FBI informant charged with lying about Biden

The constant lying and do not care who is doing it.
If we do not start demanding some honesty we will lose our place as the worlds leader.
Still wearing your DummyCrat blinders?

I just following the evidence. In this case, that Smirnov kept changing his story when questioned by the FBI. And could never corroborate anything he ever said. And continued to elaborate as time went on.

Here's the indictment. Take a look.

Or....you can continue to ignore all the testimony and pretend that anyone who doesn't ape your conspiracy must be part of it.
Almost everyone Trump appointed turned out to be a "deep state" swamp rat. Nothing new when one of the rats bites the hand that fed it.
No, they just weren’t interested in committing felonies for Trump. That’s not being a part of the deep state, that’s respecting our laws.
So he has nothing to worry about. Why do you guys have your panties all twisted up?

Note you don't even disagree that y'all have jackshit.

That doesn't mean that republicans won't impeach. Even if they can't articulate a specific crime. What you're pitching is a story.

And with your star witness being indicted for lying to the FBI about this very case, its not a good story.
Again, idiot, same-sex marriage led the way for putting Transexxuals in charge of important positions in our government.

Diversity led the way for people with sub-standard resumes and questionable backgrounds to obtain leadership positions.
I would be willing to bet that most of the problems we have to deal with in our communities is because the LGBT+ community has placed people in charge that shouldn't be running a local McDonald's.
This week they even put an illegal alien from China on the election board in San Francisco.
And it's acceptable for the POTUS to have a son who is addicted to Crack Cocaine and they discovered a bag of Coke outside the Oval Office.

They are a hellava lot better running government than the conservative right. This House of Representatives will go down as the most do-nothing House in the history of the United States.

You MAGA mother-fuckers have done NOTHING in the 2 years since you took over the House. Fucking nothing! You're just a worthless bunch of Trump ass-kissing shitheads who are mentally incapable of being anywhere near a public office.

And now your chief witness against Biden is a liar and is facing charges for making up bullshit about Biden.

Fuck you!
Note you don't even disagree that y'all have jackshit.

Again, y'all doing a shit;load of whining when you claim you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
That doesn't mean that republicans won't impeach. Even if they can't articulate a specific crime. What you're pitching is a story.

And with your star witness being indicted for lying to the FBI about this very case, its not a good story.
"star witness" LOL that bullshit talking point wore out the day they gave it to you.
Again, y'all doing a shit;load of whining when you claim you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

I'm pointing out that you've got nothing. No witness. No recording. No bribe. No money trail. No policy changes. Nothing. You don't have enough to charge Joe Biden with a parking ticket.

And your reply appears to be 'So?'

Laughing....well that was easy!
"star witness" LOL that bullshit talking point wore out the day they gave it to you.

I didn't cited the FBI's interview with Smirnov on the Senate floor. Grassley did.

I didn't reveal the FBI files on Smirnov to the public, including press releases and press tours. Grassley and Comer did.

I didn't call this key evidence uncovered by the Oversight Committee’s Biden family influence peddling investigation. Grassley and Comer did.

I'm not the one that speculated on 'recordings' claimed by Smirnov on the senate floor. Grassley did.

There was grandstanding. There were hearings. Repeated Fox News appearances and interviews. There was speeches and press junkets. Y'all made a HUGE deal about this.

Laughing.....how's that working out?
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There’s nothing left for the Republicans to investigate now that we know the only impeachable offense was a hoax.

My favorite is when the GOP was asked what specific crime were conservatives proposing impeaching Biden for.....what bribe from who, about what, to change what policy, backed by what evidence?

And they couldn't answer any of it.

This has always been a story they're trying to sell. Not a body of evidence. And with their star witness being indicted for lying to the FBI, their story sucks.
I'm pointing out that you've got nothing. No witness. No recording. No bribe. No money trail. No policy changes. Nothing. You don't have enough to charge Joe Biden with a parking ticket.

And your reply appears to be 'So?'

Laughing....well that was easy!
Comey has already confirmed via bank records, tens of millions to the Biden crime syndicate, but don't worry about that.
I didn't cited the FBI's interview with Smirnov on the Senate floor. Grassley did.
If I recall, he was bitching about the Biden administration hiding the FBI's 1023 form.
I didn't reveal the FBI files on Smirnov to the public, including press releases and press tours. Grassley and Comer did.

I didn't call this key evidence uncovered by the Oversight Committee’s Biden family influence peddling investigation. Grassley and Comer did.

I'm not the one that speculated on 'recordings' claimed by Smirnov on the senate floor. Grassley did.

There was grandstanding. There were hearings. Repeated Fox News appearances and interviews. There was speeches and press junkets. Y'all made a HUGE deal about this.

Laughing.....how's that working out?
Odd you didnt' post any of Grassley's repsess release, press tours, speculation on the Senate floor, grandstanding, hearing, speeches, press junkets.

They've got you all spun up about this, haven't they?
There’s nothing left for the Republicans to investigate now that we know the only impeachable offense was a hoax.
LOL Do just ignore the tens of millions they've already traced to the Biden crime family. Just becasue the FBI has liar for an informant? Is that what you are hoping for? LOL
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Comey has already confirmed via bank records, tens of millions to the Biden crime syndicate, but don't worry about that.

And yet nothing to Joe Biden.

Again, when we ask you poor souls for what SPECIFIC crime Joe Biden should be impeached for......bribed by who, with what, to do what, when, backed by what evidence....

......y'all give silly excuses for why you've got jackshit. No bribes, no money to Joe Biden, no policy enacted, no specific time, no recordings, no documents, nothing.

Y'all made Smirnov's claims a big deal. Now you have to live with the consequences of your gullibility.
LOL Do just ignore the tens of millions they've already traced to the Biden crime family? Just becasue the FBI has liar for informants? Is that what you are hoping for? LOL
So you’re going to criminalize making money?

You decided they committed a crime, now you’re trying to figure out what it is.

That’s some banana republic shit.
And yet nothing to Joe Biden.

Again, when we ask you poor souls for what SPECIFIC crime Joe Biden should be impeached for......bribed by who, with what, to do what, when, backed by what evidence....

......y'all give silly excuses for why you've got jackshit. No bribes, no money to Joe Biden, no policy enacted, no specific time, no recordings, no documents, nothing.
For the 10,000th time, even the bribery criminal statute doesn't require payment directly to the demented, corrupt leader of the scheme.

Fifth time. f they don't have "jackshit" why are you still whining?

Y'all made Smirnov's claims a big deal. Now you have to live with the consequences of your gullibility.
I've never even referenced the man's name. (I won't be holding my breath waiting for the links to your claims about Grassley)
So you’re going to criminalize making money?

You decided they committed a crime, now you’re trying to figure out what it is.

That’s some banana republic shit.
Your party not only lowered but completely dropped that bar quite some time ago. Happens when you let emotions and hatred drive your decision making.

Karma's a bitch
Your party not only lowered but completely dropped that bar quite some time ago. Happens when you let emotions and hatred drive your decision making.

Karma's a bitch
Total nonsense. We investigated and impeached Trump for trying to use the government to smear Biden with this hoax.

The bar was only lowered when Republicans said that it’s okay to use the government to go after political enemies.
For the 10,000th time, even the bribery criminal statute doesn't require payment directly to the demented, corrupt leader of the scheme.

What bribery? What scheme? Paid by who? To do what? When? How?

You've literally got nothing.
You couldn't charge Joe Biden with a parking ticket with the story y'all have made up.

And with your key witness indicted for lying to the FBI, even your story sucks.

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