FBI Confirms There Was No Insurrection On Jan 6

An insurrection with no guns? Really?
more like a soft coup

not by most of the rioters....they were sent to cause chaos in the capitol chambers....

the Trump administration were illegally working behind the scenes with loyalist congressmen under Trump's spell, state Republican legislatures, crooked lawyers such as Giuliani,and Powell, and Lynn Wood, along with crooked DOJ trump loyalist lawyers such as Eastman, and Clarke, along with Trump loyalists such as Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon and others who met at the Willard hotel WAR ROOM in DC the day before.....
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FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6

"The Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence”

By that definition, there was no “insurrection” at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports :

The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."
This report is a devastating blow to President Joe Biden and Democrats, who have attempted to make the existence of an “insurrection” on Jan. 6 a key issue in the 2022 midterm elections. Reuters does note that some “cells of protesters,” including members of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, did coordinate to “break into the Capitol,” but the FBI found “no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside.”

None of this excuses the violent riot that happened on Jan. 6. The FBI has arrested 570 rioters and each and every one of them should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

But that is what the event was: a riot, just like so many other riots. Trying to politicize it and turn it into something it wasn't won’t make the Capitol any safer."
Right,they were organized by an idea: overturning democracy for the orange pile of shit. Do you think you just gave them a pass? You didn't.
You don't think it curious that the left acted like a bunch or retarded apes on PCP for the whole year of 2020 and then all of a sudden, a crowd of Trump-supporters suddenly went nuts one time? Use your head. Do the math.

Look at the Trump rallies: Did they spill into the streets afterward and engage themselves in rioting, looting, and burning down the neighborhood? There was very little if any violence at those rallies. Sure, there were sporadic instances where a leftist would sneak into the rally and attempt to stir up some shit but overall, those were peaceful events.
WTF are you talking about? "Walking around like a bunch of retarded apes?" HUh?
When will we see “insurrection” charges?

Any day now?
Probaby not, but so what? Guess what? That mob stormed the capital on behalf of Trump & his cohorts who got them all riled up with statements such as the orange ape ranting about "not having a country anymore"! That bastard Trump & his henchmen knew exactly what they were doing that morning.

Trump & his henchmen are living large as the suckers are rotting in jail. Trump & his crew should join them.
Probaby not, but so what? Guess what? That mob stormed the capital on behalf of Trump & his cohorts who got them all riled up with statements such as the orange ape ranting about "not having a country anymore"! That bastard Trump & his henchmen knew exactly what they were doing that morning.

Trump & his henchmen are living large as the suckers are rotting in jail. Trump & his crew should join them.
Yep. And the orange pile is crowdfunding his retirement under the auspices of defense funds. He wouldn't buy them flip-flops at the commissary. He has to pay for lost golf balls, after all.
Trying to overturn and election like what Trump, Meadows, and Clark did, when they concocted meta data from the WH is to be power hungry and have no morals. That's not the Democrats, that's the Right. How do we know? Both Clark and Meadows are pleading the Fifth. That's an admission of guilt.
Except Trump was recorded telling them to be peaceful and obey the law. All they did was protest what they thought was a fraudulent election. There was plenty of evidence of fraud, too and it was all over Utube. Clark and Meadows have not testified yet, dumbo. If they plead the fifth, its because they don't want to cooperate with the farce.
Probaby not, but so what? Guess what? That mob stormed the capital on behalf of Trump & his cohorts who got them all riled up with statements such as the orange ape ranting about "not having a country anymore"! That bastard Trump & his henchmen knew exactly what they were doing that morning.

Trump & his henchmen are living large as the suckers are rotting in jail. Trump & his crew should join them.
Too bad Trump told them to be peaceful. Protest is a constitutional right.
He wanted it to happen

Probably because he wished to distance himself from incrimination, which also distanced him from his supporters

Trump's moral character is definitely exposed here as self serving....

To both Q's, i subscribe to the broader objective Biff.

That objective places the 1-6 perps in either the domestic terrorist , or freedom fighter category.

Note one's freedom fighter IS another's terrorist in this world.

This then beckons the root of the insurrection itself. If in fact those involved had predicated their protest upon a shill governance not representing them neither through legislation or taxation, they'd have fared far better than supporting any given potus' loss.

Those people stormed the Capitol because were delusional enough to believe the election was stolen.... because they were delusional enough to believe the lies their cult leader and other grifters fed them....
Too bad Trump told them to be peaceful. Protest is a constitutional right.
Storming the Capitol to try to prevent Congress (thru violent intimidation) from carrying out its duties isn't protected by the Constitution..

I notice how none of you reactionary right wing cucks can answer my question...

If 300 or so Muslims stormed the Capitol to try to intimidate Congress and stop the certification of an election...would you call it a protest or a terrorist attack??

Remember...you morons were triggered just by the idea of Muslims building a mosque in Manhattan...so we know how you would react to Muslims storming the Capitol and yelling "Hang Mike Pence"
Sure there was. it was just so clumsy and stupid that the "patriots" who instigated it feel like they have plausible deniability.
Q was likely a psyop. It was rather successful in 2 respects. It found a lot of gullible idiots to show up and a lot more gullible idiots among the general public to buy the insurrection narrative.
Q was likely a psyop. It was rather successful in 2 respects. It found a lot of gullible idiots to show up and a lot more gullible idiots among the general public to buy the insurrection narrative.
Q was a fanciful joke that was gobbled up by gullible people who were desperate to create an alternate reality where they are the ones who know things and are not losing the political battle to take the country back 60 years.
Q was a fanciful joke that was gobbled up by gullible people who were desperate to create an alternate reality where they are the ones who know things and are not losing the political battle to take the country back 60 years.
And it also successfully brought attention to a fringe element of the right so that the media could pretend it represented the average Trump voter.
Storming the Capitol to try to prevent Congress (thru violent intimidation) from carrying out its duties isn't protected by the Constitution..

I notice how none of you reactionary right wing cucks can answer my question...

If 300 or so Muslims stormed the Capitol to try to intimidate Congress and stop the certification of an election...would you call it a protest or a terrorist attack??

Remember...you morons were triggered just by the idea of Muslims building a mosque in Manhattan...so we know how you would react to Muslims storming the Capitol and yelling "Hang Mike Pence"
It happens to be pretty fresh news, but it is abundantly clear, there was a much broader criminal net surrounding Trump that was going on ahead of the vote count, that must be dealt with, just as aggressively. And that was the efforts by Trump, Jeffrey Clark, and John Eastman to concoct a letter, compliments of illagal white house meta data to mount a scheme to overturn the election. That effort failed, setting up the January insurrection;

The question was not for me to answer.
But you responded. You involved yourself. So, you are part of it. But ha, let me help both of you answer. "Retarded apes" refers to black people. It doesn't refer to the trash who instigated the violence and property damage in order to blame blacks. By the way, 97% of those so called "retarded apes" involved themselves with peaceful protests.

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