Islam spread and gained territory in the exact same manner as ISIS is doing today. The Koran = terrorist manual.

Wow, what an impression I've made on the propaganda spouting Israel Firsters! By just quoting official documents from the UN/LoN archives, I am able to demolish the propaganda that the Zionists have been promulgating for over a century. I can understand how upsetting that could be when your responses are limited to ridiculous assertions with no backup or backed up by Zionist propaganda sites.

As far as Islam, I find it just as repulsive as Judaism when either is practiced by religious extremists, but that has nothing to do with the human rights of the Palestinians, some of whom are my Christian brothers and sisters.

Yeah, sure, some of the Palestinians are your sisters and brothers. I would say some of the Pakistanis are more like your sisters and brothers. See how that relative of the Energizer Bunny is starting off the day once again. Strange how the Muslims are busy murdering people in not only the Middle East, but in Southeast Asia and Africa, and the Energizer Bunny Propagandist can't spend a minute condemning this because he is too with demonizing Israel and the Jews.

Are you also racist towards Pakistanis as well as Blacks in your support for Apartheid? Why do you consider it an insult to associate a poster, that has made you look like a fool, with Pakistanis?

Nevertheless, I am more American and Christian than you will ever be, son. Grow up.

Taqiyya is a wonderful thing. A person can tell the Infidels anything he wants to. Has anyone seen this "Christian" Monte on any other forum condemning what his Muslim brethren are doing to others? Christian throats are being slit in Nigeria, and Monte is silent. Christians are being killed in Iraq and Syria, and Monte is quiet. Christians are being thrown into jail in Iran, and yet Monte is quiet. Christians are thrown into jail in Pakistan for allegedly committing blasphemy, and Monte is quiet. It is only when there are Jews involved, then the good "Christian" Monte feels he has to speak up.
"So you are denying the ethnic cleansing by Palestinian arab muslims of 10% of the population through terror"

Yes, the only people ethnically cleansed were the Christians and Muslims.

As far as collaborating with Nazis:

That was 1933 and there was no collaberation. It was a transfer agreement.The Jews at that early date knew what was in store for them.

So did the Palestinians.

If they knew why did they stay. Seems pretty dumb for them to believe the Arab States would have their backs.

Would you leave your house and land when there was an outside chance of remaining? Why don't you put yourself in the place of a Christian family of modest means living in Nazareth, for example. The wealthy Christians (and Muslims) did, in fact, leave early on.

I would think that the wealthy people stayed and became citizens of Israel, and the ones who actually didn't have so much left. It is amusing how we are told to accept that these Arabs were such wealthy people and they had to leave so much behind. In fact, the ones who were actually wealthy were the Jews who had to leave their property and assets in Muslim countries. Years ago it was figured out that if people had to be compensated, it would be ten to one in favor of the Jews.

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