Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'

I thought the Parkland shooting victims were 'crisis actors'...or something.
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

Democrat / Leftist ideals perpetuate a shameless, unaccountable, indecent, immoral, anything goes type of mindset.
I suspect you already knew this?
Then connect the dots. How did dems brainwash this kid into shooting up a school?

Like many Leftists, I believe Cruz was born with genetic deficiencies.
This is his biological mother...I’m guessing she isn’t a devout conservative.
What does that have to do with ideology
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

Democrat / Leftist ideals perpetuate a shameless, unaccountable, indecent, immoral, anything goes type of mindset.
I suspect you already knew this?
Then connect the dots. How did dems brainwash this kid into shooting up a school?

Like many Leftists, I believe Cruz was born with genetic deficiencies.
This is his biological mother...I’m guessing she isn’t a devout conservative.
What does that have to do with ideology
Don't tell him Cruz is a MAGA hat wearing registered Republican.
From what I got out of the article his complaint deals with the Democrats lenient handling of juvenile offenses which results in compromised background checks. He makes a good point.

Pollack argued that new gun control laws are an ineffective solution to the school shooting epidemic, in part because current laws are not being enforced. For example, the Parkland shooter had a violent record, but he was not arrested and therefore able to obtain a weapon legally.

"To me, gun control would’ve been if they arrested him for punching his mother’s teeth out and he got a background,” explained Pollack. "Democrats put these policies in place that don't believe in holding kids accountable or arresting them while they're juveniles...so if they don't arrest them and they don't get a background, then they're able to purchase weapons legally and a background check is useless," he said.
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.

Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.

Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.

Next bullshit story.
Only a fool would think more frivolous gun control laws would’ve saved anybody… Now climb back in your shit hole
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?
It’s the stupidity of progressives like yourself
I thought the Parkland shooting victims were 'crisis actors'...or something.

No, just one in particular. He's making an ass out of himself all the time to keep his mug on social media and media itself. He doesn't realize the Democrats have used and abused him, and he's no longer relevant because they don't need him any longer.
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.

Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.

Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.

Next bullshit story.

Moron......the obama policies allowed this kid to commit crime after crime and not get arrested for them........that allowed him to pass those background checks you asshats keep prattling on about........ violent kids were being allowed to go free without criminal records...all to lower the crime records for the school.....you dope.
Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.
Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.
Next bullshit story.

The area is a BLUE Democrat controlled area. Broward County

Don't give me that "it's a Republican state" Horseshit crap.
Just as we have a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.....are ALL States run by republicans, fool?
States are like a small USA, broken into counties instead of states. Get it?

"Even All of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit"..............yeah right...like you talked to ALL of them :rolleyes:.....lying POS.

ALL these mass shootings are caused by Democrats/Progressives/Liberals and America knows it.

I'd love to see you talk that BS in front of this grieving father.
You know what you can do.

Broward county does not make state or federal gun laws.

Moron.......their policy of not arresting violent students because of obama's "Promise Program" allowed the kid to pass a background check, the very background check you asshats keep droning on and on about....
More guns, more deaths. We're a worldwide embarrassment when it comes to guns and gun deaths among first world nations. But then, we always have been a pretty violent society.

America’s unique gun violence problem, explained in 16 maps and charts

Yet you people are never embarrassed enough to pack your bags and move to one of those other places with less guns. But if you did, there are millions of people from those other countries dying to get here to gladly take your place.
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

Listen to the father explain ...... in this school district each kid was allowed 4 misdemeanor charges before they would actually have anything done to them....then it reset each year.....misdemeanor battery was also excused in this way.....one misdemeanor would have popped on the kids background check for the gun he purchased....you know, the background checks anti-gunners keep pushing, but then void with their policies...
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

I gave a list above. Read it.
Too many of them is the final answer.

THE FATHER of the dead child is correct.
You made a general list. What specifically in relation to this situation. Soft on crime? Like you think the kid should have been in jail?

The kid brought bullets and a knife to school.....that, at a minimum would have given him a misdemeanor record, which would have failed his background check for the gun......that doesn't include all the other things he did at the school...the attacks on other students and staff that didn't get him arrested..
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

Read the rest of the posts. I stated that the Promise Program likely played a huge part in this. The Promise Program was one created by DumBama that showed reporting of a decline in illegalities by minors, especially those of minority status.
So connect the dots. How did the promise program lead to these deaths?

Because they didn't arrest this kid for the violent attacks on other students and staff, and the other crimes he committed.....they didn't show up when he went to buy the gun, they didn't pop on the background check...you know, the very background check anti-gunners wanted to stop kids like this from buying guns....
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.
Which democratic policies do you blame for this poor child’s death?

Read the rest of the posts. I stated that the Promise Program likely played a huge part in this. The Promise Program was one created by DumBama that showed reporting of a decline in illegalities by minors, especially those of minority status.
So connect the dots. How did the promise program lead to these deaths?

Try reading what the father found....

The lax disciplinary policies that caused Parkland massacre may have spread to your school

The confessed shooter allegedly threatened to kill other students and threatened to rape. He threatened to shoot up the school, according to the sheriff's office. Classmates said he brought knives and bullets to school. He wrote hideous racial slurs on his backpack. He carved swastikas in the lunchroom tables.

But the assistant principals at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School didn’t have him arrested. Rather, they simply banned him from bringing a backpack to school and frisked him every day, according to the sworn testimony of the security guard who searched him, for fear he’d bring a deadly weapon and kill.

Broward’s policies allowed juveniles convicted of crimes as serious as murder and rape to go back into normal classrooms. Broward’s “Policy 5006” said that referring serious felonies like sexual assault and arson to the police was optional. Principals were trained to not cooperate with law enforcement, refusing to even tell officers whether suspected felons were on campus.

Disorder and violence ran and seem to still run rampant. A 2019 poll of Broward teachers conducted by the Broward Teachers Union found that 50% feared for their personal safety in the past two years and 13% had been assaulted in the current school year. Only 18% of teachers believe that if a student assaults them, he will be expelled or sent to a special school; just 39% expect that the student would even be suspended. (Three participants in the poll expected an arrest, compared with seven participants who would expect the student to be given a treat.)
Last edited:
Father of Parkland shooting victim: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democratic policies did'


I've been shouting this for YEARS. it's time for this to become known,
This is the FATHER of one of the victims of the Parkland shootings.

Responding to a recent video featuring 2020 Democratic candidates promoting tighter gun control as a safety precaution in schools, Pollack said it made him "ill."

"My daughter paid the ultimate sacrifice because of those Democratic policies and I've been hurt by the Democrats more than anybody in this country -- and I hold them responsible," Pollack said.

This man lost a child in a mass shooting...so all you anti-2nd Amendment leftists jackasses can just shove it and STFU.

While Democrats SCREAM "Confiscation" from every rooftop, they flat refuse to address the ROOT, REAL issue....their insane, socially destructive POLICIES.

Just as they did in the UK and Australia, they continue to have vast and increasing amounts of crime and violence because they stick their heads in the sand after restricting guns to the point of banning them. Then more people die from knife violence or vehiclular violence etc.

We must folks...I mean REALLY MUST, under any and all circumstances, NEVER allow the Left to disarm America or even infringe on our 2nd Amendment rights.


The Founder Fathers knew DAMN WELL what they were doing. Let no tyrants or confused mentally imbalanced person ever do that to you. it would be a fatal mistake.

God Bless this wise man and my DEEPEST condolences for his loss. I'm with you sir and together we shall stop these savage heathens.
I am personally angry that this beautiful young lady was stolen from us all and I 100% blame the left.
He is correct. Guns didn't kill his child. LEFTIST DEMOCRAT Policies do every time.

Right. It was the fault of Democrats in a Republican controlled state with lax gun laws, for the Parkland shooting.

Even all of the students and teachers at Parkland call bullshit.

Next bullshit story.
You lying bastards cannot name one gun law that will stop this. Not one, and when you start lying about it, you will not EVER explain how your bullshit laws will stop it. Because it won't.

Take it up with the last governor that signed a gun law after the shooting because of pressure from Congress he citizens. Then take it up with the citizens that demanded the law. Then take it up with the students teachers, and parents that rallied against the lax gun laws.

Let us know how that works out for you.
More guns, more deaths. We're a worldwide embarrassment when it comes to guns and gun deaths among first world nations. But then, we always have been a pretty violent society.

America’s unique gun violence problem, explained in 16 maps and charts

You mean other than the rest of the worlds mass murder problem?

Europe....2 World wars and 12 million innocent men, women and children sent to gas chambers and mass graves.

Russia...25 million murdered.

China....70 million murdered...

Japan...3 million murdered....

You are a know nothing about actual world history....

As to guns in our country? You know nothing....

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

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