FBI arrests Navarro

"The former president’s unlawful scheme?" That brings up an interesting question. Trump is heard cheering on his mob, urging them to enter Congress and do the "right thing" by not allowing the certification of the Presidential election. His associates are doing his bidding. A number of Trump's close associates have been indicted or will be indicted, and some have gone to prison.

Yet nothing ever happens to the mastermind behind the coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021. Donald Trump has never been charged with a crime. Why is that?
Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, the king maker. Nearly every Republican running for office in November and the primaries before that ae seeking his endorsement.

And the Republicans are expected to win Congress in the November mid-terms.

On a related topic, Dean Obeidallah writes, "'Top Gun: Maverick” is summer’s first blockbuster, boasting breathless reviews and what will likely be the biggest box office in Tom Cruise’s storied, 35-plus-year Hollywood career.

"But there’s another potential blockbuster coming that I hope eclipses the audience for “Top Gun”: I’m talking about the January 6 committee public hearings, set to premiere on June 9. Just look at the advance buzz:

"And while “Top Gun” was just one film, the January 6 committee hearings are expected to be an eight-episode extravaganza. Some installments are even scheduled to air in prime time."

“The story of the worst presidential political offense against the Union in American history,” US Rep. Jamie Raskin.

How is it possible that this man is the leader of a major American political party? The answer lies in the current make-up of the GOP.

The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. Those voters are mostly farmers and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well-informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth, otherwise known as gossip.

At the heart of their rudimentary political beliefs -- for some reason they are unaware of -- Donald Trump is their savior. How that occurred is a mystery, and Republicans are unable to tell us because of their limited awareness. Moreover, they lack communication skills. The proof is their posts or lack thereof when it comes to defending their party's actions.
The one for 30,000 emails that she erased…
  1. The 30,000 emails that were government property to begin with or should have been.
  2. The 30,000 emails covering up the fact that Obumma and Hillary were apparently running an international pay to play scheme upon which half the people in DC get rich off of.
Good thing they were all just replies about yoga, cake recipes, and whether Loretta Lynch sucked off Billy Boy in his jet on the tarmac while she was supposed to be investigating his wife for felonies.
It's awesome to watch both major parties defend "their guys" who are factually indefensible.
So the seditious, treasonous politicians who held illegal Impeachment hearings are now holding a closed-to-the-public witch hunt.

The same corrupt, criminal bitch who ran the failed criminal Impeachments, who should be in jail now for confessed Insider Traiding, who was one of the TOP persons involved in 6 Jan, who refuses to testify herself, is issuing subpoenaes to others she demands testify.

And the same rogue criminal FBI Hillary, Obama, Biden, and the other seditious traitors used to help carry out Hillary's Russian Collusion / Russian Bank Connection Scandals are now arresting Republicans for refusing to participate in Pelosi's latest bogus hearings / witch hunts.

So this guy is refusing to do exactly what Pelosi refuses to do, testify before Congress, and she probably has more pertinent information than anyone; yet, she is having the FBI arrest HIM.

Closed doors, Pelosi refuses to testify ... another wasted corrupt Democrat witch hunt with the real target being Trump ... again.

This shit would have been over had Pelosi been arrested for insider trading she confessed tomonths ago like she should have been.
  1. The 30,000 emails that were government property to begin with or should have been.
  2. The 30,000 emails covering up the fact that Obumma and Hillary were apparently running an international pay to play scheme upon which half the people in DC get rich off of.
Good thing they were all just replies about yoga, cake recipes, and whether Loretta Lynch sucked off Billy Boy in his jet on the tarmac while she was supposed to be investigating his wife for felonies.
Here's a vote for the GOP in the House being incompetent in their 6 year endless investigation into everything Obama. It wasn't fruitless however as we all know it was a vitriolic decades long campaign to smear the Clinton name. The Neo-GOP only had to sell it's soul, and sell it they did.

This Jan6 commission is just Dirty Nancy Pelosi's smear campaign.
There was no insurrection.

They're trying to force network TV to broadcast open hearings later this month.

Meanwhile, the normal course here would have been to ask Navarro to turn himself in. But no, handcuffs and then shackles. All that for a mere contempt indictment.
When a police officer was convicted of murder of a man that died from a obvious drug overdose is blamed on cops patella to placate a rioting mob...When a president is impeached TWICE over unproven allegations, TWICE. When the January 6th protesters are locked up for over a year and tortured whilst BLM/ANTIFA is sanctioned and does billions in damage and then gets a little slap or ignored...or even bailed out of jail...When the democrats do everything they can to fight the obvious facts brought out on Hunter Biden's lap top...It's clear WHO is that bad guy here and its also clear many Americans are easily fooled nimrods.
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Navarro's arrest may test Trump.
But Meadows' arrest will for sure.
Trump needs to try out how much power he still has to intimidate the authorities. If he fails, they'll destroy Trump. If Trump does hold enough power, fascism in America is a given.

When will you start rounding up those who voted for Trump?

Do you have the camps ready?
Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, the king maker. Nearly every Republican running for office in November and the primaries before that ae seeking his endorsement.

And the Republicans are expected to win Congress in the November mid-terms.

On a related topic, Dean Obeidallah writes, "'Top Gun: Maverick” is summer’s first blockbuster, boasting breathless reviews and what will likely be the biggest box office in Tom Cruise’s storied, 35-plus-year Hollywood career.

"But there’s another potential blockbuster coming that I hope eclipses the audience for “Top Gun”: I’m talking about the January 6 committee public hearings, set to premiere on June 9. Just look at the advance buzz:

"And while “Top Gun” was just one film, the January 6 committee hearings are expected to be an eight-episode extravaganza. Some installments are even scheduled to air in prime time."

“The story of the worst presidential political offense against the Union in American history,” US Rep. Jamie Raskin.

How is it possible that this man is the leader of a major American political party? The answer lies in the current make-up of the GOP.

The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. Those voters are mostly farmers and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well-informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth, otherwise known as gossip.

At the heart of their rudimentary political beliefs -- for some reason they are unaware of -- Donald Trump is their savior. How that occurred is a mystery, and Republicans are unable to tell us because of their limited awareness. Moreover, they lack communication skills. The proof is their posts or lack thereof when it comes to defending their party's actions.

Xi Jinping is the leader of the democrat party, the king maker, Nearly every democrat in congress and running takes orders from Xi.
They're trying to force network TV to broadcast open hearings later this month.

Meanwhile, the normal course here would have been to ask Navarro to turn himself in. But no, handcuffs and then shackles. All that for a mere contempt indictment.
Yeah, and it's just a misdemeanor.....The worst he can get is a $100-1K fine and one month to one year in jail.

Hell it not even worth hiring a lawyer over but yet the DOJ treats him like some hardened violent criminal.

Piss on the dems and their weaponized DOJ lackeys.....They have no honor.
Here's a vote for the GOP in the House being incompetent in their 6 year endless investigation into everything Obama.
Nothing incompetent about trying to bring criminals to justice thwarted by a corrupt legal system.

It wasn't fruitless however as we all know it was a vitriolic decades long campaign to smear the Clinton name.
And here I thought the Clintons did a great job of it all by themselves.

The Neo-GOP only had to sell it's soul, and sell it they did.
And we got a great president out of it. The Neo-DNC sold out too but all they got for it was a vegetable.


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