Father's Day Rant


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
I pretty much dread Father's day... this is not a whiny post, just a statement of fact:

My dad left when I was 5 and never showed much interest. My siblings adore him (he's dead now, has been for 5 years) and talk about him like he was the "be all end all" which annoys me, because he wasn't.

But, I'm sure there are lots of good loving fathers out there, and I wish them all the best.

I hope you have a father you can appreciate today.
You were the youngest I assume and jealous your sibblings knew him more? Belevie me He loved you also, just couldn't have been there.
"Couldn't have been there?"

I am pretty sure that means the parting was voluntary - that certainly does not mean that 'he loved' him.

There is no excuse, ever, for a parent to leave a child - period. I can understand why this time would upset him. My mother left me when I was a teenager and that is not a good feeling. I am lucky – it was not as permanent or as trying as bonzi’s case but there will never be a true parent/child relationship there again. The only reason that she even knows I still exist is because I will not let her shitty decisions and lack of any caring for me take away my children’s grandmother (as long as she does not try that shit again).
"Couldn't have been there?"

I am pretty sure that means the parting was voluntary - that certainly does not mean that 'he loved' him.

There is no excuse, ever, for a parent to leave a child - period. I can understand why this time would upset him. My mother left me when I was a teenager and that is not a good feeling. I am lucky – it was not as permanent or as trying as bonzi’s case but there will never be a true parent/child relationship there again. The only reason that she even knows I still exist is because I will not let her shitty decisions and lack of any caring for me take away my children’s grandmother (as long as she does not try that shit again).
You ever hear of girls FUCKING the guy over?

Fuck your dream world, us dad's get screwed over by the court system, we give up.

Takes a lot of money and time to win those court cases , the mother does no wrong the guy is always the blame.
You were the youngest I assume and jealous your sibblings knew him more? Belevie me He loved you also, just couldn't have been there.

is this the feel good bullshit that conservatives try to feed people....total bullshit....

my father was a void in my life.....by choice..his....military service...he was always gone....it took me a long long time to realize he was not the saint i thought he was...that he left cause he couldnt take my crazy mom either....but he wrapped his leaving in the sainthood of military service....and left me to deal with crazy mom....sure he loved me but he loved being a warrior more....i use to be horrified that he was in the tet offensive....but now i just laugh....and think...serves his dumbass for volunteering for the 2nd tour of duty....

cause in reality he just did the best he could....but dont you dare tell someone who feels unloved that they are wrong....you got no reason to do that....or to try to mask this....as he loved you just couldnt stay...he was a grown ass man.....he didnt have to leave his kids to leave his wife...
"Couldn't have been there?"

I am pretty sure that means the parting was voluntary - that certainly does not mean that 'he loved' him.

There is no excuse, ever, for a parent to leave a child - period. I can understand why this time would upset him. My mother left me when I was a teenager and that is not a good feeling. I am lucky – it was not as permanent or as trying as bonzi’s case but there will never be a true parent/child relationship there again. The only reason that she even knows I still exist is because I will not let her shitty decisions and lack of any caring for me take away my children’s grandmother (as long as she does not try that shit again).
You ever hear of girls FUCKING the guy over?

Fuck your dream world, us dad's get screwed over by the court system, we give up.

Takes a lot of money and time to win those court cases , the mother does no wrong the guy is always the blame.

the mantra of dead beat dads everywhere.......
"Couldn't have been there?"

I am pretty sure that means the parting was voluntary - that certainly does not mean that 'he loved' him.

There is no excuse, ever, for a parent to leave a child - period. I can understand why this time would upset him. My mother left me when I was a teenager and that is not a good feeling. I am lucky – it was not as permanent or as trying as bonzi’s case but there will never be a true parent/child relationship there again. The only reason that she even knows I still exist is because I will not let her shitty decisions and lack of any caring for me take away my children’s grandmother (as long as she does not try that shit again).
You ever hear of girls FUCKING the guy over?

Fuck your dream world, us dad's get screwed over by the court system, we give up.

Takes a lot of money and time to win those court cases , the mother does no wrong the guy is always the blame.
That is not an excuse. End of story.
There is noting that my wife could do - nothing - to keep me from my kids.
I pretty much dread Father's day... this is not a whiny post, just a statement of fact:

My dad left when I was 5 and never showed much interest. My siblings adore him (he's dead now, has been for 5 years) and talk about him like he was the "be all end all" which annoys me, because he wasn't.

But, I'm sure there are lots of good loving fathers out there, and I wish them all the best.

I hope you have a father you can appreciate today.

If we're going to have a mother's and father's day, so we don't look like we're pushing reproduction and a heterosexual agenda, shouldn't we have a son's and daughter's day too? Wouldn't be mothers and fathers without the kids right? :)

...No I don't work for the greeting card industry. ;)
I am not a fan of fathers day either for my dad's #1 priority has always been himself. To me, my mom never should have married him in the first place.

God bless you and her always!!!

You were the youngest I assume and jealous your sibblings knew him more? Belevie me He loved you also, just couldn't have been there.
I am the youngest but he didn't do much for any of us. Love equals time
"Couldn't have been there?"

I am pretty sure that means the parting was voluntary - that certainly does not mean that 'he loved' him.

There is no excuse, ever, for a parent to leave a child - period. I can understand why this time would upset him. My mother left me when I was a teenager and that is not a good feeling. I am lucky – it was not as permanent or as trying as bonzi’s case but there will never be a true parent/child relationship there again. The only reason that she even knows I still exist is because I will not let her shitty decisions and lack of any caring for me take away my children’s grandmother (as long as she does not try that shit again).
Does she know you feel this way?
"Couldn't have been there?"

I am pretty sure that means the parting was voluntary - that certainly does not mean that 'he loved' him.

There is no excuse, ever, for a parent to leave a child - period. I can understand why this time would upset him. My mother left me when I was a teenager and that is not a good feeling. I am lucky – it was not as permanent or as trying as bonzi’s case but there will never be a true parent/child relationship there again. The only reason that she even knows I still exist is because I will not let her shitty decisions and lack of any caring for me take away my children’s grandmother (as long as she does not try that shit again).
You ever hear of girls FUCKING the guy over?

Fuck your dream world, us dad's get screwed over by the court system, we give up.

Takes a lot of money and time to win those court cases , the mother does no wrong the guy is always the blame.
I would have settled for occasional phone calls
"Couldn't have been there?"

I am pretty sure that means the parting was voluntary - that certainly does not mean that 'he loved' him.

There is no excuse, ever, for a parent to leave a child - period. I can understand why this time would upset him. My mother left me when I was a teenager and that is not a good feeling. I am lucky – it was not as permanent or as trying as bonzi’s case but there will never be a true parent/child relationship there again. The only reason that she even knows I still exist is because I will not let her shitty decisions and lack of any caring for me take away my children’s grandmother (as long as she does not try that shit again).
Does she know you feel this way?
I have told her in a manner of speaking. She wants a relationship now, after it is far to late but she is offered the chance to have that relationship with her grand kids.
"Couldn't have been there?"

I am pretty sure that means the parting was voluntary - that certainly does not mean that 'he loved' him.

There is no excuse, ever, for a parent to leave a child - period. I can understand why this time would upset him. My mother left me when I was a teenager and that is not a good feeling. I am lucky – it was not as permanent or as trying as bonzi’s case but there will never be a true parent/child relationship there again. The only reason that she even knows I still exist is because I will not let her shitty decisions and lack of any caring for me take away my children’s grandmother (as long as she does not try that shit again).
Does she know you feel this way?
I have told her in a manner of speaking. She wants a relationship now, after it is far to late but she is offered the chance to have that relationship with her grand kids.

Well it's easier with Grandkids.. they are not ultimately your(her) responsibility...
"Couldn't have been there?"

I am pretty sure that means the parting was voluntary - that certainly does not mean that 'he loved' him.

There is no excuse, ever, for a parent to leave a child - period. I can understand why this time would upset him. My mother left me when I was a teenager and that is not a good feeling. I am lucky – it was not as permanent or as trying as bonzi’s case but there will never be a true parent/child relationship there again. The only reason that she even knows I still exist is because I will not let her shitty decisions and lack of any caring for me take away my children’s grandmother (as long as she does not try that shit again).
Does she know you feel this way?
I have told her in a manner of speaking. She wants a relationship now, after it is far to late but she is offered the chance to have that relationship with her grand kids.

Well it's easier with Grandkids.. they are not ultimately your(her) responsibility...
Sure, and she only has to deal with them once or twice a year.

She wants me to take care of her now though and that simply is not going to happen. Never met someone more self centered than my mother is and she puts my wife through hell. I have no idea how she cannot see the shit she puts others through.
"Couldn't have been there?"

I am pretty sure that means the parting was voluntary - that certainly does not mean that 'he loved' him.

There is no excuse, ever, for a parent to leave a child - period. I can understand why this time would upset him. My mother left me when I was a teenager and that is not a good feeling. I am lucky – it was not as permanent or as trying as bonzi’s case but there will never be a true parent/child relationship there again. The only reason that she even knows I still exist is because I will not let her shitty decisions and lack of any caring for me take away my children’s grandmother (as long as she does not try that shit again).
Does she know you feel this way?
I have told her in a manner of speaking. She wants a relationship now, after it is far to late but she is offered the chance to have that relationship with her grand kids.

Well it's easier with Grandkids.. they are not ultimately your(her) responsibility...
Sure, and she only has to deal with them once or twice a year.

She wants me to take care of her now though and that simply is not going to happen. Never met someone more self centered than my mother is and she puts my wife through hell. I have no idea how she cannot see the shit she puts others through.

What were her parents like? I have a very self-centered family as well. Normally, people like that come from very troubled backgrounds / upbringings...

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