FBI Director Warns White Terrorism Is Most Pervasive In Country

Maybe instead of building a wall along our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it.

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress on Thursday that white supremacy is a “persistent, pervasive threat” to U.S. security — despite President Donald Trump’s indications to the contrary.

“How would you define the danger to public safety that is posed by white supremacist extremism?” House Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.) asked.

Wray responded that the “danger ... of white supremacists, violent extremism or any other kind of extremism is, of course, significant.”

He added: “We assess that it is a persistent, pervasive threat. We tackle it both through our joint terrorism task forces on the domestic terrorism side as well as through our civil rights program on the civil side through hate-crime enforcement.”

The warning comes just weeks after Trump said he didn’t “really” see a rise in global right-wing violence after an avowed white nationalist was charged in the fatal shooting of 50 people at two New Zealand mosques last month. Such violence is committed by a “small group of people that have very, very serious problems, I guess,” Trump insisted. (white killers are not animals, not part of a terrorist group, they are "loners" with personal problems....says every stupid ass bigoted asshole that goes nuts if an illegal shoots someone or a muslim, but could give a shit if it is some white guy shooting to death those praying in a black church, or a white guy shooting to death those praying in a synagogue or a white guy shooting to death those praying in their mosques.)

Wray’s pronouncement also follows reports that the Department of Homeland Security dismantled its domestic terrorism unit even as American right-wing violence has become the leading cause of terrorism in the U.S. Officials of the department conceded to CBS News this week that the unit has been “restructured” but said that Homeland Security remains committed to battling all domestic terrorism. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen last month insisted that Islamist militants and those they inspire are the primary terrorist threat to the U.S. (yeah, she is so on the ball. no bias there in order to suck up to Trump. facts don't matter)

In fact, more domestic terrorism suspects were arrested in the United States over the last two federal budget years than those inspired by foreign Islamic extremists. Most domestic terrorism suspects are right-wing extremists. But domestic terrorism is not a crime under federal law, so suspects are charged with weapon violations and other crimes.

Wray was also asked how the FBI is addressing a 17% spike in hate crimes in the U.S.

“We are determined not to tolerate hate-filled violence in our communities, so we’re going to aggressively investigate those cases,” he said.

Trump has been accused of emboldening white nationalists with comments such as referring to black-majority nations as “shithole countries” and immigrants as “animals.” He said after the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia, march of white nationalists that there were “good people” on both sides of the issue.

Counterprotester Heather Heyer, 32, was killed and 19 others were injured when white nationalist James Alex Fields ran into them with his car in Charlottesville. He pleaded guilty last week to federal hate-crime charges and said he had hoped to kill more of the people he injured. He had already been sentenced to life in prison last year but reportedly pleaded guilty to the hate crimes in a bid to avoid the death penalty.

FBI Chief Christopher Wray Warns Of 'Persistent, Pervasive' White Supremacy Threat | HuffPost

"we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it. "

Your snotty elitism stinks from here
Sorry, Sue, if I stepped on any of your cloven feet. As far as the smell you described, it is probably coming from the sick bigotry you are ate up with, missy. The smeller is the feller...He who smelt it, dealt it. Try to keep that in mind next time you smell something you don't like.

This is the stuff I commonly hear in the elem. school where I work....coming from second graders.
why do you call going to school as where you work? i guess for you it is work to keep up with the other second graders. you keep trying, missy!! third grade is possible if you focus.

Mr Jones has to think REALLY hard to wrap his brain around that fact that some adults work in schools.

That....is really sad
some do. but there is no way you are an adult with such simplistic views. even less of a chance you finished high school. you are wrong about everything. a right wing bigoted loser. deal with it, sue.
Maybe instead of building a wall along our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it.
yeah, lots of elderly white bigots hate hearing the truth. good call, drain clog.
------------------------------------ More name calling so just more proof that Jones is a KID eh !!
double standard, much, pismoe? you do not really try to debate or rebut any of the facts I presented, you just lamely tried to dismiss it as me being a kid. hate to burst your snot bubble, cracker moron, but that is NAME CALLING...get it, stupid?
------------------------------------- more Proof just above that Jones is a KID , its easy to see !! [chuckle]
"we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it. "

Your snotty elitism stinks from here
Sorry, Sue, if I stepped on any of your cloven feet. As far as the smell you described, it is probably coming from the sick bigotry you are ate up with, missy. The smeller is the feller...He who smelt it, dealt it. Try to keep that in mind next time you smell something you don't like.

This is the stuff I commonly hear in the elem. school where I work....coming from second graders.
why do you call going to school as where you work? i guess for you it is work to keep up with the other second graders. you keep trying, missy!! third grade is possible if you focus.

Mr Jones has to think REALLY hard to wrap his brain around that fact that some adults work in schools.

That....is really sad
some do. but there is no way you are an adult with such simplistic views. even less of a chance you finished high school. you are wrong about everything. a right wing bigoted loser. deal with it, sue.

You never have an original thought--you even stole my own language here, "Simplistic views".

I did finish high school and have been teaching for over 25 years. Spring Break this week, thanks for asking. You're still in school, obviously.
Maybe instead of building a wall along our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it.
yeah, lots of elderly white bigots hate hearing the truth. good call, drain clog.
------------------------------------ More name calling so just more proof that Jones is a KID eh !!
double standard, much, pismoe? you do not really try to debate or rebut any of the facts I presented, you just lamely tried to dismiss it as me being a kid. hate to burst your snot bubble, cracker moron, but that is NAME CALLING...get it, stupid?
------------------------------------- more Proof just above that Jones is a KID , its easy to see !! [chuckle]
still name calling. is it because you realize you are too stupid to actually debate or post something relevant to the thread? i believe you right wingers know how to get a topic moved off the current events board- just start posting irrelevant bullshit, start the name calling, and then wait for the moderator to end it. it appears the moderators might be the only people who do not see that is the game you right wingers who infect this board play to stop any real discussions on topics you don't like to admit is to start this irrelevant bullshit and then the stupid ass attempts at name calling...
Sorry, Sue, if I stepped on any of your cloven feet. As far as the smell you described, it is probably coming from the sick bigotry you are ate up with, missy. The smeller is the feller...He who smelt it, dealt it. Try to keep that in mind next time you smell something you don't like.

This is the stuff I commonly hear in the elem. school where I work....coming from second graders.
why do you call going to school as where you work? i guess for you it is work to keep up with the other second graders. you keep trying, missy!! third grade is possible if you focus.

Mr Jones has to think REALLY hard to wrap his brain around that fact that some adults work in schools.

That....is really sad
some do. but there is no way you are an adult with such simplistic views. even less of a chance you finished high school. you are wrong about everything. a right wing bigoted loser. deal with it, sue.

You never have an original thought--you even stole my own language here, "Simplistic views".

I did finish high school and have been teaching for over 25 years. Spring Break this week, thanks for asking. You're still in school, obviously.
If I were in school it would be in a school about 10 grades above any class you could take and pass, much less try to teach. you are not in my league, missy. quit while you are way behind or I shall taunt you a second time.
84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites.. he might want to check his stats lol

He should be fired
yeah, lots of elderly white bigots hate hearing the truth. good call, drain clog.
------------------------------------ More name calling so just more proof that Jones is a KID eh !!
double standard, much, pismoe? you do not really try to debate or rebut any of the facts I presented, you just lamely tried to dismiss it as me being a kid. hate to burst your snot bubble, cracker moron, but that is NAME CALLING...get it, stupid?
------------------------------------- more Proof just above that Jones is a KID , its easy to see !! [chuckle]
still name calling. is it because you realize you are too stupid to actually debate or post something relevant to the thread? i believe you right wingers know how to get a topic moved off the current events board- just start posting irrelevant bullshit, start the name calling, and then wait for the moderator to end it. it appears the moderators might be the only people who do not see that is the game you right wingers who infect this board play to stop any real discussions on topics you don't like to admit is to start this irrelevant bullshit and then the stupid ass attempts at name calling...
------------------------------ chuckle !!
o--here's more
BLM wants to KILL white people
I'd say that is just as bad --if not worse--- than [ hahahah ] '''terrorism''
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

Hey no worries...........BLM is out there only to stir up the base. The DUMS are toast without 90% black support. Operationally though, any black stirring up real violence against whites is going to get whacked. They'd be destroying a whole industry and the big boys just wont let that happen.
BLM is there to stir up the base? What in the wide wide world of sports does BLM have to do with terrorism or with anything related to this thread? When is the last time you even heard about BLM? have you been unconscious for about 4 years and now you are still programmed to repeat "BLM did it!!" every time you read something negative about white nationalists and white domestic terrorism? you need to wake up and get with the bigoted bullshit talking points of today, not 4 years ago. BLM is so 2015...

Yeah but whites dont worry a wit about white nationalist terrorism..........thats the only thing that matters. The fringe left pushes this narrative but its politically null. That may suck for your politics but whites arent out there worried about this......like at all.:bye1::bye1:

Now take a look at Charlotte 2015........to whites, THATS fucking terrorism.:hello77:
So, do you have a great deal of experience with banjo jamboree/pig squealing contests?
Yes, I majored in Hillbilly at SMU here in Dallas. We took field trips to observe them in their native habitat, as it were.
So, you have none. Thanks for letting everyone understand that.
Read it again, dumbass. Or have some passing 3rd grader read it and spend an hour or so explaining it to your trump stooge ass.
I did read it. It is a confession by you that you don't really understand what you spew on this forum.

But then, what could anyone expect from a person who believes it is okay to put American's into detention for nothing more than holding a different point of view.

Get back to Me when you graduate 3rd grade. I'll be over here ignoring you.
Awesome comeback!! what are you talking about, little feller- why do you "think" i believe it is okay to put "American's" (as you so incorrectly put it, as it should be "Americans") into detention for nothing more than holding a different point of view? what are you talking about? Are you having an acid flashback? or what?
The government had infected the minorities with syphilis. That it had caused brain damage. And some children was born with brain damage from infected parents. They dumb-down groups of people in order to control them. That the minorities will lose critical thinking skills. That they will become dependent on others to do the thinking for them. And now the majority of the minorities is under the control of the Globalist. And now they see people are wakening up from their sleep. That they are increasing the doses. Now they are trying to make it mandatory that we all have to be vaccinated so that we go back to sleep.

I guess you missed this story from about 5 months ago about a white terrorist shooting to death 11 jews and wounding 29 others using an assault rifle in an attack on a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh, because your head was so far up Trump's fat ass. here ya go, junior-
What about the thousands of democrats that tried to lynch two Jewish speakers at Berkeley?? Rioted and almost burnt down the school with jews Inside
View attachment 254141
I guess you missed this story from about 5 months ago about a white terrorist shooting to death 11 jews and wounding 29 others using an assault rifle in an attack on a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh, because your head was so far up Trump's fat ass. here ya go, junior-
What about the thousands of democrats that tried to lynch two Jewish speakers at Berkeley?? Rioted and almost burnt down the school with jews Inside

Progressives see a couple of hundred protestors and get confused.:abgg2q.jpg:. Its always been that way. Missed the lesson on the Bell Curve.
Maybe instead of building a wall along our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it.

This is silly, but not helpful.
We just need to keep the domestic terrorism unit that we already have, instead of gutting it.

Trump's gaslighting rhetoric inflames the situation, requiring extra effort in that error, instead of abandoning it.

We need to treat white nationalist terrorism as terrorism.
Maybe instead of building a wall along our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it.

This is silly, but not helpful.
We just need to keep the domestic terrorism unit that we already have, instead of gutting it.

Trump's gaslighting rhetoric inflames the situation, requiring extra effort in that error, instead of abandoning it.

We need to treat white nationalist terrorism as terrorism.
So if I am against globalization I’m a terrorist ?? Lol what
As a Jew, the Progressive Left concerns me 10x more than the Alt Right. Why you ask? Well the Republicans and Democrats both condemn the Alt Right. But the Democrats not only embrace the Progressive Left anti Jew stance they also support BDS and elected two Muslim extremists to Congress and allowed them to become the faces of their party.

So.....take it from just this one Jew however you want to.
This is the stuff I commonly hear in the elem. school where I work....coming from second graders.
why do you call going to school as where you work? i guess for you it is work to keep up with the other second graders. you keep trying, missy!! third grade is possible if you focus.

Mr Jones has to think REALLY hard to wrap his brain around that fact that some adults work in schools.

That....is really sad
some do. but there is no way you are an adult with such simplistic views. even less of a chance you finished high school. you are wrong about everything. a right wing bigoted loser. deal with it, sue.

You never have an original thought--you even stole my own language here, "Simplistic views".

I did finish high school and have been teaching for over 25 years. Spring Break this week, thanks for asking. You're still in school, obviously.
If I were in school it would be in a school about 10 grades above any class you could take and pass, much less try to teach. you are not in my league, missy. quit while you are way behind or I shall taunt you a second time.

Sure. And your superior thinking demonstrated here is surely proof of that, right?
it didn't take long to blow your shit out of the water--it's like most of the MSM crap = crap
Where is your source, little boy? You keep crowing about winning when you don't even know what the contest is. Where does it say, for example, blacks commit more hate crimes than whites? And again, dumbass, what do homicides have to do with terrorism? what part of that does your tiny right wing mind somehow fail to grasp? you are just deflecting with typical right wing racist bullshit, instead of facing the truth about how people like you are the real terrorist threat in this country- white boy cowards seething with racist hatred.

What about ANTIFA? They're terrorists.
Maybe instead of building a wall along our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it.

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress on Thursday that white supremacy is a “persistent, pervasive threat” to U.S. security — despite President Donald Trump’s indications to the contrary.

“How would you define the danger to public safety that is posed by white supremacist extremism?” House Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.) asked.

Wray responded that the “danger ... of white supremacists, violent extremism or any other kind of extremism is, of course, significant.”

He added: “We assess that it is a persistent, pervasive threat. We tackle it both through our joint terrorism task forces on the domestic terrorism side as well as through our civil rights program on the civil side through hate-crime enforcement.”

The warning comes just weeks after Trump said he didn’t “really” see a rise in global right-wing violence after an avowed white nationalist was charged in the fatal shooting of 50 people at two New Zealand mosques last month. Such violence is committed by a “small group of people that have very, very serious problems, I guess,” Trump insisted. (white killers are not animals, not part of a terrorist group, they are "loners" with personal problems....says every stupid ass bigoted asshole that goes nuts if an illegal shoots someone or a muslim, but could give a shit if it is some white guy shooting to death those praying in a black church, or a white guy shooting to death those praying in a synagogue or a white guy shooting to death those praying in their mosques.)

Wray’s pronouncement also follows reports that the Department of Homeland Security dismantled its domestic terrorism unit even as American right-wing violence has become the leading cause of terrorism in the U.S. Officials of the department conceded to CBS News this week that the unit has been “restructured” but said that Homeland Security remains committed to battling all domestic terrorism. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen last month insisted that Islamist militants and those they inspire are the primary terrorist threat to the U.S. (yeah, she is so on the ball. no bias there in order to suck up to Trump. facts don't matter)

In fact, more domestic terrorism suspects were arrested in the United States over the last two federal budget years than those inspired by foreign Islamic extremists. Most domestic terrorism suspects are right-wing extremists. But domestic terrorism is not a crime under federal law, so suspects are charged with weapon violations and other crimes.

Wray was also asked how the FBI is addressing a 17% spike in hate crimes in the U.S.

“We are determined not to tolerate hate-filled violence in our communities, so we’re going to aggressively investigate those cases,” he said.

Trump has been accused of emboldening white nationalists with comments such as referring to black-majority nations as “shithole countries” and immigrants as “animals.” He said after the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia, march of white nationalists that there were “good people” on both sides of the issue.

Counterprotester Heather Heyer, 32, was killed and 19 others were injured when white nationalist James Alex Fields ran into them with his car in Charlottesville. He pleaded guilty last week to federal hate-crime charges and said he had hoped to kill more of the people he injured. He had already been sentenced to life in prison last year but reportedly pleaded guilty to the hate crimes in a bid to avoid the death penalty.

FBI Chief Christopher Wray Warns Of 'Persistent, Pervasive' White Supremacy Threat | HuffPost

"we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it. "

Your snotty elitism stinks from here
Sorry, Sue, if I stepped on any of your cloven feet. As far as the smell you described, it is probably coming from the sick bigotry you are ate up with, missy. The smeller is the feller...He who smelt it, dealt it. Try to keep that in mind next time you smell something you don't like.

Hmmm? I live in the DFW area and I say you are a fraud
which part? near white rock? near the Campisi's on Mockingbird? near Lower Greenville? Or downtown near the Perot Musuem of Nature and Science and kickass Aquarium? maybe near the W Hotel on Stemmons? or out east in Mesquite near the rodeo and town east mall? which part, bozo? towards the Star Cowboy practice football field in Frisco? maybe near Lone Star Park horse racing on Belt Line in Grand Prairie?
Maybe instead of building a wall along our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it.

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress on Thursday that white supremacy is a “persistent, pervasive threat” to U.S. security — despite President Donald Trump’s indications to the contrary.

“How would you define the danger to public safety that is posed by white supremacist extremism?” House Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.) asked.

Wray responded that the “danger ... of white supremacists, violent extremism or any other kind of extremism is, of course, significant.”

He added: “We assess that it is a persistent, pervasive threat. We tackle it both through our joint terrorism task forces on the domestic terrorism side as well as through our civil rights program on the civil side through hate-crime enforcement.”

The warning comes just weeks after Trump said he didn’t “really” see a rise in global right-wing violence after an avowed white nationalist was charged in the fatal shooting of 50 people at two New Zealand mosques last month. Such violence is committed by a “small group of people that have very, very serious problems, I guess,” Trump insisted. (white killers are not animals, not part of a terrorist group, they are "loners" with personal problems....says every stupid ass bigoted asshole that goes nuts if an illegal shoots someone or a muslim, but could give a shit if it is some white guy shooting to death those praying in a black church, or a white guy shooting to death those praying in a synagogue or a white guy shooting to death those praying in their mosques.)

Wray’s pronouncement also follows reports that the Department of Homeland Security dismantled its domestic terrorism unit even as American right-wing violence has become the leading cause of terrorism in the U.S. Officials of the department conceded to CBS News this week that the unit has been “restructured” but said that Homeland Security remains committed to battling all domestic terrorism. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen last month insisted that Islamist militants and those they inspire are the primary terrorist threat to the U.S. (yeah, she is so on the ball. no bias there in order to suck up to Trump. facts don't matter)

In fact, more domestic terrorism suspects were arrested in the United States over the last two federal budget years than those inspired by foreign Islamic extremists. Most domestic terrorism suspects are right-wing extremists. But domestic terrorism is not a crime under federal law, so suspects are charged with weapon violations and other crimes.

Wray was also asked how the FBI is addressing a 17% spike in hate crimes in the U.S.

“We are determined not to tolerate hate-filled violence in our communities, so we’re going to aggressively investigate those cases,” he said.

Trump has been accused of emboldening white nationalists with comments such as referring to black-majority nations as “shithole countries” and immigrants as “animals.” He said after the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia, march of white nationalists that there were “good people” on both sides of the issue.

Counterprotester Heather Heyer, 32, was killed and 19 others were injured when white nationalist James Alex Fields ran into them with his car in Charlottesville. He pleaded guilty last week to federal hate-crime charges and said he had hoped to kill more of the people he injured. He had already been sentenced to life in prison last year but reportedly pleaded guilty to the hate crimes in a bid to avoid the death penalty.

FBI Chief Christopher Wray Warns Of 'Persistent, Pervasive' White Supremacy Threat | HuffPost

"we should build a wall around every trailer park that has a banjo jamboree/pig squealing contest every weekend and make David Duke pay for it. "

Your snotty elitism stinks from here
Sorry, Sue, if I stepped on any of your cloven feet. As far as the smell you described, it is probably coming from the sick bigotry you are ate up with, missy. The smeller is the feller...He who smelt it, dealt it. Try to keep that in mind next time you smell something you don't like.

Hmmm? I live in the DFW area and I say you are a fraud
which part? near white rock? near the Campisi's on Mockingbird? near Lower Greenville? Or downtown near the Perot Musuem of Nature and Science and kickass Aquarium? maybe near the W Hotel on Stemmons? or out east in Mesquite near the rodeo and town east mall? which part, bozo? towards the Star Cowboy practice football field in Frisco? maybe near Lone Star Park horse racing on Belt Line in Grand Prairie?
Carrollton.......familiar with that suburb???

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