FBI Director Warns White Terrorism Is Most Pervasive In Country

you people make yourselves look stupid
white supremacists murder less than 10 people per YEAR
blacks murder over 8 per -------------DAY
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault at TWICE the rate of whites
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
blacks graduate at lower levels
and you are worried about white supremacists????!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!
you are a goddamn liar, racist pig. what nazi handbook did you get that shit from? why not show some sources for that bullshit, boy? does the david duke website have a source for that crap? why do you equate a murder over a pool game or over a bad debt or even during a carjacking as "terrorism?" what does a homicide rate have to do with "terrorism?" isn't this just a racist pig, like you, trying to deflect from what is common knowledge to those of us with a measurable IQ in this country- white domestic terrorism is the biggest terrorist threat in this country, not muslim based, not black based, not jewish based, not latino based, not asian based...get it, dumbass? stay on topic or go home, boy.
Says shitforbrains who posts fake news stories.
View attachment 254129

Looks like Harmonica triggered the bigot.
look like you boys like to lie for each other. why do so many trump stooges like to lie for each other?
you people make yourselves look stupid
white supremacists murder less than 10 people per YEAR
blacks murder over 8 per -------------DAY
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault at TWICE the rate of whites
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
blacks graduate at lower levels
and you are worried about white supremacists????!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!
you are a goddamn liar, racist pig. what nazi handbook did you get that shit from? why not show some sources for that bullshit, boy? does the david duke website have a source for that crap? why do you equate a murder over a pool game or over a bad debt or even during a carjacking as "terrorism?" what does a homicide rate have to do with "terrorism?" isn't this just a racist pig, like you, trying to deflect from what is common knowledge to those of us with a measurable IQ in this country- white domestic terrorism is the biggest terrorist threat in this country, not muslim based, not black based, not jewish based, not latino based, not asian based...get it, dumbass? stay on topic or go home, boy.
Says shitforbrains who posts fake news stories.
View attachment 254129

Looks like Harmonica triggered the bigot.
...the FBI stats on black hate crimes really blows them up---they go nuts
...it's exactly opposite of what the MSM says and what they've been brainwashed to believe--so their brainwashed brain goes bananas
you people make yourselves look stupid
white supremacists murder less than 10 people per YEAR
blacks murder over 8 per -------------DAY
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault at TWICE the rate of whites
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
blacks graduate at lower levels
and you are worried about white supremacists????!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!
you are a goddamn liar, racist pig. what nazi handbook did you get that shit from? why not show some sources for that bullshit, boy? does the david duke website have a source for that crap? why do you equate a murder over a pool game or over a bad debt or even during a carjacking as "terrorism?" what does a homicide rate have to do with "terrorism?" isn't this just a racist pig, like you, trying to deflect from what is common knowledge to those of us with a measurable IQ in this country- white domestic terrorism is the biggest terrorist threat in this country, not muslim based, not black based, not jewish based, not latino based, not asian based...get it, dumbass? stay on topic or go home, boy.
Says shitforbrains who posts fake news stories.
View attachment 254129

Looks like Harmonica triggered the bigot.
look like you boys like to lie for each other. why do so many trump stooges like to lie for each other?
....now--you look even MORE stupid----you CAN'T refute/argue my links--stats--you just babble dumbshit = your OP is crap
it didn't take long to blow your shit out of the water--it's like most of the MSM crap = crap
you people make yourselves look stupid
white supremacists murder less than 10 people per YEAR
blacks murder over 8 per -------------DAY
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault at TWICE the rate of whites
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
blacks graduate at lower levels
and you are worried about white supremacists????!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!
you are a goddamn liar, racist pig. what nazi handbook did you get that shit from? why not show some sources for that bullshit, boy? does the david duke website have a source for that crap? why do you equate a murder over a pool game or over a bad debt or even during a carjacking as "terrorism?" what does a homicide rate have to do with "terrorism?" isn't this just a racist pig, like you, trying to deflect from what is common knowledge to those of us with a measurable IQ in this country- white domestic terrorism is the biggest terrorist threat in this country, not muslim based, not black based, not jewish based, not latino based, not asian based...get it, dumbass? stay on topic or go home, boy.
Says shitforbrains who posts fake news stories.
View attachment 254129

Looks like Harmonica triggered the bigot.
look like you boys like to lie for each other. why do so many trump stooges like to lie for each other?
....now--you look even MORE stupid----you CAN'T refute/argue my links--stats--you just babble dumbshit = your OP is crap
We all know the one person killed by a white supremest two years ago to bring the decade total to one trumps all the murders committed by other races.
.....my question is, what does Mr Jones think of the FBI stats on blacks committing hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites???
you people make yourselves look stupid
white supremacists murder less than 10 people per YEAR
blacks murder over 8 per -------------DAY
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault at TWICE the rate of whites
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
blacks graduate at lower levels
and you are worried about white supremacists????!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!
you are a goddamn liar, racist pig. what nazi handbook did you get that shit from? why not show some sources for that bullshit, boy? does the david duke website have a source for that crap? why do you equate a murder over a pool game or over a bad debt or even during a carjacking as "terrorism?" what does a homicide rate have to do with "terrorism?" isn't this just a racist pig, like you, trying to deflect from what is common knowledge to those of us with a measurable IQ in this country- white domestic terrorism is the biggest terrorist threat in this country, not muslim based, not black based, not jewish based, not latino based, not asian based...get it, dumbass? stay on topic or go home, boy.
Anyone who lives in a blue city and surrounding area knows where most of the killings come from. White terrorism is minimal if at all. We have Gay terrorism, Black terrorism, Feminist terrorism, Islamic terrorism, Hispanic terrorism, ANTIFA terrorism and Terrorisms we have not though of yet. Propaganda is just that. They are afraid of White people doing the same thing as others do. So they keep it nipped in the bud by emasculation. Frankly most people want all people to get along better.
you are a goddamn liar, racist pig. what nazi handbook did you get that shit from? why not show some sources for that bullshit, boy? does the david duke website have a source for that crap? why do you equate a murder over a pool game or over a bad debt or even during a carjacking as "terrorism?" what does a homicide rate have to do with "terrorism?" isn't this just a racist pig, like you, trying to deflect from what is common knowledge to those of us with a measurable IQ in this country- white domestic terrorism is the biggest terrorist threat in this country, not muslim based, not black based, not jewish based, not latino based, not asian based...get it, dumbass? stay on topic or go home, boy.
Says shitforbrains who posts fake news stories.
View attachment 254129

Looks like Harmonica triggered the bigot.
look like you boys like to lie for each other. why do so many trump stooges like to lie for each other?
....now--you look even MORE stupid----you CAN'T refute/argue my links--stats--you just babble dumbshit = your OP is crap
We all know the one person killed by a white supremest two years ago to bring the decade total to one trumps all the murders committed by other races.
......the MSM makes a HUGE deal out of those---while everyDAY blacks are murdering each other --and idiots like Jones can't add 1 + 1 to figure out what the major/critical problems are
you know I discuss civilly and don't call people names--UNLESS the other jackass starts it
.....why couldn't you discus civilly--Jones??!!!!! hate? racism?
you people make yourselves look stupid
white supremacists murder less than 10 people per YEAR
blacks murder over 8 per -------------DAY
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
blacks commit sexual assault at TWICE the rate of whites
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
blacks graduate at lower levels
blacks about 13% of the population--whites 67%
white on black murders -229
black on white murders - 500
and you are worried about white supremacists????!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!
But two years ago a white supremacist killed a man!
I guess you missed this story from about 5 months ago about a white terrorist shooting to death 11 jews and wounding 29 others using an assault rifle in an attack on a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh, because your head was so far up Trump's fat ass. here ya go, junior-

PITTSBURGH — Armed with an AR-15-style assault rifle and at least three handguns, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire inside a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday morning, killing at least 11 congregants and wounding four police officers and two others, the authorities said.

In a rampage described as among the deadliest against the Jewish community in the United States, the assailant stormed into the Tree of Life Congregation, where worshipers had gathered in separate rooms to celebrate their faith, and shot indiscriminately into the crowd, shattering what had otherwise been a peaceful morning.

here is the link to the white terrorist attack, and then a picture of the white terrorist who you boys are trying so hard to defend for some reason...

11 Killed in Synagogue Massacre; Suspect Charged With 29 Counts

View attachment 254130
we can tell you're a bootcamper [newbie ]
Maybe instead of building a wall along our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it.

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress on Thursday that white supremacy is a “persistent, pervasive threat” to U.S. security — despite President Donald Trump’s indications to the contrary.

“How would you define the danger to public safety that is posed by white supremacist extremism?” House Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.) asked.

Wray responded that the “danger ... of white supremacists, violent extremism or any other kind of extremism is, of course, significant.”

He added: “We assess that it is a persistent, pervasive threat. We tackle it both through our joint terrorism task forces on the domestic terrorism side as well as through our civil rights program on the civil side through hate-crime enforcement.”

The warning comes just weeks after Trump said he didn’t “really” see a rise in global right-wing violence after an avowed white nationalist was charged in the fatal shooting of 50 people at two New Zealand mosques last month. Such violence is committed by a “small group of people that have very, very serious problems, I guess,” Trump insisted. (white killers are not animals, not part of a terrorist group, they are "loners" with personal problems....says every stupid ass bigoted asshole that goes nuts if an illegal shoots someone or a muslim, but could give a shit if it is some white guy shooting to death those praying in a black church, or a white guy shooting to death those praying in a synagogue or a white guy shooting to death those praying in their mosques.)

Wray’s pronouncement also follows reports that the Department of Homeland Security dismantled its domestic terrorism unit even as American right-wing violence has become the leading cause of terrorism in the U.S. Officials of the department conceded to CBS News this week that the unit has been “restructured” but said that Homeland Security remains committed to battling all domestic terrorism. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen last month insisted that Islamist militants and those they inspire are the primary terrorist threat to the U.S. (yeah, she is so on the ball. no bias there in order to suck up to Trump. facts don't matter)

In fact, more domestic terrorism suspects were arrested in the United States over the last two federal budget years than those inspired by foreign Islamic extremists. Most domestic terrorism suspects are right-wing extremists. But domestic terrorism is not a crime under federal law, so suspects are charged with weapon violations and other crimes.

Wray was also asked how the FBI is addressing a 17% spike in hate crimes in the U.S.

“We are determined not to tolerate hate-filled violence in our communities, so we’re going to aggressively investigate those cases,” he said.

Trump has been accused of emboldening white nationalists with comments such as referring to black-majority nations as “shithole countries” and immigrants as “animals.” He said after the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia, march of white nationalists that there were “good people” on both sides of the issue.

Counterprotester Heather Heyer, 32, was killed and 19 others were injured when white nationalist James Alex Fields ran into them with his car in Charlottesville. He pleaded guilty last week to federal hate-crime charges and said he had hoped to kill more of the people he injured. He had already been sentenced to life in prison last year but reportedly pleaded guilty to the hate crimes in a bid to avoid the death penalty.

FBI Chief Christopher Wray Warns Of 'Persistent, Pervasive' White Supremacy Threat | HuffPost
The Globalist are trying to create this atmosphere of hate among the patriots. Hoping that the patriots will make one false move so that congress can approve to unleash a bio weapon that sickens or kill those with a certain gene to defuse the problem. But they have to find some way to keep on administering it to their targets until it takes effects. They can administer it with vaccines, chem-trails and so on.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S.

But the top House Democrat with oversight of the Department of Homeland Security said in a letter to Ms. Napolitano that he was “dumbfounded” that such a report would be issued.

“This report appears to raise significant issues involving the privacy and civil liberties of many Americans - including war veterans,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, in his letter sent Tuesday night.

The letter was representative of a public furor over the nine-page document since its existence was reported in The Washington Times on Tuesday.

In her statement Wednesday, Ms. Napolitano defended the report, which says “rightwing extremism” may include groups opposed to abortion and immigration, as merely one among several threat assessments. But she agreed to meet with the head of the American Legion, who had expressed anger over the report, when she returns to Washington next week from a tour of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Napolitano stands by controversial report

i think that the problem with Jones is that he is a kid . ------- just a comment .
Maybe instead of building a wall along our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it.
So, do you have a great deal of experience with banjo jamboree/pig squealing contests?
Yes, I majored in Hillbilly at SMU here in Dallas. We took field trips to observe them in their native habitat, as it were.
So, you have none. Thanks for letting everyone understand that.
Read it again, dumbass. Or have some passing 3rd grader read it and spend an hour or so explaining it to your trump stooge ass.
I did read it. It is a confession by you that you don't really understand what you spew on this forum.

But then, what could anyone expect from a person who believes it is okay to put American's into detention for nothing more than holding a different point of view.

Get back to Me when you graduate 3rd grade. I'll be over here ignoring you.
Awesome comeback!! what are you talking about, little feller- why do you "think" i believe it is okay to put "American's" (as you so incorrectly put it, as it should be "Americans") into detention for nothing more than holding a different point of view? what are you talking about? Are you having an acid flashback? or what?
it didn't take long to blow your shit out of the water--it's like most of the MSM crap = crap
Where is your source, little boy? You keep crowing about winning when you don't even know what the contest is. Where does it say, for example, blacks commit more hate crimes than whites? And again, dumbass, what do homicides have to do with terrorism? what part of that does your tiny right wing mind somehow fail to grasp? you are just deflecting with typical right wing racist bullshit, instead of facing the truth about how people like you are the real terrorist threat in this country- white boy cowards seething with racist hatred.
it didn't take long to blow your shit out of the water--it's like most of the MSM crap = crap
Where is your source, little boy? You keep crowing about winning when you don't even know what the contest is. Where does it say, for example, blacks commit more hate crimes than whites? And again, dumbass, what do homicides have to do with terrorism? what part of that does your tiny right wing mind somehow fail to grasp? you are just deflecting with typical right wing racist bullshit, instead of facing the truth about how people like you are the real terrorist threat in this country- white boy cowards seething with racist hatred.
get some glasses--it's right there in my first post
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
if you did not graduate from 4th grade, you will not understand that
Maybe instead of building a wall along our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it.

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress on Thursday that white supremacy is a “persistent, pervasive threat” to U.S. security — despite President Donald Trump’s indications to the contrary.

“How would you define the danger to public safety that is posed by white supremacist extremism?” House Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.) asked.

Wray responded that the “danger ... of white supremacists, violent extremism or any other kind of extremism is, of course, significant.”

He added: “We assess that it is a persistent, pervasive threat. We tackle it both through our joint terrorism task forces on the domestic terrorism side as well as through our civil rights program on the civil side through hate-crime enforcement.”

The warning comes just weeks after Trump said he didn’t “really” see a rise in global right-wing violence after an avowed white nationalist was charged in the fatal shooting of 50 people at two New Zealand mosques last month. Such violence is committed by a “small group of people that have very, very serious problems, I guess,” Trump insisted. (white killers are not animals, not part of a terrorist group, they are "loners" with personal problems....says every stupid ass bigoted asshole that goes nuts if an illegal shoots someone or a muslim, but could give a shit if it is some white guy shooting to death those praying in a black church, or a white guy shooting to death those praying in a synagogue or a white guy shooting to death those praying in their mosques.)

Wray’s pronouncement also follows reports that the Department of Homeland Security dismantled its domestic terrorism unit even as American right-wing violence has become the leading cause of terrorism in the U.S. Officials of the department conceded to CBS News this week that the unit has been “restructured” but said that Homeland Security remains committed to battling all domestic terrorism. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen last month insisted that Islamist militants and those they inspire are the primary terrorist threat to the U.S. (yeah, she is so on the ball. no bias there in order to suck up to Trump. facts don't matter)

In fact, more domestic terrorism suspects were arrested in the United States over the last two federal budget years than those inspired by foreign Islamic extremists. Most domestic terrorism suspects are right-wing extremists. But domestic terrorism is not a crime under federal law, so suspects are charged with weapon violations and other crimes.

Wray was also asked how the FBI is addressing a 17% spike in hate crimes in the U.S.

“We are determined not to tolerate hate-filled violence in our communities, so we’re going to aggressively investigate those cases,” he said.

Trump has been accused of emboldening white nationalists with comments such as referring to black-majority nations as “shithole countries” and immigrants as “animals.” He said after the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia, march of white nationalists that there were “good people” on both sides of the issue.

Counterprotester Heather Heyer, 32, was killed and 19 others were injured when white nationalist James Alex Fields ran into them with his car in Charlottesville. He pleaded guilty last week to federal hate-crime charges and said he had hoped to kill more of the people he injured. He had already been sentenced to life in prison last year but reportedly pleaded guilty to the hate crimes in a bid to avoid the death penalty.

FBI Chief Christopher Wray Warns Of 'Persistent, Pervasive' White Supremacy Threat | HuffPost
How do dead pigs squeal?
Huff Post-----hahahahahhaa
they are mucho anti-white
mucho crap/lies
vs my FBI stats

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