FBI arrests Navarro

In further news, Peter Strzok who committed treason, James Clapper who lied to congress, Hillary who lied to congress, James Comey who lied to congress, and Adam Schiff who lied to congress and committed treason all continue to walk free.

We lose our liberty as we do nothing to respond to this.

Very disturbing.:(

That only shows one thing.....there is no Justice left.
In further news, Peter Strzok who committed treason, James Clapper who lied to congress, Hillary who lied to congress, James Comey who lied to congress, and Adam Schiff who lied to congress and committed treason all continue to walk free.

We lose our liberty as we do nothing to respond to this.
Meanwhile…the Republicans are as pure as newly driven snow :rolleyes:
This Jan6 commission is just Dirty Nancy Pelosi's smear campaign.
There was no insurrection.
Navarro is just another example of the criminal scum that Trump ran with since the day he started campaigning.

That entire mob including Trump should be locked up for the next 20 fucking years for trying to overturn the election & turn this Country into a Bananna Republic.

The whole lot of them should rot in prison.
"Democrats are using the FBI as the federal police agency to arrest their political opposition. This is happening right now.

This is happening in the United States of America.

Think about it."-
I didn't realise they could use state officials.
Eric Holder lied to congress and was in contempt of congress, and he was never arrested.
Pelosi is abusing her power to create a partisan freak show.
Trump turned the sewer into cess. It’s his natural environment.
Trump is a deft, NY businessman. He is a reflection of his environment. The Left gave him nothing but total shit and zero respect from the day he announced running in June 2015. No, I take that back. The Left gave him nothing but contempt and ridicule. The other came after the shock of his winning wore off.

The Left didn't care at all about his ability to effect good results in the country's benefit, all they cared about is that they hated the guy personally.

So, the Left gave nothing but shit and disrespect, and that is exactly what they got back from him.
Former Trump advisor Peter Navarro was indicted by a federal grand jury Friday for contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee and says he was put in handcuffs and leg irons as he was arrested ahead of his first court date.

Navarro has been charged with two counts of contempt, one for failing to appear for a deposition before the committee and one for failing to produce documents. The former Trump trade adviser was approached by an FBI agent arrested while trying to board a flight to Nashville for a TV hit ahead of his court appearance in Washington, D.C. Friday afternoon for the charges.

Navarro told the court the FBI agent approached him and told him he could not contact anyone as he arrested Navarro.

The Dirty Democrats are behaving just like banana republic politicians.
They are using their secret police to arrest opposition politicians.
Putin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez........did the same thing, they arrested opposition leaders, then the imprisoned them, and then no one ever heard from them again
It might come as a shock to your fever brain but people DO NOT have to right to simply ignore a congressional subpoena.

I know you question their motives, but even IF true you aren't allowed to simply refuse.

As for Banana Republics. Last time I checked in a FUNCTIONING Democracy there are 3 co-equal branches of government. What you are suggesting is that the executive branch somehow has the right to poo poo the legistlative branch and the judicial branch. They call that an autocracy, as practiced in so many "Banana Republics.
"Democrats are using the FBI as the federal police agency to arrest their political opposition. This is happening right now.

This is happening in the United States of America.

Think about it."-
They're going to get some serious violence if this keeps up.

Jan 6 will be a walk on n the park compared to what's coming
Former Trump advisor Peter Navarro was indicted by a federal grand jury Friday for contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee and says he was put in handcuffs and leg irons as he was arrested ahead of his first court date.

Navarro has been charged with two counts of contempt, one for failing to appear for a deposition before the committee and one for failing to produce documents. The former Trump trade adviser was approached by an FBI agent arrested while trying to board a flight to Nashville for a TV hit ahead of his court appearance in Washington, D.C. Friday afternoon for the charges.

Navarro told the court the FBI agent approached him and told him he could not contact anyone as he arrested Navarro.

The Dirty Democrats are behaving just like banana republic politicians.
They are using their secret police to arrest opposition politicians.
Putin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez........did the same thing, they arrested opposition leaders, then the imprisoned them, and then no one ever heard from them again

Handcuffing and leg irons for a non-violent senior citizen charged with a political crime is a bit excessive, wouldn't you say?

After the Republicans take the House back over, I wouldn't advocate that the do the same to Nancy Pelosi if she refuses to name names before the 1/6 committee either.
Yes Hillary Clinton lied to Congress.....but that's ok....everything hunky-dory with that.

Hey, Hillary is Hillary right?;)

Only one law for democrats - serve the party.

Billions of laws for the enslaved populace. Everyone is guilty, simply too many laws not to break some of them.
All this folks indicted for ignoring Adam Shifty’s star chamber will be pardoned in a couple years. The American people are sick of the demafasict political witch hunts, skyrocket inflation, and human rights abuses on the border.
"Democrats are using the FBI as the federal police agency to arrest their political opposition. This is happening right now.

This is happening in the United States of America.

Think about it."-
I have thought about it. I wish you would. If Dems were arresting their political opposition Trump, Gaetz, Bannon, Jordan, Cruz, Greene, and Navarro (among others) would all be in jail. But they aren't. Navarro walked out of the courthouse a free man. All he has to do to avoid jail time is comply with a legal subpoena asking for testimony and documents. But he has refused, which puts him in criminal contempt of Congress. Hence, he gets treated like the criminal he is.

I realize many Trumpleton's have forgotten we still have a legal system in this country after years of Trump flaunting it, but we do. When you cheat students at your real estate school, grope woman, extort a foreign leader, abuse your power, provide falsified financial documents to financial institutions, defraud the American people, cheat on your taxes, obstruct a federal investigation, and enter in to a conspiracy to block an official act of Congress..................there are supposed to be consequences.

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