Favorite or most cool movie scenes!

I do love to watch Mel Gibson and Danny Glover in the Lethal Weapon movies. :D :D :D

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I love to watch Danny get onto Mel after Mel jumps off of the building with that man who was contemplating suicide. :D :D :D
Have you ever seen Loaded Weapon with Emilio Esteves and Samuel Jackson? They do a parody of that Lethal Weapon scene where there's a bomb under Danny Glover's toilet.

Emilio comes in and goes, "Where are you?"
Jackson say's, "I'm up here!"
Emilio busts in the bathroom and says, "What's wrong?"
Jackson replys, "Nothin'. I'm takin' a shit!"
Gallipoli - the final ending...it was one of the few movies I cried at ... because it really happened :(


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