Father Knows Best

With you, as a supposed Christian, it's always about glorifying child murdering land thieves. Do you mind telling the board when you first became a bootlicking Israeli firster? When you wear out the pages of Revelation in your bible, I'm sure you know of a bookstore where you can obtain a new copy.
Not a Christian, Ethel.

It's abundantly clear to me now Moshe :)

Ahmed, it's time to take your shitty little self and go to bed. You have a big day of spewing hatred and lying about Israel tomorrow :cool:

I apologize for making you so angry and upset with me . . . calm down, I'm really not a bad person. ~ Susan
PS Put a little love in your heart :)

Angry? How did you come to that conclusion?
I was just offering you some advice to go to sleep soon so that you are refreshed for your day tomorrow! You should thank me :)

Awww, thanks . . . I should have known all along that you had my best interest at heart :)


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Why, I think you forgot how the term IslamNazi got coined. Palestinians were the first people that blended Islam with Nazism, successfully.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.
Isn't it great how the Muslims show us how much they admire Hitler by making Mein Kampf a best seller in the Muslim world? I would say that given how many people the Muslims have killed and are still killing not only in the Middle East but in Southeast Asia and Africa, they certainly are following in the footsteps of the Nazis. Can you imagine how long it would take the Jews to even kill a tenth of those the Muslims have killed?

Got a LINK to prove that one Tex?
You seem very behind the times if you didn't know that. You can read it on Radio Islam because I don't think you are going to sashay to some Muslim country to buy a copy. Moreover, if you don't know that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people, then you really are behind the times. Plus if you or I were wandering in some areas in the Muslim world, they wouldn't hesitate to do either you or me in since we are considered Infidels. If they can kill each other because of a sect, do you really think that either of us would be safe? Don't go into a certain area of Lebanon right now where the Sunnis and Shia are having at each other.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Index - Radio Islam

Thats a link to download the book...

Where's the link to state that its a bestseller?
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.
Yeah but but but it was your hero the Nazi mufti of Jerusalem that convinced Hitler to kill an additional half a million Jews as opposed to let them escape Germany with their life only. The hoax of a Palestinian people was established on the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocents. Congrats. What a noble cause.

Why should have the Christians and Muslims invited Jews to take their land and homes away from them. You are really disturbed.
Yeah? Jews were the majority population in Jerusalem in the late 1800's before the Muslim invasion. And it was Muslims who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron who had been there since the Crusades. It was because of that event that Jews decided to arm themselves against the Muslim animals.

The land never belonged to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years and after that it became British territory. Jordan is Arab Palestine. Get it right, convert.

How silly you are, even in 1896 after much European Jew immigration, Jews were not a majority in Jerusalem. You really made my day with your silly comment as now I can show what a brainwashed moron you are. It is on film you fool.

Epic fail again on the false propaganda Mohomod Latici. Bullshit youtube clip just won't cut it.


Jerusalem's population has long been counted according to the three religio-ethnic groups in the city, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and according to subgroups within each group.

Despite the pervasive Arab and pro-Arab propaganda of the 21st century, Arab Muslims were a minority in Jerusalem throughout the 19th century.
Jews as absolute or relative majority
YearJewsMuslimsChristiansTotalOriginal SourceAs quoted in
18829,0007,0005,00021,000WilsonKark and Oren-Nordheim, 2001[12]
188515,0006,00014,00035,000GoldmannKark and Oren-Nordheim, 2001[12]
1893>50% ? ?~40,000Albert Shaw, WriterShaw, 1894 [36]
189628,1128,5608,74845,420Calendar of Palestine for the year 5656Harrel and Stendel, 1974
190513,30011,0008,10032,4001905 Ottoman census (only Ottoman citizens)U.O.Schmelz[37]
192233,97113,41314,66962,578Census of Palestine (British)Harrel and Stendel, 1974
193151,20019,90019,30090,053Census of Palestine (British)Harrel and Stendel, 1974
194497,00030,60029,400157,000 ?Harrel and Stendel, 1974
No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.
Yeah but but but it was your hero the Nazi mufti of Jerusalem that convinced Hitler to kill an additional half a million Jews as opposed to let them escape Germany with their life only. The hoax of a Palestinian people was established on the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocents. Congrats. What a noble cause.

Why should have the Christians and Muslims invited Jews to take their land and homes away from them. You are really disturbed.
Yeah? Jews were the majority population in Jerusalem in the late 1800's before the Muslim invasion. And it was Muslims who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron who had been there since the Crusades. It was because of that event that Jews decided to arm themselves against the Muslim animals.

The land never belonged to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years and after that it became British territory. Jordan is Arab Palestine. Get it right, convert.

How silly you are, even in 1896 after much European Jew immigration, Jews were not a majority in Jerusalem. You really made my day with your silly comment as now I can show what a brainwashed moron you are. It is on film you fool.

Epic fail again on the false propaganda Mohomod Latici. Bullshit youtube clip just won't cut it.


Jerusalem's population has long been counted according to the three religio-ethnic groups in the city, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and according to subgroups within each group.

Despite the pervasive Arab and pro-Arab propaganda of the 21st century, Arab Muslims were a minority in Jerusalem throughout the 19th century.

As usual you are spouting propaganda from Jewish/Zionist sources. I provide data from independent sources, like reports of the Mandatory available from the UN archives or documentary evidence like this Lumiere Brothers documentary.
Yup. This is undeniable truth. Truth that Monti the Nazi cannot comprehend

No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.
Isn't it great how the Muslims show us how much they admire Hitler by making Mein Kampf a best seller in the Muslim world? I would say that given how many people the Muslims have killed and are still killing not only in the Middle East but in Southeast Asia and Africa, they certainly are following in the footsteps of the Nazis. Can you imagine how long it would take the Jews to even kill a tenth of those the Muslims have killed?

Got a LINK to prove that one Tex?
You seem very behind the times if you didn't know that. You can read it on Radio Islam because I don't think you are going to sashay to some Muslim country to buy a copy. Moreover, if you don't know that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people, then you really are behind the times. Plus if you or I were wandering in some areas in the Muslim world, they wouldn't hesitate to do either you or me in since we are considered Infidels. If they can kill each other because of a sect, do you really think that either of us would be safe? Don't go into a certain area of Lebanon right now where the Sunnis and Shia are having at each other.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Index - Radio Islam

Thats a link to download the book...

Where's the link to state that its a bestseller?
Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph
No, the Zionazis copied the German version and brought it to Palestine. The fact that the Israel Firsters are also Apartheid supporters makes it pretty clear who the neo-Nazis are.
Isn't it great how the Muslims show us how much they admire Hitler by making Mein Kampf a best seller in the Muslim world? I would say that given how many people the Muslims have killed and are still killing not only in the Middle East but in Southeast Asia and Africa, they certainly are following in the footsteps of the Nazis. Can you imagine how long it would take the Jews to even kill a tenth of those the Muslims have killed?

Got a LINK to prove that one Tex?
You seem very behind the times if you didn't know that. You can read it on Radio Islam because I don't think you are going to sashay to some Muslim country to buy a copy. Moreover, if you don't know that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people, then you really are behind the times. Plus if you or I were wandering in some areas in the Muslim world, they wouldn't hesitate to do either you or me in since we are considered Infidels. If they can kill each other because of a sect, do you really think that either of us would be safe? Don't go into a certain area of Lebanon right now where the Sunnis and Shia are having at each other.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Index - Radio Islam

Thats a link to download the book...

Where's the link to state that its a bestseller?
Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Not a best seller in Arabic, but in English it is top of the charts, apparently.

Mein Kampf becomes an ebook bestseller Books theguardian.com
Isn't it great how the Muslims show us how much they admire Hitler by making Mein Kampf a best seller in the Muslim world? I would say that given how many people the Muslims have killed and are still killing not only in the Middle East but in Southeast Asia and Africa, they certainly are following in the footsteps of the Nazis. Can you imagine how long it would take the Jews to even kill a tenth of those the Muslims have killed?

Got a LINK to prove that one Tex?
You seem very behind the times if you didn't know that. You can read it on Radio Islam because I don't think you are going to sashay to some Muslim country to buy a copy. Moreover, if you don't know that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people, then you really are behind the times. Plus if you or I were wandering in some areas in the Muslim world, they wouldn't hesitate to do either you or me in since we are considered Infidels. If they can kill each other because of a sect, do you really think that either of us would be safe? Don't go into a certain area of Lebanon right now where the Sunnis and Shia are having at each other.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Index - Radio Islam

Thats a link to download the book...

Where's the link to state that its a bestseller?
Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Not a best seller in Arabic, but in English it is top of the charts, apparently.

Mein Kampf becomes an ebook bestseller Books theguardian.com
First 3 paragraphs of the link I provided

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops.

But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population.

Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph
“Trying to curb Hitler’s sales has proven a futile exercise worldwide,” he wrote. “Since showing up in Asia 15 years ago, 'Mein Kampf' has sold in excess of 100,000 copies in India. In 2005, the debut of the first-ever Turkish translation sold 100,000 copies in the first two months. And now, with the e-book revolution in full swing, readers are downloading Hitler everywhere.”

Jewish leaders fear online surge of Hitler s Mein Kampf fuels new wave of hate Fox News
Got a LINK to prove that one Tex?
You seem very behind the times if you didn't know that. You can read it on Radio Islam because I don't think you are going to sashay to some Muslim country to buy a copy. Moreover, if you don't know that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people, then you really are behind the times. Plus if you or I were wandering in some areas in the Muslim world, they wouldn't hesitate to do either you or me in since we are considered Infidels. If they can kill each other because of a sect, do you really think that either of us would be safe? Don't go into a certain area of Lebanon right now where the Sunnis and Shia are having at each other.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Index - Radio Islam

Thats a link to download the book...

Where's the link to state that its a bestseller?
Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Not a best seller in Arabic, but in English it is top of the charts, apparently.

Mein Kampf becomes an ebook bestseller Books theguardian.com
First 3 paragraphs of the link I provided

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops.

But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population.

Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Sheesh, it is a best seller in the Palestinian Territories, not in Arabic!!!!! Try to understand what you read.
Yeah but but but it was your hero the Nazi mufti of Jerusalem that convinced Hitler to kill an additional half a million Jews as opposed to let them escape Germany with their life only. The hoax of a Palestinian people was established on the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocents. Congrats. What a noble cause.

Why should have the Christians and Muslims invited Jews to take their land and homes away from them. You are really disturbed.
Yeah? Jews were the majority population in Jerusalem in the late 1800's before the Muslim invasion. And it was Muslims who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron who had been there since the Crusades. It was because of that event that Jews decided to arm themselves against the Muslim animals.

The land never belonged to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years and after that it became British territory. Jordan is Arab Palestine. Get it right, convert.

How silly you are, even in 1896 after much European Jew immigration, Jews were not a majority in Jerusalem. You really made my day with your silly comment as now I can show what a brainwashed moron you are. It is on film you fool.

Epic fail again on the false propaganda Mohomod Latici. Bullshit youtube clip just won't cut it.


Jerusalem's population has long been counted according to the three religio-ethnic groups in the city, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and according to subgroups within each group.

Despite the pervasive Arab and pro-Arab propaganda of the 21st century, Arab Muslims were a minority in Jerusalem throughout the 19th century.

As usual you are spouting propaganda from Jewish/Zionist sources. I provide data from independent sources, like reports of the Mandatory available from the UN archives or documentary evidence like this Lumiere Brothers documentary.

You seem very behind the times if you didn't know that. You can read it on Radio Islam because I don't think you are going to sashay to some Muslim country to buy a copy. Moreover, if you don't know that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people, then you really are behind the times. Plus if you or I were wandering in some areas in the Muslim world, they wouldn't hesitate to do either you or me in since we are considered Infidels. If they can kill each other because of a sect, do you really think that either of us would be safe? Don't go into a certain area of Lebanon right now where the Sunnis and Shia are having at each other.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Index - Radio Islam

Thats a link to download the book...

Where's the link to state that its a bestseller?
Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Not a best seller in Arabic, but in English it is top of the charts, apparently.

Mein Kampf becomes an ebook bestseller Books theguardian.com
First 3 paragraphs of the link I provided

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops.

But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population.

Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Sheesh, it is a best seller in the Palestinian Territories, not in Arabic!!!!! Try to understand what you read.

Further proof that Palestinians are neo - Nazis
Why should have the Christians and Muslims invited Jews to take their land and homes away from them. You are really disturbed.
Yeah? Jews were the majority population in Jerusalem in the late 1800's before the Muslim invasion. And it was Muslims who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron who had been there since the Crusades. It was because of that event that Jews decided to arm themselves against the Muslim animals.

The land never belonged to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years and after that it became British territory. Jordan is Arab Palestine. Get it right, convert.

How silly you are, even in 1896 after much European Jew immigration, Jews were not a majority in Jerusalem. You really made my day with your silly comment as now I can show what a brainwashed moron you are. It is on film you fool.

Epic fail again on the false propaganda Mohomod Latici. Bullshit youtube clip just won't cut it.


Jerusalem's population has long been counted according to the three religio-ethnic groups in the city, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and according to subgroups within each group.

Despite the pervasive Arab and pro-Arab propaganda of the 21st century, Arab Muslims were a minority in Jerusalem throughout the 19th century.

As usual you are spouting propaganda from Jewish/Zionist sources. I provide data from independent sources, like reports of the Mandatory available from the UN archives or documentary evidence like this Lumiere Brothers documentary.

Thats a link to download the book...

Where's the link to state that its a bestseller?
Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Not a best seller in Arabic, but in English it is top of the charts, apparently.

Mein Kampf becomes an ebook bestseller Books theguardian.com
First 3 paragraphs of the link I provided

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops.

But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population.

Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Sheesh, it is a best seller in the Palestinian Territories, not in Arabic!!!!! Try to understand what you read.

Further proof that Palestinians are neo - Nazis

If you were treated as they have been (and continue to be) by the Jews, you would read Mein Kampf too.
Yeah but but but it was your hero the Nazi mufti of Jerusalem that convinced Hitler to kill an additional half a million Jews as opposed to let them escape Germany with their life only. The hoax of a Palestinian people was established on the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocents. Congrats. What a noble cause.

Why should have the Christians and Muslims invited Jews to take their land and homes away from them. You are really disturbed.
Yeah? Jews were the majority population in Jerusalem in the late 1800's before the Muslim invasion. And it was Muslims who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron who had been there since the Crusades. It was because of that event that Jews decided to arm themselves against the Muslim animals.

The land never belonged to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years and after that it became British territory. Jordan is Arab Palestine. Get it right, convert.

How silly you are, even in 1896 after much European Jew immigration, Jews were not a majority in Jerusalem. You really made my day with your silly comment as now I can show what a brainwashed moron you are. It is on film you fool.

Epic fail again on the false propaganda Mohomod Latici. Bullshit youtube clip just won't cut it.


Jerusalem's population has long been counted according to the three religio-ethnic groups in the city, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and according to subgroups within each group.

Despite the pervasive Arab and pro-Arab propaganda of the 21st century, Arab Muslims were a minority in Jerusalem throughout the 19th century.

As usual you are spouting propaganda from Jewish/Zionist sources. I provide data from independent sources, like reports of the Mandatory available from the UN archives or documentary evidence like this Lumiere Brothers documentary.

Now that's funny, from someone who regularly quotes IslamoNazi / false propoganda sites like "Palestine monitor" or Press TV or "Veteran's News" Ha ha ha. Now look again, dipstick, the graph I posted is from wikipedia and has the sources listed clearly:

Jews as absolute or relative majority
YearJewsMuslimsChristiansTotalOriginal SourceAs quoted in
18829,0007,0005,00021,000WilsonKark and Oren-Nordheim, 2001[12]
188515,0006,00014,00035,000GoldmannKark and Oren-Nordheim, 2001[12]
1893>50%??~40,000Albert Shaw, WriterShaw, 1894 [36]
189628,1128,5608,74845,420Calendar of Palestine for the year 5656Harrel and Stendel, 1974
190513,30011,0008,10032,4001905 Ottoman census (only Ottoman citizens)U.O.Schmelz[37]
192233,97113,41314,66962,578Census of Palestine (British)Harrel and Stendel, 1974
193151,20019,90019,30090,053Census of Palestine (British)Harrel and Stendel, 1974
194497,00030,60029,400157,000?Harrel and Stendel, 1974
Yeah? Jews were the majority population in Jerusalem in the late 1800's before the Muslim invasion. And it was Muslims who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron who had been there since the Crusades. It was because of that event that Jews decided to arm themselves against the Muslim animals.

The land never belonged to the Arabs, it was Ottoman territory for 600 years and after that it became British territory. Jordan is Arab Palestine. Get it right, convert.

How silly you are, even in 1896 after much European Jew immigration, Jews were not a majority in Jerusalem. You really made my day with your silly comment as now I can show what a brainwashed moron you are. It is on film you fool.

Epic fail again on the false propaganda Mohomod Latici. Bullshit youtube clip just won't cut it.


Jerusalem's population has long been counted according to the three religio-ethnic groups in the city, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and according to subgroups within each group.

Despite the pervasive Arab and pro-Arab propaganda of the 21st century, Arab Muslims were a minority in Jerusalem throughout the 19th century.

As usual you are spouting propaganda from Jewish/Zionist sources. I provide data from independent sources, like reports of the Mandatory available from the UN archives or documentary evidence like this Lumiere Brothers documentary.

First 3 paragraphs of the link I provided

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops.

But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population.

Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Sheesh, it is a best seller in the Palestinian Territories, not in Arabic!!!!! Try to understand what you read.

Further proof that Palestinians are neo - Nazis

If you were treated as they have been (and continue to be) by the Jews, you would read Mein Kampf too.

The Muslim Mufti of Palestine probably helped Hitler write his book. The closest to Nazi treatment of Jews would be the way Islamist animals treat non Muslim minorities. Get it right, Mohomod.
You seem very behind the times if you didn't know that. You can read it on Radio Islam because I don't think you are going to sashay to some Muslim country to buy a copy. Moreover, if you don't know that the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people, then you really are behind the times. Plus if you or I were wandering in some areas in the Muslim world, they wouldn't hesitate to do either you or me in since we are considered Infidels. If they can kill each other because of a sect, do you really think that either of us would be safe? Don't go into a certain area of Lebanon right now where the Sunnis and Shia are having at each other.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Index - Radio Islam

Thats a link to download the book...

Where's the link to state that its a bestseller?
Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Not a best seller in Arabic, but in English it is top of the charts, apparently.

Mein Kampf becomes an ebook bestseller Books theguardian.com
First 3 paragraphs of the link I provided

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops.

But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population.

Mein Kampf for sale in Arabic - Telegraph

Sheesh, it is a best seller in the Palestinian Territories, not in Arabic!!!!! Try to understand what you read.

Sheesh, what is the language of the Palestinian territories you fucking moron? Ha ha ha. Wow, does it get any stupider than this. If Palestinians had a few more like you defending them they wouldn't need any enemies.
If a best seller is a best seller in England, is it automatically a best seller in Australia because it is in English. Don't let you head blow up when you think about it, you moron.
If a best seller is a best seller in England, is it automatically a best seller in Australia because it is in English. Don't let you head blow up when you think about it, you moron.

Meh who really cares! All Arabs were peeled to their TV's as they watched Blood Libel TV series being broadcasted about Jews killing and then drinking young children's blood for Passover. And Palestinians lead the IslamoNazi pack of Nazi propagandists by broadcasting the worst of worst blood libels, brainwashing their youth and preaching violence and hatred against Jews at every turn. In fact, the Arab / Muslims Neo Nazis, and garden variety anti semites all over the world learn and often quote your beloved PaliNazis. Try again, Mohomod.
If a best seller is a best seller in England, is it automatically a best seller in Australia because it is in English. Don't let you head blow up when you think about it, you moron.

Meh who really cares! All Arabs were peeled to their TV's as they watched Blood Libel TV series being broadcasted about Jews killing and then drinking young children's blood for Passover. And Palestinians lead the IslamoNazi pack of Nazi propagandists by broadcasting the worst of worst blood libels, brainwashing their youth and preaching violence and hatred against Jews at every turn. In fact, the Arab / Muslims Neo Nazis, and garden variety anti semites all over the world learn and often quote your beloved PaliNazis. Try again, Mohomod.

And your beloved Zionazis.
If a best seller is a best seller in England, is it automatically a best seller in Australia because it is in English. Don't let you head blow up when you think about it, you moron.

Meh who really cares! All Arabs were peeled to their TV's as they watched Blood Libel TV series being broadcasted about Jews killing and then drinking young children's blood for Passover. And Palestinians lead the IslamoNazi pack of Nazi propagandists by broadcasting the worst of worst blood libels, brainwashing their youth and preaching violence and hatred against Jews at every turn. In fact, the Arab / Muslims Neo Nazis, and garden variety anti semites all over the world learn and often quote your beloved PaliNazis. Try again, Mohomod.
And your beloved Zionazis.
Oh! Any fresh drivel on/of the ottoman mess of the land registry, happily repeated by the brits? hehe

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