FBI Document Shows Joe Biden Took $5M From Burisma As part of a Bribery Scheme

NOT attacked with lies?


Okey Dokey! I'll list just five.

all bs

but, hey drink the bleach
Oh look, you had to change sources to find where it says what you claim it says.

Meanwhile, what Shokin says here is different than what Shokin said here...

Shokin told me in written answers to questions that, before he was fired as general prosecutor, he had made “specific plans” for the investigation that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”


“The contents of the FBI’s FD-1023 form. The document alleges that Joe Biden was paid by Burisma in a criminal bribery scheme to influence U.S. foreign policy in 2015 and 2016 when he was vice president.
The FBI source described how a Burisma executive bribed the Bidens to get access to U.S. oil while Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating the company. The executive, according to the FBI source, wanted to pay Biden and his son $5 million each.
“$5 million for one Biden, $5 million for the other Biden,” the executive said, according to the FBI source. The source believed these payments to both Bidens eventually occurred “through so many different bank accounts.””


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Rep Andy Biggs

I've reviewed the material in the FBI's FD-1023 form and the content is jaw-dropping. The record gets us closer to bringing Joe Biden to justice. The source in the record is highly credible and has worked with the FBI for years. I'll keep you posted on what comes next.

4:40 PM · Jun 8, 2023

Not so jaw-dropping. A FD-1023 form is one which contains non-verified information. So congrats, you have a non-verified document, filled out by the FBI, where some unidentified foreigner told the FBI Biden took a $5m bribe from Burisma.
You're a gullible ol' soul, aren't you? Is it that or has the far-left so indoctrinated you that you simply take as the gospel anything you are told? Do you believe that the heads of state, regardless of party or country are going to share publically what they are doing behind the scenes? Of course not.

President Donald Trump is a prime example. Trump would say publically that President Putin is a genius, causing the far-left's heads to explode. At the same time, Putin did NOT move to invade Ukraine. Trump demonstrated that expertise time and time again. Either the Democrats never caught on or they could not admit how effective is Trump.

I doubt that President Biden ever learned the skill. If he had, he'd have never publically boasted that he got an investigator fired before he could look into the company paying Hunter $83,000 a month for his name.

If Democrats and the Elite had no feat of what Trump would uncover and disclose, do you really believe that they would be going this far to bury him?

Of course not.

Nutjob, I'm tellin' ya what Shokin himself said. You should learn to be more respectful to your betters who are trying to educate you.
"The indictment said the former president had illegally kept documents concerning “United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack.”"
Can't wait to see the trial if it actually happens myself, so bring it. We'll be able to tell as to whether or not there's is any there there.
For a man whose income is measured in hundreds of millions, forfeiting a $450k paycheck is not particularly a big act of virtue, but it does buy a lot of virtue dirt cheap, which is a very Trumpian thing to do.

According to Forbes, Joe Biden's net worth is about $8 million. That's not 'filthy rich' by any modern standards, that is upper middle class affluent.
It is for a Public servant..
Show some evidence Joe Biden knew what Shokin was planning to do...
OK. From Oct. 4, 2019

KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian prosecutors said on Friday they would review 15 previous investigations related to the founder of gas company Burisma, where the son of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was a board member until this year.
OK. From Oct. 4, 2019

KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian prosecutors said on Friday they would review 15 previous investigations related to the founder of gas company Burisma, where the son of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was a board member until this year.

Nothing in there reveals Biden could have known what Shokin was planning to do. Yiu needed an article like that from 3½-4 years earlier.

What a shame.
Otherwise y'all knew that Wray wasn't going to be able to hold out forever, and that's why y'all knew that the indictment had to come in hopes to cool the fires on the FBI down eh ? Keep putting the puzzle together for us, you're doing a great job.
Trump has caused what is happening to him, no one else. Trump chose to do what he did, trump chose to obstruct justice...lie, deceive, hide, hold back, move, unsafely store, and talk about the 300 CLASSIFIED, top secret, and national defense documents he was unauthorized to have when he left office. This started Jan 20th of 2021.

Your whistleblower, Fd 1023 reports a conversation, it reported a second hand conversation, with a corrupt business man or owner at Burisma, who claimed he gave 5 million to Joe Biden, to fire the Ukrainian General prosecutor Shokin.

THE WHISTLE BLOWER, the informat passing on what he HEARD, said he did not know the veracity of the story he was told by this Burisma guy.

Which of course is laughable since firing Shokin was not Joe's stance but every ally, the EU, IMF, World Bank and Obama/USA policy stance, because Shokin would NOT investigate corruption among Oligarchs like the Burisma guy, because Shokin and his prosecutors were being paid off by these crooks NOT to....turn a blind eye.

Shokin resigned after protests of the UKRAINIAN PEOPLE wanting his crooked ass gone. But then he did not leave after his resignation.

Then the Ukrainian Parliament voted to removed him.

Shokin went to Russia.

Also, there is no record, of any kind, showing this alleged $5 million payment took place.

It's absolutely nuts to think Smith brought the indictment to distract from these Republican fruitless and political, accusations.

Show me the MONEY!

The alleged $5million Joe supposedly took as a bribe, (to do what was already U.S. Policy).
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Nothing in there reveals Biden could have known what Shokin was planning to do. Yiu needed an article like that from 3½-4 years earlier.

What a shame.
That's rather silly. Hunter Biden was involved with Burisma long before 2019 and Shokin had announced an intention to investigate that company. You need to ignore facts to protect the Biden Crime Family.

That's rather silly. Hunter Biden was involved with Burisma long before 2019 and Shokin had announced an intention to investigate that company. You need to ignore facts to protect the Biden Crime Family.


WTF? You claim Shokin announced an intention to investigate Burisma but you don't post any evidence he actually did?

What a fail.

“The contents of the FBI’s FD-1023 form.
Again, that's not evidence. That's a corrupt Republican, one with a history of lying more readily than normal humans breathe, _saying_ he has evidence.

Those who aren't corrupt party hacks will admit to the difference.

The document alleges
Well, yeah, that's because Guiliani made up that part of the document.

And the FBI investigated in detail, and concluded it was all a big steaming pile.

Your arch-liar pals want to leave that part out. And you support that kind of dishonesty. How do you justify that? I suppose you'll use your usual "WHATEVER THEPARTY DOES IS GOOD BY DEFINITION" rationalizing.

The Lord of Lies approves of the loyal service of all of the Trump cultists on this thread.
Oh look, you had to change sources to find where it says what you claim it says.
You miss this part:

Biden has faced scrutiny since December 2015, when the New York Times published a story noting that Burisma hired Hunter Biden just weeks after the vice president was asked by President Obama to oversee U.S.-Ukraine relations. That story also alerted Biden’s office that Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had an active investigation of Burisma and its founder.
Your link:

Interviews with a half-dozen senior Ukrainian officials confirm Biden’s account, though they claim the pressure was applied over several months in late 2015 and early 2016, not just six hours of one dramatic day. Whatever the case, Poroshenko and Ukraine’s parliament obliged by ending Shokin’s tenure as prosecutor. Shokin was facing steep criticism in Ukraine, and among some U.S. officials, for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions when he was fired.

A billion dollar bribe will get people to say a lot of things................. :biggrin:
You miss this part:

Biden has faced scrutiny since December 2015, when the New York Times published a story noting that Burisma hired Hunter Biden just weeks after the vice president was asked by President Obama to oversee U.S.-Ukraine relations. That story also alerted Biden’s office that Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had an active investigation of Burisma and its founder.
Your link:

Interviews with a half-dozen senior Ukrainian officials confirm Biden’s account, though they claim the pressure was applied over several months in late 2015 and early 2016, not just six hours of one dramatic day. Whatever the case, Poroshenko and Ukraine’s parliament obliged by ending Shokin’s tenure as prosecutor. Shokin was facing steep criticism in Ukraine, and among some U.S. officials, for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions when he was fired.

A billion dollar bribe will get people to say a lot of things................. :biggrin:

Didn't miss it. It's simply not true. Shokin was protecting Zlochevsky for 2 years, not pursuing charges. The claim that Shokin was actively investigating Burima, comes from Shokin.

Vitaliy Kasko, a former deputy prosecutor general who had worked under Shokin and resigned in frustration at his stymying of corruption investigations, told Bloomberg News (in a May 2019 interview) that the office’s probe into Burisma Holdings had been long dormant by the time Joe Biden issued his ultimatum in 2016. “There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against” Burisma owner Zlochevskiy, Bloomberg quoted Kasko as saying. “It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015,” Kasko said.

“Shokin was not investigating. He didn’t want to investigate Burisma,” Daria Kaleniuk a leading Ukrainian anti-corruption advocate, told the Washington Post. “And Shokin was fired not because he wanted to do that investigation, but quite to the contrary, because he failed that investigation.”

And the NY Times article referenced in your thehill article doesn't say Shokin was actively investigating Burisma. To the contrary, the only investigation ot mentions was the UK investigation into Zlochevsky which the UK had to drop because Ukraine's Prosecutor General's office was protecting Zlochevsky. And it was Shokin who was assigned to help the UK's investigation.

But after Ukrainian prosecutors refused to provide documents needed in the investigation, a British court in January ordered the Serious Fraud Office to unfreeze the assets. The refusal by the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office to cooperate was the target of a stinging attack by the American ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey R. Pyatt, who called out Burisma’s owner by name in a speech in September.

“In the case of former Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky, the U.K. authorities had seized $23 million in illicit assets that belonged to the Ukrainian people,” Mr. Pyatt said. Officials at the prosecutor general’s office, he added, were asked by the United Kingdom “to send documents supporting the seizure. Instead they sent letters to Zlochevsky’s attorneys attesting that there was no case against him. As a result, the money was freed by the U.K. court, and shortly thereafter the money was moved to Cyprus.”

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