FBI Agents are doing something unusual in the wake of the Comey firing

FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

What are they going to do? Make shit up?

There is nothing there, never was. It doesn't matter how pissed off they are, you can't get something from nothing.

Bayrock Group - Wikipedia

Continue to tell everyone after reading that it's nothing there. I dare you!

Easy. There's nothing there.

And btw, you expect me to respect a Wikipedia source? Even you aren't that stupid are you?
Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.
ACTUALLY, we're waiting for the results of the investigations- my your bs propaganda infotainment machine is exciting, dupe.
FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

What are they going to do? Make shit up?

There is nothing there, never was. It doesn't matter how pissed off they are, you can't get something from nothing.
These idiots think that Comey was investigating crimes. He was just there to prevent investigations from finding crimes.

Report: Comey’s Brother Works for the Law Firm That Handles Clinton Foundation’s Taxes

Report: Comey’s Brother Works for the Law Firm That Handles Clinton Foundation’s Taxes

Carter May 12th, 2017 9:15 pm 231 Comments

Ousted FBI Director James Comey’s ties to the Clinton Foundation and the conflicts of interest that lie there are too close to not raise red flags.

James Comey worked several years in the public and private sector.

Comey served as general counsel at Lockheed Martin until 2010 when he departed with over $6 million to show for it. That same year Lockheed Martin became a member of the Clinton Global Initiative and “won 17 contracts from the U.S. State Department, which was led by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,” Big League Politics reports.

Comey just so happened to have joined the board of the British bank HSBC Holdings in 2013, which just so happens to be a Clinton Foundation partner.

Noting all of this, one of the most important conflicts of interest is Comey’s brother Peter Comey’s role at the Washington law firm DLA Piper, where he serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas”.

As Big League Politics reported, “DLA Piper’s offices [shortly before the election] . . . confirmed that the law firm immediately [patched] callers through to Peter Comey’s direct line there.”

DLA Piper is one of the top ten all-time career campaign donors for Hillary Clinton. On top of this, DLA Piper also happens to do the Clinton Foundation’s taxes. DLA Piper performed the 2015 audit of the Foundation when the scandal first broke.

Big League Politics reports:

Property records show that James Comey owns the mortgage on his brother Peter Comey’s house in Virginia. Therefore, James Comey had a direct financial relationship with a DLA Piper executive at the time he was investigating Clinton.

These relationships, though egregious, are symptomatic of the brazen culture of crony capitalism that exists in our nation’s capital. The public usually is prevented from learning these kinds of things, with the mainstream media blocking information from coming out. Sunlight is the only remedy.

When President Donald Trump finally fired James Comey as FBI director, Tucker Carlson said that everyone in Washington knows it was well past due.
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FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

What are they going to do? Make shit up?

There is nothing there, never was. It doesn't matter how pissed off they are, you can't get something from nothing.

Bayrock Group - Wikipedia

Continue to tell everyone after reading that it's nothing there. I dare you!

Easy. There's nothing there.

And btw, you expect me to respect a Wikipedia source? Even you aren't that stupid are you?

Why wouldn't you believe it? Hell, I encourage not to believe it and Google Bayrock yourself.

Then again, you'll do what other rw'ers do when I tell them to look it up and pretend either you want me to post it so you can cry about partisan sources or you won't look at all. It's easy to say you don't see evidence wit your hands over your eyes.
Liberals got their asses kicked at the ballot box in a fair and open election. Now they hope against all odds of overturning the will of the people with one cockamamie scheme after another to get Trump out of the White House.

To think the Democratic party played the long game and got Trump involved with Russian 10 years ago all to prepare for today! That's amazing!

What nonsense are you babbling about lib?
Liberals got their asses kicked at the ballot box in a fair and open election. Now they hope against all odds of overturning the will of the people with one cockamamie scheme after another to get Trump out of the White House.
Oh really? I thought you all said the election was rigged?

Liberal assholes did their best to rig the election, but the American people rose up and kicked liberals in the groin for the win! The American people in 30 states told liberals to fuck off. :eusa_dance:
James Comey was standing in the way of everything. He was continuing Obama policies in counter-terrorism.


By Michael Walsh
Let’s cut right to the chase: James Comey should have been fired immediately following his disastrous press briefing last July, in which he candidly laid out the case against Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information and then refused to recommend charges. Overstepping his authority while radiating sanctimony, arrogating power while clumsily intervening in the election, Comey deserved to be sacked on the spot.

Everything since has been one long slow twist in the wind for Comey, a former US attorney in Manhattan, where his most notable accomplishment was sending Martha Stewart to jail.

Ignore for the moment Comey’s series of missteps resulting from the Clinton investigation and his increasingly erratic and unconvincing public fan dance as he sent the nation into electoral paroxysms over the past 10 months.

On his watch, the FBI continued its politically correct, see-no-evil attitude toward radical Islam and thus failed to prevent the atrocity in San Bernardino; it also investigated the Orlando nightclub shooter for 10 months before closing its case, allowing him to kill or wound 102 people. Meanwhile, the federal office of personnel management was hacked by the Chinese, resulting in a serious data breach. That’s failure on an unacceptable level.

Now the bureau’s tied up and bogged down in the almost certainly chimerical “Russian hacking” fantasy, which bubbled up out of the leftist fever swamp in the wake of Clinton’s loss in November, and for which there is exactly zero evidence.

So when President Trump finally put Comey out of his — and our — misery last week, it was the best merited cashiering since Truman fired a showboating MacArthur.

Ignore the political firestorm that’s followed. Trump could cure cancer, solve the Israeli-Palestinian crisis and appoint Oprah as his special envoy to Mars and the Beltway press corps would still howl for his head. The fires fueling this politically motivated hatefest will abate only when the Democrats accept that they lost an election they fully expected to win.

As the nation’s chief law-enforcement officer, the FBI director shouldn’t be a political figure.

And that’s the key word — political. As the nation’s chief law-enforcement officer, the FBI director shouldn’t be a political figure.

The bureau began as a financial-crimes investigatory arm of the justice department in 1908, and grew to maturity under J. Edgar Hoover, monitoring domestic Bolshevik radicalism in the early 1920s, then tackling interstate violent crime during the wild and woolly ’30s: the birth of the “G-Men.”

Yet the temptation to be a Washington player is always present. Hoover, who served under eight presidents and whose reign lasted until his death in 1972, amassed a storehouse of inside dirt on politicians, which made him essentially unfireable and which led to congressional insistence on Senate confirmation of future directors and 10-year term limits.

What’s needed now is a restoration of what should be the FBI’s primary mission, as it was in the early Hoover days: counterterrorism. Since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, it’s far less important for the bureau to be chasing bank robbers in Burlington and Butte than it is for it to function as the nation’s first line of homeland security defense.

The country doesn’t need another politician, jurist or prosecutor at the bureau. It needs someone dogged, determined, experienced, impartial and fearless.

Although the parallels are not exact, historical circumstances have demanded that the FBI now function in relation to the CIA and NSA similar to the way Britain’s MI5 (domestic) and MI6 (foreign) intelligence services work together. Nearly 16 years on, the Washington establishment still hasn’t accepted that 9/11 really did fundamentally change our notions of crime, prevention and punishment.

But the American people have, which is one of the many reasons Trump won the election. Further, far from damaging the president in the eyes of his supporters, Trump’s decisiveness in canning Comey will only endear him to them even more.

So who should replace Comey? The rumor mills are already churning out names of the usual suspects: a judge (Michael J. Garcia), a prosecutor (Assistant Attorney General Alice Fisher), a politician (Sen. John Cornyn of Texas) and a veteran fed (Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe)​
The DOJ has a lot of firing coming to it.

Yet another illegal, rogue government agency whose only purpose is to facilitate criminal actions of feds.

Russia certainly hopes you are correct- as does every Terrorist who wants to attack Americans.
FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

What are they going to do? Make shit up?

There is nothing there, never was. It doesn't matter how pissed off they are, you can't get something from nothing.

Bayrock Group - Wikipedia

Continue to tell everyone after reading that it's nothing there. I dare you!

Easy. There's nothing there.

And btw, you expect me to respect a Wikipedia source? Even you aren't that stupid are you?

Why wouldn't you believe it? Hell, I encourage not to believe it and Google Bayrock yourself.

Then again, you'll do what other rw'ers do when I tell them to look it up and pretend either you want me to post it so you can cry about partisan sources or you won't look at all. It's easy to say you don't see evidence wit your hands over your eyes.

Maybe you ARE that stupid. Don't know how Wikipedia works then.

There is still nothing there.
FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

What are they going to do? Make shit up?

There is nothing there, never was. It doesn't matter how pissed off they are, you can't get something from nothing.

Bayrock Group - Wikipedia

Continue to tell everyone after reading that it's nothing there. I dare you!

Easy. There's nothing there.

And btw, you expect me to respect a Wikipedia source? Even you aren't that stupid are you?

Why wouldn't you believe it? Hell, I encourage not to believe it and Google Bayrock yourself.

Then again, you'll do what other rw'ers do when I tell them to look it up and pretend either you want me to post it so you can cry about partisan sources or you won't look at all. It's easy to say you don't see evidence wit your hands over your eyes.

Maybe you ARE that stupid. Don't know how Wikipedia works then.

There is still nothing there.

Like I said, don't believe wiki then. Google it yourself. Keywords: Bayrock, Trump and Felix Sater.
What are they going to do? Make shit up?

There is nothing there, never was. It doesn't matter how pissed off they are, you can't get something from nothing.

Bayrock Group - Wikipedia

Continue to tell everyone after reading that it's nothing there. I dare you!

Easy. There's nothing there.

And btw, you expect me to respect a Wikipedia source? Even you aren't that stupid are you?

Why wouldn't you believe it? Hell, I encourage not to believe it and Google Bayrock yourself.

Then again, you'll do what other rw'ers do when I tell them to look it up and pretend either you want me to post it so you can cry about partisan sources or you won't look at all. It's easy to say you don't see evidence wit your hands over your eyes.

Maybe you ARE that stupid. Don't know how Wikipedia works then.

There is still nothing there.

Like I said, don't believe wiki then. Google it yourself. Keywords: Bayrock, Trump and Felix Sater.

It was just a "btw". Like I said, there's nothing there.
Bayrock Group - Wikipedia

Continue to tell everyone after reading that it's nothing there. I dare you!

Easy. There's nothing there.

And btw, you expect me to respect a Wikipedia source? Even you aren't that stupid are you?

Why wouldn't you believe it? Hell, I encourage not to believe it and Google Bayrock yourself.

Then again, you'll do what other rw'ers do when I tell them to look it up and pretend either you want me to post it so you can cry about partisan sources or you won't look at all. It's easy to say you don't see evidence wit your hands over your eyes.

Maybe you ARE that stupid. Don't know how Wikipedia works then.

There is still nothing there.

Like I said, don't believe wiki then. Google it yourself. Keywords: Bayrock, Trump and Felix Sater.

It was just a "btw". Like I said, there's nothing there.

It's easy to say nothing is there when you got your eyes covered.
Does Trump not ever listen to his Lawyers and when to speak and WHEN NOT TO?

Plainly not. No sane man would have tweeted a threat to a man who was up to testify before congress, being that it's plainly a felony, witness intimidation.

And all the treasonous Trump thugs here will now excuse it. They're not loyal to the USA. Like the old Soviet Communists that they now emulate in every way, the Trump thugs are only loyal to TheParty.

So, Trump thugs, how long before your Stalinist party assigns a "political officer" to every school, factory, and military outfit? The Soviets did it, so you're going to want to do it too.
You guys don't get it. Trump rarely listens to anyone and it's worked remarkably well in just about everything he's done.

Why on earth would he change because a bunch of beta-males whining about it?!
he's not in the private sector, where he can say or claim any falsehood he feels like saying every other minute...and get away with it... his stardom and billions matters not, as a government servant to us...he represents OUR NATION, you and ME, and he needs to STOP trying to baffle everyone with his bullshit, shut up, and get to work.
He is doing what he said he would do, so if you're baffled it's your problem. Whining isn't going to get you anywhere.
"He is doing what he said he would do"? He said he would fail on the wall, on Obamacare, on Planned Parenthood, on the budget"
Easy. There's nothing there.

And btw, you expect me to respect a Wikipedia source? Even you aren't that stupid are you?

Why wouldn't you believe it? Hell, I encourage not to believe it and Google Bayrock yourself.

Then again, you'll do what other rw'ers do when I tell them to look it up and pretend either you want me to post it so you can cry about partisan sources or you won't look at all. It's easy to say you don't see evidence wit your hands over your eyes.

Maybe you ARE that stupid. Don't know how Wikipedia works then.

There is still nothing there.

Like I said, don't believe wiki then. Google it yourself. Keywords: Bayrock, Trump and Felix Sater.

It was just a "btw". Like I said, there's nothing there.

It's easy to say nothing is there when you got your eyes covered.

Your link is to something that doesn't say what you think it does. Not surprising coming from you.
Why wouldn't you believe it? Hell, I encourage not to believe it and Google Bayrock yourself.

Then again, you'll do what other rw'ers do when I tell them to look it up and pretend either you want me to post it so you can cry about partisan sources or you won't look at all. It's easy to say you don't see evidence wit your hands over your eyes.

Maybe you ARE that stupid. Don't know how Wikipedia works then.

There is still nothing there.

Like I said, don't believe wiki then. Google it yourself. Keywords: Bayrock, Trump and Felix Sater.

It was just a "btw". Like I said, there's nothing there.

It's easy to say nothing is there when you got your eyes covered.

Your link is to something that doesn't say what you think it does. Not surprising coming from you.

Then, what DOES my link say? Don't be shy.
The agents may be hyped and work their butts off, but won't management determine what gets sent up the chain?
So what's the excuse for conservatives whining?

Who's whining? I'm laughing at you because it is six months after the election and you still cannot accept that for the past eight years, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama has destroyed his alleged party.


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