FBI Agents are doing something unusual in the wake of the Comey firing

Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.

Liberals are in a panic throwing shit against the wall hoping something will stick to Trump. The word desperation comes to mind.
Trump just fired the man in charge of his campaign's investigation. If Clinton had been President and fired Comey while they were doing the e-mail investigation, would you say that was fair and dandy?

Ah, you lie!
Don't tell me-- there is no investigation....
or did the POTUS NOT fire Comey?

LOL on one hand we have your unsubstantiated personal opinion, on the other hand we have a statement from the POTUS to the contrary. :laugh:
Does Trump not ever listen to his Lawyers and when to speak and WHEN NOT TO?

I just wish he would shut up, quit tweeting, spend some time reading about our History, our founders, our Constitution and our Presidents, and spend time reading about foreign relations and the USA..... and then get his chubby ass to work instead of all of this obfuscating and obstructing....
The idiot Trump is spending too much time trying to keep his lies straight to do any of that.
FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

Trump is so fucking stupid: No President has ever been stupid enough to make enemies out of the two most powerful agencies in this country.

The media and intelligence agencies. And Trump feeds them every single day with crazy tweets and what comes out of his mouth.


When you elect a clown--the circus is going to come along.

Trump has always been wholly UNFIT to be POTUS.
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Does Trump not ever listen to his Lawyers and when to speak and WHEN NOT TO?

I just wish he would shut up, quit tweeting, spend some time reading about our History, our founders, our Constitution and our Presidents, and spend time reading about foreign relations and the USA..... and then get his chubby ass to work instead of all of this obfuscating and obstructing....

He is working his butt off. You just aren't hearing about it because the media is too busy trying to get him impeached with a crazy conspiracy their they've actually been believing
He is working his butt off. You just aren't hearing about it because the media is too busy trying to get him impeached with a crazy conspiracy their they've actually been believing

Trump spent an hour this morning TWEETING.
FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?
Other corrupt/weak FBI people are thinking about leaving? That's great!!

That falls right in line with the decrease of illegals crossing our border. lol

Having a strong president is something we needed. :)
We have the weakest president of the USA in my lifetime...
he may be a pseudo Alpha Male as president, but he is NOT strong, he is so weak he is hurting our Nation, every single day with these episodes of his own insecurities which under lie his narcissistic disorder.,,, he is also extremely ignorant of our History, on our founders, on our presidents, and how government even works and this is a detriment and NOT an asset, for our Nation....

he's made it through life by his silver spoon beginnings and by bullshitting, and being a damn good one...and street smarts... in a mobster like way....imo...
Do you think Hillary should have won?
Wouldn't it be more fun for you if the Right wing took their usual spot as President bashers and Clinton bashers? ;)

yes, I believe she was more qualified, more experienced, more capable of handling the job of President of the United States than he is or ever could be, and more capable of handling criticism without her ego being hurt or causing complete chaos which is making the USA appear weak...which weakens our security and our Nation!

She is boring as heck in her public appearances, and has the worst monotone voice that is hard to listen to for any length of time and has political baggage as all politicians do, but I still think our Country would have been much much better served than with this bizarre, head spinning, chaotic, dog and pony show act we are having to deal with daily.
Does Trump not ever listen to his Lawyers and when to speak and WHEN NOT TO?

Plainly not. No sane man would have tweeted a threat to a man who was up to testify before congress, being that it's plainly a felony, witness intimidation.

And all the treasonous Trump thugs here will now excuse it. They're not loyal to the USA. Like the old Soviet Communists that they now emulate in every way, the Trump thugs are only loyal to TheParty.

So, Trump thugs, how long before your Stalinist party assigns a "political officer" to every school, factory, and military outfit? The Soviets did it, so you're going to want to do it too.
You guys don't get it. Trump rarely listens to anyone and it's worked remarkably well in just about everything he's done.

Why on earth would he change because a bunch of beta-males whining about it?!
he's not in the private sector, where he can say or claim any falsehood he feels like saying every other minute...and get away with it... his stardom and billions matters not, as a government servant to us...he represents OUR NATION, you and ME, and he needs to STOP trying to baffle everyone with his bullshit, shut up, and get to work.

Why not? Obama and Hillary did it their entire careers
Does Trump not ever listen to his Lawyers and when to speak and WHEN NOT TO?

Plainly not. No sane man would have tweeted a threat to a man who was up to testify before congress, being that it's plainly a felony, witness intimidation.

And all the treasonous Trump thugs here will now excuse it. They're not loyal to the USA. Like the old Soviet Communists that they now emulate in every way, the Trump thugs are only loyal to TheParty.

So, Trump thugs, how long before your Stalinist party assigns a "political officer" to every school, factory, and military outfit? The Soviets did it, so you're going to want to do it too.
You guys don't get it. Trump rarely listens to anyone and it's worked remarkably well in just about everything he's done.

Why on earth would he change because a bunch of beta-males whining about it?!
he's not in the private sector, where he can say or claim any falsehood he feels like saying every other minute...and get away with it... his stardom and billions matters not, as a government servant to us...he represents OUR NATION, you and ME, and he needs to STOP trying to baffle everyone with his bullshit, shut up, and get to work.

Why not? Obama and Hillary did it their entire careers

President Trump lies every few minutes...he has no idea how to be President of the USA and the saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks, comes in to play.... he insists on staying ignorant...

Trump has Hillary's and Obama's lifetime of lies, beat in number, in one single week of his life....

I can't stomach liars like that....it's just too much for any sane person to be expected to cope with imo....and I am amazed that you could ever, in a million zillions years, support a chronic lying man like that.... and honestly wonder how you do it and why you do it?
Trump really stepped in it when he published the firing letter which detailed supposed conversations with Comey.

Why? Executive Privilege. He just waved it. The president can normally claim Executive Privilege on just about anything he does in office, and thus does not have to answer to subpoenas or testify.

However, in order to do that, the president has to act like the matter is a private Executive Branch matter. By sending it out to the whole nation, Trump told the world that it's not a private Executive branch matter, so now he can't invoke Executive Privilege. If a subpoena is issued, Trump will have to turn over everything and possibly testify.
Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.

Could be. Before when he was done for he didn't have the entire FBI hating him for firing their boss. Now you've thousands of FBI agents who are determined to see Trump go down in flames. Firing Comey was the stupidest thing Trump could have ever done. But Comey figured out that Trump has been laundering money for the Russians for years, and so ....boom, he's gone.

Lol, you're cute in your hat:
View attachment 126351

LOL, you're very cute in your total ignorance. These deals tie in to why he won't release his tax returns, too.

Why did a Russian pay $95M to buy Trump’s Palm Beach mansion?
Why did a Russian pay $95M to buy Trump’s Palm Beach mansion?

The President helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.
Donald Trump’s Worst Deal

Ooooooh! It all sounds so sinister!

Everything businessmen do is sinister to idiots like you.
Trump really stepped in it when he published the firing letter which detailed supposed conversations with Comey.

Why? Executive Privilege. He just waved it. The president can normally claim Executive Privilege on just about anything he does in office, and thus does not have to answer to subpoenas or testify.

However, in order to do that, the president has to act like the matter is a private Executive Branch matter. By sending it out to the whole nation, Trump told the world that it's not a private Executive branch matter, so now he can't invoke Executive Privilege. If a subpoena is issued, Trump will have to turn over everything and possibly testify.

What do you imagine there is to "turn over?"

You're also wrong about executive privilege. He can release as much or as little as he wants. You just make these rules up for Republicans to follow out of whole cloth.
Does Trump not ever listen to his Lawyers and when to speak and WHEN NOT TO?

Plainly not. No sane man would have tweeted a threat to a man who was up to testify before congress, being that it's plainly a felony, witness intimidation.

And all the treasonous Trump thugs here will now excuse it. They're not loyal to the USA. Like the old Soviet Communists that they now emulate in every way, the Trump thugs are only loyal to TheParty.

So, Trump thugs, how long before your Stalinist party assigns a "political officer" to every school, factory, and military outfit? The Soviets did it, so you're going to want to do it too.
You guys don't get it. Trump rarely listens to anyone and it's worked remarkably well in just about everything he's done.

Why on earth would he change because a bunch of beta-males whining about it?!
he's not in the private sector, where he can say or claim any falsehood he feels like saying every other minute...and get away with it... his stardom and billions matters not, as a government servant to us...he represents OUR NATION, you and ME, and he needs to STOP trying to baffle everyone with his bullshit, shut up, and get to work.

Why not? Obama and Hillary did it their entire careers

President Trump lies every few minutes...he has no idea how to be President of the USA and the saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks, comes in to play.... he insists on staying ignorant...

Trump has Hillary's and Obama's lifetime of lies, beat in number, in one single week of his life....

I can't stomach liars like that....it's just too much for any sane person to be expected to cope with imo....and I am amazed that you could ever, in a million zillions years, support a chronic lying man like that.... and honestly wonder how you do it and why you do it?

You voted for Hillary and then claim you don't like liars?

See why no one believes a thing you say?
"One agent" said this, "another agent" said that. "Some agents" did this, "some agents" did that. I guess they don't have names, or maybe they never existed in the first place.
Yeah, they made that up, same as they made up the fact that Trump backed out of his visit to the FBI today. They exist and would not give the President a warm welcome for why he did this and how.

Not sure [email protected]. Is whining about. That's pretty much all trump says - that he "heard it" and "everybody says". And it's always a flat out lie.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

ANd yet he rails against the media for not revealing sources. He's the biggest, stupidest piece of shit to ever land in the White House.

When did Trump become a journalist?

The stupidity never stops in this forum.
FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?

Trump is so fucking stupid: No President has ever been stupid enough to make enemies out of the two most powerful agencies in this country.

The media and intelligence agencies. And Trump feeds them every single day with crazy tweets and what comes out of his mouth.


When you elect a clown--the circus is going to come along.

Trump has always been wholly UNFIT to be POTUS.

You're theory that they hate Trump lacks any tangible supporting evidence. Furthermore, most government agencies are packed full of leftwing morons like you. They hated Trump before he was even elected.
You voted for Hillary and then claim you don't like liars?

Duh. Of course. The two things go togehter. If you cared about honesty, you vote Democratic. Pathologically dishonest commie shitstains, they went for Trump.

See why no one believes a thing you say?

Got a backup plan? You know, for when your corruption is exposed in front of the world. How are you going to excuse betraying your country for TheParty? Will you join a little Trump-worshipper cult and move to the jungle?
Boy, Trump is really done for now! The other 500 times the left claimed he was done for, they weren't serious, THIS TIME, he's really done for.

Liberals are in a panic throwing shit against the wall hoping something will stick to Trump. The word desperation comes to mind.
Trump just fired the man in charge of his campaign's investigation. If Clinton had been President and fired Comey while they were doing the e-mail investigation, would you say that was fair and dandy?

Clinton did exactly that!
FBI Agents Are Doing Something Unusual In The Wake Of Comey’s Firing | If You Only News

Trump has screwed himself. Now that he has angered the work horses at the FBI, no stone will be left unturned in the Russian-Trump collusion investigation. He will have to start firing more people in the DOJ soon. When will the GOP finally wake up?[/QUO

Actually, he lost the rank and file members of the FBI not long time after he came on board. He was a political appointee that protected the criminal elite but instead went after opponents of the Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast much in the same way that Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch did. High ranking members of congress from both sides of the political fence are pedophiles and profiting from child trafficking and nothing is ever been done about it. They are always allowed to get the little fish but they have to stop at a certain point...then along comes the treasure trove of information gleaned from Anthony Wiener's laptop giving them a blueprint. Some of the information, pics and even videos were so disgusting that even the most hardened FBI agents and NYPD detectives broke down but they are gagged and prevented from revealing the contents but I doubt that it will remain that way for long. Comey did nothing and why is that? Because he would bring down himself as well. That is what these people do...they put people in power that are just as compromised as they are and make them the "watchdog". It's pretty damn sickening and disgusting to even think about.
Does Trump not ever listen to his Lawyers and when to speak and WHEN NOT TO?

I just wish he would shut up, quit tweeting, spend some time reading about our History, our founders, our Constitution and our Presidents, and spend time reading about foreign relations and the USA..... and then get his chubby ass to work instead of all of this obfuscating and obstructing....

hard to fathom just how dense the donald is... at this point, it's almost like he wants to be impeached.

Trump threatens ex-FBI head Comey with possible 'tapes' of conversations
It would be funny if they would get him to testify, he would face hundreds of counts of perjury.

There is this little thing called the 5th Amendment that says they can't require him to testify about anything even if they had any idea he did anything wrong, which they do not.

You have a very messed up idea of how our justice system works.

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