FBI clears Michael Flynn in probe linking him to Russia

Meanwhile Michael Flynn‘s sentencing date is set for December 18. That’s when he’ll find out how long he’ll spend in jail.
If the FBI found him innocent of wrong doing I doubt the man goes to jail at all.

Well be waiting for the apologies to flow.

Oh wait. I forgot. The lefty loons never apologize for anything. Never mind.
If the FBI found him innocent of wrong doing I doubt the man goes to jail at all.

Well be waiting for the apologies to flow.

Oh wait. I forgot. The lefty loons never apologize for anything. Never mind.
He plead guilty to acting as an advisor to Turkey without having registered.

Wonder what kind of jail time that will get him??
Most people who violate this law just get told to register and that's the end of it. Flynn might get 10 to 30 days.

The case to watch is Papadopoulos. He's withdrawn his plea and is demanding a trial. All they really have on him is a small process crime.
If the FBI found him innocent of wrong doing I doubt the man goes to jail at all.

Well be waiting for the apologies to flow.

Oh wait. I forgot. The lefty loons never apologize for anything. Never mind.
He plead guilty to acting as an advisor to Turkey without having registered.

Wonder what kind of jail time that will get him??
Most people who violate this law just get told to register and that's the end of it. Flynn might get 10 to 30 days.

The case to watch is Papadopoulos. He's withdrawn his plea and is demanding a trial. All they really have on him is a small process crime.

Kinda thought that. Pretty chinzy charge if you ask me.
NOPE! YOU are being FOOLED by the Geller report.

LOOK at the link they supply for this information from the Washington Post....

It is dated January 17, 2017.... we have known for almost 2 years this information about the phone call of Flynn with the Ambassador and nothing illicit, it is NOTHING NEW

Yes the scuzzball Geller writes a small blip acting as if this is something NEW that just came out.... about Flynn's phone calls? but used the Washington Post article, as her reference, that was dated Jan 2017... that she KNOWS you all won't go in to because you lack in curiosity and will to find the facts.... plus you have to pay for a WP subscription to read.

How many times will you all be fooled by fake news?? when will it EVER STOP? It truly gets so tiring having to correct the lies with facts.... sigh....
And the Washington Post article Geller uses as her news reference, was written BEFORE Flynn was sworn in, before interviewed by the FBI and before he was then fired by Trump.

And before Comey was fired and before Mueller was even hired.

PLEASE STOP the propaganda pushing...
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Flynn has already plead guilty and is awaiting sentencing

I don’t think a story in a RW rag is going to help him
Report comes from a Right wing rag, does she work for Breitfart.

The phone calls had nothing to do with Russia Sanctions so you wouldn't expect CNN to report on that fact. They don't like Trump so anything that is not a negative wont be reported so OF COURSE things like this will only be reported by right leaning or neutral sources.
Flynn has already plead guilty and is awaiting sentencing

I don’t think a story in a RW rag is going to help him

Did he plead guilty to discussing Sanctions on Russia? or did he plead guilty to some ticky tack infraction.

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