FBI Admits The FBI and DOJ Leaked Stories To The Press & Used Thenm To Obtain Warrants

It's both funny and scary - how even when the Liberal criminals ADMIT what they did, snowflakes still refuse to believe it, continue to lie / deny / justify......
No Leakers On The Left? Yeah, it turns out that Obama's DOJ and FBI were intentionally leaking worse than a screen door on a submarine - leaking stories to the press who would publish them, only to have the FBI and DOJ also obtain warrants on American citizens based on the leaked stories,,,,



FBI Pushes Back On GOP Rep’s Claim That FBI Uses Leaks To Get FISAs

An FBI special agent told Congress earlier in August that the bureau has used leaked news stories as justifications to obtain surveillance warrants against American citizens

During a closed-door interview with the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees on Friday, Special Agent Jonathan Moffa told congressional investigators that the FBI and Justice Department have leaked stories to the press and then used them to obtain warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

“We’ve learned NEW information suggesting our suspicions are true: FBI/DOJ have previously leaked info to the press, and then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify FISA’s Unreal

The FBI did not respond to a request for comment about Moffa’s congressional testimony."


More and more evidence keeps coming out that Obama ran the most cri minal administration in US history run by a bunch of 3rd World Gestapo Goons in charge of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI....
The Left love the government fabricating evidence to do illegal searches.

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