FBI Justification for Mar A Lago invasion: Moving trucks spotted at MAL on Jan 18, 2021.

The investigation was necessary and proper.
So, I'll take that as a no...Do you believe it was proper for Comey to close the investigation, then days before the election reopen it when they found additional material on Uma's laptop? And, was Ms. Clinton ever subjected to a raid on her home, we know was no, so, why not, given that she had material on her phones, blackberry's, and a separate server?
So, I'll take that as a no...Do you believe it was proper for Comey to close the investigation, then days before the election reopen it when they found additional material on Uma's laptop? And, was Ms. Clinton ever subjected to a raid on her home, we know was no, so, why not, given that she had material on her phones, blackberry's, and a separate server?
I don’t know how you can take that as a no when I said it was necessary and proper.

I have no problem with Comey reopening the investigation when new emails were discovered.

Why would they need to subject Clinton’s home to a search? Clinton cooperated with the investigation and the FBI had no reason to believe she failed to turn over everything in her custody.
Desperate attempt at diversion to days of yore fail miserably.


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...................................."I took them, so they're MINE!"
LOL...Aw, does someone not want the comparison for fear that side by side examination will reveal a dual standard for treatment, and veracity? I'll believe this isn't a political stunt when he is charged, and convicted....Until then all you have is tears, and anger.
LOL...Aw, does someone not want the comparison for fear that side by side examination will reveal a dual standard for treatment, and veracity? I'll believe this isn't a political stunt when he is charged, and convicted....Until then all you have is tears, and anger.
Can you explain why Trump absconded with classified government documents, stashed them in a storage room, lied about having them, and refusing to return them, requiring the government to recover them in the interests of national security?

Why did he take them? What did he intend to do with them?
I don’t know how you can take that as a no when I said it was necessary and proper.

I have no problem with Comey reopening the investigation when new emails were discovered.

Why would they need to subject Clinton’s home to a search? Clinton cooperated with the investigation and the FBI had no reason to believe she failed to turn over everything in her custody.
Can you explain why Trump absconded with classified government documents, stashed them in a storage room, lied about having them, and refusing to return them, requiring the government to recover them in the interests of national security?

Why did he take them? What did he intend to do with them?
You have no idea he did any of that, Simp.
Can you explain why Trump 1. absconded with classified government documents, 2. stashed them in a storage room, 3. lied about having them, and 4. refusing to return them, requiring the government to recover them in the interests of national security?

Why did he take them? What did he intend to do with them?
1. I don't believe he knew what was in the boxes that the GSA packed and moved.

2. The boxes were in his private residence, protected 24/7 by the Secret Service.

3. Refer to 1

4. This is a blatant lie....Everyone from the Trump team, to the FBI said he was fully cooperative when they asked for anything.

"Trump was "contacted because the 15 NARA Boxes contained documents from his Administration that were protected by executive privilege." Trump’s lawyers say they communicated with the White House, the DOJ and NARA regarding those matters.

On May 11, Trump "voluntarily accepted service of a grand jury subpoena addressed to the custodian of records for the Office of Donald J. Trump, seeking documents bearing classification markings."

"President Trump determined that a search for documents bearing classification markings should be conducted—even if the marked documents had been declassified—and his staff conducted a diligent search of the boxes that had been moved from the White House to Florida."

On June 2, Trump invited the FBI to Mar-a-Lago to "retrieve responsive documents."

On June 3, Jay Bratt, the chief of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section in the Justice Department’s National Security Division, came to Mar-a-Lago, accompanied by three FBI agents, according to the motion.

Trump’s lawyers said the former president greeted Bratt and the agents in the dining room at Mar-a-Lago.

"Before leaving the group, President Trump's last words to Mr. Bratt and the FBI agents were as follows: ‘Whatever you need, just let us know,’"
the motion states.

"Responsive documents were provided to the FBI agents. Mr. Bratt asked to inspect a storage room. Counsel for President Trump advised the group that President Trump had authorized him to take the group to that room," Trump's lawyers explain. "The group proceeded to the storage room, escorted by two Secret Service agents. The storage room contained boxes, many containing the clothing and personal items of President Trump and the First Lady."

"When their inspection was completed, the group left the area. Once back in the dining room, one of the FBI agents said, ‘Thank you. You did not need to show us the storage room, but we appreciate it. Now it all makes sense,'" the motion states."

That doesn't sound to me like someone who is being uncooperative, or lying to the FBI....
1. I don't believe he knew what was in the boxes that the GSA packed and moved.

2. The boxes were in his private residence, protected 24/7 by the Secret Service.

3. Refer to 1

4. This is a blatant lie....Everyone from the Trump team, to the FBI said he was fully cooperative when they asked for anything.

"Trump was "contacted because the 15 NARA Boxes contained documents from his Administration that were protected by executive privilege." Trump’s lawyers say they communicated with the White House, the DOJ and NARA regarding those matters.

On May 11, Trump "voluntarily accepted service of a grand jury subpoena addressed to the custodian of records for the Office of Donald J. Trump, seeking documents bearing classification markings."

"President Trump determined that a search for documents bearing classification markings should be conducted—even if the marked documents had been declassified—and his staff conducted a diligent search of the boxes that had been moved from the White House to Florida."

On June 2, Trump invited the FBI to Mar-a-Lago to "retrieve responsive documents."

On June 3, Jay Bratt, the chief of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section in the Justice Department’s National Security Division, came to Mar-a-Lago, accompanied by three FBI agents, according to the motion.

Trump’s lawyers said the former president greeted Bratt and the agents in the dining room at Mar-a-Lago.

"Before leaving the group, President Trump's last words to Mr. Bratt and the FBI agents were as follows: ‘Whatever you need, just let us know,’"
the motion states.

"Responsive documents were provided to the FBI agents. Mr. Bratt asked to inspect a storage room. Counsel for President Trump advised the group that President Trump had authorized him to take the group to that room," Trump's lawyers explain. "The group proceeded to the storage room, escorted by two Secret Service agents. The storage room contained boxes, many containing the clothing and personal items of President Trump and the First Lady."

"When their inspection was completed, the group left the area. Once back in the dining room, one of the FBI agents said, ‘Thank you. You did not need to show us the storage room, but we appreciate it. Now it all makes sense,'" the motion states."

That doesn't sound to me like someone who is being uncooperative, or lying to the FBI....
If Trump didn’t turn over all the marked classified documents when requested, then he did indeed fail to cooperate and lied about it.

If they found a single document marked classified in their search, it proves the FBI case.
When did they destroy them? Was it before or after the investigation started?

The answer is before. Way before.

So it’s meaningless.
Wrong, and this has been pointed out to you earlier....These items were under subpoena....I won't go get it again so you can deny it.
Wrong, and this has been pointed out to you earlier....These items were under subpoena....I won't go get it again so you can deny it.
Not wrong. The devices were smashed WAY before any subpoena.
If Trump didn’t turn over all the marked classified documents when requested, then he did indeed fail to cooperate and lied about it.

If they found a single document marked classified in their search, it proves the FBI case.
Well, I guess we shall see won't we? If you're right, they'll charge him....But, even you don't think that'll happen, so it is odd that you are saying the things you are.
When did they destroy them? Was it before or after the investigation started?

The answer is before. Way before.

So it’s meaningless.
The inevitable desperate attempt at diversion and refusal to confront the matter at hand is tiresome.

"Why, on January 6, 2021, did Trump ignore the pleas of family, advisers, media cheerleaders,
and others to call off his goons while he pleasured himself by watching them savage
outnumbered police for hours?
Screen Shot 2021-08-23 at 11.49.56 AM.png
......."Hillary killed Vince Foster!"

Well, I guess we shall see won't we? If you're right, they'll charge him....But, even you don't think that'll happen, so it is odd that you are saying the things you are.
Not necessarily. The DoJ doesn’t always prosecute every crime, do they.
1. I don't believe he knew what was in the boxes that the GSA packed and moved.

2. The boxes were in his private residence, protected 24/7 by the Secret Service.

3. Refer to 1

4. This is a blatant lie....Everyone from the Trump team, to the FBI said he was fully cooperative when they asked for anything.

"Trump was "contacted because the 15 NARA Boxes contained documents from his Administration that were protected by executive privilege." Trump’s lawyers say they communicated with the White House, the DOJ and NARA regarding those matters.

On May 11, Trump "voluntarily accepted service of a grand jury subpoena addressed to the custodian of records for the Office of Donald J. Trump, seeking documents bearing classification markings."

"President Trump determined that a search for documents bearing classification markings should be conducted—even if the marked documents had been declassified—and his staff conducted a diligent search of the boxes that had been moved from the White House to Florida."

On June 2, Trump invited the FBI to Mar-a-Lago to "retrieve responsive documents."

On June 3, Jay Bratt, the chief of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section in the Justice Department’s National Security Division, came to Mar-a-Lago, accompanied by three FBI agents, according to the motion.

Trump’s lawyers said the former president greeted Bratt and the agents in the dining room at Mar-a-Lago.

"Before leaving the group, President Trump's last words to Mr. Bratt and the FBI agents were as follows: ‘Whatever you need, just let us know,’"
the motion states.

"Responsive documents were provided to the FBI agents. Mr. Bratt asked to inspect a storage room. Counsel for President Trump advised the group that President Trump had authorized him to take the group to that room," Trump's lawyers explain. "The group proceeded to the storage room, escorted by two Secret Service agents. The storage room contained boxes, many containing the clothing and personal items of President Trump and the First Lady."

"When their inspection was completed, the group left the area. Once back in the dining room, one of the FBI agents said, ‘Thank you. You did not need to show us the storage room, but we appreciate it. Now it all makes sense,'" the motion states."

That doesn't sound to me like someone who is being uncooperative, or lying to the FBI....
If you don't know why Trump absconded with classified government documents and stashed them in a storage room in defiance of national security requirements, you are not alone.

That is what needs to be exposed.
As I said, this was already provided you, and you are just plain wrong about that.

You’re now switching your argument from destroying blackberries to wiping the server.

These are different items, obviously. I noticed.

We know when Clinton told them to wipe the server. It was before any subpoena.
You’re now switching your argument from destroying blackberries to wiping the server.

These are different items, obviously. I noticed.

We know when Clinton told them to wipe the server. It was before any subpoena.
Weird how he brings links to back up his claims, and you just keep lying.
You’re now switching your argument from destroying blackberries to wiping the server.

These are different items, obviously. I noticed.

We know when Clinton told them to wipe the server. It was before any subpoena.
Ok, what ever....discussing this with you is futile....You are typical of a leftist poster in here, only considering things which help your argument, and playing semantics with that which doesn't....I will have said now three times, her aides smashing her devices with a hammer after the subpoena was already provided you, and you ignored it then....

So, wiping of the server was at the same time period, and you now want to ignore that as well....So, there is nothing you're willing to be honest about.....Have a nice day.

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