FBI Blocked Information About Peter Strzok From Its Website

Things to hide.


The FBI blocked all information on its website about a top counterterrorism official who was kicked off of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation for sending politically-biased text messages to an FBI lawyer.

“FBI site blocked all the information about him,” reads a Google response to a search conducted of the FBI website for Peter Strzok, the embattled FBI agent.

FBI Blocked Information About Peter Strzok From Its Website

Embattled? WTF?

He was taken off the case in June and is now busy dealing with other matters.

He is only embattled in rightwing psyche desperate for straws to make umbrellas out of in the middle of major something-burger shit storm.
Actually he was relieved of his duties on late July early August. He was moved to Human Resources where he still has influence in the investigation and communications with staff... This thing stinks!

No it doesn't stink, unless you pretend that professional people have no private opinions or political leanings.

Cases are built on EVIDENCE, not political leanings.

Flynn didn't plead guilty because of someone's bias, he pled guilty because HE WAS.

Flynn pled guilty for not reciting verbatim what he discussed with a Russian diplomat during a phone call that was illegally recorded. Now, if Flynn and Trump were complicit in conspiring with Russia to (snicker) "steal the election" from the Hildebeast and the deep state operatives? No questions about the lifting of sanctions would have been necessary when Flynn (as a member of the Trump transition team) was speaking to a Russian diplomat because wouldn't that have been part of the deal to begin with? Leftards like you simply lack the ability to think these things through.

You are fucking crazy, the man directly, no if, no butts, no gray shades, LIED to FBI.

You are a fucking idiot.......the same agency that let the Hildebeast off the hook with a legacy for lying and covering up crimes, entrapment of people in order to justify their very existence has no credibility with me. I wouldn't give so much as a tin shit if all these sacks of shit in that corporate entity were systematically eliminated by any means necessary......I would toss back champagne. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground and you are too stupid to be educated. You deserve what is coming your way if Trump and the white hats do not finish their jobs.
the Alt Right here are completely buffaloed by the claims (no proof thought) of the Fake Alt Right Media
the Alt Right here are completely buffaloed by the claims (no proof thought) of the Fake Alt Right Media

Joke Starkey........you lack conviction in your arguments thus your inability to address my post. It really sucks to be you......I remember vividly how it was simply a foregone conclusion that the Hildebeast would win according to you and how you lamely taunted others and then had to sheepishly admit that you were wrong. You should have stayed true to that moment of humility because the worst news for those like you is yet to come. I suspect that you will simply disappear again but it will not be because you were such an asshole......it will be because your fabian socialist icons are arrested.
Dale Smith, you are a half wit. You can't argue, you don't understand logic, you have no grasp of the subjects involved.

You are wrong, simply and utterly.

Never leave, please, because you are here for grins and giggles.
Dale Smith, you are a half wit. You can't argue, you don't understand logic, you have no grasp of the subjects involved.

You are wrong, simply and utterly.

Never leave, please, because you are here for grins and giggles.

Joke Starkey, you have never fared well in a debate with me because you lack the tools and the knowledge that I have. You and "logic" don't have even an informal handshake with each other. You have never been able to refute the things that I claim and you never will.

Hope this helps! (snicker)
Try to keep up, Dale. You have always looked silly when you tried to mix it up with me. That has never changed and that will never change.

You don't understand the Constitution, case law, or American history. :)
Try to keep up, Dale. You have always looked silly when you tried to mix it up with me. That has never changed and that will never change.

You don't understand the Constitution, case law, or American history. :)

Rodney King took less of a beating than you get every time you decide to engage me in a debate. Which version of the Constitution are you speaking of? The organic one that was passed in 1783 or the corporate charter constitution that was passed in 1871 that made the ten square miles of the District of Columbia the corporate headquarters of USA.INC? If we were still under the organic Constitution, we wouldn't still be under the Lieber Code that was put in effect during the Civil War that has never been rescinded because no treaty was ever signed nor was there any declaration of war. I know more about "case law" and the real American History than you could ever hope to know. Keep coming at me......I love educating those like you because you need it and it benefits those that read the threads where I "educate" you.

I sincerely "thank you" for being you, Joke Smarmy.......you are an excellent prop and a way to segue into what is really happening and what has happened. Good on ya........(snicker)
Dale Smith, you are a half wit. You can't argue, you don't understand logic, you have no grasp of the subjects involved.

You are wrong, simply and utterly.

Never leave, please, because you are here for grins and giggles.

You and "logic" don't have even an informal handshake with each other.

I know, that post broke my irony meter too.
No one can be ironic when talking about joke starkey.
Not worried about dailycaller in the slightest.

Mueller kicked him off and that's what counts.

The Trump Crime Family in the swamp is being exposed and hunted down.


Without looking you can find where this Starkey fellow talks smack about Trump who fired Flynn. Firing Flynn differs from "Mueller kicked him off and that what counts" no doubt.

Course it is different, right Starkey? Flynn was charged with lying. Kicker is he didn't even have to lie, but the fix was in conducted by the FBI, also known as Democrats and Obama plants. Compare and contrast to we know the FBI is involved in politics, as representatives of the Democrats. The same guy who covered for Clinton was assigned to investigate Flynn, and that investigation was triggered for fabricated causes. That's just one example.

The FBI is exposed. The only question is how corrupt. They refuse to even answer to Congress. That's corrupt people. Interesting how this is #35 of the 45 declared goals for Communist Takeover of America, written in 1963. It's worth a read, because so much of the recipe is in the works today. Coincidence? Fuck no. TAKE a WILD GUESS which side of center is responsible. The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
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Dale Smith, you are a half wit. You can't argue, you don't understand logic, you have no grasp of the subjects involved.

You are wrong, simply and utterly.

Never leave, please, because you are here for grins and giggles.

You and "logic" don't have even an informal handshake with each other.

I know, that post broke my irony meter too.
No one can be ironic when talking about joke starkey.

Yeah, that's not who I was talking about.
Not worried about dailycaller in the slightest.

Mueller kicked him off and that's what counts.

The Trump Crime Family in the swamp is being exposed and hunted down.


Without looking you can find where this Starkey fellow talks smack about Trump who fired Flynn. Firing Flynn differs from "Mueller kicked him off and that what counts" no doubt.

Course it is different, right Starkey? Flynn was charged with lying. Kicker is he didn't even have to lie, but the fix was in conducted by the FBI, also known as Democrats and Obama plants. Compare and contrast to we know the FBI is involved in politics, as representatives of the Democrats. The same guy who covered for Clinton was assigned to investigate Flynn, and that investigation was triggered for fabricated causes. That's just one example.

The FBI is exposed. The only question is how corrupt. They refuse to even answer to Congress. That's corrupt people. Interesting how this is #35 of the 45 declared goals for Communist Takeover of America, written in 1963. It's worth a read, because so much of the recipe is in the works today. Coincidence? Fuck no. TAKE a WILD GUESS which side of center is responsible. The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Uma Abadin and Cheryl Mills both lied to Strzok and the FBI about Hillary's server. Their emails showed that they not only knew about the server but they were concerned about hacking of it directly contradicting their sworn statements. They were given a pass by the FBI and Strzok while Flynn's life has been destroyed.

The only difference was Abiden and Mills were Friends of the Clinton's (whom Strzok adored and supported) and Flynn was a political opponent.

Weissman also has this affliction of Clinton worship.. And he remains number 2 in the Mueller investigation.. Everything is tainted.. Fruit of the poisonous tree...

The credibility of the Mueller investigation is gone.. partisan hacks and biased investigation..
Lesson for the Trump admin. Really, everyone. Never talk to the FBI without having an attorney present. Unless you're an extension of Obama or Clinton that is, because then they've got your back.
Not worried about dailycaller in the slightest.

Mueller kicked him off and that's what counts.

The Trump Crime Family in the swamp is being exposed and hunted down.

Watching you post here is like watching the Ags at the spectrum
Things to hide.


The FBI blocked all information on its website about a top counterterrorism official who was kicked off of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation for sending politically-biased text messages to an FBI lawyer.

“FBI site blocked all the information about him,” reads a Google response to a search conducted of the FBI website for Peter Strzok, the embattled FBI agent.

FBI Blocked Information About Peter Strzok From Its Website
That's a Google message you say? More like a I made this up out of my right-wing paranoid ass message.
Not worried about dailycaller in the slightest.

Mueller kicked him off and that's what counts.

The Trump Crime Family in the swamp is being exposed and hunted down.


Without looking you can find where this Starkey fellow talks smack about Trump who fired Flynn. Firing Flynn differs from "Mueller kicked him off and that what counts" no doubt.

Course it is different, right Starkey? Flynn was charged with lying. Kicker is he didn't even have to lie, but the fix was in conducted by the FBI, also known as Democrats and Obama plants. Compare and contrast to we know the FBI is involved in politics, as representatives of the Democrats. The same guy who covered for Clinton was assigned to investigate Flynn, and that investigation was triggered for fabricated causes. That's just one example.

The FBI is exposed. The only question is how corrupt. They refuse to even answer to Congress. That's corrupt people. Interesting how this is #35 of the 45 declared goals for Communist Takeover of America, written in 1963. It's worth a read, because so much of the recipe is in the works today. Coincidence? Fuck no. TAKE a WILD GUESS which side of center is responsible. The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Uma Abadin and Cheryl Mills both lied to Strzok and the FBI about Hillary's server. Their emails showed that they not only knew about the server but they were concerned about hacking of it directly contradicting their sworn statements. They were given a pass by the FBI and Strzok while Flynn's life has been destroyed.

The only difference was Abiden and Mills were Friends of the Clinton's (whom Strzok adored and supported) and Flynn was a political opponent.

Weissman also has this affliction of Clinton worship.. And he remains number 2 in the Mueller investigation.. Everything is tainted.. Fruit of the poisonous tree...

The credibility of the Mueller investigation is gone.. partisan hacks and biased investigation..

Not worried about dailycaller in the slightest.

Mueller kicked him off and that's what counts.

The Trump Crime Family in the swamp is being exposed and hunted down.


Without looking you can find where this Starkey fellow talks smack about Trump who fired Flynn. Firing Flynn differs from "Mueller kicked him off and that what counts" no doubt.

Course it is different, right Starkey? Flynn was charged with lying. Kicker is he didn't even have to lie, but the fix was in conducted by the FBI, also known as Democrats and Obama plants. Compare and contrast to we know the FBI is involved in politics, as representatives of the Democrats. The same guy who covered for Clinton was assigned to investigate Flynn, and that investigation was triggered for fabricated causes. That's just one example.

The FBI is exposed. The only question is how corrupt. They refuse to even answer to Congress. That's corrupt people. Interesting how this is #35 of the 45 declared goals for Communist Takeover of America, written in 1963. It's worth a read, because so much of the recipe is in the works today. Coincidence? Fuck no. TAKE a WILD GUESS which side of center is responsible. The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
TheDude admits that Flynn lied and got caught and pled a deal. That's good.

TheDude has no idea what is a commie or communism.

If there is any Communist take over in America, Trump in cahoots with Putin is at the head of it.

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