Fatherland (Trump Diner)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The HBO TV-movie Fatherland starring Rutger Hauer presents the dystopian-realism film of a hypothetical but impossible future in which the Third Reich (Nazi Germany) wins WWII and obviously catalyzes a complete change in world history. In this film, which is an adaptation of a praised Robert Harris novel, we see what humanity would feel like if it were under the thumb of a fascist regime with its own mentalism regarding ethics and virtue.

It's important we circulate films such as this, since they encourage dialogue about political decision-making that is free from the natural and problematic biases of profit-gauged psycho-sociological 'safety-zones' (e.g., "Who cares about pondering what the world would have been like if the Nazis won --- we shouldn't even imagine such scary things!").

Now that America has elected a finance-wizard 'celebrity' (Donald Trump) as its 45th President in a time when geo-politics is greatly influenced by media and capital, we might be wise to ask seemingly unnerving questions such as, "Has the world's focus on capitalism turned humanity into 'labor minions'?"

Such a question reveals the new age social appeal of dystopia-caricature film franchises such as Mad Max and GI Joe, and it's always important to consider the educational value of 'movie/entertainment pragmatism' in a pro-democracy anti-censorship society.


The Navy Seals of the Trump Administration were arguably the best military 'force' America (and the world) had ever seen. Calling themselves 'G.I. Joes,' these soldiers and assassins represented patriotism and pro-capitalism romance. Duke, the head of the team, was very opinionated but professionally stern, while Snake-Eyes, the wily assassin and second-in-command, was very cutthroat but perceptive. The 'G.I. Joes' were charged with the military defense of the Trump Administration during the invasion of Communist North Korea in the year 2020.

The invasion was a complete success, and America took over North Korea and unified it with South Korea. Within two years, America's last rival, China, was dismantled as well, and pro-democracy USA became the undisputed heavyweight empire (in all of world history). After the invasion of North Korea, Trump was named Democracy Emperor, and Duke became the Supreme Chancellor of the USA. Snake-Eyes was named Political Chief, and his wife Lila (also a former Navy Seal) was named First Lady of Etiquette. A journalist named Theodore Springer criticized this new 'pro-democracy empire' by calling it a veiled rendition of the Third Reich, but he disappeared...

As the citizens of this 'New World Order' conjectured on the boundaries of free-speech and market guidelines (e.g., European Union, NATO, NAFTA, etc.), the Trump Administration was seen as the first achievement in this re-oriented humanity focused on the sociological beneficialness of unfiltered 'patriotism,' since Donald Trump was once a finance-wizard 'celebrity' seen widely in the media and in magazines across America. Trump's former capitalism-fun TV series Celebrity Apprentice became a new pedestal for 'pro-populism anti-socialism propaganda.' Everyone (including Duke and Snake-Eyes) wondered, however, if this 'New World Order' revealed a completely unsentimental and anti-egalitarian face of humanity.



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