FBI Admits The FBI and DOJ Leaked Stories To The Press & Used Thenm To Obtain Warrants

If the FBI has information pertinent to an investigation, they don't need to leak it in order to use it in a warrant application, fool.
Obama and Brennan did not need to illegally spy on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....but they did.

Obama and Koskinen did not need to use the IRS to illegally target US citizens legally opposing his re-election...but they did....

Obama did not need to illegally run weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels...but he did

Obama did not need to illegally invade Syria...but he did.

Obama and his administration did a lot of illegal things they did not 'need' to do.

You've given up on your own topic and going the Buh-buh-buh-but-Obama! route???
And using more unproven bullshit from Fox to do it.

So, all you got is making light of the source, you snowflakes who hold CNN up as the shining light of journalistic integrity....

Sorry for offending your main source of "education," Queasy......lol
the more you think you have on trump, it ends up backfiring and showing collusion against trump not for trump

LOL.....;paranoia, much????

You have the critical thinking ability of a turnip.

If the FBI has information pertinent to an investigation, they don't need to leak it in order to use it in a warrant application, fool.
Childish insult aside, you should really tell the FBI that they did not need to leak information to obtain a warrant.

...but the evidence now shows they obviously DID need to leak information....and deceive the FISA courts by presenting a fake Russian-authored report as legitimate Intel ... to obtain warrants.
The evidence now shows you are a piss drinker guzzling down a fake news story from a far right fakes news site.
[QUOTE="nat4900, post: 20671655, member: 53797
Sorry for offending your main source of "education," Queasy......lol[/QUOTE]
Every time you post you reveal how stupid you are. I could count up the number of links, articles, references, reports, etc I have made in the last several days, and it would total up more than you have made the whole time on this board. You have proven you are long on mouth and very short on anything to back it up. That's the only education you have given me.
A journalist sacked by the Kremlin-funded Sputnik news network claimed that right-wing U.S. outlets regularly disseminate fake news and conspiracy theories touted by the site.

Sputnik’s influence on right-wing, pro-Trump, news websites is pervasive: “Many of the most popular articles about things like WikiLeaks and “pizzagate” conspiracy theories were prominently featured on the Sputnik website,”
These fake stories get picked up by other American outletsby Daily Caller, Infowars, Breitbart, WND, HOT AIR, and Gateway Pundit – right-wing media outlets, and Sputnik functions as part of this right-wing media ecosystem.
So, all you got is making light of the source, you snowflakes who hold CNN up as the shining light of journalistic integrity....


In other words, you’ve been caught lying again and now you’re deflecting to cries of “fake news”.

It’s absolutely amazing how many of CNN “fake news stories” turn out to be true, and how much of the shit you promote is easily debunked.
You have the critical thinking ability of a turnip.

If the FBI has information pertinent to an investigation, they don't need to leak it in order to use it in a warrant application, fool.
Childish insult aside, you should really tell the FBI that they did not need to leak information to obtain a warrant.

...but the evidence now shows they obviously DID need to leak information....and deceive the FISA courts by presenting a fake Russian-authored report as legitimate Intel ... to obtain warrants.

You honestly believe that the FBI is populated with people as dumb as yourself?

Too funny. You seriously need to seek professional help.
If the FBI has information pertinent to an investigation, they don't need to leak it in order to use it in a warrant application, fool.
Obama and Brennan did not need to illegally spy on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices....but they did.

Obama and Koskinen did not need to use the IRS to illegally target US citizens legally opposing his re-election...but they did....

Obama did not need to illegally run weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels...but he did

Obama did not need to illegally invade Syria...but he did.

Obama and his administration did a lot of illegal things they did not 'need' to do.

You wouldn't need to go deep into your off-topic bag of tricks either if your story had any actual merit.
[QUOTE="easyt65, post: 20671714, member: 55400"]I could count up the number of links, articles, references, reports, etc I have made in the last several days, and it would total up more than you have made the whole time on this board.[/QUOTE]

Morons like you should, then, get a life rather than posting your right wing references and showing what an ignorant wate of cyberspace you surely are.......LOL
From the OP link:

During a closed-door interview with the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees on Friday, Special Agent Jonathan Moffa told congressional investigators that the FBI and Justice Department have leaked stories to the press and then used them to obtain warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

“He more or less admitted that the FBI/DOJ have previously leaked info to the press and then used stories from the press as justifications for FISA warrants,” a source who took part in Moffa’s interview told TheDCNF.

And now...the definition of hypocrisy:

OldLady, don't ask me to believe a story that offers as evidence 'anonymous' sources and a 'letter' that has not even been proven to exist, written by a media outlet that has already been proven to have engaged in Fake News.

It's only credible when it's Mueller leaking. Got it
I guess after 2 years if you don't have any evidence you have to start making up shit and manufacturing crimes and evidence....

....which is funny because Mueller has a history of manufacturing and hiding evidence to get convictions....and even more funny considering how the UDS IG cited the FBI for breaking its own protocols and procedures in this investigation...when the US IG stated the FBI altered witness statements AFTER they were given....how key witnesses were NOT sworn in or had their interviews recorded as SOP....and refused to indict some witnesses who lied to the FBI (which is actually questionable) while indicting others.....

When you take all of that into account, the FBI leaking information only to turn around and use the information they had illegally leaked makes perfect sense.
Sessions is all over this. After Trump fires him, he should revoke his passport and ship him to Venezuela
No Leakers On The Left? Yeah, it turns out that Obama's DOJ and FBI were intentionally leaking worse than a screen door on a submarine - leaking stories to the press who would publish them, only to have the FBI and DOJ also obtain warrants on American citizens based on the leaked stories,,,,



Source: FBI Agent Told Congress The Bureau Used Leaked Stories To Obtain Spy Warrants

An FBI special agent told Congress earlier in August that the bureau has used leaked news stories as justifications to obtain surveillance warrants against American citizens

During a closed-door interview with the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees on Friday, Special Agent Jonathan Moffa told congressional investigators that the FBI and Justice Department have leaked stories to the press and then used them to obtain warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

“We’ve learned NEW information suggesting our suspicions are true: FBI/DOJ have previously leaked info to the press, and then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify FISA’s Unreal

The FBI did not respond to a request for comment about Moffa’s congressional testimony."


More and more evidence keeps coming out that Obama ran the most cri minal administration in US history run by a bunch of 3rd World Gestapo Goons in charge of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI....

Funny how no one in O s cabinet were ever charged.
How many guilt pleas of Don the cons people?
Daily caller?
You have to be kidding.
Got an actual source?
Believe we landed on the moon?
A journalist sacked by the Kremlin-funded Sputnik news network claimed that right-wing U.S. outlets regularly disseminate fake news and conspiracy theories touted by the site.

Sputnik’s influence on right-wing, pro-Trump, news websites is pervasive: “Many of the most popular articles about things like WikiLeaks and “pizzagate” conspiracy theories were prominently featured on the Sputnik website,”
These fake stories get picked up by other American outletsby Daily Caller, Infowars, Breitbart, WND, HOT AIR, and Gateway Pundit – right-wing media outlets, and Sputnik functions as part of this right-wing media ecosystem.
So, all you got is making light of the source, you snowflakes who hold CNN up as the shining light of journalistic integrity....


Maybe it's because you haven't enough brains to even know the origin of snowflake.
But believe the daily caller????!!!!
Who holds up CNN?
Doesn't matter. Democrats and progressives view themselves as victims, and they're held to lower standards. They project accountability as well, so in the end, they're not held responsible.

Obama's admin. broke ethics after ethics. Not Manafort style, oh heck no, they broke ethics while in office. All tucked under a rug.
A journalist sacked by the Kremlin-funded Sputnik news network claimed that right-wing U.S. outlets regularly disseminate fake news and conspiracy theories touted by the site.

Sputnik’s influence on right-wing, pro-Trump, news websites is pervasive: “Many of the most popular articles about things like WikiLeaks and “pizzagate” conspiracy theories were prominently featured on the Sputnik website,”
These fake stories get picked up by other American outletsby Daily Caller, Infowars, Breitbart, WND, HOT AIR, and Gateway Pundit – right-wing media outlets, and Sputnik functions as part of this right-wing media ecosystem.

it was an FBI agent saying it, not a Russian news site. the more you think you have on trump, it ends up backfiring and showing collusion against trump not for trump

It was a anonymous source. According to Trump, these types of anonymously sourced stories are fake news.
From the OP link:

During a closed-door interview with the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees on Friday, Special Agent Jonathan Moffa told congressional investigators that the FBI and Justice Department have leaked stories to the press and then used them to obtain warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

“He more or less admitted that the FBI/DOJ have previously leaked info to the press and then used stories from the press as justifications for FISA warrants,” a source who took part in Moffa’s interview told TheDCNF.

And now...the definition of hypocrisy:

OldLady, don't ask me to believe a story that offers as evidence 'anonymous' sources and a 'letter' that has not even been proven to exist, written by a media outlet that has already been proven to have engaged in Fake News.

They do this all the time.
When it's what they want to hear: "a source", "people who are familiar with the matter" is fine.
When it used by the New York Times or CNN, it's fake news.
it's bullshit when anyone over-uses these "sources".


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