Fauci Has Now Flip Flopped on Every Major COVID Issue

He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

We are home to MIT, Yale, Duke, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford just to name a few and the best we got on infectious diseases is an 80 yr old hobbit?!?!
He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.
"Goes with the flow"...I thought it was called pandering to tell brainless sheep what they wanted to hear.
You thought wrong.
Hmmmm, no I didn't. Kept working, only wear a facediaper where the Gestapo makes me, and continue living my life and working. I thought with common sense.....so who would that make the sheeple here?
You, because you are not using common sense.
Nope, wrong......leftys have no common sense that is a well known fact. You do what your regime tells you and don't give it a second thought. Look at the stats...Gestapo states have worse virus metrics than the common sense red states. Highest mortality rates are the idiot Dim led states breathing in their own CO2 all day long and destroying brain cells.
Lefties have no common sense? This a well-known fact to Trump followers, those pillars of common sense, those uneducated, uninformed, easily manipulated
Trump followers? Trump followers don't do what trump tells them to do, like
attack our Capitol, leaving 7 people dead? Talk about "stupid".

Try one person dead, shot by the Capitol Police.
He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.
"Goes with the flow"...I thought it was called pandering to tell brainless sheep what they wanted to hear.
You thought wrong.
Hmmmm, no I didn't. Kept working, only wear a facediaper where the Gestapo makes me, and continue living my life and working. I thought with common sense.....so who would that make the sheeple here?
You, because you are not using common sense.
Nope, wrong......leftys have no common sense that is a well known fact. You do what your regime tells you and don't give it a second thought. Look at the stats...Gestapo states have worse virus metrics than the common sense red states. Highest mortality rates are the idiot Dim led states breathing in their own CO2 all day long and destroying brain cells.
Lefties have no common sense? This a well-known fact to Trump followers, those pillars of common sense, those uneducated, uninformed, easily manipulated
Trump followers? Trump followers don't do what trump tells them to do, like
attack our Capitol, leaving 7 people dead? Talk about "stupid".

Try one person dead, shot by the Capitol Police.
Try 6 people dead who were defending our lawmakers during the insurrection and 1 person shot by the Capitol police.
It sure as hell was not a coincidence that 6 people just so happened to die.
Did you like the attack? Neat, huh?
He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.
"Goes with the flow"...I thought it was called pandering to tell brainless sheep what they wanted to hear.
You thought wrong.
Hmmmm, no I didn't. Kept working, only wear a facediaper where the Gestapo makes me, and continue living my life and working. I thought with common sense.....so who would that make the sheeple here?
You, because you are not using common sense.
Nope, wrong......leftys have no common sense that is a well known fact. You do what your regime tells you and don't give it a second thought. Look at the stats...Gestapo states have worse virus metrics than the common sense red states. Highest mortality rates are the idiot Dim led states breathing in their own CO2 all day long and destroying brain cells.
Lefties have no common sense? This a well-known fact to Trump followers, those pillars of common sense, those uneducated, uninformed, easily manipulated
Trump followers? Trump followers don't do what trump tells them to do, like
attack our Capitol, leaving 7 people dead? Talk about "stupid".
Spare me....the people who marched on the capital left nobody dead, but the summertime ilk setting cities on fire and killing shop owners and occupying cities did....plenty. So stop lecturing America lovers on your fake trauma over the DC protest. True murders and professional lawbreakers make up your party.
Those 7 people died through osmosis? I didn't know. Sounds like you are defending the insurrection of our Capitol, yes? Were you in the building looking for lawmakers to kill? Did you shit on the floor or injure many police?
Tell us Einstein, how did SEVEN people die?
Link to the autopsy reports.

Minus the unarmed woman Pelosi’s cop killed in cold blood, we already know about that one.
You are correct, hotshot. It was a coincidence because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and their deaths had nothing to do with the insurrection, yes?
They would have died anyway, right lamb chop? The "unarmed" woman was trying to break into the senate chamber. Maybe the cops should have welcomed her instead of killing the woman. I am surprised that there weren't more insurrectionists shot and they would have deserved it.
Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.

I agree. No one with the abbreviation Ph D after their name is ever to be questioned.
Of course, they can be questioned, but I do not see that on these posts. What I see is the denigration of a medical expert by a bunch of ignorant fools who have no knowledge.
Also, Fauci has MD next to his name, among other credentials.

Appeal to authority is not only a logical fallacy, but a debate loser.
He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.
"Goes with the flow"...I thought it was called pandering to tell brainless sheep what they wanted to hear.
You thought wrong.
Hmmmm, no I didn't. Kept working, only wear a facediaper where the Gestapo makes me, and continue living my life and working. I thought with common sense.....so who would that make the sheeple here?
You, because you are not using common sense.
Nope, wrong......leftys have no common sense that is a well known fact. You do what your regime tells you and don't give it a second thought. Look at the stats...Gestapo states have worse virus metrics than the common sense red states. Highest mortality rates are the idiot Dim led states breathing in their own CO2 all day long and destroying brain cells.
Lefties have no common sense? This a well-known fact to Trump followers, those pillars of common sense, those uneducated, uninformed, easily manipulated
Trump followers? Trump followers don't do what trump tells them to do, like
attack our Capitol, leaving 7 people dead? Talk about "stupid".
Spare me....the people who marched on the capital left nobody dead, but the summertime ilk setting cities on fire and killing shop owners and occupying cities did....plenty. So stop lecturing America lovers on your fake trauma over the DC protest. True murders and professional lawbreakers make up your party.
Those 7 people died through osmosis? I didn't know. Sounds like you are defending the insurrection of our Capitol, yes? Were you in the building looking for lawmakers to kill? Did you shit on the floor or injure many police?
Tell us Einstein, how did SEVEN people die?
Link to the autopsy reports.

Minus the unarmed woman Pelosi’s cop killed in cold blood, we already know about that one.
You are correct, hotshot. It was a coincidence because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and their deaths had nothing to do with the insurrection, yes?
They would have died anyway, right lamb chop? The "unarmed" woman was trying to break into the senate chamber. Maybe the cops should have welcomed her instead of killing the woman. I am surprised that there weren't more insurrectionists shot and they would have deserved it.

Oh, so in that instance you’re all about shooting an unarmed, vulnerable person, because you oppose their ideology....Ain’t that nice.
Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.

I agree. No one with the abbreviation Ph D after their name is ever to be questioned.
Of course, they can be questioned, but I do not see that on these posts. What I see is the denigration of a medical expert by a bunch of ignorant fools who have no knowledge.
Also, Fauci has MD next to his name, among other credentials.

Appeal to authority is not only a logical fallacy, but a debate loser.
What do you mean? Appeal to authority? How about denigrating authority without
knowledge of the subject matter?
Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.

I agree. No one with the abbreviation Ph D after their name is ever to be questioned.
Of course, they can be questioned, but I do not see that on these posts. What I see is the denigration of a medical expert by a bunch of ignorant fools who have no knowledge.
Also, Fauci has MD next to his name, among other credentials.

Appeal to authority is not only a logical fallacy, but a debate loser.
What do you mean? Appeal to authority? How about denigrating authority without
knowledge of the subject matter?

Whatever denegration Fauci has thrust upon him, is self imposed....He allowed himself to be enamored by the politicization of events, and he loved the spotlight...Instead of being seperate from narratives, and political narratives, he goes along with them and changes his advice based on what the administration wants him to say...He's a stooge, and a hack...
He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.
"Goes with the flow"...I thought it was called pandering to tell brainless sheep what they wanted to hear.
You thought wrong.
Hmmmm, no I didn't. Kept working, only wear a facediaper where the Gestapo makes me, and continue living my life and working. I thought with common sense.....so who would that make the sheeple here?
You, because you are not using common sense.
Nope, wrong......leftys have no common sense that is a well known fact. You do what your regime tells you and don't give it a second thought. Look at the stats...Gestapo states have worse virus metrics than the common sense red states. Highest mortality rates are the idiot Dim led states breathing in their own CO2 all day long and destroying brain cells.
Lefties have no common sense? This a well-known fact to Trump followers, those pillars of common sense, those uneducated, uninformed, easily manipulated
Trump followers? Trump followers don't do what trump tells them to do, like
attack our Capitol, leaving 7 people dead? Talk about "stupid".
Spare me....the people who marched on the capital left nobody dead, but the summertime ilk setting cities on fire and killing shop owners and occupying cities did....plenty. So stop lecturing America lovers on your fake trauma over the DC protest. True murders and professional lawbreakers make up your party.
Those 7 people died through osmosis? I didn't know. Sounds like you are defending the insurrection of our Capitol, yes? Were you in the building looking for lawmakers to kill? Did you shit on the floor or injure many police?
Tell us Einstein, how did SEVEN people die?
Link to the autopsy reports.

Minus the unarmed woman Pelosi’s cop killed in cold blood, we already know about that one.
You are correct, hotshot. It was a coincidence because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and their deaths had nothing to do with the insurrection, yes?
They would have died anyway, right lamb chop? The "unarmed" woman was trying to break into the senate chamber. Maybe the cops should have welcomed her instead of killing the woman. I am surprised that there weren't more insurrectionists shot and they would have deserved it.

Oh, so in that instance you’re all about shooting an unarmed, vulnerable person, because you oppose their ideology....Ain’t that nice.
A person who attempts an illegal break-in deserves what she got. Has nothing to do with idealogy. If she was by herself and not a part of an out-of-control mob,
you would have a better sell. Many of those criminals had weapons and used them to injure a number of Capitol police. What the hell did you expect? When you ask for trouble, you usually get it, and she was asking for it. Anyway, wasn't the insurrection neat? All those police beaten and lawmakers almost caught and strung up? You loved it and hope for more of the same, right? Of course, the next time more "unarmed" criminals will be shot since the Capitol police will be prepared.
Had Trump stopped the attack when asked, maybe she would have gone home like a good soldier. Trump was enjoying the melee and refused to stop the onslaught that he arranged. You should be directing your anger at Trump for authorizing an attack on his own government. Great day for Trump supporters, yes? You go, guy!
Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.

I agree. No one with the abbreviation Ph D after their name is ever to be questioned.
Of course, they can be questioned, but I do not see that on these posts. What I see is the denigration of a medical expert by a bunch of ignorant fools who have no knowledge.
Also, Fauci has MD next to his name, among other credentials.

Appeal to authority is not only a logical fallacy, but a debate loser.
What do you mean? Appeal to authority? How about denigrating authority without
knowledge of the subject matter?

Whatever denegration Fauci has thrust upon him, is self imposed....He allowed himself to be enamored by the politicization of events, and he loved the spotlight...Instead of being seperate from narratives, and political narratives, he goes along with them and changes his advice based on what the administration wants him to say...He's a stooge, and a hack...
How dumb are you?
Biden likes Fauci because Fauci is just like him. They're both stupid political hacks that can be told everything they should think or do.
He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.
"Goes with the flow"...I thought it was called pandering to tell brainless sheep what they wanted to hear.
You thought wrong.
Hmmmm, no I didn't. Kept working, only wear a facediaper where the Gestapo makes me, and continue living my life and working. I thought with common sense.....so who would that make the sheeple here?
You, because you are not using common sense.
Nope, wrong......leftys have no common sense that is a well known fact. You do what your regime tells you and don't give it a second thought. Look at the stats...Gestapo states have worse virus metrics than the common sense red states. Highest mortality rates are the idiot Dim led states breathing in their own CO2 all day long and destroying brain cells.
Lefties have no common sense? This a well-known fact to Trump followers, those pillars of common sense, those uneducated, uninformed, easily manipulated
Trump followers? Trump followers don't do what trump tells them to do, like
attack our Capitol, leaving 7 people dead? Talk about "stupid".

Try one person dead, shot by the Capitol Police.
Try 6 people dead who were defending our lawmakers during the insurrection and 1 person shot by the Capitol police.
It sure as hell was not a coincidence that 6 people just so happened to die.
Did you like the attack? Neat, huh?

The only person who died due to the attack was Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed by the Capitol Police. Everyone else died of natural causes. Why do you lie?
Only a fool stays on the same route if he knows he is going in the wrong direction.
Only a fool stays on the same route if he knows he is going in the wrong direction.
That describes you and your posts on this board.

= You

Pretty sure if your doctor flip flopped constantly he would no longer be your doctor.
He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

Fauci goes with the flow as more and new information becomes available.
These vaccines were released long before they were ready, so we are learning as we go. So pay attention to what Fauci and other medical professionals say.
"Goes with the flow"...I thought it was called pandering to tell brainless sheep what they wanted to hear.
You thought wrong.
Hmmmm, no I didn't. Kept working, only wear a facediaper where the Gestapo makes me, and continue living my life and working. I thought with common sense.....so who would that make the sheeple here?
You, because you are not using common sense.
Nope, wrong......leftys have no common sense that is a well known fact. You do what your regime tells you and don't give it a second thought. Look at the stats...Gestapo states have worse virus metrics than the common sense red states. Highest mortality rates are the idiot Dim led states breathing in their own CO2 all day long and destroying brain cells.
Lefties have no common sense? This a well-known fact to Trump followers, those pillars of common sense, those uneducated, uninformed, easily manipulated
Trump followers? Trump followers don't do what trump tells them to do, like
attack our Capitol, leaving 7 people dead? Talk about "stupid".
Spare me....the people who marched on the capital left nobody dead, but the summertime ilk setting cities on fire and killing shop owners and occupying cities did....plenty. So stop lecturing America lovers on your fake trauma over the DC protest. True murders and professional lawbreakers make up your party.
Those 7 people died through osmosis? I didn't know. Sounds like you are defending the insurrection of our Capitol, yes? Were you in the building looking for lawmakers to kill? Did you shit on the floor or injure many police?
Tell us Einstein, how did SEVEN people die?
Link to the autopsy reports.

Minus the unarmed woman Pelosi’s cop killed in cold blood, we already know about that one.
You are correct, hotshot. It was a coincidence because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and their deaths had nothing to do with the insurrection, yes?
They would have died anyway, right lamb chop? The "unarmed" woman was trying to break into the senate chamber. Maybe the cops should have welcomed her instead of killing the woman. I am surprised that there weren't more insurrectionists shot and they would have deserved it.

Oh, so in that instance you’re all about shooting an unarmed, vulnerable person, because you oppose their ideology....Ain’t that nice.
A person who attempts an illegal break-in deserves what she got. Has nothing to do with idealogy. If she was by herself and not a part of an out-of-control mob,
you would have a better sell. Many of those criminals had weapons and used them to injure a number of Capitol police. What the hell did you expect? When you ask for trouble, you usually get it, and she was asking for it. Anyway, wasn't the insurrection neat? All those police beaten and lawmakers almost caught and strung up? You loved it and hope for more of the same, right? Of course, the next time more "unarmed" criminals will be shot since the Capitol police will be prepared.
Had Trump stopped the attack when asked, maybe she would have gone home like a good soldier. Trump was enjoying the melee and refused to stop the onslaught that he arranged. You should be directing your anger at Trump for authorizing an attack on his own government. Great day for Trump supporters, yes? You go, guy!

Don't do that...I don't support what went on there Jan 6th, and to imply that I do is a lie period...

As to the woman, she was entering through a broken window, on the locked door, no weapons displayed, and should have been easy to take down and arrest. There was no reason I could see in that particular instance to shoot her...

That said, I wasn't there, and don't know what was going through the LEO's mind...But, to say she deserved it? Good grief....Let's apply your logic to any of the outrageous deaths that happened over the last year at the hands of Police and apply your "they deserved it" meme to their deaths...Would you accept that?

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