FBI Investigating Hillary Clinton


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Oh No!!.... Not looking good


The FBI has begun looking into the security of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail setup, contacting in the past week a Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the unusual system, according to two government officials.

Also last week, the FBI contacted Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, with questions about the security of a thumb drive in his possession that contains copies of work e-mails Clinton sent during her time as secretary of state.

FBI looking into the security of Hillary Clinton s private e-mail setup - The Washington Post
It's become a daily thing. The Titanic is sinking but folks at team Hildabeast keep rearranging the deck chairs.....
And questionable e-mails about Clinton Foundation donations from foreign countries while she was SOS, not to mention her top aide, Huma Abedin, has to turn over all of her emails subject to perjury. She also has to explain taking $33,000 for vacation pay while working at another job. Yep, things are a poppin'!
And guess who is Huma's husband...Anthony "Full Frontal" Weiner! What classy people she has there!
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Jeeze. Guess the DNC will have to back someone else. Hilbat might be in jail.

Wonder if Jack the Ripper is available and if he will agree run??
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This is just part of the rightwing crazy conspiracy. People have tried to pin stuff on Hillary for 20 years and have failed. This wont go anywhere. Hillary is in line to win by a blowout margin because she's so much smarter and better than all those Republicans running. Hell, she travelled a million miles! And they want to ask about qualifications?

Did I get all the talking points in there?
This is just part of the rightwing crazy conspiracy. People have tried to pin stuff on Hillary for 20 years and have failed. This wont go anywhere. Hillary is in line to win by a blowout margin because she's so much smarter and better than all those Republicans running. Hell, she travelled a million miles! And they want to ask about qualifications?

Did I get all the talking points in there?
Yup, but it's closer to 40 years!
This is just part of the rightwing crazy conspiracy. People have tried to pin stuff on Hillary for 20 years and have failed. This wont go anywhere. Hillary is in line to win by a blowout margin because she's so much smarter and better than all those Republicans running. Hell, she travelled a million miles! And they want to ask about qualifications?

Did I get all the talking points in there?
Don't forget the over 400 electoral votes she is destine to get in some people's mind:uhoh3:
Attorney General Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 4 Felony counts of Perjury before Congress regarding fast and Furious....Sect of State John Kerry was just caught perpetrating 2 Felony counts of Perjury by lying to Congress about the Iran deal..despite their crimes they were / are being PROTECTED from prosecution.

Know that '2 Americas' you always hear about? Well here it is! Our Politicians have elevated themselves above the laws they pass - no where in the Constitution does it give them the authority to do so, but they do. If you or I was caught mishandling classified our security clearance would be permanently pulled and we would face jail time!

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