Fauci shows stunning lack of knowledge, lack of science and lack of intelligence......

It's hard for me to believe that an idiot like this made it as far as he did.....but there he is....suit, tie and racism all for sale.
Why? He is Publicly Educated- he's an "expert" in his field, politics- his suit is empty, his attitude presumptuous and his intelligence pseudo intellectual- he pretends his knowledge is esoteric- it ain't.
Fauci graduated 1st in his class from Cornell Medical School, Goober.

Well that certainly is a comment on buying a degree....I wonder if he was part of the college scandal forty years ago....
nobody with any kind of real intelligence would say what he just said. I mean that is just downright frightening. It's vacuous enough to merit
a real investigation into just who paid for his paperwork....

Is that all you have? Honestly, people like yourself who believe Trump over Dr. Fauci have no business commenting on anyone’s intelligence.

Intelligence is not measured by good manners, PC diction or any of the other moronic transgender standards that people latch on to today. Trump has a lot more going for him than you want to admit or can ever imagine....the fact that he is a typical boorish Manhattanite is totally within the realm of believability considering that his private conversations are boyscout-like compared to others of his kind like Bloomberg for instance.... If you want to franchise the kind of thinking that Fauci just sold that's up to you....I noticed that your decisions are not based on reality anyway.

Dr. Fauci has admitted that he changes his opinion as facts change. That is what intelligent people do. The fact is Dr. Fauci has been right as to the Increase in the infection rate during the winter months, and President Clorox has done nothing but increase the death toll by his ineptitude and malfeasance In the handling of Covid.
There should be a law against giving black people preferential treatment based on skin color
I think it was about skepticism on the part of blacks, because right wingers accuse them of "being part of the plantation" and why trust your "overseers" sort of situation.
President Clorox has done nothing but increase the death toll by his ineptitude and malfeasance In the handling of Covid.
Oh horse shit- stop parroting. Try to think for yourself, (as hard as that is for you)
It is stunningly revealing that this asshat can put together a rationale like that and still be taken seriously for anything up to and including what on the McDonald's dollar menu.
Its stupid in the same vein as obama directing NASA to become an outreach feel good program to muslims
I guess you completely missed Trump’s mocking and playing down the virus over the past eight months.
I actually brought up the virus in an article I posted, last year- stupid. I've been making light of it since then, stupid.
I think it was about skepticism on the part of blacks, because right wingers accuse them of "being part of the plantation" and why trust your "overseers" sort of situation.
The CDC is infested with guilt-ridden white liberals who are more likely to poison other white people if they had to choose

It's hard for me to believe that an idiot like this made it as far as he did.....but there he is....suit, tie and racism all for sale.

Why exactly do you think Fauci is an idiot here?

Because his biased source says so, duh...
Yes. Its not the job of police to murder. We are supposed to have the right to a trial by a jury of our peers.
When a son of obama murders an innocent black person in the hood there is no due process

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