Fauci Emails

Toldja so.
Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in February 2020 that store-bought face masks would not be very effective at protecting against the COVID-19 pandemic and advised a traveler not to wear one.

The Washington Post and BuzzFeed News have obtained hundreds of pages of Fauci’s emails through the Freedom of Information Act, revealing more about the early days of the pandemic.

In one message, Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, replies to an email from Sylvia Burwell, believed to be the Sylvia Burwell who was health and human services secretary for three years under President Barack Obama. Burwell had asked for advice about wearing face masks while traveling. Fauci’s reply is dated February 5, 2020, and is available in a document cloud provided by Buzzfeed.
^^^^Don't believe this guy. Saint Dr Anthony Fauci told me I would be 100 % protected this way
Dupe? Useful idiot?

Embrace the healing power of “and.”

View attachment 496516

You can write t that rubbish day. Fauci is a man of vast experience and he stood up to trump and his stupid medical advice. The Chinese didn't give a shit about Fauci. Why would they?

Your problem is he is a lefty and you hate them all with a passion. Trumps gone and he is still there saving lives.
Yet you patriots in the peanut gallery throw shit lime it's fact. For we up.

The Chinese have infiltrated our government. Thanks for the low information post.

Damn...there is no limit to your fantasies

It is not fantasy, they own the illegitimate president. And with you appearing to say what you did means it is true. Thanks.

This is the same POTUS who only days ago launched an investigation into the virus. The Chinese you say owns him.
You certainly have some gate circulating in you. Its not be hindered by intelligence either.
Toldja so.
Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in February 2020 that store-bought face masks would not be very effective at protecting against the COVID-19 pandemic and advised a traveler not to wear one.

The Washington Post and BuzzFeed News have obtained hundreds of pages of Fauci’s emails through the Freedom of Information Act, revealing more about the early days of the pandemic.

In one message, Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, replies to an email from Sylvia Burwell, believed to be the Sylvia Burwell who was health and human services secretary for three years under President Barack Obama. Burwell had asked for advice about wearing face masks while traveling. Fauci’s reply is dated February 5, 2020, and is available in a document cloud provided by Buzzfeed.
I'm sorry.
I realize your tiny minds don't have the capacity to remember actual factual recent history but...
Feb 2020
People were hanging rubber bands on napkins and calling them N95 masks.
C'mon massage those temples, it's in there

Fauci wrote: "Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.

"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."

Fauci was giving CDC guidelines.

So let's all drink a cup of nutritious-delicious Trump brand bleach and stick those UV lights right up the old poop chute!
Trump-It'll make a body dead.
Dupe? Useful idiot?

Embrace the healing power of “and.”

View attachment 496516

You can write t that rubbish day. Fauci is a man of vast experience and he stood up to trump and his stupid medical advice. The Chinese didn't give a shit about Fauci. Why would they?

Your problem is he is a lefty and you hate them all with a passion. Trumps gone and he is still there saving lives.
Yet you patriots in the peanut gallery throw shit lime it's fact. For we up.

The Chinese have infiltrated our government. Thanks for the low information post.

Damn...there is no limit to your fantasies

It is not fantasy, they own the illegitimate president. And with you appearing to say what you did means it is true. Thanks.

Just because you have entered a fantasy world
Dont expect me to join you
There were nowhere near 600 k deaths from Covid in the US.

The cdc told us 93% of Covid deaths were caused by other factors.

The mask is another issue where Fauci flipped.

Another time he flipped was on whether Covid would be one season only, or would force mass use of absentee ballots.

And again his first take was the honest one....
Trump was also a complete idiot on the subject of Covid.

That does not mean Covid was not treason, because it was...

$10 Trillion flushed
The excuse for absentee ballots and hence THE STEAL
Us taxpayer funds going to a Chinese bio weapons lab

And, without a doubt, a kickback to Hunter Biden
Dupe? Useful idiot?

Embrace the healing power of “and.”

View attachment 496516

You can write t that rubbish day. Fauci is a man of vast experience and he stood up to trump and his stupid medical advice. The Chinese didn't give a shit about Fauci. Why would they?

Your problem is he is a lefty and you hate them all with a passion. Trumps gone and he is still there saving lives.
Yet you patriots in the peanut gallery throw shit lime it's fact. For we up.

The Chinese have infiltrated our government. Thanks for the low information post.

Damn...there is no limit to your fantasies

It is not fantasy, they own the illegitimate president. And with you appearing to say what you did means it is true. Thanks.

Just because you have entered a fantasy world
Dont expect me to join you

You are pushing the fantasies. This country is being destroyed by an illegitimate administration. I wish that was a fantasy but progressives have proven otherwise.
Toldja so.
Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in February 2020 that store-bought face masks would not be very effective at protecting against the COVID-19 pandemic and advised a traveler not to wear one.

The Washington Post and BuzzFeed News have obtained hundreds of pages of Fauci’s emails through the Freedom of Information Act, revealing more about the early days of the pandemic.

In one message, Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, replies to an email from Sylvia Burwell, believed to be the Sylvia Burwell who was health and human services secretary for three years under President Barack Obama. Burwell had asked for advice about wearing face masks while traveling. Fauci’s reply is dated February 5, 2020, and is available in a document cloud provided by Buzzfeed.
I thought this was satire because of the way it was worded. "Fauci said masks not effective at preventing viruses in emails"
  • Thanks
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Fauci got a lotta explaining to do. There are mountains of deceptions, lies, and coverups in those document clouds.

DOC #2286 [Bioweapon Recipe]

LEOPOLD NIH FOIA Anthony Fauci Emails – DocumentCloud

Fauci Emails Reveal Damage Control Scramble After ZeroHedge Spotlights Man-Made COVID-19 Theory | ZeroHedge

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

La de da

"British professor Angus Dalgleish - best known for creating the world's first 'HIV vaccine', and Norwegian virologist Dr. Birger Sørensen - chair of pharmaceutical company, Immunor, who has published 31 peer-reviewed papers and holds several patents, wrote that while analyzing virus samples last year, the pair discovered "unique fingerprints" in the form of "six inserts" created through gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China."
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Now is the time to analyze like Einstein.

Drop out of your head everything you parroted from the media and the pols about Covid. Trust only what you can determine are facts....

1. When they classify people who died in car wrecks as Covid deaths, they are lying to fudge the death stat higher. Why?
2. The data on Covid shows it is not any more lethal than a typical flu - the original cruise ship data said the same thing
3. The cdc says 93% of Covid deaths were caused by other factors
4. Fauci initially said Covid would only be here for one season
5. The diagnosis for the fall 2020 flu was 3% of normal, suggesting 97% were simply lied to and told they had Covid when they did not.
6. Of the thousands of athletes told they had Covid, not one required any treatment, not one.
Toldja so.
Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in February 2020 that store-bought face masks would not be very effective at protecting against the COVID-19 pandemic and advised a traveler not to wear one.

The Washington Post and BuzzFeed News have obtained hundreds of pages of Fauci’s emails through the Freedom of Information Act, revealing more about the early days of the pandemic.

In one message, Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, replies to an email from Sylvia Burwell, believed to be the Sylvia Burwell who was health and human services secretary for three years under President Barack Obama. Burwell had asked for advice about wearing face masks while traveling. Fauci’s reply is dated February 5, 2020, and is available in a document cloud provided by Buzzfeed.
I knew that, and I'm a lowly once-upon-a-time time EMS participant.

Though I still loathe to take any "news" seriously from a site that primarily features lolcatz.
The initial taxpayer money to the wuhan bio weapons lab was approved by the homO administration.

There is a 99% probability that money included a kickback to Hunter Biden....
A heartfelt thanks to America's greatest traitor, terrorist and mass murderer, Gain of Function Fauxi for exposing the complete, total corruption and decimation of our "intelligence" Agencies!

While Fauxi was working with Wuhan to create a bioweapon targeting the human respiratory system, our Intel Agencies were working against President Trump

Where was the CIA while Fauxi was collecting accolades from the CCP for directing blame away from the FauxiWuhan bioweapon lab?

Julius and Ethel should have been so lucky!

Do you finally see how truly screwed we are?

Who will charge the Intel Agencies heads with treason and War Crimes?
Dupe? Useful idiot?

Embrace the healing power of “and.”

View attachment 496516

You can write t that rubbish day. Fauci is a man of vast experience and he stood up to trump and his stupid medical advice. The Chinese didn't give a shit about Fauci. Why would they?

Your problem is he is a lefty and you hate them all with a passion. Trumps gone and he is still there saving lives.
Yet you patriots in the peanut gallery throw shit lime it's fact. For we up.

The Chinese have infiltrated our government. Thanks for the low information post.

Damn...there is no limit to your fantasies

It is not fantasy, they own the illegitimate president. And with you appearing to say what you did means it is true. Thanks.

Just because you have entered a fantasy world
Dont expect me to join you

You are pushing the fantasies. This country is being destroyed by an illegitimate administration. I wish that was a fantasy but progressives have proven otherwise.

In your eyes it's illegitimate but the clear majority don't believe it. Your basing your thoughts on hate and ignorance.
It wasn't the progressives, it was republicans who changed their votes to get rid of that idiot trump.
Concentrate on them. Without them republicans will never win again. Think about it.
Dupe? Useful idiot?

Embrace the healing power of “and.”

View attachment 496516

You can write t that rubbish day. Fauci is a man of vast experience and he stood up to trump and his stupid medical advice. The Chinese didn't give a shit about Fauci. Why would they?

Your problem is he is a lefty and you hate them all with a passion. Trumps gone and he is still there saving lives.
Yet you patriots in the peanut gallery throw shit lime it's fact. For we up.

The Chinese have infiltrated our government. Thanks for the low information post.

Damn...there is no limit to your fantasies

It is not fantasy, they own the illegitimate president. And with you appearing to say what you did means it is true. Thanks.

Just because you have entered a fantasy world
Dont expect me to join you

You are pushing the fantasies. This country is being destroyed by an illegitimate administration. I wish that was a fantasy but progressives have proven otherwise.

In your eyes it's illegitimate but the clear majority don't believe it. Your basing your thoughts on hate and ignorance.
It wasn't the progressives, it was republicans who changed their votes to get rid of that idiot trump.
Concentrate on them. Without them republicans will never win again. Think about it.

There's is no "clear majority" that believes Xiden to be legitimate.
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