Fauci says a redefinition of fully vaccinated is ‘on the table’

Have you noticed how medication advertisements for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) have increased in the last year and a half?

Have you noticed that EVERY OTHER MEDICINE EVER MADE has noted SIDE EFFECTS?

We see it in EVERY DRUG AD:

"Side effects include nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, shitting blood..."


:hyper: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301::eusa_clap::icon_rolleyes:

Fucking retards believe that shit.
Why do leftists so often redefine words to fit their purposes?

They are going to change the DEFINITION of VACCINATED?


THe left ALREADY changed the defintion of VACCINE...now they are changing the definition of VACCINATED.

Just amazing.

Your comprehension of what Fauci is talking about is so pathetically poor, it probably isn't worth the effort to bother explaining it to you.
Have you noticed that EVERY OTHER MEDICINE EVER MADE has noted SIDE EFFECTS?

We see it in EVERY DRUG AD:

"Side effects include nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, shitting blood..."


:hyper: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301::eusa_clap::icon_rolleyes:

Fucking retards believe that shit.

Why do leftists so often redefine words to fit their purposes?

They are going to change the DEFINITION of VACCINATED?


THe left ALREADY changed the defintion of VACCINE...now they are changing the definition of VACCINATED.

Just amazing.

Eventually you will not be allowed to leave your house if you are not jabbed.
It's recalcitrant fools who are still spreading it and it must be stopped. Bring in the military or whatever is needed.

They are un American and not patriotic. No different to any wandering tribe of Africans.
You all are free to die from a preventable disease. You can even whine like little bitches the entire time. It will only raise the collective IQ of the surviving population.

I got my booster shot at Costco. And in 4 or 6 or 9 months from now they tell me I need another booster shot to stay safe, I'll get that one too. Because FREEDOM. To stay alive. To live my life with minimal hassles.

But of course you will. Here's Syn in a couple of years with all that freedom.

Let's change the definition of "VIRUS" to include any living creature that lives off another one...kind of like parasite.

Democrats are a virus. So VIRUS now means DEMOCRAT.
Eventually you will not be allowed to leave your house if you are not jabbed.
It's recalcitrant fools who are still spreading it and it must be stopped. Bring in the military or whatever is needed.

They are un American and not patriotic. No different to any wandering tribe of Africans.

Spoken like a true nazi.
You all are free to die from a preventable disease. You can even whine like little bitches the entire time. It will only raise the collective IQ of the surviving population.

I got my booster shot at Costco. And in 4 or 6 or 9 months from now they tell me I need another booster shot to stay safe, I'll get that one too. Because FREEDOM. To stay alive. To live my life with minimal hassles.
All of those Baby Boomers retiring that are twice the size of the oldest generation. The massive reduction in resources and taxes with that. And now Generation X half the size of the Baby Boomers, are becoming the engine pulling a bloated train. With the Millennial Generation twice the size of Generation X much more diverse with attitude and hate towards the lighter complexion older people. The first generation to not be richer than any previous ones and with over 50% of the males that will never get married. There are now two other generations behind that i believe. But what you said really does not make a difference with what I just typed.
Don't be nazi stupid. Unvaxxed are not required to perpetuate transmission of the commie virus. If everyone was vaxxed, the virus would continue to be transmitted between the vaxxed. The unvaxxed parts of the Vaxxed and Stupid will continue to support the virus and its transmission: surfaces of mouths, throats and nasal passages are out of the reach of the vaccine. Are viruses on these surfaces mutating too? Yes or no?
How long are the viruses of the vaxxed viable on non-vaxxed surfaces of the vaxxed? We know that a porcine coronavirus can remain viable on steel surfaces for up to 28 days.

You just confirmed that they are hiding/minimizing possible side effects. In fact, that CDC page you linked to is trying to convince you not to worry about bad side effects. This is not being treated like a normal drug. Here are the side effects of aspirin, a common over-the-counter medication:

Side effects requiring immediate medical attention​

Along with its needed effects, aspirin may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.

Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur while taking aspirin:

Incidence not known

  • Abdominal or stomach pain, cramping, or burning
  • black, tarry stools
  • bloody or cloudy urine
  • change in consciousness
  • chest pain or discomfort
  • confusion
  • constipation
  • convulsions, severe or continuing
  • dark urine
  • decreased frequency or amount of urine
  • diarrhea
  • difficult breathing
  • drowsiness
  • fainting
  • fast breathing
  • feeling that something terrible will happen
  • fever
  • general tiredness and weakness
  • greatly decreased frequency of urination or amount of urine
  • headache
  • heartburn
  • increased thirst
  • indigestion
  • irregular heartbeat
  • light-colored stools
  • loss of appetite
  • loss of consciousness
  • lower back or side pain
  • muscle cramping and weakness
  • muscle tremors
  • nausea or vomiting
  • nervousness
  • numbness or tingling in the hands, feet, or lips
  • panic
  • rapid, deep breathing
  • restlessness
  • seizures
  • skin rash
  • stomach cramps
  • swelling of the face, fingers, or lower legs
  • unusual bleeding or bruising
  • unusual tiredness or weakness
  • vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
  • weakness or heaviness of the legs
  • weight gain
  • yellow eyes and skin
Why do leftists so often redefine words to fit their purposes?

They are going to change the DEFINITION of VACCINATED?


THe left ALREADY changed the defintion of VACCINE...now they are changing the definition of VACCINATED.

Just amazing.

Fauci followed this up by letting us know that the term "mandates" is radioactive, so he'd prefer everyone uses "requirements", so look for that language change from all the usual suspects. - Fauci pushes new word for 'mandates,' admits changing 'fully vaccinated' definition 'certainly on the table'
Have you noticed that EVERY OTHER MEDICINE EVER MADE has noted SIDE EFFECTS?

We see it in EVERY DRUG AD:

"Side effects include nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, shitting blood..."


:hyper: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301::eusa_clap::icon_rolleyes:

Fucking retards believe that shit.
They won't tell us what's in it and we can't sue them if we get injured by it.

And the morons are knocking one another down to get in line to get it!

We, the purebloods, are the only humans left on the planet and we will soon be the majority.
Yep...its your choice to be a pussy, and I want you to have that choice.

Me, not being a pussy...I am choosing to NOT slam an experimental gene therapy shot in my arm.

How do you know you will not get blood clots?

Would you take a daily booster if Fauci told you to?

What if Fauci told you that eating dogshit is a COVID vax? You would do it, wouldn't you? SHEEP.

It's amazing that all the "tough guys" are whining at the rest of us about getting shots

Eventually you will not be allowed to leave your house if you are not jabbed.
It's recalcitrant fools who are still spreading it and it must be stopped. Bring in the military or whatever is needed.

They are un American and not patriotic. No different to any wandering tribe of Africans.
Bring on the military, racist bot.

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