Father of CA Mass Shooting Victim Blames NRA and Republicans


Gold Member
Feb 27, 2014
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Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?

The killer used a knife to murder his three roommates before getting into his car weapon and driving to take out the people. :(:( :( His real weapon was his tortured mind.
I heard this just the other day from the family of a guy who died when his motorcycle was rammed by an SUV. Demanding the immediate banning of all vehicles with more than two wheels.

I guess that would work until some leftard on a unicycle was run down by a Harley.
Ill give him a pass because he's dealing with a tragedy and is probably not thinking rationally, but yeah, what he's saying is obviously wrong.
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Yes, it is their fault. And will continue to be until guns are taken out of the hands of mass murderers.
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?

The killer used a knife to murder his three roommates before getting into his car weapon and driving to take out the people. :(:( :( His real weapon was his tortured mind.

Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Yes, it is their fault. And will continue to be until guns are taken out of the hands of mass murderers.

And how do you propose we take guns out of the hands of mass murders?
So we gotta outlaw tortured minds!

Problem with that is it's so much like Comrade Stalin did. Could we trust Comrade Obama not to write His own definition of "tortured"?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Yes, it is their fault. And will continue to be until guns are taken out of the hands of mass murderers.

Sure, if the NRA dealt in knives, not rifles and guns. I hope you hear yourself right now. Yes, take the guns away from mass murderers, just not everyone else.
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Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Like Rocko said, give him a pass, he's dealing with a devastating personal tragedy.
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I think that some would rather point their stinky little fingers at the NRA and the GOP as opposed to addressing the core issues behind this epidemic...which is the pussification of America. We are coddling failure and making believe it is success...and when reality kicks in, people can't handle the truth.
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?

The killer used a knife to murder his three roommates before getting into his car weapon and driving to take out the people. :(:( :( His real weapon was his tortured mind.

True, plus the NRA and responsible gun owners have been trying to get the medical profession to divulge pertinent information on their dangerous patients so they can't buy guns for many years.
I blame the father of the punk himself for never having gotten the kid proper psychiatric care.

I wouldn't necessarily. The kid was seeing multiple therapists. I don't know if any of them were actually doctors, but there is a possibility that the parents tried the best they could to get the kid the right kind of treatment, they might have just been unsuccessful in achieving that for him.
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Yes, it is their fault. And will continue to be until guns are taken out of the hands of mass murderers.

Sure, if the NRA dealt in knives, not rifles and guns. I hope you hear yourself right now. Yes, take the guns away from mass murderers, just not everyone else.

Honesty isn't Howey's strong suit. He has an agenda, and the truth be damned.
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?

The killer used a knife to murder his three roommates before getting into his car weapon and driving to take out the people. :(:( :( His real weapon was his tortured mind.

True, plus the NRA and responsible gun owners have been trying to get the medical profession to divulge pertinent information on their dangerous patients so they can't buy guns for many years.

The police knew all about it...there was video evidence the kid was unstable and plotting to kill...his guns were legally purchased, and California has universal background checks...and they were all registered to Rodgers.

And none of it did a damn bit of good.

Just like we said...universal background checks and gun registration is all total bunk...and won't keep citizens one iota safer.

And here is the proof.
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The killer used a knife to murder his three roommates before getting into his car weapon and driving to take out the people. :(:( :( His real weapon was his tortured mind.

True, plus the NRA and responsible gun owners have been trying to get the medical profession to divulge pertinent information on their dangerous patients so they can't buy guns for many years.

The police knew all about it...there was video evidence the kid was unstable and plotting to kill...his guns were legally purchased, and California has universal background checks...and they were all registered to Rodgers.

And none of it did a damn bit of good.

And there you have the answer.
Ill give him a pass because he's dealing with a tragedy and is probably not thinking rationally, but yeah, what he's saying is obviously wrong.

No pass. Not from me.. EVER.. This is a guy who makes a living directing movies like "The Hunger Games GLORIFYING teen on teen violence. He BOUGHT the weaponized BMW for his crazy son that used it to put 4 people into the hospital. If you want to know why his son never dwelt in reality -- here's your answer.. In Hollywood, NO ONE is responsible for their wrong decisions and evil actions.. And MORALS and ETHICS are all relative to your self - esteem.

I saw this dude get up to the podium in his first public statement and with veins bulging in his neck -- blame the NRA for what happened. No remorse, no concern for the victims. When HE KNEW his son was deranged and had contacted S. Barbara police for a welfare check a couple weeks before. His SON paid a price for his denial of responsibilities, this "dad" should also...
The killer used a knife to murder his three roommates before getting into his car weapon and driving to take out the people. :(:( :( His real weapon was his tortured mind.

True, plus the NRA and responsible gun owners have been trying to get the medical profession to divulge pertinent information on their dangerous patients so they can't buy guns for many years.

The police knew all about it...there was video evidence the kid was unstable and plotting to kill...his guns were legally purchased, and California has universal background checks...and they were all registered to Rodgers.

And none of it did a damn bit of good.

One thing we can say for sure is that the police dropped the ball on this one big time.
I don't know why the father would blame conservatives, the kid clearly has a liberal mindset.

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