FBI arrests Navarro

No one died as a result of Meadows.
We lost a Border Patrol officer as a result of Fast N' Furious.
Go eat glass.
:oops8: I guess you felt the need to vent over Fast & Furious for some odd reason?

Go eat shit.
He just needed to show up and plea Da Fifth.

Don't cooperate with Nazis raping justice.

So, why was he arrested, when Clapper, Brennan, and Clinton were not?

Does crime depend on party affiliation?

One nation, two VERY different standards of law.
I'd say you are lying.
Ah, so instead of dealing with facts you lie.

Well, you are Nazi scum after all.

Still, Brennan, Clinton, and Clapper are all proven guilty of contempt of congress - but laws don't apply to them.

Reich has it's privilege.
What crimes are you ranting about?

Contempt of congress, you know, what they slapped Navaro in chains for.

But Reich has it's privilege - so no Reich member is ever charged.

One nation - two VERY different standards of law - depending on party affiliation.

Seig Heil

Pzzagate & other QUANNUT conspracy lunacy?

Crack for dinner again?

You should mix it up occasionally.
This committee was not authorized by a full vote of congress which is required. It’s a Nancy made up thing just like the DWI is a made to go away thing.
That rogue bunch has no Authority and the FBI is in fact being used as a Democrat police force

The Reich is not subject to laws or the Constitution.
That doesn't even make sense.

Trump committed the cardinal sin, he supported the plebs against your Reich. He was part of the elite, yet STILL sullied himself by joining the ruled peasants. Your masters will hate him forever, and you will dance as a puppet on the string of the Reich.
Trump did nothing of the kind. He just sold them a bill of goods and installed his own filthy corrupt cronies.
The leg irons were typical Deep State overkill

Navarro should go before congress and then refuse to testify

That would be the end of it

He is a political prisoner of conscience.

The Reich is arresting enemies on trumped up charges.

Our republic is lost.
Trump did nothing of the kind. He just sold them a bill of goods and installed his own filthy corrupt cronies.

Do you believe any of the foolish lies you tell, or do you just hope others will?

Trump, champion of the American people.

Quid Pro, champion for Emperor Xi.
Ooh! Another not-so-subtle false equivalence to Nazi-era Germany! You win this round, white nationalist!

Ohh, Der Juden? White Nationalists?

Have you come up with a way to implement the final solution democrats have in mind to deal with the white people problem?
The Reich is not subject to laws or the Constitution.
You mean The Reich that tried to overturn the election? You mean the leader of The Reich who, more then a year after the fact still repeats the filthy lie that led to the insurection? The one your MAGA herd Trump asslickers still runs with?

Sieg Heil!
You mean The Reich that tried to overturn the election? You mean the leader of The Reich who, more then a year after the fact still repeats the filthy lie that led to the insurection? The one your MAGA herd Trump asslickers still runs with?

Sieg Heil!

One nation, two VERY different standards of law.

Uber Alles Democrat, Heil Soros.
He is a political prisoner of conscience.

The Reich is arresting enemies on trumped up charges.

Our republic is lost.
Ass bleeding over Navarro?

Navarro is a good example of what happens to people who get involved with Trump. When the cell door shut behind Navarro, Trump was just finishing up a round on the back nine.

But, who's surprised?
Ass bleeding over Navarro?

No, over the loss of the American Republic.

Clearly a shooting war is going to be needed to restore the Constitution and displace your Reich.

Navarro is a good example of what happens to people who get involved with Trump.


The Reich attacks enemies of the party. If you cross the ruling Nazis, the Gestapo will come for you.

When the cell door shut behind Navarro, Trump was just finishing up a round on the back nine.

And then for anyone who voted for Trump. And then the showers for anyone who speaks against the Reich.

But, who's surprised?

Never again.

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