Fauci Says It’s Time to Move Toward Normalcy

Hey anyone hear about ventilators lately? Down the memory hole like Biden's Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban and CCP
In two years do we have one hospital overrun with ChiCom flu patients? Sporadic claims made, zero evidence any really occurred.

But I do know of several nurses who were layed off during the pandemic.
The Dems want to run away from this as fast as they possibly can.

Sorry, no. Nice that we get to take the masks off. But we remember.
Funny, The governor of Illinois, JB Prickster, lost in court and then lost his appeal, and now wants to go to the Illinois Supreme Court to keep his dictatorship. So don't be misled by false reports. Can't make it up, fking Prickster wants kids wearing masks in schools and that's it. ba da bing.
In two years do we have one hospital overrun with ChiCom flu patients? Sporadic claims made, zero evidence any really occurred.

But I do know of several nurses who were layed off during the pandemic.
I know if they didn't get vaxxed they were out, so it couldn't have been such a big deal, there were many of those unscientific nurses and doctors who lost their jobs over not taking the jab. If it were really all hands, than it would have been all hands. hahahaahahahahahaha I know this boy never fell for one iota of this bullshit story.
Many people believe that Fauci was involved with the funding of bioweapon research at Wuhan.. Many people believe that Fauci downplayed any use of "therapeutics" (for political reasons) that caused thousands of people to die needlessly. Many Americans wonder why this particular doctor (of all people) was the "expert" that was relied upon for "advice" from the start and to this day...with any opposing views being concealed and censored. Out of all the qualified doctors available, why on earth do we have the guy that funded the Wuhan lab as our "go to" expert? I'll answer that....Corruption....through and through. Follow the money, follow the motivation from big Pharma, follow the political gains made against Trump. The true evil that Fuaci is, and the evil that he enables, is in plain sight. For me, it seems that the "plain sight thing" is the most disturbing aspect of the "Fauci" chapter in American history.
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Democrats can't think for themselves. They always stick together. Considering the Marxist direction of the party, it's important to not believe anything where a Democrat says they're going to go in a different direction than the party. Today, the entire Democrat party are totalitarian Marxists, regardless of what they say for election purposes. America is about freedom, not the slavery that Democrats are offering.

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