Father Knows Best

"Like the one that stated that arab muslims only owned 0.8% and the Jews owned 4.8%."

Nowhere did it say that. You are making things up again. This is what the British Survey of Palestine presented to the UN in 1946 before partition said. Christians and Muslims owned about 90% of Palestine as per the table in the Survey provided for your entertainment:

View attachment 32626
Now tell us how Jerusalem that had a Jewish majority in the late 1800's ended up being invaded by hoards of Arab Muslims from neighboring Arab Muslim states (encouraged and recorded by the British I might add), who adopted the name "Palestinian" only in the mid 1960's, a name referred exclusively to the JEWS of the region.

You are one funny IslamoNazi propagandist that keeps failing epically at every level. Ha ha ha.

You mean the Europeans that invaded Palestine and occupied Jerusalem? You are one silly Zionazi.
You can have your Muslim view of history, and others can think otherwise. It is pathetic how the Muslims all over the world whether they have even met a Jew or not are all together in trying to prove that Israel has no legitimacy mainly because the Muslims want the entire Middle East to be ruled by Muslims just as they hope that the entire world will be under Islamic rule eventually.

I have a practical view of history. I don't care what religion people are. European Jews came from Europe, threw out Muslims and Christians and colonized Palestine, that's just a fact.

You're posting someones opinion.
Israel is far from a theocracy.


Read the definition and look at the current theocracies.
Every time you lie, you are just showing us all just how dumb you are.

Your posts Toastman are so full of bile and insult, it shows how incapable you are of accepting that other people have viewpoints which are not your own.

In that, in your wish for a mono culture of opinion you really do display your own moronic mentality.

Do you have any idea that you come across as poorly educated and dogmatic beyond reason?
Well, have a think on it. You anyway achieve nothing by calling names so consistently.

Interesting. You're whining about me calling him names while you're doing the same thing , but even worse.
BTW you hypocrite, you constantly attack those who have a of different view point than you. What's even more hypocritical is that you call me poorly educated when your education level is probably grade 5 .

But most of all, WTF does any of this drivel have to Israel not being a theocracy ?
"Like the one that stated that arab muslims only owned 0.8% and the Jews owned 4.8%."

Nowhere did it say that. You are making things up again. This is what the British Survey of Palestine presented to the UN in 1946 before partition said. Christians and Muslims owned about 90% of Palestine as per the table in the Survey provided for your entertainment:

View attachment 32626
Now tell us how Jerusalem that had a Jewish majority in the late 1800's ended up being invaded by hoards of Arab Muslims from neighboring Arab Muslim states (encouraged and recorded by the British I might add), who adopted the name "Palestinian" only in the mid 1960's, a name referred exclusively to the JEWS of the region.

You are one funny IslamoNazi propagandist that keeps failing epically at every level. Ha ha ha.

You mean the Europeans that invaded Palestine and occupied Jerusalem? You are one silly Zionazi.

What king of a person doesn;t know the definition of a simple word like 'invade' ? Are you in grade 2?
I have a practical view of history. I don't care what religion people are. European Jews came from Europe, threw out Muslims and Christians and colonized Palestine, that's just a fact.

You can believe whatever floats your boat. This is only a message forum and we are not going to change the world here, not even if they charge you up to be a propaganda machine for 24 hours a day. I happen to believe the British Officials who were in the area and who reported back that the Arabs were coming in droves from their poor countries for the jobs the Jews had for them. Why do you think so many Muslims are flooding into Europe and the Western Hemisphere now from their poor countries like Somalia, Pakistan, Turkey, etc?. Why do you think the Hispanics are crossing our southern border? People who can't earn a living in their own country travel to where the work is and that is what happened to the Arabs.
Why was the United States Hossfly was born into 70 years ago almost entirely white (90%)?

You already had a superabundance of jobs in the US and poverty in those countries when good ol' Hoss saw the light of the day for the first time in his life.

Why didn't the Mexicans, Indians and Nigerians flood those countries much sooner in, let's say, 1850, 1900, 1940?

Because America (as well as Britain, Australia, Canada, etc, etc...) hadn't adopted yet the post-WWII social paradigm of multiculturalism according to which western nations needed to destroy their own ethnic composition to become less white and more diverse.

The jobs were already there in the West and the poverty was already there too, much more than today in Mexico, Somalia, Pakistan, Turkey, etc... but the poor in those countries had no chance in Hell to immigrate to those countries who at that time fiercely protected their ethnic composition.

1940 America arrested and deported them if they tried to immigrate.

2014 America even pays their air ticket in many cases.

Third worlders are flooding into the West because of multiculturalism not jobs.

Jobs in America, Britain and poverty in Mexico, India exist since 1800.

What made the difference from 1950 - 1960 on was the adoption of multiculturalism.

Multiculturalism is what allows them to immigrate now and stay for the rest of their lives, raising families, creating roots etc, etc...
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The zionist project was anything but multiculturalist.

It was patently clear for everybody that european Jews were creating a country of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews.

So the "arabs were coming in droves for the jobs the Jews had for them" line is a cynical lie. The jobs available for arabs were so few it couldn't have had any demographic impact.

90% of the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to higher birth rates thanks to the improvements in sanitation and hospitals built by the british authorities.

But by all means keep resorting to lies to try and delegitimize their right to live in their homeland.
After 65 years seeing people creating new ways to distort the truth to deny their birthright it's not likely they'll give a damn anyway...
The zionist project was anything but multiculturalist.

It was patently clear for everybody that european Jews were creating a country of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews.

So the "arabs were coming in droves for the jobs the Jews had for them" line is a cynical lie. The jobs available for arabs were so few it couldn't have had any demographic impact.

90% of the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to higher birth rates thanks to the improvements in sanitation and hospitals built by the british authorities.

But by all means keep resorting to lies to try and delegitimize their right to live in their homeland.

Where is your evidence for all this ?
After 65 years seeing people creating new ways to distort the truth to deny their birthright it's not likely they'll give a damn anyway...

Agreed. After almost 7 decades of Palestinian lies, propaganda and distorting history, deluded people like you eventually fall for all of it. It;s quite pathetic actually.
Why was the United States Hossfly was born into 70 years ago almost entirely white (90%)?

You already had a superabundance of jobs in the US and poverty in those countries when good ol' Hoss saw the light of the day for the first time in his life.

Why didn't the Mexicans, Indians and Nigerians flood those countries much sooner in, let's say, 1850, 1900, 1940?

Because America (as well as Britain, Australia, Canada, etc, etc...) hadn't adopted yet the post-WWII social paradigm of multiculturalism according to which western nations needed to destroy their own ethnic composition to become less white and more diverse.

The jobs were already there in the West and the poverty was already there too, much more than today in Mexico, Somalia, Pakistan, Turkey, etc... but the poor in those countries had no chance in Hell to immigrate to those countries who at that time fiercely protected their ethnic composition.

1940 America arrested and deported them if they tried to immigrate.

2014 America even pays their air ticket in many cases.

Third worlders are flooding into the West because of multiculturalism not jobs.

Jobs in America, Britain and poverty in Mexico, India exist since 1800.

What made the difference from 1950 - 1960 on was the adoption of multiculturalism.

Multiculturalism is what allows them to immigrate now and stay for the rest of their lives, raising families, creating roots etc, etc...
So tell us, José, why did Saudi Arabia deport 50,000 poor Ethiopian workers the other year. Is it because they didn't like Black people or because they are not too happy with multiculturalism? Why is the president of the Sudan saying he doesn't want any Christians or Blacks in his country? Is he afraid of multiculturalism? José, ask your amigos if they are flooding over the border many times in dangerous situations because they need work, work that their own countries can't supply, or are they looking for multiculturalism. I wonder if José thinks he can do the Mexican Hat Dance in the town square of a Muslim country in the Middle East to show that he likes multiculturalism. Meanwhile, José is going to start a fund for those unfortunate Africans who are desperately trying to get into Europe in those vessels which are not seaworthy. José the great humanitarian is tired of these people drowning and wants to see them get safely to Europe where they can find a good-paying job.

Originally posted by Hossfly
So tell us, José, why did Saudi Arabia deport 50,000 poor Ethiopian workers the other year. Is it because they didn't like Black people or because they are not too happy with multiculturalism? Why is the president of the Sudan saying he doesn't want any Christians or Blacks in his country? Is he afraid of multiculturalism?

You can bet your texan barbecue they are shitting and pissing their pants at the thought of losing the arab national character of KSA and Sudan.

You can bet your underwear this is what drives the mass deportations you referred to. Multiculturalism is a mental disease that only affects western countries.

Originally posted by Hossfly
José, ask your amigos if they are flooding over the border many times in dangerous situations because they need work, work that their own countries can't supply, or are they looking for multiculturalism.

Don't be that dense, Hoss.

Of course they come for the jobs but they are allowed to stay in America, Europe for the rest of their lives because those countries adopted an official policy of racial diversity (aka, multiculturalism) almost 50 years ago.

How hard would it be for a military behemoth like America's to expel peaceful (for the most part), unarmed illegal immigrants if the country really had the political will to do so?

10 million of those poor souls would probably offer less resistance than a single american rightwing paramilitary militia armed to the teeth if the government tried to take their weapons.

Be a real man and face up to the harsh reality, Hossfly...

Anglos (and whites in general) are becoming a minority in the country their ancestors built because this is exactly what their government wants them to become.
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And for the record...

I would be the first one to passionately defend the right of the jewish people to preserve Israel's jewish majority if this majority were not built on supremacist ground.

No people in the world deserve a state where they can be a majority more than Jews...

But you have to separate the right of a non-supremacist state to preserve its ethnic makeup like America from the moral depravation we see in Palestine.

Jews protecting the jewish majority of a non-supremacist state... absolutely OK.

But when you keep an ethnic group herded into enclaves to keep the majority you definitely cross the line that separates preservation of racial makeup and moral depravation.
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The zionist project

was anything but multiculturalist.

It was patently clear for everybody that european Jews were creating a country of the Jews, by the Jews and for the


So the "arabs were coming in droves for the jobs the Jews had for them" line is a cynical lie. The jobs available

for arabs were so few it couldn't have had any demographic impact.

90% of the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to higher birth rates thanks to the

improvements in sanitation and hospitals built by the british authorities.

But by all means keep resorting to lies to try and delegitimize their right to live in their homeland.

Where is your evidence for all this ?

Excellent question, toastman... so good that I feel like kissing you but I'm not prepared to get out of the closet yet. :biggrin:

But seriously now...

The evidence that 90% of the palestinian population growth from 1900 to 1948 was due to natural growth is exactly what has been happening from 1948 to 2014 in Israel!!

Think with me for a moment:

After the 1948 War... there were inside Israel 270.000 palestinian arabs that eventually got israeli citizenship.

Today the arab citizens of Israel are estimated at 1,658,000 individuals.

In just 65 years they went from 270.000 to more than 1.500.000.

Now bear with me for just a while longer:

I'm sure everybody here, from ultra-zionists like Roudy to PF Tinmore and Montelatici, will be in perfect agreement that Israel cannot be blamed for allowing arab immigration into Israel.

Despite the israeli government's draconian control of Israel's border the country witnessed a brutal increase of its arab population.

Nobody is crazy enough to blame Israel for helping arabs to "immigrate" into the country so the sharp rise in their numbers can only be explained by natural increase, by a high fertility rate.

In a tremendous irony, toastman, what ultimately proves what happened in Palestine before the state of Israel is exactly what happened after the state Israel.

Just like what happened from 1948 to 2014, the growth of the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to natural increase not illegal syrians, iraqis and lebanese flocking to the region.
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The zionist project

was anything but multiculturalist.

It was patently clear for everybody that european Jews were creating a country of the Jews, by the Jews and for the


So the "arabs were coming in droves for the jobs the Jews had for them" line is a cynical lie. The jobs available

for arabs were so few it couldn't have had any demographic impact.

90% of the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to higher birth rates thanks to the

improvements in sanitation and hospitals built by the british authorities.

But by all means keep resorting to lies to try and delegitimize their right to live in their homeland.

Where is your evidence for all this ?

Excellent question, toastman... so good that I feel like kissing you but I'm not prepared to get out of the closet yet. :biggrin:

But seriously now...

The evidence that 90% of the palestinian population growth from 1900 to 1948 was due to natural growth is exactly what has been happening from 1948 to 2014 in Israel!!

Think with me for a moment:

After the 1948 War... there were inside Israel 270.000 palestinian arabs that eventually got israeli citizenship.

Today the arab citizens of Israel are estimated at 1,658,000 individuals.

In just 65 years they went from 270.000 to more than 1.500.000.

Now bear with me for just a while longer:

I'm sure everybody here, from ultra-zionists like Roudy to PF Tinmore and Montelatici, will be in perfect agreement that Israel cannot be blamed for allowing arab immigration into Israel.

Despite the israeli government's draconian control of Israel's border the country witnessed a brutal increase of its arab population.

Nobody is crazy enough to blame Israel for helping arabs to "immigrate" into the country so the sharp rise in their numbers can only be explained by natural increase, by a high fertility rate.

In a tremendous irony, toastman, what ultimately proves what happened in Palestine before the state of Israel is exactly what happened after the state Israel.

Just like what happened from 1948 to 2014, the growth of the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to natural increase not illegal syrians, iraqis and lebanese flocking to the region.
You're posting all this without links. Where did you read that there were few jobs for Arabs ? Where is the chart for Palestinian growth between 1900 - 1948 being 90% natural ?
The zionist project was anything but multiculturalist.

It was patently clear for everybody that european Jews were creating a country of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews.

So the "arabs were coming in droves for the jobs the Jews had for them" line is a cynical lie. The jobs available for arabs were so few it couldn't have had any demographic impact.

90% of the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to higher birth rates thanks to the improvements in sanitation and hospitals built by the british authorities.

But by all means keep resorting to lies to try and delegitimize their right to live in their homeland.

Where is your evidence for all this ?

"Patently clear". Which word don't you understand?
Are you really in need of education in the attitudes of the Haganah, the Stern Gang, and Irgun? Are you unaware of the terrorist attacks by groups including people like Ariel Sharon in the earliest days? Are you unaware of the teachings of Theodor Herzl?

Now, being involved in these discussions, having read back on the history (or didn't you bother?) it must be patently clear to you that what Jose stated was true. That this is and was patently clear.

So before you start the interminable cries of "show me the evidence" and "prove it" when, to the one who decides he will not accept any of the evidence it cannot even be proven that the sun shines.

Your tactics are really not worthy of anything but a wry smile. Your philosophy is clearly to try to obfuscate and deny while enjoying Israel's ability to kill its way out of any consideration of justice or decency.

Just presenting the evidence here for you Toasty. Of your inability to engage that is.
Would you like to deny all this again? Go on. Its what you do best. :)
Originally posted by toastman
You're posting all this without links. Where did you read that there were few jobs for Arabs ? Where is the chart for Palestinian growth between 1900 - 1948 being 90% natural ?

You asked me for evidence and I provided to you.

From 1948 to 2014 without any arab immigration whatsoever, the number of arabs inside Israel jumped from 270.000 to 1.658.000.

A brutal increase by any standard.

According to israeli historians, between 1964 and 1966 the palestinian fertility rate reached the world record of 4.5 percent a year.

So the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 is perfectly explainable without any need to resort to Joan Peters' fables about "mass arab immigration" into Palestine.
The zionist project was anything but multiculturalist.

It was patently clear for everybody that european Jews were creating a country of the Jews, by the Jews and for the Jews.

So the "arabs were coming in droves for the jobs the Jews had for them" line is a cynical lie. The jobs available for arabs were so few it couldn't have had any demographic impact.

90% of the increase in the palestinian population from 1900 to 1948 was due to higher birth rates thanks to the improvements in sanitation and hospitals built by the british authorities.

But by all means keep resorting to lies to try and delegitimize their right to live in their homeland.

Where is your evidence for all this ?

"Patently clear". Which word don't you understand?
Are you really in need of education in the attitudes of the Haganah, the Stern Gang, and Irgun? Are you unaware of the terrorist attacks by groups including people like Ariel Sharon in the earliest days? Are you unaware of the teachings of Theodor Herzl?

Now, being involved in these discussions, having read back on the history (or didn't you bother?) it must be patently clear to you that what Jose stated was true. That this is and was patently clear.

So before you start the interminable cries of "show me the evidence" and "prove it" when, to the one who decides he will not accept any of the evidence it cannot even be proven that the sun shines.

Your tactics are really not worthy of anything but a wry smile. Your philosophy is clearly to try to obfuscate and deny while enjoying Israel's ability to kill its way out of any consideration of justice or decency.

Just presenting the evidence here for you Toasty. Of your inability to engage that is.
Would you like to deny all this again? Go on. Its what you do best. :)
What you do best is whining, I asked a poster to prove his claims, and your response is this babbling drivel ? Geez I must have really hit a nerve with you earlier.
You're a waste of time

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