FBI informant charged with lying about Biden

They are a hellava lot better running government than the conservative right. This House of Representatives will go down as the most do-nothing House in the history of the United States.

You MAGA mother-fuckers have done NOTHING in the 2 years since you took over the House. Fucking nothing! You're just a worthless bunch of Trump ass-kissing shitheads who are mentally incapable of being anywhere near a public office.

And now your chief witness against Biden is a liar and is facing charges for making up bullshit about Biden.

Fuck you!
Yeah....you're a Dummy-crap.....who thinks voting no on every piece of legislation is progress.
The Democrats must prevent anything from happening that helps the taxpayers, thus preventing the GOP from destroying Democracy.
We must prioritize taking care of illegals and Ukraine over everything else.
Yeah....you're a Dummy-crap.....who thinks voting no on every piece of legislation is progress.
The Democrats must prevent anything from happening that helps the taxpayers, thus preventing the GOP from destroying Democracy.
We must prioritize taking care of illegals and Ukraine over everything else.
You are such a fucking hypocrite! Voting no is what you MAGA mother-fuckers have been doing in the House for the last 2 years. And don't even talk about the border or Ukraine, when it was you fuckers who shot it down!

Fuckin' hypocrite!
You are such a fucking hypocrite! Voting no is what you MAGA mother-fuckers have been doing in the House for the last 2 years. And don't even talk about the border or Ukraine, when it was you fuckers who shot it down!

Fuckin' hypocrite!
Sorry, any congress-member to votes for more aid for illegals and Ukraine (which seems to be in everything the Dems write) would be guaranteeing to be primaried.
Seems the Democraps only want to make the situation at the border worse.
Ukraine is their money-launderer, so they have to keep sending them more cash or they can't steal more elections because election fraud costs billions.
Total nonsense. We investigated and impeached Trump for trying to use the government to smear Biden with this hoax.

The bar was only lowered when Republicans said that it’s okay to use the government to go after political enemies.

You guys used impeachment to go after your political opponents. The Repubs are going to use impeachment to go after their political opponents. Your party is engaging in an unprecedented use of the civil and criminal systems of the government to go after the main challenger to your party's leader.

Don't insult the board trying to claim some sort of moral high ground. It's laughable.
What bribery? What scheme? Paid by who? To do what? When? How?

You've literally got nothing. You couldn't charge Joe Biden with a parking ticket with the story y'all have made up.

And with your key witness indicted for lying to the FBI, even your story sucks.
LOL Please tell me you are stamping your feet as you chant this.
You guys used impeachment to go after your political opponents.

When we impeach, we can answer all the questions. Who, what, where, why, when.

Y'all can't. You have a dipshit story backed by nothing but failed 'judgment days' and indicated 'informants'.
When we impeach, we can answer all the questions. Who, what, where, why, when.

Y'all can't. You have a dipshit story backed by nothing but failed 'judgment days' and indicated 'informants'.
When they launch the impeachment, they will have the answers to your questions. Patience grasshopper. In meantime, you should put out the fire in your hair.
When they launch the impeachment, they will have the answers to your questions. Patience grasshopper. In meantime, you should put out the fire in your hair.

Are you sure? Because when asked during the impeachment inquiry.....after a YEAR of investigation, they couldn't.

Laughing.....but now, after your star witness has been indicted for LYING to authorities, you can?

Good luck!
Sorry, any congress-member to votes for more aid for illegals and Ukraine (which seems to be in everything the Dems write) would be guaranteeing to be primaried.
Seems the Democraps only want to make the situation at the border worse.
Ukraine is their money-launderer, so they have to keep sending them more cash or they can't steal more elections because election fraud costs billions.
You're so fucking full of shit! Biden was ready to sign the border bill that you fuckers proposed and then you fuckers shot it down! You have only yourselves to blame for the border.

And far as Ukraine goes, we all know you fuckers are more loyal to Putin's Russia, than you are to this country. Your dear leadr is a Putin kiss-ass and you fuckers don't have the balls to tell that orange piece of shit to go to hell!

You are more loyal to Russia than you are to the US.

And don't talk about money-laundering when your chief witness against Biden is a fucking liar!

And finally, no election was stolen, you dumbass piece of shit! Biden beat Trump by over 7 million votes. Now shove that up your ass and twirl on it.
You guys used impeachment to go after your political opponents. The Repubs are going to use impeachment to go after their political opponents. Your party is engaging in an unprecedented use of the civil and criminal systems of the government to go after the main challenger to your party's leader.

Don't insult the board trying to claim some sort of moral high ground. It's laughable.
Republicans are using fabrications to go after Biden.

So yeah, we have the moral high ground because we used facts.
Republicans are using fabrications to go after Biden.

So yeah, we have the moral high ground because we used facts.

They don't even have a STORY on Biden now. They're key 'witness' made it all up. If you ask them what bribe, what scheme, who bribed Biden, to do what, when, how......

.....they've got jackshit.

And now they're stuck with it. The dumbest impeachment inquiry in US history.
Are you sure? Because when asked during the impeachment inquiry.....after a YEAR of investigation, they couldn't.

Laughing.....but now, after your star witness has been indicted for LYING to authorities, you can?

Good luck!
Still in the in the inquiry stage Sky. THe administration has been stonewalling at every turn. Not that it's an offical inquiry, they can send out some subpoenas with bite

"star witness' Please keep chanting that. Cracks me up LOL
Still in the in the inquiry stage Sky. THe administration has been stonewalling at every turn. Not that it's an offical inquiry, they can send out some subpoenas with bite

"star witness' Please keep chanting that. Cracks me up LOL

Laughing.......its been a year since 'judgment day', buddy. Y'all kinda put the cart before the horse, now dincha?

Who bribed Biden? With what? To do what? When? For what end? With what money? How? Backed by what evidence?

You have no idea. And your key witness was just indicted for lying to the FBI......about Joe Biden.

You've got nothing but a terrible story and egg on your face.
Laughing.......its been a year since 'judgment day', buddy. Y'all kinda put the cart before the horse, now dincha?

Who bribed Biden? With what? To do what? When? For what end? With what money? How? Backed by what evidence?

You have no idea. And your key witness was just indicted for lying to the FBI......about Joe Biden.

You've got nothing but a terrible story and egg on your face.
You've demoted him from "star" witness to "key" witness? What did he ever do to you?
You've demoted him from "star" witness to "key" witness? What did he ever do to you?

Laughing....I'm not the one that pushed him to the forefront of your arguments. Grassley is. I'm not the one that gave interviews on Fox News about his testimony. Comer was. I'm not the one pushing his interview with the FBI in press releases, junkets, interviews, and press tours.

Y'all are.

I'm the one pointing and laughing the incompetence and inept failure of your 'judgment day'. You couldn't get Biden on so much as a parking ticket on the silly story you've cobbled together.
LOL. THey haven't even started "going after" him yet.

Attaboy. I knew you could do it.
Wow, you truly are ignorant if you think Republicans aren’t going after him. That’s what they’ve been doing since they got the majority.

Or maybe you’re just trying to ignore it because it’s fell apart as one big hoax.

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