Fauci: Travel bans don't work!

Ho hum, another opinion piece. This one from a left leaning writer. I'm waiting for an actual quote that directly called Trump a racist for his Chinese national travel RESTRICTION.
Put it up, or stop wasting everyone's time recycling lies.
They'd all be opinion pieces, you idiot. Saying someone is racist is an opinion. Especially when there's no proof of the charge.

These Commies sure do like to use the word.
Travel restrictions are reactive. Situational. However, it also depends on who you've got making the decisions and what they are basing those decisions on.
I didn't have an issue with Trump's restriction on travel from China for Chinese nationals (he forgot about the other 40K US citizens flying home in a panic).

The virus was coming to our shores in early 2020 regardless of who was in charge. The variant will make it here (if it hasn't already) in spite
of the leadership change. The difference is in the RESPONSE to the virus/variant. Trump restricted travel......and then?..crickets for almost the
next two months. Never listened to the scientists or the doctors advising him of what to do and say. Just listening to the people that played
to his vanity and loyalty. What are we up to right now? Almost 785K dead? And that's about to get a whole lot worse. All those, belong to Trump, like it or not.
I never had any confidence he was capable of making the right decisions or listening to the right people. He was unfit to sit in the chair based on that alone.

With Biden, it may very well still end up being carnage. But at least I know he's listening to the right people and making decisions based on that.
Head and shoulders above the last guy.
Biden appreciates the passionate ass-kissing, but he doesn't care if you live or die.
First of all, new variants are good, not bad.
Variants are always less lethal, not more, because that is what evolution selects for.

Variants do NOT explain why you need boosters because they never changed the vaccines.

Travel bans always work, and is how we prevented Ebola.

Travel bans do NOT mean you can't send anyone to an infected country, like doctors, and it does not mean people can not return from those countries.
All it means is they have to do a 12 day quarantine when they come back.
Because masks slow the spread of the virus.
Normal, thinking human beings can...you know..think for themselves.

You ONLY want to slow the spread of a virus is you have adopted the full quarantine strategy, with no travel, contract tracing, etc.
If you are not implementing full quarantine, then you do NOT want to slow the spread of the virus.
You want to speed it up as much as possible, so that you quickly achieve herd immunity.
The is the only way to protect the vulnerable, end the epidemic quickly, and save the most lives.
Just "slowing the spread" prevents herd immunity, conserves easy hosts, keeps the epidemic alive forever, and kills the maximum number of people.
You ONLY want to slow the spread of a virus is you have adopted the full quarantine strategy, with no travel, contract tracing, etc.
If you are not implementing full quarantine, then you do NOT want to slow the spread of the virus.
You want to speed it up as much as possible, so that you quickly achieve herd immunity.
The is the only way to protect the vulnerable, end the epidemic quickly, and save the most lives.
Just "slowing the spread" prevents herd immunity, conserves easy hosts, keeps the epidemic alive forever, and kills the maximum number of people.
Sure. If you're willing to accept that speeding up the virus to obtain your nirvana of herd immunity (which in a natural spreading event...doesn't happen, the virus just mutates) is most likely going to result in millions of dead bodies.
If that's your barometer, so be it. Kinda heartless since this virus seems to have no rhyme or reason to it...and you'd most likely kill most of those vulnerable people that you want to protect.
Just a few examples you will ignore, or try to spin away.

Let's see. Used Find in the linked article. Looked for the word racist. Three mentions. Still don't see where anyone directly calls Donald John Trump a racist.

Thanks for playing Smooshy Faced Joe Biden.
You got a nice door prize on the way out. Your choice of a tube of butthurt or ivermectin. :auiqs.jpg:
Sure. If you're willing to accept that speeding up the virus to obtain your nirvana of herd immunity (which in a natural spreading event...doesn't happen, the virus just mutates) is most likely going to result in millions of dead bodies.
If that's your barometer, so be it. Kinda heartless since this virus seems to have no rhyme or reason to it...and you'd most likely kill most of those vulnerable people that you want to protect.

Totally wrong.

First of all, deliberately increasing infection spread achieves herd immunity % faster than any other method, so prevents the vulnerable from dying and prevent variants.
Deaths and variants are caused by the virus spreading over long periods of time.
That is because you can only protect and isolate the vulnerable for a little while, and variants require natural selection to make a minor strain the most common.

Second is that by deliberately spreading the virus through variolation, you can ensure only those under 40 are accepted as volunteers, and since they have 400 times less chance of dying, instead of millions of dead, you only have ten thousands of dead.
He could have saved over half a million lives in the US if we had deliberately infected young volunteers last March.

Third is that spreading infection does NOT risk the vulnerable because when you deliberately infect volunteers, you know who needs to be quarantined for 12 days. So it ensures total safety to the vulnerable. By ending the epidemic quickly, it ensures no one is at risk.
Let's see. Used Find in the linked article. Looked for the word racist. Three mentions. Still don't see where anyone directly calls Donald John Trump a racist.

Thanks for playing Smooshy Faced Joe Biden.
You got a nice door prize on the way out. Your choice of a tube of butthurt or ivermectin. :auiqs.jpg:
Too many word for you, Tardboi?


“By no means should the American people, with our history and commitment to freedom and justice for all, allow such a discriminatory policy to be implemented under our name,” Shelton told NBC News. “It is wrong, it is misguided and, quite frankly, it is sadly racist.”
Too many word for you, Tardboi?


“By no means should the American people, with our history and commitment to freedom and justice for all, allow such a discriminatory policy to be implemented under our name,” Shelton told NBC News. “It is wrong, it is misguided and, quite frankly, it is sadly racist.”
No reading comprehension eh Smooshy Face? Didn't call Trump a racist. End of Story.

The common cold has become uncommon. Fauci recommends that anyone who comes down with the uncommon cold should isolate inside a hazmat suit for two to three weeks.
It's been repeatedly proved to you that's a lie.

But there you are, willfully pushing the lie.
Because it's what you do Six Gun.
Masks help. With Omicron, you adjust your risk variance and tolerance.
Just like you should be doing every day.
If you're that terrified, stay home. I got shit to do, boy.
Well, then you go out into that cold, cruel world and do it Six Gun!!..Bored..I've been out and about since June, 2020.
It's terrible isn't it? To have nothing. Your belief system, your ideology..all bankrupt and worthless. I feel bad for you. Nothing to hold on to. Except the lies. :auiqs.jpg:
I hope they sustain you. :)
Well, then you go out into that cold, cruel world and do it Six Gun!!..Bored..I've been out and about since June, 2020.
It's terrible isn't it? To have nothing. Your belief system, your ideology..all bankrupt and worthless. I feel bad for you. Nothing to hold on to. Except the lies. :auiqs.jpg:
I hope they sustain you. :)
You sure are a bitter little shit, aren't you?

My life is great. I love it. I don't live my life in fear. Try it sometime...if you have the guts.

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