FBI Agents with Shields, Weapons Drawn, Raid SoCal Home of Non-Violent January 6 Protester who Walked Through Capitol, Took Photos (VIDEO)

It's nothing new. The media justified Ruby Ridge and Waco. The first thing Nazi regimes do is to take over the information network available to the public and replace it with propaganda. We are living in an era when the media trolls for racism in state and local governments but tolerates excessive behavior by federal cops in a democrat administration.
It's nothing new. The media justified Ruby Ridge and Waco. The first thing Nazi regimes do is to take over the information network available to the public and replace it with propaganda. We are living in an era when the media trolls for racism in state and local governments but tolerates excessive behavior by federal cops in a democrat administration.

Many complaining justified what happened to Breonna Taylor also.
I'm no fan of urban riots, but there's not a federal crime. It was an attempted coup. Mr. Brooks will eventually take a plea and have record, or he can take a chance and spin the wheel.

You Nazis are so full of shit.


a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government.
"he was overthrown in an army coup"

Power was seized?

Well, no - nothing even close. But you fucking fascist scum see an opportunity to legitimize use of the full weight of the federal government to crush any opposition to the dictatorship you are establishing. By demonizing protesters the Reich press can justify the trampling of basic civil rights by your Reich.

Political prisoners held in a gulag in solitary for 7 months without charge or any sort of due process, no problem. They protested against the Reich. The questioned the election. So you'll torture them by denying them human contact until they "confess" to whatever charge the Gestapo cooks up. And you're good with that because they are enemies of the Reich.

Civil rights? Due process? The Rule of law? These are impediments to the absolute power by your Reich that you seek.

The absurd demagoguery you engage in on behalf of your Reich is meant to be a warning that any opposition to the Reich will be met with extreme retaliation. Fear is what you seek to create. Political change through terror.
Arson of a federal courthouse is a federal crime.
Also a federal crime.

Antifa and BLM operate with the authority and under the orders of the ruling democrat party. Uber Alles Democrat
Algorithm is scooping up quite a few watch-listers in this deranged thread.
Keep it going.

Seig Heil, Herr Himmler.

Uber Alles Democrat.

Ironically it's Nazis who are hunting for Nazis.

It is irony when you become that which you are trying to hunt down and imprison.
The FBI is now the Gestapo, especially under Merrick 'Mr.Moderate' Garland.

And spending so much time and resources one wonders what real criminals are getting away with.

California – FBI agents on Thursday raided the home of a Huntington Beach man after his prayer group tipped off the feds when he sent of photo of himself inside the Capitol to a group chat on January 6.
According to the criminal complaint, Glenn Allen Brooks, 61, entered the Capitol through a broken window on the senate side and peacefully walked through the building.
He has been charged with unlawful entry and disorderly conduct on restricted grounds.
The FBI however showed up to Brooks’ Huntington Beach home in a pre-dawn raid, ready to go to war with shields and weapons drawn.
The neighbors were shocked when they saw feds raiding the home of a non-violent man.
“There were assault weapons, full body armor, like top and bottom, battering rams, like it seemed like it was going to be something…they were getting ready for something,” a neighbor said to CBSLA “It was actually kinda scary. I thought it was fake.”

These are the same complaints you made about the FBI arrest of Roger Stone. This is how the FBI arrests people. The best idea is not to get arrested.
These are the same complaints you made about the FBI arrest of Roger Stone. This is how the FBI arrests people. The best idea is not to get arrested.

Roger Stone is a gadfly. Even if we believe the Reich (which only a fool does - you don't believe them, you just support their agenda) the most serious thing Stone did were low level process crimes. (failure to fill out forms correctly.)

Yet the Gestapo brought in the party propaganda corps of Chinese State Media CNN (A felony by Wray orders of magnitude greater than anything Stone was accused of) while they staged a pre-dawn military raid with combat helicopters, gun ships, and assault troops - all to arrest a man for writing articles critical of the Reich.

The staged event was a farce - and inviting China State Media was a felony.
Secret State Police

The Gestapo View This Term in the Glossary was the political police force of the Nazi state. The name Gestapo View This Term in the Glossary is an abbreviation for its official German name “Geheime Staatspolizei.” The direct English translation is “Secret State Police.”
Next watch out for the IRS. Joe Biden wants to hire 87,000 IRS agents and arm them. Why would this nation need 87,000 armed accountants? Something very suspicious here.

Next watch out for the IRS. Joe Biden wants to hire 87,000 IRS agents and arm them. Why would this nation need 87,000 armed accountants? Something very suspicious here.

I'm thinking they plan on using those sooner rather than later. Like before 2024.

That's basically a Federal army right there. It's looking to me like they actually plan on eliminating all competition. They're going to hire 87k goons? Really?
Idk what .40 or 9mm is going for right now, but you can bet the government will be buying ammo in those calibers for all the new "agents" and it will not be so available to the public. Do keep that in mind.
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FBI is more Stasi-ish.
The actions of Garland and Wray to incite the right-wing population of America may come back to bite them and the rest of the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies.
Insurgencies are hard to control especially when they're nation- wide. It's no longer North against the South.
The FBI needs to expand their search to those that didn't go to Washington but cheered on those that did go.

The United States is a fascist tyranny.
The actions of Garland and Wray to incite the right-wing population of America may come back to bite them and the rest of the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies.
Insurgencies are hard to control especially when they're nation- wide. It's no longer North against the South.

New polling out. In a 53/35% split, Independents think the FBI raid on Trump was politically motivated. We know how these things work. Once your eyes are opened to the corruption, well--your eyes are opened. Then you start to see....hey....that kidnapping plot on Whitmer....that J6 rally.....and maybe all the alphabet bureaucracies....

This is a turning point. That's what I think.
New polling out. In a 53/35% split, Independents think the FBI raid on Trump was politically motivated. We know how these things work. Once your eyes are opened to the corruption, well--your eyes are opened. Then you start to see....hey....that kidnapping plot on Whitmer....that J6 rally.....and maybe all the alphabet bureaucracies....

This is a turning point. That's what I think.

I totally agree and I don't think Biden considers the consequences are he and his cronies ready for an insurgency coast to coast.
FBI is more Stasi-ish.
Its sad to see the FBI so politicized... They have lost sight in what their solemn duty really is... they are going after Trump and they won't tell us why... its bad... really bad...
Next watch out for the IRS. Joe Biden wants to hire 87,000 IRS agents and arm them. Why would this nation need 87,000 armed accountants? Something very suspicious here.

We need to put pressure on congress stop this bill and back off on the 87,000 IRS agents... I know good luck... vote MAGA always....

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