FBI defends Christ Wray, throws comey under the bus in statement on New Flynn documents


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
This is fantastic....so good to see this.

What a shitbox article. It really lacks as a story.
This is fantastic....so good to see this.

What a shitbox article. It really lacks as a story.

Yes, it lacks the fantasy you seem to need to enjoy it. However, in a factual sense it is quite good, to a point. Wray still needs to go though. He's a scumbag just like the rest of them.
The only way to really fix this is to break the FBI up into rival agencies and take the top twenty officers and just throw them in jail for life.

You dont try to trim off the rotten pieces of a steak. You just throw it out and go back to the store if you have to.
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I think that dropping the Flynn case was the right thing to do, justice was not served in that case. It is not enough however, and I have serious doubts that Wray and the FBI should get a vigorous house-cleaning from the top-down. There has been entirely too much denial and delay, i.e., cover-up, of this whole sordid mess, and people still need to be fired or prosecuted if sufficient evidence exists. Right now, nobody trusts the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and others, including BTW the State Dept and the IRS.

The too-bad part is that the Democratic House is not looking for misdeeds wherever they may be, they are only looking for anything to use against Trump and the GOP and ignoring anything that could be detrimental to their party. That is why we really need the on-going special investigations by Durham and others to name names and dates and focus the light of day on who did what. Some of the bad guys have been removed one way or another, and that's fine but we also need to expose everyone else that was complicit. Just cause and sufficient evidence is required to fire somebody or prosecute, and a thorough house-cleaning is mandatory IMHO. I do believe that Wray is deliberately obstructing this, maybe he thinks the image and reputation of the FBI requires no more scrutiny. It feels like things are being hidden from us, and so long as that is the case then the image of the FBI and other agencies will remain tarnished. In short, I don't trust the bastards any more, and quite frankly I think if and when a democrat gets elected president then it'll be back to the way things were under Obama.

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