FBI Agents are doing something unusual in the wake of the Comey firing

(This is recent, but it speaks directly to the politicized "distrust" issue within FBI ranks)
Adam Schiff (on Bill Maher) re ongoing investigations into Trump & Co:

"If there was no 'there' there, James Comey would still have a job."
Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.

Could be. Before when he was done for he didn't have the entire FBI hating him for firing their boss. Now you've thousands of FBI agents who are determined to see Trump go down in flames. Firing Comey was the stupidest thing Trump could have ever done. But Comey figured out that Trump has been laundering money for the Russians for years, and so ....boom, he's gone.

Lol, you're cute in your hat:
View attachment 126351

LOL, you're very cute in your total ignorance. These deals tie in to why he won't release his tax returns, too.

Why did a Russian pay $95M to buy Trump’s Palm Beach mansion?
Why did a Russian pay $95M to buy Trump’s Palm Beach mansion?

The President helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.
Donald Trump’s Worst Deal
View attachment 126355

Is that Manafort on the left and Lewindowski on the right?
You're finally right about something. Trump really is nothing but an organized criminal running an international money laundering ring.

With every post you confirm our belief in your abject stupidity.
FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

What are they going to do? Make shit up?

There is nothing there, never was. It doesn't matter how pissed off they are, you can't get something from nothing.

There are multiple people in the Comrade Trump camp that, after initially lying about Rissias, meetings, now admit they DID meet with them. Several received money. One admitted talking to Assage, the GOP. hero.

Now that the Liar in Chief has endeared himself with the agency, he will be a major target,
Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.

Could be. Before when he was done for he didn't have the entire FBI hating him for firing their boss. Now you've thousands of FBI agents who are determined to see Trump go down in flames. Firing Comey was the stupidest thing Trump could have ever done. But Comey figured out that Trump has been laundering money for the Russians for years, and so ....boom, he's gone.
You're delusional if you think FBI agents care that much whether Comey got fired. Before the election a lot of sources were saying agents hated Comey.

More fake news. Former and current FBI officials are backing Comey over what happened in his meeting with Trump. Ninnies like you are delusional.

Not the same thing moron.
Whining isn't going to get you anywhere.

Then why do you and all the Trump-snowflakes constantly whine about everything?

We thought maybe you'd stop crying after the election, but no, you all actually got worse. Trump-snowflakes can no longer speak on any topic without weeping uncontrollably. They're literally the biggest pack of wimps to ever walk planet earth. They'd have to get tougher to reach to beta-male status. Like their uberwimp leader, they don't even rank as gamma or delta. The whole Trump cult, from leader on down, is in epsilon-male territory.

It's fascinating, psychologically. Weak males like the Trump-snowflakes usually become parasites of a strong male, but here, they've chosen to become parasites of a man who's just as weak as they are.
Nice try wimp, but doesn't work like that. A snowflake is a snowflake and a beta-male is a beta-male. This is not an "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I?" proposition

You are arguing over nonsense here.
]Interesting, but what I hear is a full blown chorus of whining by the media.

I hear it too, that nonstop whining from our crazy conservative national media about how those awful liberals are just so meeeeeeeaaaaaaan to that poor oppressed Trump, who is the real victim here.

And you're right, most conservatives do feel entitled to have everything they do praised, not matter how stupid and corrupt it is. They've spent their lives getting away with everything, and they literally believe that law and morality are concepts that only suckers care about. Republicans are supposed to get a free pass on anything, just for being Republican. And when they don't, they melt down most delightfully, just like you're doing.

You need to toughen up, because we're dragging you out of your SafeSpace and into the real world.. We liberals aren't going to stop revealing your corruption just because you cry at us harder. Yes, I know, that tactic has always worked before with your fellow corrupt party hacks and the national media, but non-snowflakes will just laugh at you.
I don't care if you are pro or anti Trump. The whole world is laughing at this fiasco. Trump is an international joke....a president threatening on tweeter his ex FBI director?
Are you kidding me? How low this has to go?
It's insane and sad for a country like the US.

Actually, the heads of state seem to kind of like him.

You loons are constantly whining about how much other people LIKE us. Remember how you said the entire world was going to LOVE Obama?


They think the world did like Obama
Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.

Could be. Before when he was done for he didn't have the entire FBI hating him for firing their boss. Now you've thousands of FBI agents who are determined to see Trump go down in flames. Firing Comey was the stupidest thing Trump could have ever done. But Comey figured out that Trump has been laundering money for the Russians for years, and so ....boom, he's gone.

So comey figured this out but isn't saying a peep about it?

The whole premise of this thread is ridiculous. Are you telling me that the FBI doesn't always seek justice but instead are a bunch of lazy pansies who wont do their job unless politically motivated? Seems unlikely to me.
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Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.

Could be. Before when he was done for he didn't have the entire FBI hating him for firing their boss. Now you've thousands of FBI agents who are determined to see Trump go down in flames. Firing Comey was the stupidest thing Trump could have ever done. But Comey figured out that Trump has been laundering money for the Russians for years, and so ....boom, he's gone.
You're delusional if you think FBI agents care that much whether Comey got fired. Before the election a lot of sources were saying agents hated Comey.

Isn't it funny how their viewpoints always match Democrat talking points on the day the story is written?
Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.

Could be. Before when he was done for he didn't have the entire FBI hating him for firing their boss. Now you've thousands of FBI agents who are determined to see Trump go down in flames. Firing Comey was the stupidest thing Trump could have ever done. But Comey figured out that Trump has been laundering money for the Russians for years, and so ....boom, he's gone.
You're delusional if you think FBI agents care that much whether Comey got fired. Before the election a lot of sources were saying agents hated Comey.

Isn't it funny how their viewpoints always match Democrat talking points on the day the story is written?

It's also funny how they all claim they are independent thinkers.
]Interesting, but what I hear is a full blown chorus of whining by the media.

I hear it too, that nonstop whining from our crazy conservative national media about how those awful liberals are just so meeeeeeeaaaaaaan to that poor oppressed Trump, who is the real victim here.

And you're right, most conservatives do feel entitled to have everything they do praised, not matter how stupid and corrupt it is. They've spent their lives getting away with everything, and they literally believe that law and morality are concepts that only suckers care about. Republicans are supposed to get a free pass on anything, just for being Republican. And when they don't, they melt down most delightfully, just like you're doing.

You need to toughen up, because we're dragging you out of your SafeSpace and into the real world.. We liberals aren't going to stop revealing your corruption just because you cry at us harder. Yes, I know, that tactic has always worked before with your fellow corrupt party hacks and the national media, but non-snowflakes will just laugh at you.
Again, do you really think you can shrink from what you are simply by vacuous and futile declaration.

If you stop whining, you won't be a whiner. If you stop playing the victim, people will not victimize you. And if you stop being offended because people don't always agree with you, you will stop being a snowflake.

Your actions define you, not the actions or derision of others.

Listen, learn and read my sig.
You voted for Hillary and then claim you don't like liars?

Duh. Of course. The two things go togehter. If you cared about honesty, you vote Democratic. Pathologically dishonest commie shitstains, they went for Trump.

See why no one believes a thing you say?

Got a backup plan? You know, for when your corruption is exposed in front of the world. How are you going to excuse betraying your country for TheParty? Will you join a little Trump-worshipper cult and move to the jungle?

Wont even be honest with yourself. Sad..
FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

What are they going to do? Make shit up?

There is nothing there, never was. It doesn't matter how pissed off they are, you can't get something from nothing.

Bayrock Group - Wikipedia

Continue to tell everyone after reading that it's nothing there. I dare you!
Liberals got their asses kicked at the ballot box in a fair and open election. Now they hope against all odds of overturning the will of the people with one cockamamie scheme after another to get Trump out of the White House.

To think the Democratic party played the long game and got Trump involved with Russian 10 years ago all to prepare for today! That's amazing!
Wont even be honest with yourself. Sad..

I'm going to be one of the cult leaders, you know, leading the last Trump bitter-enders into the jungle to wait for the Trump-messiah's triumphant resurrection and return.

Of course, I'm not going into the jungle myself. I'll just be taking your money. Trump-snowflakes do love to be fleeced.
Liberals got their asses kicked at the ballot box in a fair and open election. Now they hope against all odds of overturning the will of the people with one cockamamie scheme after another to get Trump out of the White House.
Oh really? I thought you all said the election was rigged?

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