FBI Agents that raided Mar-a- Lago are under investigation by John Durham.

Some salient points:

^ But America is still largely in the dark as to exactly why the Biden administration took the unprecedented step of raiding the residence of a former President, with dozens of agents scouring the property, including Melania Trump's bedroom, while others armed to the teeth stood guard outside.

(It wasn't clear who they thought might threaten them since Palm Beach, a billionaires' enclave, is not exactly renowned for even peaceful street demonstrations, never mind armed uprisings.)

A dozen boxes were returned almost immediately and negotiations continued about those that remained at Mar-a-Lago. Two months ago, the FBI asked if they could be put under lock and key while the issue was resolved. Trump's people complied. The lock was smashed in Monday's raid.

Just why talks were abandoned is not clear. If the emphasis is now being put on the top secret nature of the documents it's not obvious why the FBI waited so long to retrieve them. The Washington Post floated the idea that Trump was harbouring documents about America's nuclear weapons. Its story was unsourced and contained no verifiable facts, much less a motive to explain why the former President would want to hoard such material.
But its report was so dark and full of foreboding that you could be forgiven for thinking Trump had absconded with the presidential briefcase (or 'football' as it's known) containing the U.S. nuclear missile launch codes. Last night's revelations made no mention of nuclear secrets.

After all, if the FBI can be high-handed with a former President and sitting Congress-man, what defences do ordinary Americans have?
But it is also deeply depressing.

It means American politics will remain dominated by the sound of adversaries ripping each other apart, using arms of the state whenever they can for added leverage, while the huge international issues to which the free world still looks to America for leadership — a revanchist Russia, a totalitarian China, an ailing global economy — will remain neglected and unresolved.
Now it all makes sense.
These same corrupt Feds were part of the Russia Hoax and Spy Gate.

Yes, and look who reported "nuclear codes". Well well well, WAPO! Remember WAPO and NYT received the Pulitzer for "Russiagate"
LOL Russiagate was a Political HOAX and proven BUNK! Hey WAPO, Do you hear me? I do not believe the Garbage that you print.

Exactly. You think this is a fucking joke...but they aren't joking about this in Venezuela or any other country that turned communist.

Just make sure when the balloon goes up you don't tell everyone that you supported their BS.

My God, you're a lunatic.
If Trump goes down all Hell will break loose.
Millions of good people, law-abiding folks won't stop until folks like you are heading to Canada to get away.
I would suggest you keep comments like this to yourself. Because if trump goes down it's because his punk --- broke the law. It's time the imaginary right wing victimhood stopped. It's also time your delusion ended. America is not being taken from your a--es. You white extremists don't own this country. You aren't the only people who are American nor are you the arbiters of what is American. Law abiding citizens are sick and tired of your bullshit. And if trump goes down, it's because law abiding citizens said that no one is above the law.
I'm wondering if it the same bunch that is constantly being shifted to and from various field offices around the country to where the dems deem "pressure points" to stab at Trump.

The last I heard of them they were allegedly present around the time of the 1/6 protest to gin things up.

The world wonders.
I would suggest you keep comments like this to yourself. Because if trump goes down it's because his punk --- broke the law. It's time the imaginary right wing victimhood stopped. It's also time your delusion ended. America is not being taken from your a--es. You white extremists don't own this country. You aren't the only people who are American nor are you the arbiters of what is American. Law abiding citizens are sick and tired of your bullshit. And if trump goes down, it's because law abiding citizens said that no one is above the law.

If Trump goes down all Hell will break loose.
Millions of good people, law-abiding folks won't stop until folks like you are heading to Canada to get away.

Yes I agree. Law abiding citizens are sick of the loony lefties and their attempts to remove a Duly Elected President, stealing an election, and now "this". Eventually any Law Abiding Citizen could "snap". Canada wouldn't take them. Send them to Siberia for a "re-education".
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Exactly. You think this is a fucking joke...but they aren't joking about this in Venezuela or any other country that turned communist.

Just make sure when the balloon goes up you don't tell everyone that you supported their BS.
Millions of people aint gonna do shit but run their mouth on message boards like this one and start worshiping DeSantis........
That yapping puppy part sounds like projection.
The only case Durham brought to trial was on behalf of the FBI -- do you understand how idiotic that makes you morons look??

All of this talk about taking down the corrupt FBI -- and the only case he brought to trial was to defend the FBI

And he still lost.....yall are clowns
Yeah, we have to be at work on Monday. Dems don't have that problem.
Yes, Dems don't have jobs - yet they are powerful enough to make Trump's own FBI appointee raid his home....powerful enough to make Republican secretaries of state help Dems steal the election...powerful enough to reduce Trump to nothing but a whining bitch baby......so yea, like I said.....Republicans aint gonna do shit but whine, make threats, peddle outrage..and then when someone acts on it -- those same Republicans will pretend it wasn't them..yall are cowards to the core
You mean the Durham that has failed in all his dingbat investigations? The treasonous fat senile old orange clown is going down now. Espionage is a serious crime, and Garland has never lost a prosecution. Wonder to whom Trump thought he could sell the classified documents to. And did they deal with nuclear information?
Trump can't sell what Biden has already sold.
Now it all makes sense.
These same corrupt Feds were part of the Russia Hoax and Spy Gate.

This is why JoeXi may be FBI, though the Chappaqua Blue Racer is CIA with links to MI6 for Steele. Your other MI6 link for the Clinton crime family is Julian Amery, where one sees the modus operandi similar to Vicky Goes To Ukraine, 2014:

Julian Amery
'....Born in Chelsea, London....Stephen Dorril suggests that the presence of ACUE and NCFE observers indicates the conference was funded by the CIA.'
You mean the Durham that has failed in all his dingbat investigations? The treasonous fat senile old orange clown is going down now. Espionage is a serious crime, and Garland has never lost a prosecution. Wonder to whom Trump thought he could sell the classified documents to. And did they deal with nuclear information?
LOL. Do you know how many times you guys have said, "Now we've got the goods on Trump. He's going down now."?
You can't fix corruption in the "justice" dept while democrats are in the majority and the media justifies every criminal act.

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