Fauci Has Now Flip Flopped on Every Major COVID Issue

He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

The Trump Administration provided NO MONEY FOR SCHOOLS TO RE-OPEN. Schools need to change to keep students and teachers safe - smaller class sizes, more distancing, regular testing, masks for all, changes to the ventilation systems to purify the air as it's recycled.

Trump refused to allow ther CDC guidelines for school reopenings to be issued because the CDC refused to endorse just opening schools without making changes to keep everyone safe.

Why don't you just shut up and watch and listen to what's going on first.

Attacking everything Biden does, makes you look petty and stupid.
Schools in America are funded locally, Dumbass.

And where are the locals going to get the money to do all of this? School board budgets are already cut to the bone. What are they going to cut to provide safety for the students and the staff?

Smaller class sizes means hiring more teachers. Teachers are already having to buy supplies for their own classrooms because the boards don’t have enough money to do it.

Please explain to us where you think the school boards are going to get the money for new ventilation systems, more teachers for smaller class sizes, and testing for everyone?
Let loose of the 17 6 digit superintendents that have no real purpose...
Of course it pays off. Fauci is the highest paid employee in the entire Federal government
He’d be making many times more in private sector. The work he’s done in medicine has saved many thousands of lives and that’s before the pandemic.

Oh? And what exactly is the work he’s done? Did he develop the vaccine? No. Did he come out early on and say that we don’t need masks? Yes. Has he sucked up to liberal media outlets to undermine the Trump administration while sucking up to Democrats? Yes. He’s a $400K parrot.
Fauci is an elite physician. Best of the best. His government salary is that of an average physician.
Fauci lied people died.
You dumb piece of republican turd How many died because trump had one finger in his mouth and the other up his ass?
Trump saved millions of Americans by restricting travel from infected nations while you evil freaks screamed for open borders.

Yeah. I don't get that. He totally did the right thing, had the right impulse, out of the gate. But then he quickly backed away from it and begin telling people it would just go away (when he knew better). It's like being right was uncomfortable territory for him, and he was compelled to go back to being hopelessly wrong. His voters kinda like hopelessly wrong.

ACTUALLY, although I am an extreme leftist, I have to admit Trump was right to say that covid-19 would quickly go away. It WOULD have, if we had allowed it to spike and then let herd immunity end it by using up all the easy, local, hosts.
That is what ends ALL epidemics, and by "flattening the curve", we prevented it from ending. Essentially we conserved host, keeping the virus alive and well.

So, social darwinism?

No, the death toll would be far less if we just let it peak and burn out locally.
But conserving hosts, we kept it alive, so that it could essentially last forever, and that maximizes the final death toll.
The point being you have to act quickly with an epidemic, and "flatteing the curve" instead makes it last the longest possible.
He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

The Trump Administration provided NO MONEY FOR SCHOOLS TO RE-OPEN. Schools need to change to keep students and teachers safe - smaller class sizes, more distancing, regular testing, masks for all, changes to the ventilation systems to purify the air as it's recycled.

Trump refused to allow ther CDC guidelines for school reopenings to be issued because the CDC refused to endorse just opening schools without making changes to keep everyone safe.

Why don't you just shut up and watch and listen to what's going on first.

Attacking everything Biden does, makes you look petty and stupid.
Schools in America are funded locally, Dumbass.

And where are the locals going to get the money to do all of this? School board budgets are already cut to the bone. What are they going to cut to provide safety for the students and the staff?

Smaller class sizes means hiring more teachers. Teachers are already having to buy supplies for their own classrooms because the boards don’t have enough money to do it.

Please explain to us where you think the school boards are going to get the money for new ventilation systems, more teachers for smaller class sizes, and testing for everyone?

Smaller class sizes does not require more teachers, since you can't add teachers anyway, without adding more rooms.
All you have to do is split the classes up.
Have a morning class and an afternoon class, for example.

Anything is better than closing schools. Terrible idea. So many counties did not, and that showed we should not have. We will pay for this with uneducated and unmotivated future generations.
He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

The Trump Administration provided NO MONEY FOR SCHOOLS TO RE-OPEN. Schools need to change to keep students and teachers safe - smaller class sizes, more distancing, regular testing, masks for all, changes to the ventilation systems to purify the air as it's recycled.

Trump refused to allow ther CDC guidelines for school reopenings to be issued because the CDC refused to endorse just opening schools without making changes to keep everyone safe.

Why don't you just shut up and watch and listen to what's going on first.

Attacking everything Biden does, makes you look petty and stupid.
Schools in America are funded locally, Dumbass.

And where are the locals going to get the money to do all of this? School board budgets are already cut to the bone. What are they going to cut to provide safety for the students and the staff?

Smaller class sizes means hiring more teachers. Teachers are already having to buy supplies for their own classrooms because the boards don’t have enough money to do it.

Please explain to us where you think the school boards are going to get the money for new ventilation systems, more teachers for smaller class sizes, and testing for everyone?
Stop paying teachers retirement. Especially since most are based upon the last salary earned. They can put savings into a 401K like everyone else in the real world.
California alone pays $75 Billion ($75,000,000,000) a year just in retirement.
You said he admitted to lying

Watch YOUR OWN TAPE, stupid fuck, he says that right at the beginning
He doesn't say anything of the sort.

You're just stupid, he clearly admits he lied and tells you why

Sawish. And Dudschmuck whiffs again. It's like this.

Fauci: It's 30 today, don't wear a coat.

Fauci: I lied about not wearing a coat, but it's OK. I didn't trust people to do the right thing and I wanted to save the coats for people I decided needed them more.

You really are stupid, you aren't even following the discussion
Of course it pays off. Fauci is the highest paid employee in the entire Federal government
He’d be making many times more in private sector. The work he’s done in medicine has saved many thousands of lives and that’s before the pandemic.

Oh? And what exactly is the work he’s done? Did he develop the vaccine? No. Did he come out early on and say that we don’t need masks? Yes. Has he sucked up to liberal media outlets to undermine the Trump administration while sucking up to Democrats? Yes. He’s a $400K parrot.
Fauci is an elite physician. Best of the best. His government salary is that of an average physician.
Fauci lied people died.
You dumb piece of republican turd How many died because trump had one finger in his mouth and the other up his ass?
Trump saved millions of Americans by restricting travel from infected nations while you evil freaks screamed for open borders.

Yeah. I don't get that. He totally did the right thing, had the right impulse, out of the gate. But then he quickly backed away from it and begin telling people it would just go away (when he knew better). It's like being right was uncomfortable territory for him, and he was compelled to go back to being hopelessly wrong. His voters kinda like hopelessly wrong.

ACTUALLY, although I am an extreme leftist, I have to admit Trump was right to say that covid-19 would quickly go away. It WOULD have, if we had allowed it to spike and then let herd immunity end it by using up all the easy, local, hosts.
That is what ends ALL epidemics, and by "flattening the curve", we prevented it from ending. Essentially we conserved host, keeping the virus alive and well.

So, social darwinism?

No, the death toll would be far less if we just let it peak and burn out locally.
That sounds like fake news to me. Everything I've read from reliable sources suggests the opposite. Especially since it's not a "local" problem.
He's been calling for schools to reopen for months, noting that spread among children is minimal Now he's saying they can't open until Biden's uber-political stimulus bill passes? Science changes based on what's on the Senate floor?

Anyone think he’s read the thousands of pages in the Bill? And if so, why is he involved in politics and not on the CURRENT ONGOING PANDEMIC???

The Trump Administration provided NO MONEY FOR SCHOOLS TO RE-OPEN. Schools need to change to keep students and teachers safe - smaller class sizes, more distancing, regular testing, masks for all, changes to the ventilation systems to purify the air as it's recycled.

Trump refused to allow ther CDC guidelines for school reopenings to be issued because the CDC refused to endorse just opening schools without making changes to keep everyone safe.

Why don't you just shut up and watch and listen to what's going on first.

Attacking everything Biden does, makes you look petty and stupid.
Schools in America are funded locally, Dumbass.

And where are the locals going to get the money to do all of this? School board budgets are already cut to the bone. What are they going to cut to provide safety for the students and the staff?

Smaller class sizes means hiring more teachers. Teachers are already having to buy supplies for their own classrooms because the boards don’t have enough money to do it.

Please explain to us where you think the school boards are going to get the money for new ventilation systems, more teachers for smaller class sizes, and testing for everyone?
Stop paying teachers retirement. Especially since most are based upon the last salary earned. They can put savings into a 401K like everyone else in the real world.
California alone pays $75 Billion ($75,000,000,000) a year just in retirement.

No need to make any changes, minimal or drastic.
On line classes cost the same as real in person ones, so there is no additional cost to going back to real, in person, classes.
If you want them smaller, then break them up into segments of the day instead of all day long, so you can do them in rotation.
You said he admitted to lying

Watch YOUR OWN TAPE, stupid fuck, he says that right at the beginning
He doesn't say anything of the sort.

You're just stupid, he clearly admits he lied and tells you why

Sawish. And Dudschmuck whiffs again. It's like this.

Fauci: It's 30 today, don't wear a coat.

Fauci: I lied about not wearing a coat, but it's OK. I didn't trust people to do the right thing and I wanted to save the coats for people I decided needed them more.

You really are stupid, you aren't even following the discussion

The reason what Fauci said is so bad is not like the weather, that does not and can not change no matter what people do.
The problem with epidemics is that what people do, does change the outcome, unlike the weather.
For example, the end of any epidemic comes when the supply of easy local hosts is used up and the virus can't find another in time, so dies off.
That normally happens right after the early spike.
But what happened then is suddenly we were all told to wear masks and social distance.
And that they did in "flattening the curve", was to prevent the spike that uses up all the easy, local, hosts, quickly.
That conserved hosts, which kept the virus alive, and would not let it die out.
So the culprit was "flattening the curve".
A horrendous mistake.
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Of course it pays off. Fauci is the highest paid employee in the entire Federal government
He’d be making many times more in private sector. The work he’s done in medicine has saved many thousands of lives and that’s before the pandemic.

Oh? And what exactly is the work he’s done? Did he develop the vaccine? No. Did he come out early on and say that we don’t need masks? Yes. Has he sucked up to liberal media outlets to undermine the Trump administration while sucking up to Democrats? Yes. He’s a $400K parrot.
Fauci is an elite physician. Best of the best. His government salary is that of an average physician.
Fauci lied people died.
You dumb piece of republican turd How many died because trump had one finger in his mouth and the other up his ass?
Trump saved millions of Americans by restricting travel from infected nations while you evil freaks screamed for open borders.

Yeah. I don't get that. He totally did the right thing, had the right impulse, out of the gate. But then he quickly backed away from it and begin telling people it would just go away (when he knew better). It's like being right was uncomfortable territory for him, and he was compelled to go back to being hopelessly wrong. His voters kinda like hopelessly wrong.

ACTUALLY, although I am an extreme leftist, I have to admit Trump was right to say that covid-19 would quickly go away. It WOULD have, if we had allowed it to spike and then let herd immunity end it by using up all the easy, local, hosts.
That is what ends ALL epidemics, and by "flattening the curve", we prevented it from ending. Essentially we conserved host, keeping the virus alive and well.

So, social darwinism?

No, the death toll would be far less if we just let it peak and burn out locally.
That sounds like fake news to me. Everything I've read from reliable sources suggests the opposite. Especially since it's not a "local" problem.

Not fake news if you examine any historical epidemic event.
You can't use Bubonic Plague because that is more complicated, in that there is also a dual host population of rodents, and they also did not know about the fleas, lice, bedbugs, and other insects that essentially made infection ubiquitous.
But look at the normal infection curve, and it only lasts a month or 2.
Then look at the infection curve when you "social distance" like the Spanish flu of 1918, and you see they artificially kept the epidemic around for about 2 years.

Epidemics always start out and boil down to it being solved locally.
If everyone quarantines for example, then in 14 days all localities will have eradicated the virus and it will be gone.
Quarantines work because they are fast.
But they need things like contact tracing, we were unwilling or unable to do.
About the only other strategy is to achieve herd immunity through increasing the number immune.
And the fastest way to do that is through variolation, (deliberate infection of those who are not likely to be harmed by it).
Since young people are almost not effected by it, that would have been quick and easy.

What you always do NOT want to do is give any epidemic more time, like we did by "flattening the curve". That guarantees the widest possible spread, to the least frequent circles of contact, and makes ending the epidemic impossible.

And speaking of "reliable sources", how many times did you notice them lying to you? Like when they claimed no one had inherent immunity, but then it turned out most people were asymptomatic, (which means immune). Or like when they claimed there was no immunity because people were getting infected more than once, when clearly immunity can NEVER prevent infection, but just mean you become asymptomatic?
Flip flops again.
Cuz science!

Fauci stated, "What we're saying right now, even though it isn't backed by data, it's backed by common sense that if you have two vaccinated people, and they want to get together, be they family members, or friends that you know, are vaccinated, you can start getting, as individual people, even though the risk is not zero."
I’ve yet to hear of one thing learned in the past year about the transmission of a virus that we didn’t know in 1970.

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