FBI Director Won't Arrest American ISIS Fighters. Whaaat ???


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
You heard right. FBI Director James Comey, when asked what he would do about the roughly 12 American citizens who are currently believed to be fighting for ISIS, when they return to the US, he said the FBI would "track them". Boy, does this ever go to the top of the "You've got to be kidding"pile.

Unfortunately, these traitors cannot be charged with treason. Obama took treason off the table by refusing to seek a declaration of war by the Congress, against ISIS. But the traitors aren't off the hook legally. Comey could file for arrest warrants for them based on the federal Statute > "Providing Material Assistance To a Terrorist Organization" (US Code 18, Section 2339B) **Based on :

1. Comey knows these rats have been fighting with ISIS

2. Sect. of State has declared ISIS a terrorist organization.

Comey has enough evidence to arrest them the minute they arrive back in the US. They then could be held in jail until they are indicted by a grand jury (which would be almost instantaneous)

BUT NO, PF readers. Instead, Comey, in a stunning revelation to CBS News’ Scott Pelley, Comey said he'd track them. Oh great, so right after the next person is beheaded, train derailed, building blown up (or an entire city), subway gassed, etc., THEN we'll know where to go get the guy. Do I have this right ?

Looks like there's no end in sight to the lunacy from the White House, that we'll have heaped upon us. Pheeeeeww!!



**18 U.S. Code 2339B - Providing material support or resources to designated foreign terrorist organizations LII Legal Information Institute

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