FBI Agents are doing something unusual in the wake of the Comey firing

FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

What are they going to do? Make shit up?

There is nothing there, never was. It doesn't matter how pissed off they are, you can't get something from nothing.

There are multiple people in the Comrade Trump camp that, after initially lying about Rissias, meetings, now admit they DID meet with them. Several received money. One admitted talking to Assage, the GOP. hero.

Now that the Liar in Chief has endeared himself with the agency, he will be a major target,
"One agent" said this, "another agent" said that. "Some agents" did this, "some agents" did that. I guess they don't have names, or maybe they never existed in the first place.
In addition to pollsters and "experts", now we have FBI agents.

The left is certainly creative. You would think they would succeed with all those resources, and yet...

FBI agents do not want to see their agency politicized. That is what Trump is trying to do. FBI agents are professionals unlike bullies like Trump.
Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.

Could be. Before when he was done for he didn't have the entire FBI hating him for firing their boss. Now you've thousands of FBI agents who are determined to see Trump go down in flames. Firing Comey was the stupidest thing Trump could have ever done. But Comey figured out that Trump has been laundering money for the Russians for years, and so ....boom, he's gone.
You're delusional if you think FBI agents care that much whether Comey got fired. Before the election a lot of sources were saying agents hated Comey.

More fake news. Former and current FBI officials are backing Comey over what happened in his meeting with Trump. Ninnies like you are delusional.
Clinton is not under indictment BUT -

You RWNJs never care what a crime is.

You only care who commits it.

If there was evidence, Clinton would be on trial. There isn't so she's not. Deal with it.

And quit lying about drumpf. You knew he's a criminal before you voted and now you get to live with that.

Part of the reason Comey was fired. He's too much of a showboat. Loretta Lynch was insane and left Comey no choice after she met with Bill Clinton. Comey had no business, whatsoever saying what the DOJ should do. Comey misrepresented several laws saying there was no intent and intent is NOT any part of those laws.

I understand why he did it in July. He knew that by indicting Hillary Clinton, which was the right thing to do, he'd have decided the 2016 election. Lynch left him no choice.

Democrats are whining but they were all self-inflicted injuries.
FBI agents do not want to see their agency politicized. That is what Trump is trying to do. FBI agents are professionals unlike bullies like Trump.

Is that what Comey was doing all last year when he was wrongly making all his announcements about the Hillary Clinton Emails, then saying the investigation was over, then saying well, we said it was over but it's not REALLY over.
Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.

Could be. Before when he was done for he didn't have the entire FBI hating him for firing their boss. Now you've thousands of FBI agents who are determined to see Trump go down in flames. Firing Comey was the stupidest thing Trump could have ever done. But Comey figured out that Trump has been laundering money for the Russians for years, and so ....boom, he's gone.
You're delusional if you think FBI agents care that much whether Comey got fired. Before the election a lot of sources were saying agents hated Comey.

More fake news. Former and current FBI officials are backing Comey over what happened in his meeting with Trump. Ninnies like you are delusional.

Says who?
"One agent" said this, "another agent" said that. "Some agents" did this, "some agents" did that. I guess they don't have names, or maybe they never existed in the first place.
In addition to pollsters and "experts", now we have FBI agents.

The left is certainly creative. You would think they would succeed with all those resources, and yet...

FBI agents do not want to see their agency politicized. That is what Trump is trying to do. FBI agents are professionals unlike bullies like Trump.
What a fucking dolt. Obama already politicized it. He infested it with all his leftwing moles. That's where all the leaks are coming from. You can never trust a leftwinger to do what is in the nation's best interest. Their despicable party always comes first.
That's what we said about WMD's in Iraq. But in that case it was true.

Why would you lie about that? You have repeatedly been told and acknowledged that WMD's were found in Iraq and that 500 tonnes of yellowcake were secretly transported by U.S. Ships for safe storage in Canada.

Proving how hard it is for you to keep all your lies straight. Perhaps you should try writing them down?
"One agent" said this, "another agent" said that. "Some agents" did this, "some agents" did that. I guess they don't have names, or maybe they never existed in the first place.
Yeah, they made that up, same as they made up the fact that Trump backed out of his visit to the FBI today. They exist and would not give the President a warm welcome for why he did this and how.
Then why don't they give their names?
FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

Trump is so fucking stupid: No President has ever been stupid enough to make enemies out of the two most powerful agencies in this country.

The media and intelligence agencies. And Trump feeds them every single day with crazy tweets and what comes out of his mouth.


When you elect a clown--the circus is going to come along.

Trump has always been wholly UNFIT to be POTUS.

You're theory that they hate Trump lacks any tangible supporting evidence. Furthermore, most government agencies are packed full of leftwing morons like you. They hated Trump before he was even elected.

No--I am correct--you cannot continually insult intelligence coming out of intelligence agencies, even if you're President. Firing Comey didn't help--in fact it made it much worse--basically telling the FBI if you don't treat the President right--you're in jeopardy of losing your job--when it is their job to be completely independent of politics--and only follow the law, the Constitution, and their loyalty is built around honesty.--(not coverups.)

They're digging deeper today because of it. :dig:

Because of Trump's tweet today, (a threat to Comey) and because of his actions (firing Comey)--they now know without a doubt Trump is hiding something--and they're going to find it no matter what it takes. They're not going to hold back--they will leak information if they have too. They're going to remove him from office. They are the last defenders--protecting this Democracy and they have sworn an oath to do just that.


"It was his latest attack on a key body he will rely on as commander in chief and again put him at odds with the agencies' unanimous conclusion that Russia hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals to interfere in the US presidential election.Trump suggested that intelligence officials postponed an " 'intelligence' briefing on so-called 'Russian hacking' " that they were set to deliver to him this week because they might need more time "to build a case." He called the alleged delay "very strange."

Trump tweeted Wednesday, "Julian Assange said 'a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta' - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!"
Donald Trump derides intel briefing on 'so-called' Russian hacking - CNNPolitics.com

So here he is actually quoting Julian Assange--founder of Wikileaks who just released thousands of CIA classified documents to let terrorists know how we catch them. Jullian Assange who has been holed up in the Equador Embassy in London, surrounded by UK police for the last 4 YEARS, trying to avoid extradition back to the United States--because of what he did to G.W. Bush--basically putting a target on all U.S. soliders backs.
Donald Trump derides intel briefing on 'so-called' Russian hacking - CNNPolitics.com
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

And who LOVES Wikileaks? (Trump & his supporters do)

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Plainly not. No sane man would have tweeted a threat to a man who was up to testify before congress, being that it's plainly a felony, witness intimidation.

And all the treasonous Trump thugs here will now excuse it. They're not loyal to the USA. Like the old Soviet Communists that they now emulate in every way, the Trump thugs are only loyal to TheParty.

So, Trump thugs, how long before your Stalinist party assigns a "political officer" to every school, factory, and military outfit? The Soviets did it, so you're going to want to do it too.
You guys don't get it. Trump rarely listens to anyone and it's worked remarkably well in just about everything he's done.

Why on earth would he change because a bunch of beta-males whining about it?!
he's not in the private sector, where he can say or claim any falsehood he feels like saying every other minute...and get away with it... his stardom and billions matters not, as a government servant to us...he represents OUR NATION, you and ME, and he needs to STOP trying to baffle everyone with his bullshit, shut up, and get to work.

Why not? Obama and Hillary did it their entire careers

President Trump lies every few minutes...he has no idea how to be President of the USA and the saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks, comes in to play.... he insists on staying ignorant...

Trump has Hillary's and Obama's lifetime of lies, beat in number, in one single week of his life....

I can't stomach liars like that....it's just too much for any sane person to be expected to cope with imo....and I am amazed that you could ever, in a million zillions years, support a chronic lying man like that.... and honestly wonder how you do it and why you do it?

You voted for Hillary and then claim you don't like liars?

See why no one believes a thing you say?

This time, oh boy Trump is really really...really done for? You libs are funny :laugh:

It hasn't even been 5 months. I remember 8 years of hearing how Obama was going to be impeached. Or how he would set up FEMA camps. Or how he would declare martial law to postpone the election. Or Hillary was going to jail. Or Hillary was going to die before the election. After the past 8 years Republicans have no room to talk about bullshit predictions.

And don't forget the death panels nonsense.
Whining isn't going to get you anywhere.

Then why do you and all the Trump-snowflakes constantly whine about everything?

We thought maybe you'd stop crying after the election, but no, you all actually got worse. Trump-snowflakes can no longer speak on any topic without weeping uncontrollably. They're literally the biggest pack of wimps to ever walk planet earth. They'd have to get tougher to reach to beta-male status. Like their uberwimp leader, they don't even rank as gamma or delta. The whole Trump cult, from leader on down, is in epsilon-male territory.

It's fascinating, psychologically. Weak males like the Trump-snowflakes usually become parasites of a strong male, but here, they've chosen to become parasites of a man who's just as weak as they are.

They can't help being snowflakes, when their leader is the biggest snowflakes of all. Trump is still going on about the popular vote, despite becoming president. He's convince all those 3 million votes are illegal because Hilary couldn't possible be more popular than his orange highness.
Whining isn't going to get you anywhere.

Then why do you and all the Trump-snowflakes constantly whine about everything?

We thought maybe you'd stop crying after the election, but no, you all actually got worse. Trump-snowflakes can no longer speak on any topic without weeping uncontrollably. They're literally the biggest pack of wimps to ever walk planet earth. They'd have to get tougher to reach to beta-male status. Like their uberwimp leader, they don't even rank as gamma or delta. The whole Trump cult, from leader on down, is in epsilon-male territory.

It's fascinating, psychologically. Weak males like the Trump-snowflakes usually become parasites of a strong male, but here, they've chosen to become parasites of a man who's just as weak as they are.

They can't help being snowflakes, when their leader is the biggest snowflakes of all. Trump is still going on about the popular vote, despite becoming president. He's convince all those 3 million votes are illegal because Hilary couldn't possible be more popular than his orange highness.
We get it. You are offended at being called a snowflake. But it's a bit like being called a criminal or a bitch for example. You may not like it, but you are what you are. It is your behavior which dictates these things. If you don't want to be called a criminal, stop committing crime. If you don't want to be called a bitch, stop bitching. If you don't want to be called a snowflake, stop whining.

It really is that simple.
Whining isn't going to get you anywhere.

Then why do you and all the Trump-snowflakes constantly whine about everything?

We thought maybe you'd stop crying after the election, but no, you all actually got worse. Trump-snowflakes can no longer speak on any topic without weeping uncontrollably. They're literally the biggest pack of wimps to ever walk planet earth. They'd have to get tougher to reach to beta-male status. Like their uberwimp leader, they don't even rank as gamma or delta. The whole Trump cult, from leader on down, is in epsilon-male territory.

It's fascinating, psychologically. Weak males like the Trump-snowflakes usually become parasites of a strong male, but here, they've chosen to become parasites of a man who's just as weak as they are.

They can't help being snowflakes, when their leader is the biggest snowflakes of all. Trump is still going on about the popular vote, despite becoming president. He's convince all those 3 million votes are illegal because Hilary couldn't possible be more popular than his orange highness.
We get it. You are offended at being called a snowflake. But it's a bit like being called a criminal or a bitch for example. You may not like it, but you are what you are. It is your behavior which dictates these things. If you don't want to be called a criminal, stop committing crime. If you don't want to be called a bitch, stop bitching. If you don't want to be called a snowflake, stop whining.

It really is that simple.

I can take being called a snowflake. But so is Trump and his Trumpsters. Trump constantly whines about the media, he's still whining about the popular despite winning the presidency. Can you not see this is bitch like behavior?

You can say liberals whine because they lost. But what's Trump and his followers excuse for complaining? They won and are still complaining. They can't take people talking about their messiah. They can't take it when the media calls Trump on his lies. They yell fake news the minute they hear something they don't like.

So what's the excuse for conservatives whining?
Whining isn't going to get you anywhere.

Then why do you and all the Trump-snowflakes constantly whine about everything?

We thought maybe you'd stop crying after the election, but no, you all actually got worse. Trump-snowflakes can no longer speak on any topic without weeping uncontrollably. They're literally the biggest pack of wimps to ever walk planet earth. They'd have to get tougher to reach to beta-male status. Like their uberwimp leader, they don't even rank as gamma or delta. The whole Trump cult, from leader on down, is in epsilon-male territory.

It's fascinating, psychologically. Weak males like the Trump-snowflakes usually become parasites of a strong male, but here, they've chosen to become parasites of a man who's just as weak as they are.

They can't help being snowflakes, when their leader is the biggest snowflakes of all. Trump is still going on about the popular vote, despite becoming president. He's convince all those 3 million votes are illegal because Hilary couldn't possible be more popular than his orange highness.
We get it. You are offended at being called a snowflake. But it's a bit like being called a criminal or a bitch for example. You may not like it, but you are what you are. It is your behavior which dictates these things. If you don't want to be called a criminal, stop committing crime. If you don't want to be called a bitch, stop bitching. If you don't want to be called a snowflake, stop whining.

It really is that simple.

I can take being called a snowflake. But so is Trump and his Trumpsters. Trump constantly whines about the media, he's still whining about the popular despite winning the presidency. Can you not see this is bitch like behavior?

You can say liberals whine because they lost. But what's Trump and his followers excuse for complaining? They won and are still complaining. They can't take people talking about their messiah. They can't take it when the media calls Trump on his lies. They yell fake news the minute they hear something they don't like.

So what's the excuse for conservatives whining?
Interesting, but what I hear is a full blown chorus of whining by the media. That is not necessarily completely their fault. They are a reflection to culture of entitlement which has pervaded the American left and much of today's middle class youth. 8 years of Obama's nurturing has left a deep and running scar on those so entitled. Trump's victory has aggravated and seemingly infected it.

You and many others, having lost the concept of self-responsibility and independence, are simply the result. Your reaction is predictable.
I don't care if you are pro or anti Trump. The whole world is laughing at this fiasco. Trump is an international joke....a president threatening on tweeter his ex FBI director?
Are you kidding me? How low this has to go?
It's insane and sad for a country like the US.

The world is laughing at liberals, Trump is getting things done, like today he got China to start buying beef, you don't get any news of the good stuff from MSM.

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And Nat Gas to save Alaska's economy [hopefully, Walker just had a meet n greet with Yi a few weeks ago and said they talked about it lots] ~squees~ So 'fercited, sure would be nice to fix our $1B budget gap so we don't have to spend our savings.

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