FBI informant charged with lying about Biden

Laughing....I'm not the one that pushed him to the forefront of your arguments. Grassley is. I'm not the one that gave interviews on Fox News about his testimony. Comer was. I'm not the one pushing his interview with the FBI in press releases, junkets, interviews, and press tours.

Y'all are.

I'm the one pointing and laughing the incompetence and inept failure of your 'judgment day'. You couldn't get Biden on so much as a parking ticket on the silly story you've cobbled together.
No links, huh? If Smirnov was their star witness, you think you'd find at least one link where Grassly or Comer subpoenaed him, or at least asked him to come testify. Oh well.
No links, huh? If Smirnov was their star witness, you think you'd find at least one link where Grassly or Comer subpoenaed him, or at least asked him to come testify. Oh well.

Here's Grassley, bringing Smirnov to the forefront of the investigation:

Here's Grassley making Smirnov's interview the topic of an entire senate hearing:

Here's Grassley talking about how important this interview is to Republicans:

Here are links to Fox where Ron Johnson and Grassley lament about this 'evidence' being kept from them:

Here's Hawley losing his fucking shit at another senate hearing about Smirnov's interview.

Here's another Fox News focus on Smirnov's interview:

Here are press releases from Comer:

Here's Comer bringing Smirnov's interview up again:

Here's your ilk calling it the 'smoking gun' by House Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith


And now......after the unverified and fact free accusations that they promoted for OVER A YEAR blow up in their face with the indictment.....they try what you're trying. To pretend that conservatives never really cared much.

So its a 'this is a very crucial piece of our investigation' last year. A Smoking Gun! But now.......awww. Not so much.

You've got jack shit, Rawley. And you know it.
No links, huh? If Smirnov was their star witness, you think you'd find at least one link where Grassly or Comer subpoenaed him, or at least asked him to come testify. Oh well.
What witnesses do you have?
No witnesses. No crimes. No purpose for the impeachment inquiry.

Time to shut it down.
I'm sure the Repubs in Congress have plenty of witnesses. It ain't going to be shutdown, no matter how much y'all squeal.
Damn talk about having your ass handed too you. Comer and Jordan should just be on a couple of clown suits and get into a water tank for folks to throw bricks at them.
So you don’t even know what they’re investigating.

The investigation has no justification.
The corruption of your Dear Leader. You seem incredibly upset by this investigation. Tells me they are doing the right thing.
The corruption of your Dear Leader. You seem incredibly upset by this investigation. Tells me they are doing the right thing.
It’s a hoax. Read the indictment.

How do you have an investigation with no crime and no witnesses?
It’s a hoax. Read the indictment.
No thanks. I lost any trust in the FBI many years ago.
How do you have an investigation with no crime and no witnesses?
Fourteenth time, if there was no crime and no witnesses, there won't be an impeachment. This is your 600th post on this subject that you claim is not a subject. You should probably find a hobby.

We're done,
No thanks. I lost any trust in the FBI many years ago.

Fourteenth time, if there was no crime and no witnesses, there won't be an impeachment. This is your 600th post on this subject that you claim is not a subject. You should probably find a hobby.

We're done,
Doesn’t matter if there’s an impeachment or not anymore. The republicans have managed to convince you that Biden is corrupt without any facts, crimes or witnesses. Its all a hoax, but it hurts Biden.

That was the goal.
Doesn’t matter if there’s an impeachment or not anymore. The republicans have managed to convince you that Biden is corrupt without any facts, crimes or witnesses. Its all a hoax, but it hurts Biden.

That was the goal.

It's ridiculous!
No way the Biden crime family profited off of selling access to the Big Guy, Pedo Peter.
Everyone knows that Hunter is an energy expert and I'm sure Jim Biden is an expert at something, to get his net worth up to the $60 million range.
Maybe Congress should investigate? Start with that loan repayment Jim made to Joe.
It's ridiculous!
No way the Biden crime family profited off of selling access to the Big Guy, Pedo Peter.
Everyone knows that Hunter is an energy expert and I'm sure Jim Biden is an expert at something, to get his net worth up to the $60 million range.
Maybe Congress should investigate? Start with that loan repayment Jim made to Joe.
And why do you want Congress to investigate the loan repayment from Jim Biden?

Since when is repaying a loan something that Congress investigates?
A loan repayment on a loan that was never made should be investigated.
The loan was made, and they have bank records to prove it.

Oh, they didn’t tell you that? That’s because the Republicans don’t respect you.

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