FB posts on Seizing/Redistributing funds: Is extreme Wealth a punishable moral offense


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
I am going to add posts on here I have been seeing from friends, insisting that exceptional wealth is justification for govt to redistribute this to save lives from poverty or lack of health care. As if there is no better solution?

I have posted the usual responses:
1. When is making or saving more money than other people a punishable offense?
2. Shouldn't the taxpayers affected by tax laws be able to consent?
Where is the DUE PROCESS to PROVE which people collected wealth by abusive means or incurred costs, damages or debts to others for which they owe payment?
3. Why isn't the focus on finding better, sustainable ways to provide health care or other lifesaving assistance WITHOUT abusing govt to seize wealth of people without their permission?
Where is the motivation to stop govt waste or to collect back money owed from corporate corruption by people PROVEN to have abused taxpayer resources? Why punish wealthy people "as a class" for political convenience instead of targeting the ACTUAL wrongdoers that can be PROVEN to have committed wrongs, received profits they didn't earn as payouts that other taxpayers paid, and incurred debts?

Isn't it wrongful to COVET the wealth of others, by ASSUMING such people must be "greedy" and have done something abusive that justifies demanding their money based solely on the amount they have saved or earned. Isn't that judging and discriminating by class?

Etc. Etc.

Is anyone else seeing posts like that from friends who are pushing to use the Liberal bias in Govt and Congress to demand policies like this, raising taxes based on wealth instead of going after the actual problems or parties responsible for abuse, waste or reimbursement of taxpayer funds?

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I am going to add posts on here I have been seeing from frienda, insisting that exceptional wealth is justification for govt to redistribute this to save lives from poverty or lack of health care. As if there is no better solution?

I have posted the usual responses:
1. When is making or saving more money than other people a punishable offense?
2. Shouldn't the taxpayers affected by tax laws be able to consent?
Where is the DUE PROCESS to PROVE which people collected wealth by abusive means or incurred costs, damages or debts to others for which they owe payment?
3. Why isn't the focus on finding better, sustainable ways to provide health care or other lifesaving assistance WITHOUT abusing govt to seize wealth of people without their permission?
Where is the motivation to stop govt waste or to collect back money owed from corporate corruption by people PROVEN to have abused taxpayer resources? Why punish wealthy people "as a class" for political convenience instead of targeting the proven wrongdoers legally convicted of wrongs?

Isn't it wrongful to COVET the wealth of others, by ASSUMING such people must be "greedy" and have done something abusive that justifies demanding their money based solely on the amount they have saved or earned. Isn't that judging and discriminating by class?

Etc. Etc.

Is anyone else seeing posts like that from friends who are pushing to use the Liberal bias in Govt and Congress to demand policies like this, raising taxes based on wealth instead of going after the actual problems or parties responsible for abuse, waste or reimbursement of taxpayer funds?

View attachment 469150

The world has been taken over by the ideology of Marx, and that is, coveting is a virtue.

Hitler knew this as he went after the Jews who were socioeconomically better than most in Germany. You simply pick on a helpless minority who has more money, take their gold, and send them all off to die.

They are a minority so who will really care? And people love it when the rich have their money taken from them because they covet them.

See, it's a win/win.
I am going to add posts on here I have been seeing from friends, insisting that exceptional wealth is justification for govt to redistribute this to save lives from poverty or lack of health care. As if there is no better solution?

I have posted the usual responses:
1. When is making or saving more money than other people a punishable offense?
2. Shouldn't the taxpayers affected by tax laws be able to consent?
Where is the DUE PROCESS to PROVE which people collected wealth by abusive means or incurred costs, damages or debts to others for which they owe payment?
3. Why isn't the focus on finding better, sustainable ways to provide health care or other lifesaving assistance WITHOUT abusing govt to seize wealth of people without their permission?
Where is the motivation to stop govt waste or to collect back money owed from corporate corruption by people PROVEN to have abused taxpayer resources? Why punish wealthy people "as a class" for political convenience instead of targeting the ACTUAL wrongdoers that can be PROVEN to have committed wrongs, received profits they didn't earn as payouts that other taxpayers paid, and incurred debts?

Isn't it wrongful to COVET the wealth of others, by ASSUMING such people must be "greedy" and have done something abusive that justifies demanding their money based solely on the amount they have saved or earned. Isn't that judging and discriminating by class?

Etc. Etc.

Is anyone else seeing posts like that from friends who are pushing to use the Liberal bias in Govt and Congress to demand policies like this, raising taxes based on wealth instead of going after the actual problems or parties responsible for abuse, waste or reimbursement of taxpayer funds?

View attachment 469150

It depends how that wealth was accumulated.
What does God say about the issue of wealth building and power building through wealth? How can a nation claim to follow a God of Abraham and the Son of God Jesus Christ when both spoke on the subject and said it was not good to keep all that wealth that belongs to God in the first place, you should share the blessings of the planet that belongs to God. Wait, God is the original Marxist...stick that in yer soup and eat it.
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... continued...still adding more posts I've been getting with this new surge in leftist party propaganda and lobbying to push through govt....
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LOL the USA already spends a trillion a year on welfare programs. And does anyone really trust government to set up a special tax on super billionaires then put that money in a safe account and it will only be spent wisely on food, housing and healthcare for small amount of poor people?
The tax the rich people sound more jealous than compassionate to me. They seem mad at the rich
We ought to be mad. Been handing them massive tax cuts for decades and we are still waiting for their almost astounding gains in wealth to trickle down.
No one is waiting it has rained on us for years.
Clearly not the case. If the economy worked like conservatives say it does there would be corresponding gains in wealth from the bottom to the top but for everyone who works for a living wage growth has been flat at best.
The tax the rich people sound more jealous than compassionate to me. They seem mad at the rich
Wait a minute....say what? Aren't you Trumpets the ones who HATE THE ELITE? Hate all the big wig wealthy who over rule our deep state govt who are the Elite's pawns?????

What does God say about the issue of wealth building and power building through wealth? How can a nation claim to follow a God of Abraham and the Son of God Jesu Christ when both spoke on the subject and said it was not good to keep all that wealth that belongs to God in the first place, you should share the blessings of the planet that belongs to God. Wait, God is the original Marxist...stick that in yer soup and eat it.
^ Moonglow
When is it Constitutional to take Christian teaching and moral beliefs and establish this belief through GOVT to impose and require the whole nation to follow and taxpayers to fund it?

If it is okay to establish Christian and God's laws through Govt, does this mean all the other responsibilities come with it?

Refraining from sex outside of spiritually committed relations?

Not coveting the spouses, property, servants or wealth of others?

Do you see the conflict this introduces?
I am going to add posts on here I have been seeing from friends, insisting that exceptional wealth is justification for govt to redistribute this to save lives from poverty or lack of health care. As if there is no better solution?

I have posted the usual responses:
1. When is making or saving more money than other people a punishable offense?
2. Shouldn't the taxpayers affected by tax laws be able to consent?
Where is the DUE PROCESS to PROVE which people collected wealth by abusive means or incurred costs, damages or debts to others for which they owe payment?
3. Why isn't the focus on finding better, sustainable ways to provide health care or other lifesaving assistance WITHOUT abusing govt to seize wealth of people without their permission?
Where is the motivation to stop govt waste or to collect back money owed from corporate corruption by people PROVEN to have abused taxpayer resources? Why punish wealthy people "as a class" for political convenience instead of targeting the ACTUAL wrongdoers that can be PROVEN to have committed wrongs, received profits they didn't earn as payouts that other taxpayers paid, and incurred debts?

Isn't it wrongful to COVET the wealth of others, by ASSUMING such people must be "greedy" and have done something abusive that justifies demanding their money based solely on the amount they have saved or earned. Isn't that judging and discriminating by class?

Etc. Etc.

Is anyone else seeing posts like that from friends who are pushing to use the Liberal bias in Govt and Congress to demand policies like this, raising taxes based on wealth instead of going after the actual problems or parties responsible for abuse, waste or reimbursement of taxpayer funds?

View attachment 469150

I always keep hearing that the Rich never pay enough for the infrastructure that they use, even though the rich pay in more (not rate) money than most others do. But the poor since they dont pay taxes or very little use the same infrastructure that the middle class and rich do, but hardly come close to paying their fare share..
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What does God say about the issue of wealth building and power building through wealth? How can a nation claim to follow a God of Abraham and the Son of God Jesu Christ when both spoke on the subject and said it was not good to keep all that wealth that belongs to God in the first place, you should share the blessings of the planet that belongs to God. Wait, God is the original Marxist...stick that in yer soup and eat it.
^ Moonglow
When is it Constitutional to take Christian teaching and moral beliefs and establish this belief through GOVT to impose and require the whole nation to follow and taxpayers to fund it?

If it is okay to establish Christian and God's laws through Govt, does this mean all the other responsibilities come with it?

Refraining from sex outside of spiritually committed relations?

Not coveting the spouses, property, servants or wealth of others?

Do you see the conflict this introduces?
What does God say about the issue of wealth building and power building through wealth? How can a nation claim to follow a God of Abraham and the Son of God Jesu Christ when both spoke on the subject and said it was not good to keep all that wealth that belongs to God in the first place, you should share the blessings of the planet that belongs to God. Wait, God is the original Marxist...stick that in yer soup and eat it.
^ Moonglow
When is it Constitutional to take Christian teaching and moral beliefs and establish this belief through GOVT to impose and require the whole nation to follow and taxpayers to fund it?

If it is okay to establish Christian and God's laws through Govt, does this mean all the other responsibilities come with it?

Refraining from sex outside of spiritually committed relations?

Not coveting the spouses, property, servants or wealth of others?

Do you see the conflict this introduces?
It must be because the basis for several laws is all due to the morality of the Bible.

It is not coveting when one is not paid a living wage by a wealthy man.
The tax the rich people sound more jealous than compassionate to me. They seem mad at the rich
We ought to be mad. Been handing them massive tax cuts for decades and we are still waiting for their almost astounding gains in wealth to trickle down.
No one is waiting it has rained on us for years.
Clearly not the case. If the economy worked like conservatives say it does there would be corresponding gains in wealth from the bottom to the top but for everyone who works for a living wage growth has been flat at best.
Clearly is the case growth has happened for all
What does God say about the issue of wealth building and power building through wealth? How can a nation claim to follow a God of Abraham and the Son of God Jesu Christ when both spoke on the subject and said it was not good to keep all that wealth that belongs to God in the first place, you should share the blessings of the planet that belongs to God. Wait, God is the original Marxist...stick that in yer soup and eat it.
^ Moonglow
When is it Constitutional to take Christian teaching and moral beliefs and establish this belief through GOVT to impose and require the whole nation to follow and taxpayers to fund it?

If it is okay to establish Christian and God's laws through Govt, does this mean all the other responsibilities come with it?

Refraining from sex outside of spiritually committed relations?

Not coveting the spouses, property, servants or wealth of others?

Do you see the conflict this introduces?
View attachment 469162
Thomas got half of the equation right, what happened to the other half of the formula?
What does God say about the issue of wealth building and power building through wealth? How can a nation claim to follow a God of Abraham and the Son of God Jesu Christ when both spoke on the subject and said it was not good to keep all that wealth that belongs to God in the first place, you should share the blessings of the planet that belongs to God. Wait, God is the original Marxist...stick that in yer soup and eat it.
^ Moonglow
When is it Constitutional to take Christian teaching and moral beliefs and establish this belief through GOVT to impose and require the whole nation to follow and taxpayers to fund it?

If it is okay to establish Christian and God's laws through Govt, does this mean all the other responsibilities come with it?

Refraining from sex outside of spiritually committed relations?

Not coveting the spouses, property, servants or wealth of others?

Do you see the conflict this introduces?
It must be because the basis for several laws is all due to the morality of the Bible.

It is not coveting when one is not paid a living wage by a wealthy man.
All awages are living wages. It is simply a matter of living within ones means.

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