Who Really Are You, Dr. Fauci, and What Kind of "Special Interests" Do You Represent???

Fauci works in the general health care science field. Scientists will readily admit that they make mistakes as they examine new territory, doing their best to learn along the way. That's how science works. Trial, error, discovery, progress.

But, as we know, anyone who is either in or supports scientific endeavor must be a radical pinko Hitler fake news deep state Benghazi Khmer Rough Nazi Stalinist socialist Maoist commie.

That's how far we have decayed.

Added to which, if Dr. Faucci was agreeing with everything that Trump said, instead of correcting Trump's obvious and ridiculous lies, cures, and predictions, the idiot Cult would be praising him as the greatest scientist since Einstein.

Anyone who tells the truth about Donald Trump, or dares to criticize even the most ridiculous bullshit emanating from Trump's mouth, is subject to being discredited, attacked and vilified by the Cult.
Fauci works in the general health care science field. Scientists will readily admit that they make mistakes as they examine new territory, doing their best to learn along the way. That's how science works. Trial, error, discovery, progress.

But, as we know, anyone who is either in or supports scientific endeavor must be a radical pinko Hitler fake news deep state Benghazi Khmer Rough Nazi Stalinist socialist Maoist commie.

That's how far we have decayed.

Added to which, if Dr. Faucci was agreeing with everything that Trump said, instead of correcting Trump's obvious and ridiculous lies, cures, and predictions, the idiot Cult would be praising him as the greatest scientist since Einstein.

Anyone who tells the truth about Donald Trump, or dares to criticize even the most ridiculous bullshit emanating from Trump's mouth, is subject to being discredited, attacked and vilified by the Cult.
Yep, this is a group pathology the world hasn't seen in many decades.
Texas Lt. Governor: 'He Has Been Wrong Every Time on Every Issue'

Lt. Governor stated that Fauci, who has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, had lost credibility among officials in the Lone Star State.

“Fauci said today that he’s concerned about states like Texas that skipped over certain things,” Patrick told the program.

“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. We haven’t skipped over anything. The only thing I’m skipping over is listening to him,” Lt. Governor said.

“We’ve had 2,424 people die and New York has had over 31,000. Even California has had almost three times as much as Texas, and remember Laura, those two states have been locked down the whole time while we have been open, so locking down doesn’t work,” he added.
Source: Texas Lt. Governor Says He's Done Listening to Fauci: 'He Doesn't Know What He's Talking About'

The Lt. Governor of Florida is a horse's ass. This is the same clown who suggested that the elderly should be prepared to "sacrifice" themselves to the virus to save the economy for their grandchildren.

This is the same state who gifted the American people with Rick Perry - the dumbest governor in history, and Ted Cruz. The quality of Republicans in Texas is the very bottom of the barrel.

Texas had 6 months to contain the corona virus, and the examples of Italy and New York to see what works and what doesn't in containing the virus. And what strategy did the Republican leadership Texas use to keep themselves and their people safe? Well, none really.

Republicans are JUST THAT STUPID.
Texas Lt. Governor: 'He Has Been Wrong Every Time on Every Issue'

Lt. Governor stated that Fauci, who has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, had lost credibility among officials in the Lone Star State.

“Fauci said today that he’s concerned about states like Texas that skipped over certain things,” Patrick told the program.

“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. We haven’t skipped over anything. The only thing I’m skipping over is listening to him,” Lt. Governor said.

“We’ve had 2,424 people die and New York has had over 31,000. Even California has had almost three times as much as Texas, and remember Laura, those two states have been locked down the whole time while we have been open, so locking down doesn’t work,” he added.
Source: Texas Lt. Governor Says He's Done Listening to Fauci: 'He Doesn't Know What He's Talking About'

The Lt. Governor of Florida is a horse's ass. This is the same clown who suggested that the elderly should be prepared to "sacrifice" themselves to the virus to save the economy for their grandchildren.

This is the same state who gifted the American people with Rick Perry - the dumbest governor in history, and Ted Cruz. The quality of Republicans in Texas is the very bottom of the barrel.

Texas had 6 months to contain the corona virus, and the examples of Italy and New York to see what works and what doesn't in containing the virus. And what strategy did the Republican leadership Texas use to keep themselves and their people safe? Well, none really.

Republicans are JUST THAT STUPID.

Well, sticking labels on the Republicans can not hide the fact that there is a powerful planetary conspiratorial organization that destroyed historically traditional medicine, coming up with new and new methods of enslaving people and turning their health into a source of superprofits. Misanthrope Bill Gates and Fauci are part of this criminal organization.

By the way, WHY do you, the so-called "democrats", but in fact, part of you are cryptoneozionist conspirators destroying the country, keep quiet about the fact that the Institute of Virology in England, owned by Bill Gates, CREATED a coronovirus with 100 mortality for birds with ALL the symptoms typical for Human?!


Coronavirus: Bill Gates predicted pandemic in 2015
Microsoft co-founder warned a virus like 1918 Spanish flu would spread “very quickly”

HOW did he KNOW that???
Speaks with God or... DEVIL???

Texas Lt. Governor: 'He Has Been Wrong Every Time on Every Issue'

Lt. Governor stated that Fauci, who has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, had lost credibility among officials in the Lone Star State.

“Fauci said today that he’s concerned about states like Texas that skipped over certain things,” Patrick told the program.

“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. We haven’t skipped over anything. The only thing I’m skipping over is listening to him,” Lt. Governor said.

“We’ve had 2,424 people die and New York has had over 31,000. Even California has had almost three times as much as Texas, and remember Laura, those two states have been locked down the whole time while we have been open, so locking down doesn’t work,” he added.
Source: Texas Lt. Governor Says He's Done Listening to Fauci: 'He Doesn't Know What He's Talking About'

View attachment 357968

Typical technocrat who thinks he knows best, while a child is correct more often.

Well, at least we now know that president Trump saved 2 million lives. President Trump saved more lives than the past presidents killed combined in their faux wars - and they killed a lot.
Fauci works in the general health care science field. Scientists will readily admit that they make mistakes as they examine new territory, doing their best to learn along the way. That's how science works. Trial, error, discovery, progress.

But, as we know, anyone who is either in or supports scientific endeavor must be a radical pinko Hitler fake news deep state Benghazi Khmer Rough Nazi Stalinist socialist Maoist commie.

That's how far we have decayed.

Added to which, if Dr. Faucci was agreeing with everything that Trump said, instead of correcting Trump's obvious and ridiculous lies, cures, and predictions, the idiot Cult would be praising him as the greatest scientist since Einstein.

Anyone who tells the truth about Donald Trump, or dares to criticize even the most ridiculous bullshit emanating from Trump's mouth, is subject to being discredited, attacked and vilified by the Cult.

You are Dazzled by the hatred of Trump because he is fighting with you, the traitors of America, who, in pursuit of profit, transferred production to Asian countries and transferred strategic technologies to China


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If you don't like the message then attack the messenger.
Well he’s a “doctor of philosophy In philosophy”. Lol. You’d think he’d come up with something more formidable than that.

I told you that we will meet in court. Due to the wretchedness of your knowledge and at the same time the provocative nature of your judgments, I cannot enter into a discussion with you. You know, it's like stepping on something left by a dog, and then you can’t wash your shoes for a long time
Fauci has admitted that he and Adams told a calculated lie about the efficacy of masks to deceive the public because they feared there would be a shortage of them for medical professionals if there was a massive increase in demand for them by the general public.

Since they have totally lost any semblance of public trust they may have had. Trump should fire both Fauci and Surgeon General Adams.

And WHAT money the Chinese curators of the top of the "Democratic Party" made on speculation with masks, protective suits, sanitizers and ... chipboards, which were used to close shop windows around the world! Each board costs $ 40-45!
Fauci has admitted that he and Adams told a calculated lie about the efficacy of masks to deceive the public because they feared there would be a shortage of them for medical professionals if there was a massive increase in demand for them by the general public.

Since they have totally lost any semblance of public trust they may have had. Trump should fire both Fauci and Surgeon General Adams.

And WHAT money the Chinese curators of the top of the "Democratic Party" made on speculation with masks, protective suits, sanitizers and ... chipboards, which were used to close shop windows around the world! Each board costs $ 40-45!

"Trump should fire both Fauci and Surgeon General Adams"

Yes! And the top of pro-Chinese America's cosmopolitan traitors' "Democratic party.
A firing squad ...
Fauci works in the general health care science field. Scientists will readily admit that they make mistakes as they examine new territory, doing their best to learn along the way. That's how science works. Trial, error, discovery, progress.

But, as we know, anyone who is either in or supports scientific endeavor must be a radical pinko Hitler fake news deep state Benghazi Khmer Rough Nazi Stalinist socialist Maoist commie.

That's how far we have decayed.

Added to which, if Dr. Faucci was agreeing with everything that Trump said, instead of correcting Trump's obvious and ridiculous lies, cures, and predictions, the idiot Cult would be praising him as the greatest scientist since Einstein.

Anyone who tells the truth about Donald Trump, or dares to criticize even the most ridiculous bullshit emanating from Trump's mouth, is subject to being discredited, attacked and vilified by the Cult.
Yep, this is a group pathology the world hasn't seen in many decades.

I recently spoke with experts and they suggested that the perception of the world by these people, their hatred of all those who they DO NOT consider as HUMAN BEINGS, non-adequate self-cognition, the constant outbreak of military conflicts, and the tendency to blackmail are the result of genetic mutations in some parts of the brain.


I recently spoke with experts and they suggested that the perception of the world by these people, their hatred of all those who they DO NOT consider as HUMAN BEINGS, non-adequate self-cognition, the constant outbreak of military conflicts, and the tendency to blackmail are the result of genetic mutations in some parts of the brain.
I've noticed that, in many of their posts, they refer to those who dare to disagree with them - and, of course, minorities - as "subhuman", "animals", things like that. So that creates a separation, a natural barrier.

This also helps them with their conviction that this is a "war". Turn those you hate into something less than human, and anything you do to them is more easily justified.

Sick, ugly stuff, but this is where we are at the moment.
I recently spoke with experts and they suggested that the perception of the world by these people, their hatred of all those who they DO NOT consider as HUMAN BEINGS, non-adequate self-cognition, the constant outbreak of military conflicts, and the tendency to blackmail are the result of genetic mutations in some parts of the brain.
I've noticed that, in many of their posts, they refer to those who dare to disagree with them - and, of course, minorities - as "subhuman", "animals", things like that. So that creates a separation, a natural barrier.

This also helps them with their conviction that this is a "war". Turn those you hate into something less than human, and anything you do to them is more easily justified.

Sick, ugly stuff, but this is where we are at the moment.

Yes, but it looks like they’re ready to start a civil war

200 heavily-armed Black protesters demand removal of Confederate monument



Heavily armed protesters from the NFAC militia

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