FBI Justification for Mar A Lago invasion: Moving trucks spotted at MAL on Jan 18, 2021.

Ok, what ever....discussing this with you is futile....You are typical of a leftist poster in here, only considering things which help your argument, and playing semantics with that which doesn't....I will have said now three times, her aides smashing her devices with a hammer after the subpoena was already provided you, and you ignored it then....

So, wiping of the server was at the same time period, and you now want to ignore that as well....So, there is nothing you're willing to be honest about.....Have a nice day.
You’re ignoring anything that doesn’t help your argument.

I’m dealing in facts. Not semantics.

For starters, you’re going BACK to the smashing of devices. You haven’t shown anything stating when those devices were smashed. You claimed to theee times, you haven’t substantiated them claim.

Second, Mills ordered the emails deleted in December 2014 before the preservation of records request. Pagliano, the IT professional didn’t wipe them until March 2015, after the records preservation request. Pagliano indicated no one told him to wipe the server after the request to preserve records.

This isn’t semantics. The dates matter. You can’t accuse someone of destroying evidence if there is no subpoena or investigation at the time they made the decision. These are facts and they matter.

You can read all about it starting on page 17.

The smoking gun of all smoking guns, folks. At the exact time Trump was moving from the WH to MAL there were moving trucks spotted at MAL. If that isn't ironclad proof of a crime I don't know what is.

This tells us all we need to know about just how weak their case is. Oh, and how much of it is redacted.....95%?

Mrs. Trump's wardrobe likely could fill half a dozen moving trucks, doll. She was a top five model in the world back when she was young. She sold a lot of profit-making dresses for the best designers and seamstresses in the world. The fashion industry profitted big from beautiful Melania long before she met her future husband. She supported children with her "Be Best" program, and she fought against cyberbullying and the fentanyl opioids industry. She made kids realize that cyberbullying never does any good, and neither do killer drugs. If she and President Trump were still in office, this nation wouldn't be watching cartel drugs killing a million American kids a year, because the wall would end damages the drug cartel does when it pipes in Chinese fentanyl to show China's disdain for the America we know and love. Between Covid's introduction and opioids laced with fentanyl in them, China has reduced our population of future patriots, considerably. I thank God for Melania Trump.

You're mistaken about moving vans taking the Trump's personal items as being criminal. Not one single thing did they take home than those they brought there at their own expense, not the taxpayer. Trump did not take home any wages but returned his earnings safely to the Treasury of the United States of America. Trump has likely never stolen anything in his adult life. He is a worthy decision maker when faced with the complexities he dealt with, and had he been given the chance, with help from God, world peace had a good start with his efforts to bring the Middle East to better terms they've ever had for ten thousand years. But the selfish press chose to spread horrific news about President Trump that they knew were untrue hubris from the hellhole of the ongoing Clinton War Room Whopper and Calumny Propaganda sewer.
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Mrs. Trump's wardrobe likely could fill half a dozen moving trucks, doll. She was a top five model in the world back when she was young. She sold a lot of profit-making dresses for the best designers and seamstresses in the world. The fashion industry profitted big from beautiful Melania long before she met her future husband. She supported children with her "Be Best" program, and she fought against fiberbullying and the fentanyl opioids industry. She made kids realize that fiberbullying never does any good, and neither do killer drugs. If she and President Trump were still in office, this nation wouldn't be watching cartel drugs killing a million American kids a year, because the wall would end damages the drug cartel does when it pipes in Chinese fentanyl to show China's disdain for the America we know and love. Between Covid's introduction and opioids laced with fentanyl in them, China has reduced our population of future patriots, considerably. I thank God for Melania Trump.

You're mistaken about moving vans taking the Trump's personal items as being criminal. Not one single thing did they take home than those they brought there at their own expense, not the taxpayer. Trump did not take home any wages but returned his earnings safely to the Treasury of the United States of America. Trump has likely never stolen anything in his adult life. He is a worthy decision maker when faced with the complexities he dealt with, and had he been given the chance, with help from God, world peace had a good start with his efforts to bring the Middle East to better terms they've ever had for ten thousand years. But the selfish press chose to spread horrific news about President Trump that they knew were untrue hubris from the hellhole of the ongoing Clinton War Room Whopper and Calumny Propaganda sewer.
I think you missed the sarcasm in the first part of my OP.
The timeworn Clinton matter is being dredged up and spun at this time for one, desperate, diversionary purpose.

It was apparently preferred to Warren Harding's Teapot Dome scandal and other such historical remembrances.

The failure to contrive equivalency aside, is it the desperadoes' wish to evoke what they perceive as a bygone miscarriage of justice to promote another miscarriage of justice?

Flaccid reasoning there.

View attachment 688276
"Oh, yeah! Well, what about...???"
is not a credible legal defense.
Using the Clinton email affair to justify Trump's actions is a fallacious argument? Even if little Hillary did rob the cookie jar and got away with it, it will not save little Donnie who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar from getting a big spanking.
So, I'll take that as a no...Do you believe it was proper for Comey to close the investigation, then days before the election reopen it when they found additional material on Uma's laptop? And, was Ms. Clinton ever subjected to a raid on her home, we know was no, so, why not, given that she had material on her phones, blackberry's, and a separate serve

Mrs. Trump's wardrobe likely could fill half a dozen moving trucks, doll. She was a top five model in the world back when she was young. She sold a lot of profit-making dresses for the best designers and seamstresses in the world. The fashion industry profitted big from beautiful Melania long before she met her future husband. She supported children with her "Be Best" program, and she fought against cyberbullying and the fentanyl opioids industry. She made kids realize that cyberbullying never does any good, and neither do killer drugs. If she and President Trump were still in office, this nation wouldn't be watching cartel drugs killing a million American kids a year, because the wall would end damages the drug cartel does when it pipes in Chinese fentanyl to show China's disdain for the America we know and love. Between Covid's introduction and opioids laced with fentanyl in them, China has reduced our population of future patriots, considerably. I thank God for Melania Trump.

You're mistaken about moving vans taking the Trump's personal items as being criminal. Not one single thing did they take home than those they brought there at their own expense, not the taxpayer. Trump did not take home any wages but returned his earnings safely to the Treasury of the United States of America. Trump has likely never stolen anything in his adult life. He is a worthy decision maker when faced with the complexities he dealt with, and had he been given the chance, with help from God, world peace had a good start with his efforts to bring the Middle East to better terms they've ever had for ten thousand years. But the selfish press chose to spread horrific news about President Trump that they knew were untrue hubris from the hellhole of the ongoing Clinton War Room Whopper and Calumny Propaganda sewer.
It is very suspicious to have two moving vans in front of Mar A Lago on the Jan 18th because presidential records and classified documents are transferred to the NARA on the 17th thru the 19th.

The Trump's personal belongs in the residency including personal belongings from his office are move on inauguration day which was the 20th. There certainly could be reasons for the trucks on the 18th but it would be a strange coincidence. Since we can't see the redacted paragraphs following this, it will remain a mystery till the trial.
It is very suspicious to have two moving vans in front of Mar A Lago on the Jan 18th because presidential records and classified documents are transferred to the NARA on the 17th thru the 19th.

The Trump's personal belongs in the residency including personal belongings from his office are move on inauguration day which was the 20th. There certainly could be reasons for the trucks on the 18th but it would be a strange coincidence. Since we can't see the redacted paragraphs following this, it will remain a mystery till the trial.
The hammer may not fall where any of us hopes it falls. It truly should fall on wrongful search and seizure according to the Fourth amendment. That would fall on the FBI, if only to correct an injury to the Constitution that guarantees all freedom from politically-weaponized hatred against a private citizen of the United States. My hope is that the new Congress will put an end to using political party calumny to destroy a President so dedicated to providing for the common defense as President Trump was.
Using the Clinton email affair to justify Trump's actions is a fallacious argument?
Clinton turned the disputed emails over to the FBI when requested to do so.

Trump hid top secret documents from the FBI after lying about having them.

It's always the cover-up that brings them down.

...Bradley Moss, a Washington-based lawyer who works on national security cases, said the cases of Clinton and Trump are significantly different.
"Trump took properly marked hard copy classified documents from the White House, shipped them to Florida, and stored them in an unsecured location at his residence," Moss said.
The presence of classified information in Clinton’s emails was less obvious.
"The e-mails were never marked as classified because these were communications from unclassified government accounts," Moss said.
In three instances, email chains included information with classification markers. It was never clear that Clinton was aware of the presence of that marked information, or if the classification marking was clear.
Marked information is not to be confused with emails containing unmarked information that could be deemed classified. That is a looser definition, and one that can be applied retroactively. Thomas Blanton, director of the National Security Archive at George Washington University, said in one case, an email in one chain forwarded a front-page New York Times story about a drone strike. Under its rules, the CIA called that classified, Blanton said.
When classified information was clearly involved, Blanton said Clinton’s "briefings were on a different system, a classified Blackberry that was managed by State Department IT people."
Clinton’s emails included moments when staffers wrote that for them to go into more detail, they would need to switch to a secure classified State Department system.
Moss cautioned that while some documents at Mar-a-Lago were clearly marked as classified, many questions remain, such as "where the records were originally located, who boxed them up, when Trump became aware of the existence of the records at Mar-a-Lago, and what, if any, efforts Trump took to rectify the situation once he was informed."
The answers to those questions, he said, would help determine if anyone could be held criminally liable, and whether Trump himself faces any legal risk.
As for the personal emails that Clinton erased, the FBI said its investigation might have found some of them. Overall, the agency said it was reasonably confident that there was no intentional misconduct.
It is very suspicious to have two moving vans in front of Mar A Lago on the Jan 18th because presidential records and classified documents are transferred to the NARA on the 17th thru the 19th.

The Trump's personal belongs in the residency including personal belongings from his office are move on inauguration day which was the 20th. There certainly could be reasons for the trucks on the 18th but it would be a strange coincidence. Since we can't see the redacted paragraphs following this, it will remain a mystery till the trial.
You’ve got to be kidding? I would imagine the GSA starts moving things at least a couple days before the transition…what’s suspicious about it?

Do you know what they were moving?
Are you sure it came from the WH?
Did the FBI witness the contents at that time?
Who was the moving company?

A little critical thinking on your part would go a long way for you.
Looks like Trump Fucked up Bigly
... The filing, his closing written legal argument before a critical hearing Thursday, acknowledged that classified material was found at Mar-a-Lago, but argued that it should not have been cause for alarm...

Screen Shot 2022-09-01 at 9.56.51 AM.png

After desperately flailing about and training his lickspittles to parrot fake claims such as the FBI planting the incriminating documents, and then, after that quickly fizzled, insisting he had mysteriously declassified all he had absconded with, the Blowhard is now trying

Screen Shot 2022-09-01 at 9.53.46 AM.png

"My defying the law and national security protocols aside,

stashing top secret documents around my pleasure palace
and lying about them is nothing to be concerned about!"
You’ve got to be kidding? I would imagine the GSA starts moving things at least a couple days before the transition…what’s suspicious about it?

Do you know what they were moving?
Are you sure it came from the WH?
Did the FBI witness the contents at that time?
Who was the moving company?

A little critical thinking on your part would go a long way for you.
All personal items of the outgoing president and his family including personal items from his office and the residency are moved out of the residency during the inauguration by the White House Staff. After Trump is move out, Biden is moved in. All this occurs in 5 hours on Jan 20th during the inauguration ceremonies.

The transfer of presidential documents and presidential artifacts out of the West Wing occurs 2-3 days before the inauguration (Jan 17-19). This move is supervised by the NARA, not the president, his staff or the GSA. Presidential Documents and artifacts are shipped to the NARA facility in Chicago. Classified documents are shipped to NARA classified document storage in Maryland.

The GSA provides logistical support, transportation, packing, office space for staff members during the move, etc. However, the NARA manages the whole moving process form the West Wing and the White House Staff manages movement from the Residency.

So the question is how did 300 classified document get to Mar A Lago?
  • The documents were at Mar A Lago sometime prior to the move.
  • Trump moved the classified documents to the Residency and they were moved with personal belongings on the 20th.
  • Somehow Trump arrange for Trucks to move presidential records and classified document several days prior to the offical move.
Possibly the redacted page following the statements about the moving vans on the 18th might shed some light on this. Of course there could be other reasons for the moving vans being at Mar A Lago several days before the move of personal items from the White House.
All personal items of the outgoing president and his family including personal items from his office and the residency are moved out of the residency during the inauguration by the White House Staff. After Trump is move out, Biden is moved in. All this occurs in 5 hours on Jan 20th during the inauguration ceremonies.

The transfer of presidential documents and presidential artifacts out of the West Wing occurs 2-3 days before the inauguration (Jan 17-19). This move is supervised by the NARA, not the president, his staff or the GSA. Presidential Documents and artifacts are shipped to the NARA facility in Chicago. Classified documents are shipped to NARA classified document storage in Maryland.

The GSA provides logistical support, transportation, packing, office space for staff members during the move, etc. However, the NARA manages the whole moving process form the West Wing and the White House Staff manages movement from the Residency.

So the question is how did 300 classified document get to Mar A Lago?
  • The documents were at Mar A Lago sometime prior to the move.
  • Trump moved the classified documents to the Residency and they were moved with personal belongings on the 20th.
  • Somehow Trump arrange for Trucks to move presidential records and classified document several days prior to the offical move.
Possibly the redacted page following the statements about the moving vans on the 18th might shed some light on this. Of course there could be other reasons for the moving vans being at Mar A Lago several days before the move of personal items from the White House.
Maybe he stuffed them in his socks…
Maybe he stuffed them in his socks…
In the days before the move the president could have moved boxes of documents to the residency, and I doubt his staff would have questioned him.

However, it seems very unlikely that classified and presidential documents could have been sent to Mar A Lago by mistake because items being sent to Mar A Lago were moved by the White House staff from the residency on the 20th and presidential and classed document were moved from the West Wing by the NARA and GSA in days before the inauguration and shipped to the NARA facilities.
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In the days before the move the president could have moved boxes of documents to the residency, and I doubt his staff would have questioned him.

However, it seems very unlikely that classified and presidential documents could have been sent to Mar A Lago by mistake because items being sent to Mar A Lago were moved by the White House staff from the residency on the 20th and presidential and classed document were moved by the NARA and GSA in days before the inauguration and shipped to the NARA facilities.
Ok, if you say so….then where are the charges? Surely there’s enough to alert CNN and MSNBC to be on hand so the nation can see him frog marched, and stuffed into a waiting FBI suv?

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