Father of CA Mass Shooting Victim Blames NRA and Republicans

The police knew all about it...there was video evidence the kid was unstable and plotting to kill...his guns were legally purchased, and California has universal background checks...and they were all registered to Rodgers.

And none of it did a damn bit of good.

One thing we can say for sure is that the police dropped the ball on this one big time.

I disagree.

Not the fault of the police, this.

The first responders in this lowlife's life were his parents — not the po-pos. And as has been said here already, not only did they not seek proper care for this disturbed child, they actually encouraged the kid's lunacy.

Cops couldn't do anything about that. Nope.

His parents knew he was going to shoot people? The fact that he could by a gun is the problem.
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Yes, it is their fault. And will continue to be until guns are taken out of the hands of mass murderers.

Then the killers merely change weapons. Nothing changes except the tool. Smart people understand that why do idiots like you not?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Yes, it is their fault. And will continue to be until guns are taken out of the hands of mass murderers.

Then the killers merely change weapons. Nothing changes except the tool. Smart people understand that why do idiots like you not?

You may be correct, but you are far from a smart person.
He stabbed more people to death than he shot. You can't turn a stabbing into a shooting by wishful thinking.
Like I said, it is the pussification of America. Our kids have no sense of reality any more. We give them a trophy for coming in last place. We call failures success and we call success failures. We blame everything and everyone else for failure and enable a false sense of entitlement. We are not honest with our children, and when they face the reality of not being a success, they can't handle it. It just makes no sense.

Or could it be guns are easy to obtain?
Guns were even easier to obtain 30, 40, 50 years ago...what is the difference now that caused this epidemic in mass murders? Guns are NOT the core issue.

Wasn't it 30 years ago the beginning of the end of the middle class? Suckers voted for Ronald Reagan.....
The police knew all about it...there was video evidence the kid was unstable and plotting to kill...his guns were legally purchased, and California has universal background checks...and they were all registered to Rodgers.
And none of it did a damn bit of good.

One thing we can say for sure is that the police dropped the ball on this one big time.


His parents warned the police prior to this. They questioned him several times and ruled he was no threat to anyone.
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

its an election year. what else are the democrats going to hand their hat on? jobs? the economy? Obamacare?

1. There are no jobs because corporate America who supports Republicans is holding the middle class hostage because they want their subsidies back.

2. The economy isn't improving for the middle class because there aren't enough jobs. (see no.1)

3. ACA is necessary because of healthcare insurance companies deregulation by a Republican.

4. I made $25.6M last year and paid $0.00 in personal income tax because my life is subsidized through a Nevada corporation trust which paid 4% income tax. Republicans made rule changes which allows me to do that.

5. Mass shootings by people using high powered large magazine weapons are becoming common place, but efforts to stop selling such weapons and components are being fought by Republicans.

There you have it! You welcome.

The last time you lied about your "income" you claimed 26.5 mil. didn't you? Either way you're still lying! And the asshole involved, killed just as many people with a knife. You can outlaw any damned thing you wish and people like this will still murder. It's what they do.

And funnily enough...it's rich people who are pushing gun control. I wonder why? Maybe they have figured out that to REALLY fuck over the citizens of this country they must first be disarmed. Otherwise the theft might...just might result in the death of those rich people who have been screwing over the peasantry for so long.

Ever notice that? Gun control is the ultimate in class warfare. Disarm the peasants and that allows you to turn them into slaves..... Which IS the ultimate goal of the super rich.

Guns in the hands of the citizen, is the ONLY thing that prevents that. That's why progressive assholes like OP want people disarmed. Then the mass murder on an epic scale can truly begin...
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Is this how it is going to be for now on...every time a nutcase shoots someone, is it really going to be the fault of the NRA and GOP? I don't get it. Is blaming everyone else but the culprit an excuse...is it simply political? What is the rationale or motivation to place the blame on everyone else but the person responsible?
Father of victim: 'Too many have died' - CNN.com Video

Yes, it is their fault. And will continue to be until guns are taken out of the hands of mass murderers.

And how do you propose we take guns out of the hands of mass murders?

Howey said he is the new Sheriff.....he will take care of it........
One thing we can say for sure is that the police dropped the ball on this one big time.


His parents warned the police prior to this. They questioned him several times and ruled he was no threat to anyone.

I don't think that means the cops dropped the ball. Are you proposing that if someone reports a gun owner to police, that the police should abridge their right to own a gun? Slippery slope...next thing you know, if you hold a certain political ideology...you can't own a gun.
Or could it be guns are easy to obtain?
Guns were even easier to obtain 30, 40, 50 years ago...what is the difference now that caused this epidemic in mass murders? Guns are NOT the core issue.

Wasn't it 30 years ago the beginning of the end of the middle class? Suckers voted for Ronald Reagan.....

The middle class could afford to buy a home during Reagans terms. How about under Carter when the interest rate was 17%? You are so completely full of shit I am amazed you can see.

His parents warned the police prior to this. They questioned him several times and ruled he was no threat to anyone.

I don't think that means the cops dropped the ball. Are you proposing that if someone reports a gun owner to police, that the police should abridge their right to own a gun? Slippery slope...next thing you know, if you hold a certain political ideology...you can't own a gun.

They could, and should, have placed him on a 72 hour hold to really check him out. They didn't.

His parents warned the police prior to this. They questioned him several times and ruled he was no threat to anyone.

So the cops are supposed to have a crystal ball?

Are you a moron? The parents were worried enough something bad was going to happen that they called the police. The police investigated and came up with a conclusion after being warned. Guess what? They were wrong in their judgement.
its an election year. what else are the democrats going to hand their hat on? jobs? the economy? Obamacare?

1. There are no jobs because corporate America who supports Republicans is holding the middle class hostage because they want their subsidies back.

2. The economy isn't improving for the middle class because there aren't enough jobs. (see no.1)

3. ACA is necessary because of healthcare insurance companies deregulation by a Republican.

4. I made $25.6M last year and paid $0.00 in personal income tax because my life is subsidized through a Nevada corporation trust which paid 4% income tax. Republicans made rule changes which allows me to do that.

5. Mass shootings by people using high powered large magazine weapons are becoming common place, but efforts to stop selling such weapons and components are being fought by Republicans.

There you have it! You welcome.

The last time you lied about your "income" you claimed 26.5 mil. didn't you? Either way you're still lying! And the asshole involved, killed just as many people with a knife. You can outlaw any damned thing you wish and people like this will still murder. It's what they do.

And funnily enough...it's rich people who are pushing gun control. I wonder why? Maybe they have figured out that to REALLY fuck over the citizens of this country they must first be disarmed. Otherwise the theft might...just might result in the death of those rich people who have been screwing over the peasantry for so long.

Ever notice that? Gun control is the ultimate in class warfare. Disarm the peasants and that allows you to turn them into slaves..... Which IS the ultimate goal of the super rich.

Guns in the hands of the citizen, is the ONLY thing that prevents that. That's why progressive assholes like OP want people disarmed. Then the mass murder on an epic scale can truly begin...

Thanks for noticing my million off. I feel richer now.

He killed 7 and wounded 7 with a knife?

Guess what......you're ALREADY a slave......to the Republican party and the gun lobby.

His parents warned the police prior to this. They questioned him several times and ruled he was no threat to anyone.

I don't think that means the cops dropped the ball. Are you proposing that if someone reports a gun owner to police, that the police should abridge their right to own a gun? Slippery slope...next thing you know, if you hold a certain political ideology...you can't own a gun.

actually California is not to far off in that respect

in 2013 the cops in Los Angeles came and confiscated the firearms

of a lady that spent two days in a mental hold

no due process no warrant

Wearing bulletproof vests and carrying 40-caliber Glock pistols, nine California (STOCA1) Justice Department agents assembled outside a ranch-style house in a suburb east of Los Angeles. They were looking for a gun owner who’d recently spent two days in a mental hospital.

They knocked on the door and asked to come in. About 45 minutes later, they came away peacefully with three firearms.

the rest of the story is spin

California Seizes Guns as Owners Lose Right to Keep Arms - Bloomberg
Gun control doesn't completely work. It can only limit people doing these types of things. I can go back to the city I grew up in and get an assault rifle with no problem from some of my childhood friends. Criminals don't obey the law. Thats why they are criminals.
His parents warned the police prior to this. They questioned him several times and ruled he was no threat to anyone.

So the cops are supposed to have a crystal ball?

Are you a moron? The parents were worried enough something bad was going to happen that they called the police. The police investigated and came up with a conclusion after being warned. Guess what? They were wrong in their judgement.

Hindsight is 20/20. What evidence did the cops have that he was going to kill people?

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